Booklight101 - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Nothing Good Ever Comes From Fighting. by Booklight101, literature
Deviation Spotlight
Why don't you come over? by Booklight101, visual art
Digital Art
- July 16
- United States
- Deviant for 13 years
- He / Him
My Bio
Which My Little Pony Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Well hey there! You can call me Aaron. I like to play the saxophone! It's pretty fun. My parents are divorced. I live with my mom and baby sister, although my sister and I see my dad quite a bit, so it's okay! I'm just a small child. I enjoy playing video games such as, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, BioShock (Kind of, it freaks me out a bit xD), Fable, and a few other fantasy games. My favorite food is some type of pasta, what kind I don't know, I just like pasta. I like cheese, because it's tasty. I'm about 30% straight and 70% not straight. Just to be clear on that. :3 Really though it just depends on when I get to know a person I develop feelings for them, it doesn't really matter what gender in my eyes.
My fursona --->…
Free counters
Club Penguin: Wolfeh123
Youtube: WolvesofWarcentral (GO, SUB IF YOU HAVE A YOUTUBE >:U )
iScribble: WolvesofWar
Webkinz: cookie5012
Transformice: Koolaidfun
Those are the main sites. .3.
Favourite Visual Artist
TribbleofDoom, my mom, Leonardo De'venci, MEH GIRLFRIEND ;D, Jasmine (MsCitKat), Midderz
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kerli, DCFC, The Killers, 3DG, a ton of others.
Favourite Writers
Erin Hunter
Other Interests
Drawing, swimming, dancing stupidly, roleplaying. Being a N00B.
~J33P3R5 (
Do you fear of... the dark: ...No, I'm afraid of what's IN the dark...... staying single forever: At times, but not overall. PLUS--- being a parent: Kind of, but I'm planning to adopt either way. being in front of others: Yes. To tell you the truth, one of my worst fears is people in general. open spaces: No, I don't think so. closed places: If I'm cramped in with people I don't know, then yes. But I like to hang out in my closet. heights: Yes. I have these weird dreams when I'm like half asleep, and in them I always fall off something or into something, and I jolt awake. Don't ask, I don't know. dogs: No, but sometimes dey gross me o
Who's your favorite character of mine?
Profile Comments 71