Wayne Au | University of Washington Bothell (original) (raw)
Papers by Wayne Au
Race Ethnicity and Education, 2015
Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
Demonstrates the ways high-stakes testing creates, by design, currricular inequality (through con... more Demonstrates the ways high-stakes testing creates, by design, currricular inequality (through content, form, pedagogic, bureaucratic, and discursive control); discusses the NCLB policy on testing; draws on critical social theory and Bernstein for analytic tools
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, Sep 23, 2020
Presents several studies using policy network analysis to demonstrate the webs of involvement of ... more Presents several studies using policy network analysis to demonstrate the webs of involvement of corporate and other non-governmental organizations in governing educational reform under neoliberal assumptions; examples include Teach For America, Pearson, and others from US, China, and Chile
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Asserts that U. S. curriculum history has omitted non-white topics and texts; cites African-Ameri... more Asserts that U. S. curriculum history has omitted non-white topics and texts; cites African-American, Mexican-American, Asian-American, Native-American curriculum discourses that need to be recovered and included in U.S curriculum history; explores possible reasons for these omissions; suggests questions for further research on curriculum history in the U.S
Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, Dec 4, 2023
This conceptual paper argues for the need for us to understand the relationship between curriculu... more This conceptual paper argues for the need for us to understand the relationship between curriculum and social justice, largely through the lens of what the author calls "curricular standpoint." This framing helps define the connective tissue of how social, cultural, institutional, economic, and political context manifest within the struggle over knowledge, including which knowledge gets framed as commonsense and hegemonic through things like textbooks, state standards, and high-stakes exams -thereby also implicated student consciousness about the world. Drawing on Feminist Standpoint Theory, this paper ultimately argues that, if we can fully recognize the extent to which social relations manifest in school knowledge, we also create the conditions for a critical examination of that knowledge as well as the possibilities for the development of increased critical consciousness about the curriculum and society -thus detailing the relationship between curriculum and social justice.
Critical pedagogy generally seeks to expose how relations of power and inequality,(social, cultur... more Critical pedagogy generally seeks to expose how relations of power and inequality,(social, cultural, economic) in their myriad forms, combinations, and complexities, are manifest and challenged in the formal and informal education of children and adults (Giroux, 1997; ...
Reflexão & Ação, Aug 23, 2017
It is hard to overemphasize Freire's importance to progressive, social justice, radical, and crit... more It is hard to overemphasize Freire's importance to progressive, social justice, radical, and critical educators in the U.S. and around the world. The popularization of Freire and his conception of critical pedagogy has resulted in Freire's work being recontextualized in a variety of settings. However, despite important books on Freire's Marxist politics, his Marxist conception of consciousness, and the power of his legacy for teachers and activists, the popularity of Freire amongst "respectable" progressive educators has meant that the Marxist nature of his pedagogy is often left unsaid. This paper argues that, at its core, Freire's conception of critical pedagogy is based on Marxist, dialectical materialism. Further, this paper defends Freire's critical pedagogy from several detractors, most of whom maintain deep misunderstandings of Freire's dialectical materialism-and therefore propagate deeply misplaced criticisms of his pedagogy. Resumo É difícil enfatizar a importância de Freire para educadores radicais, progressistas, críticos e que lutam por justiça social nos EUA e em todo o mundo. A popularização de Freire e sua concepção de pedagogia crítica resultaram na recontextualização do trabalho de Freire em uma variedade de cenários. No entanto, apesar de importantes livros sobre a política marxista de Freire, sua 1 Wayne Au, Ph.D., Associate professor in the University of Washington Bothel, School of Educational; research focus in Educational equity, High-stakes testing, Curriculum theory, Educational policy studies and Social studies education.
Palgrave Macmillan US eBooks, 2009
... CPI is an approach to teacher education that is based in critical pedagogy, one that asks tea... more ... CPI is an approach to teacher education that is based in critical pedagogy, one that asks teachers ... Further, it falls into a tradition of teacher critical inquiry" that seeks to address the ... from decision-making power within that system), developed a curriculum that was inclusive of core ...
Race Ethnicity and Education, 2015
Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
Demonstrates the ways high-stakes testing creates, by design, currricular inequality (through con... more Demonstrates the ways high-stakes testing creates, by design, currricular inequality (through content, form, pedagogic, bureaucratic, and discursive control); discusses the NCLB policy on testing; draws on critical social theory and Bernstein for analytic tools
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, Sep 23, 2020
Presents several studies using policy network analysis to demonstrate the webs of involvement of ... more Presents several studies using policy network analysis to demonstrate the webs of involvement of corporate and other non-governmental organizations in governing educational reform under neoliberal assumptions; examples include Teach For America, Pearson, and others from US, China, and Chile
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Routledge eBooks, May 20, 2022
Asserts that U. S. curriculum history has omitted non-white topics and texts; cites African-Ameri... more Asserts that U. S. curriculum history has omitted non-white topics and texts; cites African-American, Mexican-American, Asian-American, Native-American curriculum discourses that need to be recovered and included in U.S curriculum history; explores possible reasons for these omissions; suggests questions for further research on curriculum history in the U.S
Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, Dec 4, 2023
This conceptual paper argues for the need for us to understand the relationship between curriculu... more This conceptual paper argues for the need for us to understand the relationship between curriculum and social justice, largely through the lens of what the author calls "curricular standpoint." This framing helps define the connective tissue of how social, cultural, institutional, economic, and political context manifest within the struggle over knowledge, including which knowledge gets framed as commonsense and hegemonic through things like textbooks, state standards, and high-stakes exams -thereby also implicated student consciousness about the world. Drawing on Feminist Standpoint Theory, this paper ultimately argues that, if we can fully recognize the extent to which social relations manifest in school knowledge, we also create the conditions for a critical examination of that knowledge as well as the possibilities for the development of increased critical consciousness about the curriculum and society -thus detailing the relationship between curriculum and social justice.
Critical pedagogy generally seeks to expose how relations of power and inequality,(social, cultur... more Critical pedagogy generally seeks to expose how relations of power and inequality,(social, cultural, economic) in their myriad forms, combinations, and complexities, are manifest and challenged in the formal and informal education of children and adults (Giroux, 1997; ...
Reflexão & Ação, Aug 23, 2017
It is hard to overemphasize Freire's importance to progressive, social justice, radical, and crit... more It is hard to overemphasize Freire's importance to progressive, social justice, radical, and critical educators in the U.S. and around the world. The popularization of Freire and his conception of critical pedagogy has resulted in Freire's work being recontextualized in a variety of settings. However, despite important books on Freire's Marxist politics, his Marxist conception of consciousness, and the power of his legacy for teachers and activists, the popularity of Freire amongst "respectable" progressive educators has meant that the Marxist nature of his pedagogy is often left unsaid. This paper argues that, at its core, Freire's conception of critical pedagogy is based on Marxist, dialectical materialism. Further, this paper defends Freire's critical pedagogy from several detractors, most of whom maintain deep misunderstandings of Freire's dialectical materialism-and therefore propagate deeply misplaced criticisms of his pedagogy. Resumo É difícil enfatizar a importância de Freire para educadores radicais, progressistas, críticos e que lutam por justiça social nos EUA e em todo o mundo. A popularização de Freire e sua concepção de pedagogia crítica resultaram na recontextualização do trabalho de Freire em uma variedade de cenários. No entanto, apesar de importantes livros sobre a política marxista de Freire, sua 1 Wayne Au, Ph.D., Associate professor in the University of Washington Bothel, School of Educational; research focus in Educational equity, High-stakes testing, Curriculum theory, Educational policy studies and Social studies education.
Palgrave Macmillan US eBooks, 2009
... CPI is an approach to teacher education that is based in critical pedagogy, one that asks tea... more ... CPI is an approach to teacher education that is based in critical pedagogy, one that asks teachers ... Further, it falls into a tradition of teacher critical inquiry" that seeks to address the ... from decision-making power within that system), developed a curriculum that was inclusive of core ...
Les Cahiers de pédagogies radicales, 2019
Wayne Au est professeur à la School of Educational Studies de l’Université de Washington Bothell ... more Wayne Au est professeur à la School of Educational Studies de l’Université de Washington Bothell et rédacteur en chef du magazine d’enseignement de la justice sociale, Rethinking Schools. Dans cet entretien conduit et traduit de l’anglais par Sophie Coudray, Wayne Au
revient sur les enjeux actuels de l’éducation aux États-Unis en soulignant — entre autres — l’influence de Paulo Freire pour construire une pédagogie capable de résister aux différentes formes d’oppression.
Myers Education Press, 2022
Social studies education over its hundred-year history has often focused on predominantly white a... more Social studies education over its hundred-year history has often focused on predominantly white and male narratives. This has not only been detrimental to the increasingly diverse population of the U.S., but it has also meant that social studies as a field of scholarship has systematically excluded and marginalized the voices, teaching, and research of women, scholars of color, queer scholars, and scholars whose politics challenge the dominant traditions of history, geography, economics, and civics education.
Insurgent Social Studies intervenes in the field of social studies education by highlighting those whose work has often been deemed “too radical.” Insurgent Social Studies is essential reading to all researchers and practitioners in social studies, and is perfect as an adopted text in the social studies curriculum at Colleges of Education.
Perfect for courses such as: Foundations of Education │ Social Studies Methods │ Multicultural Education │ Critical Studies of Education │ Culturally Relevant Pedagogy │ Social Education