Anestis Vasilakeris | Bogazici University (original) (raw)

Papers by Anestis Vasilakeris

Research paper thumbnail of Theatricality of Byzantine Images: Some Preliminary Thoughts

Medieval and Early Modern Performance in the Eastern Mediterranean, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Les fresques du Prôtaton au mont Athos : analyse du processus créateur dans un atelier de peintres byzantins du XIIIe siècle

The Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton Church on mount Athos (13th centurey), count amon the mo... more The Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton Church on mount Athos (13th centurey), count amon the most important ensembles of monumental Byzantine art still preserved. This study of the creating process of the work of art analyzes in three parts the construction of the discourse, the construction of the image and the construction of the painting. Apart from the content previewed by its current function as the iconographicprogram of a church, the discourse bears also a latent content ; the last one develops some theological and political commentaries, of a very similar rhetoric to contemporary literary works of high style. The image is constructed according to some grids that we call primary components ; important equivalences have been observed with rhetorical figures and qualities much appreciated in literary compositions of the Byzantine society of the time. The construction of the painting has been studied by establishing links between the formal aspect and some formal factors that ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Το μεσοβυζαντινό ασκητήριο των Αγίων Πατέρων στη Βαράσοβα Αιτωλίας

Β᾽ Διεθνές Ιστορικό και Αρχαιολογικό Συνέδριο Αιτωλοακαρνανίας, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of « Istanbul'daki Bizans Anıtları: Anı ve Şimdiki Varlığı » (In Turkish, The Byzantine Monuments of Istanbul: Memory and Active Presence)

Toplumsal Tarih 229, 2013

In the file: Bizans'tan Türkiye'ye Kalan Miras : Tanıdık yabanci (The Byzantine Heritage in Turke... more In the file: Bizans'tan Türkiye'ye Kalan Miras : Tanıdık yabanci (The Byzantine Heritage in Turkey: a familiar stranger), co-edited with Koray Durak, p. 68-70.

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Research paper thumbnail of Theatricality of Byzantine Images: Some Preliminary Thoughts

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Research paper thumbnail of The Protaton Frescoes and the Emperor's Face (in Greek)

An unusual representation of Constantine among the Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton church, o... more An unusual representation of Constantine among the Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton church, on Mount Athos, is proposed to be seen as bearing the facial features of Andronicos II, shorty after his ascension to the Byzantine throne (1282 AD). This argument supports the hypothesis of an imperial patronage. The analysis deals with unusual caracteristics like the emphasis on youthfulness, the absence of Sainte Helena and the True Cross, the unfamiliar facial type, the realistic and detailed rendering of a contemporary imperial costume and the location within the space of the church. Constantine's representation in the Protaton constitutes a pictorial version of the well-known rhetorical image of New Constantine.

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Books by Anestis Vasilakeris

Research paper thumbnail of LES FRESQUES DU PROTATON AU MONT ATHOS : analyse du processus créateur dans un atelier de peintres byzantins du XIIIe siècle

Thèse de doctorat présentée par Anestis VASILAKERIS Sous la direction du professeur M. Claude LEP... more Thèse de doctorat présentée par Anestis VASILAKERIS Sous la direction du professeur M. Claude LEPAGE Devant un jury composé des professeurs Mme Théano CHATZIDAKIS Mme Catherine JOLIVET-LEVY M. Claude LEPAGE M. Thomas S. MATHEWS P a r i s , n o v e m b r e 2 0 0 7

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Research paper thumbnail of Theatricality of Byzantine Images: Some Preliminary Thoughts

Medieval and Early Modern Performance in the Eastern Mediterranean, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Les fresques du Prôtaton au mont Athos : analyse du processus créateur dans un atelier de peintres byzantins du XIIIe siècle

The Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton Church on mount Athos (13th centurey), count amon the mo... more The Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton Church on mount Athos (13th centurey), count amon the most important ensembles of monumental Byzantine art still preserved. This study of the creating process of the work of art analyzes in three parts the construction of the discourse, the construction of the image and the construction of the painting. Apart from the content previewed by its current function as the iconographicprogram of a church, the discourse bears also a latent content ; the last one develops some theological and political commentaries, of a very similar rhetoric to contemporary literary works of high style. The image is constructed according to some grids that we call primary components ; important equivalences have been observed with rhetorical figures and qualities much appreciated in literary compositions of the Byzantine society of the time. The construction of the painting has been studied by establishing links between the formal aspect and some formal factors that ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Το μεσοβυζαντινό ασκητήριο των Αγίων Πατέρων στη Βαράσοβα Αιτωλίας

Β᾽ Διεθνές Ιστορικό και Αρχαιολογικό Συνέδριο Αιτωλοακαρνανίας, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of « Istanbul'daki Bizans Anıtları: Anı ve Şimdiki Varlığı » (In Turkish, The Byzantine Monuments of Istanbul: Memory and Active Presence)

Toplumsal Tarih 229, 2013

In the file: Bizans'tan Türkiye'ye Kalan Miras : Tanıdık yabanci (The Byzantine Heritage in Turke... more In the file: Bizans'tan Türkiye'ye Kalan Miras : Tanıdık yabanci (The Byzantine Heritage in Turkey: a familiar stranger), co-edited with Koray Durak, p. 68-70.

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Research paper thumbnail of Theatricality of Byzantine Images: Some Preliminary Thoughts

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Research paper thumbnail of The Protaton Frescoes and the Emperor's Face (in Greek)

An unusual representation of Constantine among the Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton church, o... more An unusual representation of Constantine among the Palaiologan frescoes of the Protaton church, on Mount Athos, is proposed to be seen as bearing the facial features of Andronicos II, shorty after his ascension to the Byzantine throne (1282 AD). This argument supports the hypothesis of an imperial patronage. The analysis deals with unusual caracteristics like the emphasis on youthfulness, the absence of Sainte Helena and the True Cross, the unfamiliar facial type, the realistic and detailed rendering of a contemporary imperial costume and the location within the space of the church. Constantine's representation in the Protaton constitutes a pictorial version of the well-known rhetorical image of New Constantine.

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Research paper thumbnail of LES FRESQUES DU PROTATON AU MONT ATHOS : analyse du processus créateur dans un atelier de peintres byzantins du XIIIe siècle

Thèse de doctorat présentée par Anestis VASILAKERIS Sous la direction du professeur M. Claude LEP... more Thèse de doctorat présentée par Anestis VASILAKERIS Sous la direction du professeur M. Claude LEPAGE Devant un jury composé des professeurs Mme Théano CHATZIDAKIS Mme Catherine JOLIVET-LEVY M. Claude LEPAGE M. Thomas S. MATHEWS P a r i s , n o v e m b r e 2 0 0 7

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