Diler Oner | Bogazici University (original) (raw)

Papers by Diler Oner

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgilerini Geliştirmede Sanal Stajın Rolü

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmenin Bilgisi Özel bir Bilgi midir? Öğretmek için Gereken Bilgiye Kuramsal bir Bakış1

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 3, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Critical Thinking for Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Education and Learning 2050

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgilerini Geliştirmede Sanal Stajın Rolü

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi

Virtual internships are new areas of research in teacher education. They provide authentic contex... more Virtual internships are new areas of research in teacher education. They provide authentic contexts to foster complex professional thinking. Furthermore, they embody the essential elements of learning-technology-by-design approach, which is believed to be the most effective method to develop teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This study, conducted in 2018, examined the effectiveness of a virtual internship to develop preservice teachers’ TPACK employing a quasi-experimental research design aided by qualitative data. The participants were seventy-four preservice teachers from a variety of majors. Data were collected using a self-report survey adapted from the Survey of Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Technology and the reflections written by the participants. The results indicated no statistically significant differences in the TPACK survey scores between the experimental and the control group participants. However, the experimental grou...

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Engagement and Achievement in an Online Teacher Education Course during the Compulsory Distance Education Period

Hacettepe University Journal of Education

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Technology Competencies: A Project-Based Learning Experience

Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, Apr 29, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring University Students’ Learning Experiences in the COVID-19 Semester Through the Community of Inquiry Framework

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmenin Bilgisi Özel bir Bilgi midir? Öğretmek için Gereken Bilgiye Kuramsal bir Bakış

Herhangi bir konuyu ogretebilmek icin o konuyu belli bir duzeyde anlamis olmanin gerekliligi asik... more Herhangi bir konuyu ogretebilmek icin o konuyu belli bir duzeyde anlamis olmanin gerekliligi asikardir. Ancak sadece konuyu bilmenin ogretmek icin yeterli olmadigi da bilinmektedir. Bu bizi "ogretmenin bilgisi ne cesit bir bilgidir?" sorusuna goturur. Bu yazida, ogretmek icin gerekli alan bilgisi kuramsal bir bakis acisindan incelenmektedir. Ogretmen egitimi alaninda etkili olan bilimsel calismalar incelenerek pedagojik alan bilgisi kavrami ve bu kavramin egitim teknolojileri alanina uyarlanmis bicimi olan teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi kavrami aciklanmaktadir. Ogretmen egitimi icin bu calismalarin anlami tartisilmaktadir.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the Development of van Hiele Levels of Geometric Thinking in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Environment

Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

This study investigated the use of a well-designed computer-supported collaborative learning envi... more This study investigated the use of a well-designed computer-supported collaborative learning environment, namely Virtual Math Teams (VMT), to develop middle school students’ geometric thinking. It also looked into students’ VMT discourse to better understand factors leading to higher van Hiele levels of geometric thinking. The participants of the study were selected from middle school students who were at the visual geometric thinking level. For treatment, students were presented with a set of activities on quadrilaterals, which were developed based on van Hiele’s phases of learning geometry, within the VMT environment. The data were collected by using the van Hiele Geometry Test. The VMT chat logs were qualitatively analyzed using the three-core collaborative problem-solving competencies used in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015. The results showed that the participants significantly developed their van Hiele Geometry Test scores after the intervention....

Research paper thumbnail of On the role of long-range elastic interactions for the Al(111) oxide nucleation kinetics

Research paper thumbnail of Web Tabanli Portfolyo Oluşturarak Öğretmen Olmak: Öğretmenli̇k Uygulamalari İçi̇n Pedagoji̇k Bi̇r Model

This paper describes a teaching practicum pedagogical model that can be used to improve preservic... more This paper describes a teaching practicum pedagogical model that can be used to improve preservice teachers\' reflective skills. The model primarily draws upon the idea that reflective practicum should be the key element of professional development. A customized web-based portfolio system, namely BOUNCE, that was designed based on the proposed pedagogical model is introduced. In addition, reflective indicators that could be used to assess the development of preservice teachers\' reflective skills are articulated, and suggestions for further research are included.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Thinking Skills in the context of Web-Based Portfolios: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Progression in Preservice Chemistry Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Representations: The Case of “Behavior of Gases”

Research in Science Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of An Epistemic Network Analysis Approach for Assessing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Research paper thumbnail of Coding with Minecraft: The Development of Middle School Students’ Computational Thinking

ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2022

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Minecraft-based coding activities on computat... more The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Minecraft-based coding activities on computational thinking (CT) of middle school students. In the study, CT was conceptualized so that it encapsulates not only the knowledge of computational concepts (e.g., loops and conditionals) but also the use of CT practices (e.g., testing and debugging). Data were collected using a combination of knowledge of computational concepts tests, the Minecraft-based coding artifacts, and one-on-one student interviews focusing on the processes of developing computational artifacts. The participants were 20 fifth-grade middle school students from a low-income public school with very limited (if none) formal computer programming experiences before the study. The Minecraft-based coding activities were designed and implemented as an instructional program to last 6 weeks. The results of the study showed a statistically significant increase in students’ knowledge of computational concepts. Based on the ana...

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of Turkish Middle School Students’ Proportional Reasoning

This study examined if middle school students were able to differentiate proportional and non-pro... more This study examined if middle school students were able to differentiate proportional and non-proportional situations, and whether the use of integer or non-integer ratios in proportional and non-proportional problems affected students’ solution strategies. The analyses showed that students’ success rates among the mentioned problem types significantly differed. They also tended to prefer the proportional solution method in non-proportional situations. In addition, in non-proportional problems, use of non-integer ratios evoked additive strategies while students preferred proportional solution methods in problems with integer ratios. However, contrary to the findings reported in the literature, students’ use of erroneous strategies was not significantly affected by the use of integer or non-integer ratios in proportional problems.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Dynamic Geometry Software in High School Geometry Curricula: An Analysis of Proof Tasks

In this study, I examine the role of dynamic geometry software (DGS) in curricular proof tasks. I... more In this study, I examine the role of dynamic geometry software (DGS) in curricular proof tasks. I investigated seven US high school geometry textbooks that were categorised into three groups: technology-intensive, standards-based, and traditional curricula. I looked at the ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Technology-Intensive, Standards-Based, and Traditional Curricula Have to Offer in Terms Mathematical Proof and Reasoning?

... A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Technology-Intensive, Stand... more ... A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Technology-Intensive, Standards-Based, and Traditional Curricula Have to Offer in Terms of Mathematical Proof and Reasoning? Diler Oner Bogazici University Turkey diler.oner@boun.edu.tr ...

Research paper thumbnail of Design of a Virtual Internship to Develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgilerini Geliştirmede Sanal Stajın Rolü

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmenin Bilgisi Özel bir Bilgi midir? Öğretmek için Gereken Bilgiye Kuramsal bir Bakış1

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 3, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Critical Thinking for Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Education and Learning 2050

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgilerini Geliştirmede Sanal Stajın Rolü

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi

Virtual internships are new areas of research in teacher education. They provide authentic contex... more Virtual internships are new areas of research in teacher education. They provide authentic contexts to foster complex professional thinking. Furthermore, they embody the essential elements of learning-technology-by-design approach, which is believed to be the most effective method to develop teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This study, conducted in 2018, examined the effectiveness of a virtual internship to develop preservice teachers’ TPACK employing a quasi-experimental research design aided by qualitative data. The participants were seventy-four preservice teachers from a variety of majors. Data were collected using a self-report survey adapted from the Survey of Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Technology and the reflections written by the participants. The results indicated no statistically significant differences in the TPACK survey scores between the experimental and the control group participants. However, the experimental grou...

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Engagement and Achievement in an Online Teacher Education Course during the Compulsory Distance Education Period

Hacettepe University Journal of Education

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Technology Competencies: A Project-Based Learning Experience

Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, Apr 29, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring University Students’ Learning Experiences in the COVID-19 Semester Through the Community of Inquiry Framework

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmenin Bilgisi Özel bir Bilgi midir? Öğretmek için Gereken Bilgiye Kuramsal bir Bakış

Herhangi bir konuyu ogretebilmek icin o konuyu belli bir duzeyde anlamis olmanin gerekliligi asik... more Herhangi bir konuyu ogretebilmek icin o konuyu belli bir duzeyde anlamis olmanin gerekliligi asikardir. Ancak sadece konuyu bilmenin ogretmek icin yeterli olmadigi da bilinmektedir. Bu bizi "ogretmenin bilgisi ne cesit bir bilgidir?" sorusuna goturur. Bu yazida, ogretmek icin gerekli alan bilgisi kuramsal bir bakis acisindan incelenmektedir. Ogretmen egitimi alaninda etkili olan bilimsel calismalar incelenerek pedagojik alan bilgisi kavrami ve bu kavramin egitim teknolojileri alanina uyarlanmis bicimi olan teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi kavrami aciklanmaktadir. Ogretmen egitimi icin bu calismalarin anlami tartisilmaktadir.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the Development of van Hiele Levels of Geometric Thinking in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Environment

Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

This study investigated the use of a well-designed computer-supported collaborative learning envi... more This study investigated the use of a well-designed computer-supported collaborative learning environment, namely Virtual Math Teams (VMT), to develop middle school students’ geometric thinking. It also looked into students’ VMT discourse to better understand factors leading to higher van Hiele levels of geometric thinking. The participants of the study were selected from middle school students who were at the visual geometric thinking level. For treatment, students were presented with a set of activities on quadrilaterals, which were developed based on van Hiele’s phases of learning geometry, within the VMT environment. The data were collected by using the van Hiele Geometry Test. The VMT chat logs were qualitatively analyzed using the three-core collaborative problem-solving competencies used in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015. The results showed that the participants significantly developed their van Hiele Geometry Test scores after the intervention....

Research paper thumbnail of On the role of long-range elastic interactions for the Al(111) oxide nucleation kinetics

Research paper thumbnail of Web Tabanli Portfolyo Oluşturarak Öğretmen Olmak: Öğretmenli̇k Uygulamalari İçi̇n Pedagoji̇k Bi̇r Model

This paper describes a teaching practicum pedagogical model that can be used to improve preservic... more This paper describes a teaching practicum pedagogical model that can be used to improve preservice teachers\' reflective skills. The model primarily draws upon the idea that reflective practicum should be the key element of professional development. A customized web-based portfolio system, namely BOUNCE, that was designed based on the proposed pedagogical model is introduced. In addition, reflective indicators that could be used to assess the development of preservice teachers\' reflective skills are articulated, and suggestions for further research are included.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Thinking Skills in the context of Web-Based Portfolios: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Progression in Preservice Chemistry Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Representations: The Case of “Behavior of Gases”

Research in Science Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of An Epistemic Network Analysis Approach for Assessing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Research paper thumbnail of Coding with Minecraft: The Development of Middle School Students’ Computational Thinking

ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2022

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Minecraft-based coding activities on computat... more The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Minecraft-based coding activities on computational thinking (CT) of middle school students. In the study, CT was conceptualized so that it encapsulates not only the knowledge of computational concepts (e.g., loops and conditionals) but also the use of CT practices (e.g., testing and debugging). Data were collected using a combination of knowledge of computational concepts tests, the Minecraft-based coding artifacts, and one-on-one student interviews focusing on the processes of developing computational artifacts. The participants were 20 fifth-grade middle school students from a low-income public school with very limited (if none) formal computer programming experiences before the study. The Minecraft-based coding activities were designed and implemented as an instructional program to last 6 weeks. The results of the study showed a statistically significant increase in students’ knowledge of computational concepts. Based on the ana...

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of Turkish Middle School Students’ Proportional Reasoning

This study examined if middle school students were able to differentiate proportional and non-pro... more This study examined if middle school students were able to differentiate proportional and non-proportional situations, and whether the use of integer or non-integer ratios in proportional and non-proportional problems affected students’ solution strategies. The analyses showed that students’ success rates among the mentioned problem types significantly differed. They also tended to prefer the proportional solution method in non-proportional situations. In addition, in non-proportional problems, use of non-integer ratios evoked additive strategies while students preferred proportional solution methods in problems with integer ratios. However, contrary to the findings reported in the literature, students’ use of erroneous strategies was not significantly affected by the use of integer or non-integer ratios in proportional problems.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Dynamic Geometry Software in High School Geometry Curricula: An Analysis of Proof Tasks

In this study, I examine the role of dynamic geometry software (DGS) in curricular proof tasks. I... more In this study, I examine the role of dynamic geometry software (DGS) in curricular proof tasks. I investigated seven US high school geometry textbooks that were categorised into three groups: technology-intensive, standards-based, and traditional curricula. I looked at the ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Technology-Intensive, Standards-Based, and Traditional Curricula Have to Offer in Terms Mathematical Proof and Reasoning?

... A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Technology-Intensive, Stand... more ... A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Technology-Intensive, Standards-Based, and Traditional Curricula Have to Offer in Terms of Mathematical Proof and Reasoning? Diler Oner Bogazici University Turkey diler.oner@boun.edu.tr ...

Research paper thumbnail of Design of a Virtual Internship to Develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge