Emine Erktin | Bogazici University (original) (raw)

Papers by Emine Erktin

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Thinking Skills in Elementary Education

Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Dec 25, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Parental Involvement in Competitive Exam Situations: Development of a Scale

Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Dec 20, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Mesleki Gelişimde Öğrenme Topluluğu Yaklaşımı: Fen ve Matematik Öğretmenleri için bir Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Programı

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi

Bu makale matematik ve fen bilimleri alan öğretmenlerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgi ve beceril... more Bu makale matematik ve fen bilimleri alan öğretmenlerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgi ve becerilerini artırmak için tasarlanan bir mesleki gelişim programının ortaya çıkardığı fırsatları, programın uygulanmasında karşılaşılan engelleri ve zorlukları öğretmenlerin ve araştırmacıların gözüyle sunmaktadır. Öğrenme topluluğu yaklaşımıyla tasarlanan bu programda öğretmenlerin araştırmacı rolünde olmaları sağlanarak kendi sınıflarında yaşadıkları ölçme ve değerlendirmeyle ilgili sorunlara çözüm bulmaları amaçlanmıştır. Program süreçleri nitel durum çalışması yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Veriler, program katılımcılarından seçilen öğretmenlerin katıldığı program başında, ortasında ve sonunda olmak üzere üç farklı odak grup görüşmesi ve uygulamanın sonunda, çalışmayı yürüten araştırmacıların katıldığı tek bir odak grup görüşmesi yoluyla toplanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre bu mesleki gelişim programı iş birliği, ortak hedef, sınıf uygulamalarına uygun içerik gibi nitelikli mesleki gelişim programı öze...

Research paper thumbnail of Adolescents' ways of coping with pre-exam anxiety and uncertainty on a high-stakes test

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Ödev Alışkanlığı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Ogrencileri ve ogretmenleri oldugu kadar velileri de etkileyen odevler mufredat tartismalarinin c... more Ogrencileri ve ogretmenleri oldugu kadar velileri de etkileyen odevler mufredat tartismalarinin cogunda onemli bir yer bulmaktadir. Odevlerin, ozellikle matematik odevlerinin, matematik basarisiyla yuksek iliski gostermesi nedeniyle ihmal edilmemesi gereken egitsel aliskanliklar oldugu dusunulmektedir. Bu calismada ortaokul ogrencilerinin matematik dersindeki odev aliskanliklarini belirlemek amaciyla Likert tipi bir olcme araci gelistirilmistir. Ogrencilerin matematik dersindeki odev aliskanliklari kendi kendilerini degerlendirdikleri bir ogrenci formu ve velilerin ogrencilerin odev aliskanliklarini degerlendirdikleri bir ebeveyn formu ile belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Olcegin ogrenci formu icin 298 ilkogretim ikinci kademe ogrencisinden, ebeveyn formu icin 197 ebeveynden veri toplanmis ve acimlayici faktor analizi yapilmistir. Faktor dondurme sonrasinda olcegin ebeveyn formunun iki faktorlu 15 maddeden olusan bir yapiya, ogrenci formunun ise uc faktorlu 16 maddeden olusan bir yapiya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Topic Study Group No. 28: Affect, Beliefs and Identity in Mathematics Education

Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 2017

The Topic Study Group 28 was aimed at addressing all areas of affect, including attitude, anxiety... more The Topic Study Group 28 was aimed at addressing all areas of affect, including attitude, anxiety, beliefs, meaning, self-concept, emotion, interest, motivation, needs, goals, identity, norms, values. The different approaches to study affect included psychological, social, and philosophical research perspectives. Moreover, the call for papers explicitly questioned the issue of the mutual relationship between affective constructs and their connection to cognition and other constructs studied in mathematics education, as well as the description of programs for promoting aspects of affect. The activity of the working group was aimed at:

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Teaching Tools for Sketching –A Case Study

Research paper thumbnail of Learning by Experiencing the Space: Informal Learning Environments in Architecture Education

This paper discusses the effects of a structured programme in an informal learning environment in... more This paper discusses the effects of a structured programme in an informal learning environment in higher education and aims to initiate the integration of other forms of education into the formal education system in architectural education. Acknowledging the relationship between learning and the context, the programme was designed to take place in an informal setting, ie. the city with its buildings, museums and urban spaces. Participants were a group of students from the architecture department of a Turkish university. The informal learning environment was six different cities in a foreign country, Italy that was unfamiliar to the students. The authors evaluated the program using preinstruction and postinstruction sketches of an architectural design, written comments of the students, and a report written by the instructor. Students demonstrated marked improvement in creativity, expression of ideas, and sketching technique. Results of the study may provide some insight into the use ...

Research paper thumbnail of Eği̇ti̇mde Bi̇li̇şi̇m Teknoloji̇leri̇ni̇n Kullanimini Etki̇leyen Psi̇koloji̇k Etmenler Psychological Factors Affecting the Use of Information Technology in Education

Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive scho... more Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive schools in Turkey have completed their hardware and softvvare needs and what remains to be done is to equip the people who take part in the educational system to make efficient use o f information technology. The aiiii o f this study was to determine the extent to which teachers and students Were ready to make use o f information technology at a competitive school which was technologically ready. Tests o f Computer literacy, frequency o f making use o f technology and scales o f technophobia including an anxiety scale, an attitude scale and a scale to measure thoughts related with computers were administered to teachers and students. The results showed that about 40% o f the teachers and about 35% o f the students had differing levels of technophobia. When teachers and students were compared, students were found to be more knowledgeable and less technophobic than the teachers. The fmdings in...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of a STEM Competencies Assessment Framework

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitimde Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Kullanımını Etkileyen Psikolojik Etmenler

Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive scho... more Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive schools in Turkey have completed their hardware and software needs and what remains to be done is to equip the people who take part in the educational system to make efficient use of information technology. The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which teachers and students Were ready to make use of information technology at a competitive school which was technologically ready. Tests of computer literacy, frequency of making use of technology and scales of technophobia including an anxiety scale, an attitude scale and a scale to measure thoughts related with computers were administered to teachers and students. The results showed that about 40% of the teachers and about 35% of the students had differing levels of technophobia. When teachers and students were compared, students were found to be more knowledgeable and less technophobic than the teachers. The findings indicated the...

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Matemati̇k Siniflarinda “Kağit Katlama” Projesi̇

Proje temelli ogretim guncel ogretim yontemleri arasinda giderek onem kazanan bir yontem olarak y... more Proje temelli ogretim guncel ogretim yontemleri arasinda giderek onem kazanan bir yontem olarak yer almaktadir. Ogrencilerin yaparak yasayarak ogrenmesini hedef alan, bilgiyi edinmek yerine zihinde olusturmayi amaclayan yapisalci yaklasimlar da bu modeli desteklemektedirler. Bu yaklasimda ogrenciler bir konuyu arastirirken, ogrendiklerini uygularken ve sonuclarini raporlarken ogrenirler. Proje temelli ogrenim daha cok fen ve sosyal bilgiler derslerinde kullanilirken matematik derslerinde fazlaca yer almaz. Aldigi zaman bile genellikle bir konu ile ilgili ansiklopedik bilgilerin bir kaynaktan kagida gecirilmesinden oteye gitmez. Matematik derslerinde yapilabilecek projelere bir ornek olarak Kalamis okullarinda bir calisma yurutulmustur. Ilkogretim ogrencileri bu calisma kapsaminda geometri bilgilerini pekistirmek amaciyla birer kagit katlama (Origami) projesi yapmislardir. Kagit katlama sanatinin geometri kavramlarinin ogrenilmesi icin kullanmayi amaclayan bu projede ogrencilerin far...

Research paper thumbnail of Coping as Self-Regulation of Anxiety: A Model for Math Achievement in High-Stakes Tests

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cognitive and affective variables on the m... more The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cognitive and affective variables on the mathematics achievement of students taking the University Entrance Examination in Turkey, with metacognition and coping as self-regulatory variables. A model was proposed and tested by a program designed for structural equation modeling. Included in the model were variables in the cognitive and affective domains: mathematical background in the cognitive domain, and math anxiety, test anxiety, achievement motivation, and self-efficacy in the affective domain. Metacognition, taken to be self-regulation of cognition, and coping, taken to be selfregulation of anxiety, were specifically included. The sample comprised 751 high school seniors and recent high school graduates. The results indicated that the students' mathematical background was the dominant predictor of mathematics achievement on the examination. Math anxiety more than test anxiety, self-efficacy, and two coping styles also h...

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Kaygısı Ölçeği’nin Psikometrik Özellikleri

This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed mat... more This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed math anxiety scale, to determine its sub domains, and to collect data to form the basis of a future norm study. Data was collected from 754 middle school and high school students. The results of the data analysis supported the psychometric quality of the math anxiety scale, which had been previously tested during the development of the scale. The results of the factor analysis indicated four dimensions of math anxiety pertaining to, “test and evaluation anxiety”, “apprehension of math lessons”, "use of mathematics in daily life” and “self efficacy for mathematics”.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric Characteristics of the Math Anxiety Scale

This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed mat... more This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed math anxiety scale, to determine its sub domains, and to collect data to form the basis of a future norm study. Data was collected froiii 754 middle school and high school s tu den t s. The Rcsults of the data analysis supported the psychometric quality of the math anxiety scale, which had been previously tested during the development of the scale. The results of the factor analysis indicated four dimensions of matli anxiety pertaining to, "test and evaluation anxiety", "apprehension of math lessons", "use of mathematics in daily life" and "self efficacy for mathematics".

Research paper thumbnail of Üstbilişsel Deneyimlerin Üstbiliş Bilgisi ile Problem Çözme İlişkisindeki Aracılık Etkisi

This study examined the mediating role of metacognitive experiences in the relationship between m... more This study examined the mediating role of metacognitive experiences in the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and mathematical problem solving performance. The mediating effect of metacognitive experiences in the hypothesized model was tested through the latent variable structural equation modeling statistical analysis technique. The proposed structural model of problem solving was tested with the data obtained by using convenience sampling method from 406 eight-grade students. The results indicated that students’ task related metacognitive experiences have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and problem solving performances. The results are important for two reasons. Firstly, it addresses the assessment of metacognition by presenting the important role of metacognitive experiences in governing the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and actual performance. Secondly, the model analysis was conducted just over a single...

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Mathematics Achievement of Elementary School Students through Homework Assignments Enriched with Metacognitive Questions

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

Metacognitive enrichment has become an important component of modern mathematics instruction. Thi... more Metacognitive enrichment has become an important component of modern mathematics instruction. This study investigates the effect of homework assignments enriched with metacognitive questions on students' mathematics achievement and homework behaviors. A quasi-experimental design with pre-and post-test measures and two groups (experimental and control) was employed to investigate the effect of the enriched homework. Forty-four students, 25 boys and 19 girls, participated in the study. The students in the experimental group responded to metacognitive questions as they worked on homework that otherwise was common to both groups. First semester mathematics scores taken from students' report cards were used as a pre-test of mathematics achievement; the mean of second and third examination scores were used as a post-test. The results revealed a significant difference between the mathematics scores of students who had been given homework assignments enriched with metacognitive questions and those who had not been given such homework.

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Eğitiminde Bilişsel ve Bilişüstü Yaklaşımlar: Bir Hizmetiçi Eğitim Semineri Örneği

Matematik derslerinin o rencilerin du unme becerilerini daha da geli tirebilmesi icin o retmenler... more Matematik derslerinin o rencilerin du unme becerilerini daha da geli tirebilmesi icin o retmenlerin bu derslerdeki rollerinin ve gorevlerinin yeniden tan mlanmas na ihtiyac duyuldu u du unulmektedir. Matematik retmenlerinin yeni tan mlar nda dematematik ve fen ve teknoloji dersi o retmenlerine bili sel bilim alan nda calkonular ile ust bili ve ozdenetim konular nda yap lan arauygulamalar ndan ornekler sunmak amac yla “Bili sel ve Bili ustu O retim Uygulamalar " konulu bir cal tay duzenlenmi tir. Cal tay kapsam nda bili sel ve bili ustu ba lam ndaki guncel cal ma alanlarolu turulmas na, setkinlikleri yer almaktad r. Cal ma sonunda kat mc lardan de erlendirme amac yla bili selbilim, ustbili ve ozdenetim konularistenmi tir. Anket verilerinden elde edilen bulgular cal tay sonras kat mc e itimcilerin bili sel bilim ve bili ustu konular ndaki guncel yakla mlara yonelik bir e itime ili kin olumlu goru lerine i aret etmektedir

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of a STEM Competencies Assessment Framework

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Research paper thumbnail of Metacognitive Experiences: Mediating the Relationship between Metacognitive Knowledge and Problem Solving

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Thinking Skills in Elementary Education

Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Dec 25, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Parental Involvement in Competitive Exam Situations: Development of a Scale

Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Dec 20, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Mesleki Gelişimde Öğrenme Topluluğu Yaklaşımı: Fen ve Matematik Öğretmenleri için bir Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Programı

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi

Bu makale matematik ve fen bilimleri alan öğretmenlerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgi ve beceril... more Bu makale matematik ve fen bilimleri alan öğretmenlerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgi ve becerilerini artırmak için tasarlanan bir mesleki gelişim programının ortaya çıkardığı fırsatları, programın uygulanmasında karşılaşılan engelleri ve zorlukları öğretmenlerin ve araştırmacıların gözüyle sunmaktadır. Öğrenme topluluğu yaklaşımıyla tasarlanan bu programda öğretmenlerin araştırmacı rolünde olmaları sağlanarak kendi sınıflarında yaşadıkları ölçme ve değerlendirmeyle ilgili sorunlara çözüm bulmaları amaçlanmıştır. Program süreçleri nitel durum çalışması yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Veriler, program katılımcılarından seçilen öğretmenlerin katıldığı program başında, ortasında ve sonunda olmak üzere üç farklı odak grup görüşmesi ve uygulamanın sonunda, çalışmayı yürüten araştırmacıların katıldığı tek bir odak grup görüşmesi yoluyla toplanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre bu mesleki gelişim programı iş birliği, ortak hedef, sınıf uygulamalarına uygun içerik gibi nitelikli mesleki gelişim programı öze...

Research paper thumbnail of Adolescents' ways of coping with pre-exam anxiety and uncertainty on a high-stakes test

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Ödev Alışkanlığı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Ogrencileri ve ogretmenleri oldugu kadar velileri de etkileyen odevler mufredat tartismalarinin c... more Ogrencileri ve ogretmenleri oldugu kadar velileri de etkileyen odevler mufredat tartismalarinin cogunda onemli bir yer bulmaktadir. Odevlerin, ozellikle matematik odevlerinin, matematik basarisiyla yuksek iliski gostermesi nedeniyle ihmal edilmemesi gereken egitsel aliskanliklar oldugu dusunulmektedir. Bu calismada ortaokul ogrencilerinin matematik dersindeki odev aliskanliklarini belirlemek amaciyla Likert tipi bir olcme araci gelistirilmistir. Ogrencilerin matematik dersindeki odev aliskanliklari kendi kendilerini degerlendirdikleri bir ogrenci formu ve velilerin ogrencilerin odev aliskanliklarini degerlendirdikleri bir ebeveyn formu ile belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Olcegin ogrenci formu icin 298 ilkogretim ikinci kademe ogrencisinden, ebeveyn formu icin 197 ebeveynden veri toplanmis ve acimlayici faktor analizi yapilmistir. Faktor dondurme sonrasinda olcegin ebeveyn formunun iki faktorlu 15 maddeden olusan bir yapiya, ogrenci formunun ise uc faktorlu 16 maddeden olusan bir yapiya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Topic Study Group No. 28: Affect, Beliefs and Identity in Mathematics Education

Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 2017

The Topic Study Group 28 was aimed at addressing all areas of affect, including attitude, anxiety... more The Topic Study Group 28 was aimed at addressing all areas of affect, including attitude, anxiety, beliefs, meaning, self-concept, emotion, interest, motivation, needs, goals, identity, norms, values. The different approaches to study affect included psychological, social, and philosophical research perspectives. Moreover, the call for papers explicitly questioned the issue of the mutual relationship between affective constructs and their connection to cognition and other constructs studied in mathematics education, as well as the description of programs for promoting aspects of affect. The activity of the working group was aimed at:

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Teaching Tools for Sketching –A Case Study

Research paper thumbnail of Learning by Experiencing the Space: Informal Learning Environments in Architecture Education

This paper discusses the effects of a structured programme in an informal learning environment in... more This paper discusses the effects of a structured programme in an informal learning environment in higher education and aims to initiate the integration of other forms of education into the formal education system in architectural education. Acknowledging the relationship between learning and the context, the programme was designed to take place in an informal setting, ie. the city with its buildings, museums and urban spaces. Participants were a group of students from the architecture department of a Turkish university. The informal learning environment was six different cities in a foreign country, Italy that was unfamiliar to the students. The authors evaluated the program using preinstruction and postinstruction sketches of an architectural design, written comments of the students, and a report written by the instructor. Students demonstrated marked improvement in creativity, expression of ideas, and sketching technique. Results of the study may provide some insight into the use ...

Research paper thumbnail of Eği̇ti̇mde Bi̇li̇şi̇m Teknoloji̇leri̇ni̇n Kullanimini Etki̇leyen Psi̇koloji̇k Etmenler Psychological Factors Affecting the Use of Information Technology in Education

Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive scho... more Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive schools in Turkey have completed their hardware and softvvare needs and what remains to be done is to equip the people who take part in the educational system to make efficient use o f information technology. The aiiii o f this study was to determine the extent to which teachers and students Were ready to make use o f information technology at a competitive school which was technologically ready. Tests o f Computer literacy, frequency o f making use o f technology and scales o f technophobia including an anxiety scale, an attitude scale and a scale to measure thoughts related with computers were administered to teachers and students. The results showed that about 40% o f the teachers and about 35% o f the students had differing levels of technophobia. When teachers and students were compared, students were found to be more knowledgeable and less technophobic than the teachers. The fmdings in...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of a STEM Competencies Assessment Framework

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitimde Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Kullanımını Etkileyen Psikolojik Etmenler

Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive scho... more Advancements in technology are inevitably reflected in educational systems. Some competitive schools in Turkey have completed their hardware and software needs and what remains to be done is to equip the people who take part in the educational system to make efficient use of information technology. The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which teachers and students Were ready to make use of information technology at a competitive school which was technologically ready. Tests of computer literacy, frequency of making use of technology and scales of technophobia including an anxiety scale, an attitude scale and a scale to measure thoughts related with computers were administered to teachers and students. The results showed that about 40% of the teachers and about 35% of the students had differing levels of technophobia. When teachers and students were compared, students were found to be more knowledgeable and less technophobic than the teachers. The findings indicated the...

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Matemati̇k Siniflarinda “Kağit Katlama” Projesi̇

Proje temelli ogretim guncel ogretim yontemleri arasinda giderek onem kazanan bir yontem olarak y... more Proje temelli ogretim guncel ogretim yontemleri arasinda giderek onem kazanan bir yontem olarak yer almaktadir. Ogrencilerin yaparak yasayarak ogrenmesini hedef alan, bilgiyi edinmek yerine zihinde olusturmayi amaclayan yapisalci yaklasimlar da bu modeli desteklemektedirler. Bu yaklasimda ogrenciler bir konuyu arastirirken, ogrendiklerini uygularken ve sonuclarini raporlarken ogrenirler. Proje temelli ogrenim daha cok fen ve sosyal bilgiler derslerinde kullanilirken matematik derslerinde fazlaca yer almaz. Aldigi zaman bile genellikle bir konu ile ilgili ansiklopedik bilgilerin bir kaynaktan kagida gecirilmesinden oteye gitmez. Matematik derslerinde yapilabilecek projelere bir ornek olarak Kalamis okullarinda bir calisma yurutulmustur. Ilkogretim ogrencileri bu calisma kapsaminda geometri bilgilerini pekistirmek amaciyla birer kagit katlama (Origami) projesi yapmislardir. Kagit katlama sanatinin geometri kavramlarinin ogrenilmesi icin kullanmayi amaclayan bu projede ogrencilerin far...

Research paper thumbnail of Coping as Self-Regulation of Anxiety: A Model for Math Achievement in High-Stakes Tests

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cognitive and affective variables on the m... more The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cognitive and affective variables on the mathematics achievement of students taking the University Entrance Examination in Turkey, with metacognition and coping as self-regulatory variables. A model was proposed and tested by a program designed for structural equation modeling. Included in the model were variables in the cognitive and affective domains: mathematical background in the cognitive domain, and math anxiety, test anxiety, achievement motivation, and self-efficacy in the affective domain. Metacognition, taken to be self-regulation of cognition, and coping, taken to be selfregulation of anxiety, were specifically included. The sample comprised 751 high school seniors and recent high school graduates. The results indicated that the students' mathematical background was the dominant predictor of mathematics achievement on the examination. Math anxiety more than test anxiety, self-efficacy, and two coping styles also h...

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Kaygısı Ölçeği’nin Psikometrik Özellikleri

This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed mat... more This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed math anxiety scale, to determine its sub domains, and to collect data to form the basis of a future norm study. Data was collected from 754 middle school and high school students. The results of the data analysis supported the psychometric quality of the math anxiety scale, which had been previously tested during the development of the scale. The results of the factor analysis indicated four dimensions of math anxiety pertaining to, “test and evaluation anxiety”, “apprehension of math lessons”, "use of mathematics in daily life” and “self efficacy for mathematics”.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric Characteristics of the Math Anxiety Scale

This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed mat... more This study was carried out to test the psychometric characteristics of a previously developed math anxiety scale, to determine its sub domains, and to collect data to form the basis of a future norm study. Data was collected froiii 754 middle school and high school s tu den t s. The Rcsults of the data analysis supported the psychometric quality of the math anxiety scale, which had been previously tested during the development of the scale. The results of the factor analysis indicated four dimensions of matli anxiety pertaining to, "test and evaluation anxiety", "apprehension of math lessons", "use of mathematics in daily life" and "self efficacy for mathematics".

Research paper thumbnail of Üstbilişsel Deneyimlerin Üstbiliş Bilgisi ile Problem Çözme İlişkisindeki Aracılık Etkisi

This study examined the mediating role of metacognitive experiences in the relationship between m... more This study examined the mediating role of metacognitive experiences in the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and mathematical problem solving performance. The mediating effect of metacognitive experiences in the hypothesized model was tested through the latent variable structural equation modeling statistical analysis technique. The proposed structural model of problem solving was tested with the data obtained by using convenience sampling method from 406 eight-grade students. The results indicated that students’ task related metacognitive experiences have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and problem solving performances. The results are important for two reasons. Firstly, it addresses the assessment of metacognition by presenting the important role of metacognitive experiences in governing the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and actual performance. Secondly, the model analysis was conducted just over a single...

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Mathematics Achievement of Elementary School Students through Homework Assignments Enriched with Metacognitive Questions

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

Metacognitive enrichment has become an important component of modern mathematics instruction. Thi... more Metacognitive enrichment has become an important component of modern mathematics instruction. This study investigates the effect of homework assignments enriched with metacognitive questions on students' mathematics achievement and homework behaviors. A quasi-experimental design with pre-and post-test measures and two groups (experimental and control) was employed to investigate the effect of the enriched homework. Forty-four students, 25 boys and 19 girls, participated in the study. The students in the experimental group responded to metacognitive questions as they worked on homework that otherwise was common to both groups. First semester mathematics scores taken from students' report cards were used as a pre-test of mathematics achievement; the mean of second and third examination scores were used as a post-test. The results revealed a significant difference between the mathematics scores of students who had been given homework assignments enriched with metacognitive questions and those who had not been given such homework.

Research paper thumbnail of Matematik Eğitiminde Bilişsel ve Bilişüstü Yaklaşımlar: Bir Hizmetiçi Eğitim Semineri Örneği

Matematik derslerinin o rencilerin du unme becerilerini daha da geli tirebilmesi icin o retmenler... more Matematik derslerinin o rencilerin du unme becerilerini daha da geli tirebilmesi icin o retmenlerin bu derslerdeki rollerinin ve gorevlerinin yeniden tan mlanmas na ihtiyac duyuldu u du unulmektedir. Matematik retmenlerinin yeni tan mlar nda dematematik ve fen ve teknoloji dersi o retmenlerine bili sel bilim alan nda calkonular ile ust bili ve ozdenetim konular nda yap lan arauygulamalar ndan ornekler sunmak amac yla “Bili sel ve Bili ustu O retim Uygulamalar " konulu bir cal tay duzenlenmi tir. Cal tay kapsam nda bili sel ve bili ustu ba lam ndaki guncel cal ma alanlarolu turulmas na, setkinlikleri yer almaktad r. Cal ma sonunda kat mc lardan de erlendirme amac yla bili selbilim, ustbili ve ozdenetim konularistenmi tir. Anket verilerinden elde edilen bulgular cal tay sonras kat mc e itimcilerin bili sel bilim ve bili ustu konular ndaki guncel yakla mlara yonelik bir e itime ili kin olumlu goru lerine i aret etmektedir

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of a STEM Competencies Assessment Framework

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Research paper thumbnail of Metacognitive Experiences: Mediating the Relationship between Metacognitive Knowledge and Problem Solving

Research paper thumbnail of Achievement Emotions, Self regulation and Ego Resilience: Implications for Early Childhood Teacher Education

Attitudes towards the teaching profession to achieve job related goals is a significant factor fo... more Attitudes towards the teaching profession to achieve job related goals is a significant factor for being an effective teacher. Negative attitude and lack of commitment can result in early childhood teachers’ avoidance of interaction with children, and may have negative consequences on children’s well being. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between academic emotions, self-regulation and ego-resilience and their roles on teachers’ attitudes in order to identify the affective structure to reshape the training of prospective early childhood teachers. Data were collected on academic emotions, self-regulation, ego-resilience and attitudes of students enrolled at an early childhood education program at a university in Turkey. Correlational analyses and analysis of variance were used to examine the role of the constructs on attitudes of the teachers about their profession. The results indicating the role of academic emotions and self regulation and personal characteristics of prospective teachers on their attitudes and levels of commitment gave clues about the importance of emotions for teacher identity formation.