Box Full of Matches (original) (raw)

31 December 2015 @ 11:04 pm

31 December 2014 @ 10:25 pm

31 December 2013 @ 09:36 pm

First off, I probably won't be updating much here, as I think AO3 is a great place for archiving. But feel free to subscribe to me (that is if you don't mind the shift in fandom over the last few years).

But in order to keep this place from being deleted by LJ at some point, I'm going to do my year-in-fic here rather than my personal journal.

( 2013 in review, all the words!Collapse )

Yeah, this isn't any fic (I swear that I have one in the works that's just not cooperating), but this is for whedonland's big bang, all for the glory of theactives.

So, my theme was Dollhouse Employees, and well, it turned into an epic picspam that goes through the journey between Boyd, Topher and Adelle, with some help from various other employees.

( and now for the journey to begin...Collapse )

cw_land is an interactive challenge community.
The four teams are Supernatural, Smallville, Vampire Diaries, and Gossip Girl.

FAQ | Rules

Apply for a team!

Just tell them I sent you.

Please join only if you think you can participate. It's a slower comm than whedonland, and fun all the same...

If you like Whedon's collective oeuvre, check out whedonland, for a fun interactive community with writing challenge, some graphics challenges and lots of random games thrown in.

I know you've seen me posting random picspams and icons from there here, so if you're interested, head on over.

Title: Heightened Senses
Fandoms: Veronica Mars
Characters/Pairings: Weevil.
Rating/Warning: PG-13 for themes of an unsettling nature.
Spoilers: This goes AU from somewhere near You Think You Know Someone.
Summary: He’d been watching her more and more since she was killed, making sure he made up for the times she couldn’t be with her friend.
Disclaimer: Not associated with Rob Thomas, The CW, or Warner Brothers. I'm just borrowing them. No copyright infringement intended.
Notes: Betaed by the lovely starxd_sparrow, and originally written for the first challenge at VM Ficticious. It has been edited from the original posted version there.

( He especially watched her when she stayed out too late on the wrong side of town looking for trouble.Collapse )

23 December 2010 @ 01:47 pm

I swear, I will get back into writing soon. Blame school and where my brain can go with a limited amount of time. (There should be something up for vm_santa before the New Year.)

for whedon20in20, round 17

( tons of buffy this timeCollapse )

21 November 2010 @ 11:10 am

20 icons for Round 16 at whedon20in20, mostly Dollhouse, with a few Buffy thrown in (spoilers S2 of Dollhouse.)

( dance danceCollapse )

13 November 2010 @ 09:59 pm