budiono raharjo | Brawijaya University (original) (raw)
Papers by budiono raharjo
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, Apr 13, 2019
Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils, ... more Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes). In the calculated area, the type of difference between the Sysmex hematology device and other hematology devices is Immature Granulocyte (IG), Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC), and High Fluorescent Lymphocytes Count (HFLC). The cells calculated in the HFLC area are atypical lymphocytes. In patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is often found atypical lymphocytes called blue plasma lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of HFLC in patients with dengue fever using the hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-1000. A descriptive retrospective study was conducted during April-May 2017. The subjects of the study were adult patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever with WHO criteria. Of the 47 samples of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) patients, the average HFLC results were between 2.0-32.3%, which was 11.5%, while the average range of normal HFLC values was between 0.0-1.4% and was 0.3%. In cases of DHF, there is an increase in HFLC. This is likely to be attributed to atypical lymphocyte increase in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Further research with more varied samples still needs to be done.
Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is the most aggressive form of the plasma cell dyscrasias. This rare d... more Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is the most aggressive form of the plasma cell dyscrasias. This rare disease remains a challenge in regard to diagnosis and treatment due to its rarity and aggressive nature. PCL is a rare plasma cell malignancy with poor prognosis. There is still limited literature and numerous trials on this disease treatment. Novel agents and autologous stem cell transplant can be given to prolong survival and increase life quality. Reports on PCL is very important for references regarding future treatments.
Hang Tuah Medical Journal, Nov 9, 2017
Introduction: Pseudothrombocytopenia is a phenomenon in which the number of platelets reported by... more Introduction: Pseudothrombocytopenia is a phenomenon in which the number of platelets reported by an automated counting device is less than the actual number of invivo circulations Case: A 53-year-old man regularly controls for diabetes mellitus disease. On physical examination within normal limits. The first complete blood test using anticoagulant Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) was obtained
Jurnal SainHealth
Platelets have an important role in hemostasis, namely the formation and stabilization of platele... more Platelets have an important role in hemostasis, namely the formation and stabilization of platelet plugs. There are several methods in the counting of platelets. They can be carried out in a direct and an indirect manner. The direct method can be carried out in an automatic and automatic way. The automatic method uses an hematology analyzer which functions to measure and examine blood cells in blood samples. Counting the number of platelets is done automatically by two methods, namely optical and impedance which have different principles. The optical method is based on cell size and morphology, while impedance is based on cell size only. Hypochrome is a condition where the Hb concentration is less than normal so that the central achromia widens (> 1/3 of the cell) and there is a decrease in the color of the erythrocytes, namely an increase in the diameter of the central pallor above normal so that it looks paler. Microcyte is a condition where the cell size is smaller than normal...
Rinitis alergi memberi dampak luas pada kualitas hidup penderita, sehingga diperlukan diagnosis d... more Rinitis alergi memberi dampak luas pada kualitas hidup penderita, sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Granulocyte macrophage – colony stimulating factor bersama IL5 dan IL3 memegang peranan terhadap hematopoesis, pematangan, proliferasi, dan survival eosinofil. Eosinofil diketahui berpengaruh terhadap gejala dan derajat rinitis alergi. Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan kadar GM-CSF dan jumlah eosinofil dengan derajat rinitis alergi. Metode Penelitian. Observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional melibatkan 24 penderita rinitis alergi yang bersedia dilakukan pengambilan darah dan sekret mukosa hidung untuk pemeriksaan kadar GM-CSF dan jumlah eosinofil. Hasil. Hubungan kadar GM-CSF serum, GM-CSF mukosa hidung, jumlah eosinofil darah, dan eosinofil mukosa hidung dengan derajat rinitis alergi dianalisa dengan uji korelasi didapatkan p0,05 sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna. Hubungan kadar GM-CSF serum dengan GM-CSF mukosa hidung dan hubungan jumlah...
Decreased resources and a scarcity of affordable, healthy food is contributing to rising obesity ... more Decreased resources and a scarcity of affordable, healthy food is contributing to rising obesity rates throughout the world. Consequentially, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is highly correlated with obesity, rates are also increasing with greater than 30% of the US population currently diagnosed. NAFLD starts as a benign state of fat accumulation within liver hepatocytes but often progresses to more detrimental conditions such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibrosis/cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). There is no cure for NAFLD or its downstream complications and questions still remain about what factors contribute to disease progression. Specifically, the cause(s) of insulin resistance, lipid accumulation, inflammation, and fibrosis are not completely understood. Many of these questions cannot be elucidated in animal models due to confounding contributions from other organs, differences in animal disease pathology (relative to humans) and dietary restrictions. Additionally, if therapies are to be identified for NALFD, human-relevant systems will need to be used due to species differences in drug metabolism enzymes. Primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) are the gold standard for assessing drug metabolism in vitro, but these cells rapidly lose their liver phenotype in vitro. Here we show that micropatterned co-cultures (MPCCs) of PHHs and stromal cells maintain glucose and lipid metabolism in hepatocytes, which suggests their utility for in vitro disease models of NAFLD. Major advances in culturing methods were developed to increase the insulin sensitivity and overall health of hepatocytes in MPCCs prior to carrying out studies regarding NAFLD-related
Frontiers in Education, Mar 30, 2022
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the... more Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the country, prompting medical schools to adopt online learning systems. This study aims to determine impact on medical education and the medical student's attitude, practice, mental health after 1 year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Kanker pankreas adalah keganasan sel di jaringan pankreas. kejadiannya meningkat pada usia di ata... more Kanker pankreas adalah keganasan sel di jaringan pankreas. kejadiannya meningkat pada usia di atas 60 tahun. Namun, sekitar 20% dapat terjadi di usia muda. Patogenesis terjadinya masih belum jelas, dikemukakan bahwa mutasi genetik dan faktor eksogen seperti merokok berhubungan dengan terjadinya keganasan sel pankreas. Kasus adalah seorang laki-laki perokok berusia 31 tahun dengan keluhan utama nyeri ulu hati menjalar ke punggung, disertai mual, muntah, nafsu makan turun. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan sklera ikterik, perkusi redup dan ronkhi di paru, distensi abdomen dan asites. Pada pemeriksaan laboratorik didapatkan leukositosis, trombositopenia, peningkatan aspartate aminotransaminase (AST) lebih dari 10 kali Upper Range Limit (URL), hiperbilirubinemia direk, peningkatan alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) dan lipase serum, sedangkan amilase serum normal. Terdapat juga peningkatan kadar CA19-9. Pada computed tomography scan (CT scan) dan Magnetic Reson...
Latar Belakang: Leukemia Granulositik Kronik (LGK) merupakan suatu penyakit mieloproliferatif aki... more Latar Belakang: Leukemia Granulositik Kronik (LGK) merupakan suatu penyakit mieloproliferatif akibat adanya translokasi kromosom (9;22), yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan proliferasi sel induk hematopoetik seri mieloid pada berbagai tingkat diferensiasi. Pemantauan BCR-ABL sangat penting untuk melihat respon terapi dari LGK terutama melihat respon molekuler. Ekspresi BCR-ABL saja tidak cukup untuk progresifitas dari fase kronik ke fase akselerasi atau krisis blast dari LGK. 2 microglobulin merupakan prognostik yang sangat penting dalam penyakit LGK Tujuan: mengetahui adanya hubungan kadar 2 microglobulin serum terhadap jumlah perubahan rasio BCR-ABL pada pasien LGK setelah terapi dengan tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Metode: penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan potong-lintang pada kelompok pasien LGK yang telah diterapi dengan imatinib selama 18-24 bulan yang pada evaluasi BCR-ABL telah mengalami remisi dan yang resisten yang berkunjung ke Poliklinik Hematologi serta...
Hang Tuah Medical journal
Latar Belakang: Pseudothrombocytopenia adalah fenomena dimana jumlah trombosit yang dilaporkan ol... more Latar Belakang: Pseudothrombocytopenia adalah fenomena dimana jumlah trombosit yang dilaporkan oleh alat hitung otomatis jumlahnya lebih sedikit dibandingkan jumlah sesungguhnya pada sirkulasi invivoKasus: Seorang laki-laki 53 tahun kontrol rutin untuk penyakit diabetes melitus. Pada pemeriksaan fisik dalam batas normal. Pada pemeriksaan darah lengkap pertama dengan menggunakan antikoagulan Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) didapatkan hemoglobin 15,7 gr/dL, MCV 82,3 µm3, MCH 30,3 pg, MCHC 36,8 %, Eritrosit:5,19 jt/L, RDW 11,8 %, Hematokrit 42,7 %, leukosit 7.270/cmm, trombositopenia dengan jumlah trombosit 15.000/cmm dan immature platelet fraction (IPF) 49,8 %. Pada pemeriksaan darah lengkap kedua dengan menggunakan antikoagulan natrium citrat didapatkan hemoglobin 15,2 gr/dL, MCV 81,4 µm3, MCH 30,1 pg, MCHC 37,0 %, Eritrosit:5,05 jt/L, RDW 11,4 %, Hematokrit 41,1 %, leukosit 9.690/cmm, thrombosit menjadi 222.000/cmm dan IPF sebesar 5.1%. Pada hapusan darah tepi sampel p...
Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils,... more Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes). In the calculated area, the type of difference between the Sysmex hematology device and other hematology devices is Immature Granulocyte (IG), Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC), and High Fluorescent Lymphocytes Count (HFLC). The cells calculated in the HFLC area are atypical lymphocytes. In patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is often found atypical lymphocytes called blue plasma lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of HFLC in patients with dengue fever using the hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-1000. A descriptive retrospective study was conducted during April-May 2017. The subjects of the study were adult patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever with WHO criteria. Of the 47 samples of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) patients, the average HFLC results were between 2.0-32.3%, which was 11.5%, while the...
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, Apr 13, 2019
Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils, ... more Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes). In the calculated area, the type of difference between the Sysmex hematology device and other hematology devices is Immature Granulocyte (IG), Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC), and High Fluorescent Lymphocytes Count (HFLC). The cells calculated in the HFLC area are atypical lymphocytes. In patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is often found atypical lymphocytes called blue plasma lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of HFLC in patients with dengue fever using the hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-1000. A descriptive retrospective study was conducted during April-May 2017. The subjects of the study were adult patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever with WHO criteria. Of the 47 samples of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) patients, the average HFLC results were between 2.0-32.3%, which was 11.5%, while the average range of normal HFLC values was between 0.0-1.4% and was 0.3%. In cases of DHF, there is an increase in HFLC. This is likely to be attributed to atypical lymphocyte increase in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Further research with more varied samples still needs to be done.
Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is the most aggressive form of the plasma cell dyscrasias. This rare d... more Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is the most aggressive form of the plasma cell dyscrasias. This rare disease remains a challenge in regard to diagnosis and treatment due to its rarity and aggressive nature. PCL is a rare plasma cell malignancy with poor prognosis. There is still limited literature and numerous trials on this disease treatment. Novel agents and autologous stem cell transplant can be given to prolong survival and increase life quality. Reports on PCL is very important for references regarding future treatments.
Hang Tuah Medical Journal, Nov 9, 2017
Introduction: Pseudothrombocytopenia is a phenomenon in which the number of platelets reported by... more Introduction: Pseudothrombocytopenia is a phenomenon in which the number of platelets reported by an automated counting device is less than the actual number of invivo circulations Case: A 53-year-old man regularly controls for diabetes mellitus disease. On physical examination within normal limits. The first complete blood test using anticoagulant Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) was obtained
Jurnal SainHealth
Platelets have an important role in hemostasis, namely the formation and stabilization of platele... more Platelets have an important role in hemostasis, namely the formation and stabilization of platelet plugs. There are several methods in the counting of platelets. They can be carried out in a direct and an indirect manner. The direct method can be carried out in an automatic and automatic way. The automatic method uses an hematology analyzer which functions to measure and examine blood cells in blood samples. Counting the number of platelets is done automatically by two methods, namely optical and impedance which have different principles. The optical method is based on cell size and morphology, while impedance is based on cell size only. Hypochrome is a condition where the Hb concentration is less than normal so that the central achromia widens (> 1/3 of the cell) and there is a decrease in the color of the erythrocytes, namely an increase in the diameter of the central pallor above normal so that it looks paler. Microcyte is a condition where the cell size is smaller than normal...
Rinitis alergi memberi dampak luas pada kualitas hidup penderita, sehingga diperlukan diagnosis d... more Rinitis alergi memberi dampak luas pada kualitas hidup penderita, sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Granulocyte macrophage – colony stimulating factor bersama IL5 dan IL3 memegang peranan terhadap hematopoesis, pematangan, proliferasi, dan survival eosinofil. Eosinofil diketahui berpengaruh terhadap gejala dan derajat rinitis alergi. Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan kadar GM-CSF dan jumlah eosinofil dengan derajat rinitis alergi. Metode Penelitian. Observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional melibatkan 24 penderita rinitis alergi yang bersedia dilakukan pengambilan darah dan sekret mukosa hidung untuk pemeriksaan kadar GM-CSF dan jumlah eosinofil. Hasil. Hubungan kadar GM-CSF serum, GM-CSF mukosa hidung, jumlah eosinofil darah, dan eosinofil mukosa hidung dengan derajat rinitis alergi dianalisa dengan uji korelasi didapatkan p0,05 sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna. Hubungan kadar GM-CSF serum dengan GM-CSF mukosa hidung dan hubungan jumlah...
Decreased resources and a scarcity of affordable, healthy food is contributing to rising obesity ... more Decreased resources and a scarcity of affordable, healthy food is contributing to rising obesity rates throughout the world. Consequentially, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is highly correlated with obesity, rates are also increasing with greater than 30% of the US population currently diagnosed. NAFLD starts as a benign state of fat accumulation within liver hepatocytes but often progresses to more detrimental conditions such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibrosis/cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). There is no cure for NAFLD or its downstream complications and questions still remain about what factors contribute to disease progression. Specifically, the cause(s) of insulin resistance, lipid accumulation, inflammation, and fibrosis are not completely understood. Many of these questions cannot be elucidated in animal models due to confounding contributions from other organs, differences in animal disease pathology (relative to humans) and dietary restrictions. Additionally, if therapies are to be identified for NALFD, human-relevant systems will need to be used due to species differences in drug metabolism enzymes. Primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) are the gold standard for assessing drug metabolism in vitro, but these cells rapidly lose their liver phenotype in vitro. Here we show that micropatterned co-cultures (MPCCs) of PHHs and stromal cells maintain glucose and lipid metabolism in hepatocytes, which suggests their utility for in vitro disease models of NAFLD. Major advances in culturing methods were developed to increase the insulin sensitivity and overall health of hepatocytes in MPCCs prior to carrying out studies regarding NAFLD-related
Frontiers in Education, Mar 30, 2022
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the... more Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the country, prompting medical schools to adopt online learning systems. This study aims to determine impact on medical education and the medical student's attitude, practice, mental health after 1 year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Kanker pankreas adalah keganasan sel di jaringan pankreas. kejadiannya meningkat pada usia di ata... more Kanker pankreas adalah keganasan sel di jaringan pankreas. kejadiannya meningkat pada usia di atas 60 tahun. Namun, sekitar 20% dapat terjadi di usia muda. Patogenesis terjadinya masih belum jelas, dikemukakan bahwa mutasi genetik dan faktor eksogen seperti merokok berhubungan dengan terjadinya keganasan sel pankreas. Kasus adalah seorang laki-laki perokok berusia 31 tahun dengan keluhan utama nyeri ulu hati menjalar ke punggung, disertai mual, muntah, nafsu makan turun. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan sklera ikterik, perkusi redup dan ronkhi di paru, distensi abdomen dan asites. Pada pemeriksaan laboratorik didapatkan leukositosis, trombositopenia, peningkatan aspartate aminotransaminase (AST) lebih dari 10 kali Upper Range Limit (URL), hiperbilirubinemia direk, peningkatan alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) dan lipase serum, sedangkan amilase serum normal. Terdapat juga peningkatan kadar CA19-9. Pada computed tomography scan (CT scan) dan Magnetic Reson...
Latar Belakang: Leukemia Granulositik Kronik (LGK) merupakan suatu penyakit mieloproliferatif aki... more Latar Belakang: Leukemia Granulositik Kronik (LGK) merupakan suatu penyakit mieloproliferatif akibat adanya translokasi kromosom (9;22), yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan proliferasi sel induk hematopoetik seri mieloid pada berbagai tingkat diferensiasi. Pemantauan BCR-ABL sangat penting untuk melihat respon terapi dari LGK terutama melihat respon molekuler. Ekspresi BCR-ABL saja tidak cukup untuk progresifitas dari fase kronik ke fase akselerasi atau krisis blast dari LGK. 2 microglobulin merupakan prognostik yang sangat penting dalam penyakit LGK Tujuan: mengetahui adanya hubungan kadar 2 microglobulin serum terhadap jumlah perubahan rasio BCR-ABL pada pasien LGK setelah terapi dengan tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Metode: penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan potong-lintang pada kelompok pasien LGK yang telah diterapi dengan imatinib selama 18-24 bulan yang pada evaluasi BCR-ABL telah mengalami remisi dan yang resisten yang berkunjung ke Poliklinik Hematologi serta...
Hang Tuah Medical journal
Latar Belakang: Pseudothrombocytopenia adalah fenomena dimana jumlah trombosit yang dilaporkan ol... more Latar Belakang: Pseudothrombocytopenia adalah fenomena dimana jumlah trombosit yang dilaporkan oleh alat hitung otomatis jumlahnya lebih sedikit dibandingkan jumlah sesungguhnya pada sirkulasi invivoKasus: Seorang laki-laki 53 tahun kontrol rutin untuk penyakit diabetes melitus. Pada pemeriksaan fisik dalam batas normal. Pada pemeriksaan darah lengkap pertama dengan menggunakan antikoagulan Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) didapatkan hemoglobin 15,7 gr/dL, MCV 82,3 µm3, MCH 30,3 pg, MCHC 36,8 %, Eritrosit:5,19 jt/L, RDW 11,8 %, Hematokrit 42,7 %, leukosit 7.270/cmm, trombositopenia dengan jumlah trombosit 15.000/cmm dan immature platelet fraction (IPF) 49,8 %. Pada pemeriksaan darah lengkap kedua dengan menggunakan antikoagulan natrium citrat didapatkan hemoglobin 15,2 gr/dL, MCV 81,4 µm3, MCH 30,1 pg, MCHC 37,0 %, Eritrosit:5,05 jt/L, RDW 11,4 %, Hematokrit 41,1 %, leukosit 9.690/cmm, thrombosit menjadi 222.000/cmm dan IPF sebesar 5.1%. Pada hapusan darah tepi sampel p...
Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils,... more Sysmex XN-1000 hematology analyzer is an automated 5-part diff analyzer (eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes). In the calculated area, the type of difference between the Sysmex hematology device and other hematology devices is Immature Granulocyte (IG), Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC), and High Fluorescent Lymphocytes Count (HFLC). The cells calculated in the HFLC area are atypical lymphocytes. In patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is often found atypical lymphocytes called blue plasma lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of HFLC in patients with dengue fever using the hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-1000. A descriptive retrospective study was conducted during April-May 2017. The subjects of the study were adult patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever with WHO criteria. Of the 47 samples of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) patients, the average HFLC results were between 2.0-32.3%, which was 11.5%, while the...