breastfeeding, posts by tag: low supply - LiveJournal (original) (raw)
So, it seems like everyone and her mother is ordering domperidone lately. As a long term user of it, I thought I should make a little public information post.
95% of all mother-baby couples will never need any sort of prescribed galactagouge, as they have the ability to nurse exclusively completely naturally. This means that almost all of you who are ordering it do not need it. It is not breastfeeding candy. It is not appropriate to take it because you are nervous about supply during a normal growth spurt or because at three months PP your breasts are softer. These are NORMAL events in a normal course of a nursing relationship, and do not require drugs. They require good information and patience, not medication.
For those of you who are having actual supply issues, the vast, vast majority of you will never need domperidone. There are many ways to increase supply without a pharmaceutical. Fenugreek, oatmeal, brewer's yeast, flaxseed, more hydration, and blessed thistle are just a few of the many natural galactagouges out there. They all work well on normal, healthy women who just need a boost. Also, better breastfeeding management may be needed. More nursing or pumping sessions day and night, a better latch, or breast compression may be used to increase supply.
Domperidone and Reglan are only useful in very limited circumstances. These are:
1.Women with medical conditions such as PCOS or hypoplasia who will never have full supplies.
2. Women who exclusively pump and/or pump for very long work weeks who have pump resistance after 6 months.
3. Women who are relactating or inducing lactation.
4. Women who are nursing after a breast reduction.
That is it. Now, while I definitely think that it is better to take unnecessary domperidone than to give formula, it is just not indicated for the vast majority of breastfeeding women. For the few of us who need it, it is a lifesaver, but for everyone else, it is just foolish to take unnecessary prescription meds. It also gives new and pregnant moms the idea that most women have trouble with supply and that our bodies can't feed our babies without medical help.
Some links for those healthy, normal women who may worry about supply--please read BEFORE ordering medication you probably don't need!
Thank you for your time in reading this. I hope it doesn't offend anyone. If you are like almost all women, you are perfectly normal and healthy and this information is good news! Much love, Kristin
- Tags:domperidone, low supply, supply