Riandy Agusta | University Of Lambung Mangkurat (original) (raw)
Papers by Riandy Agusta
Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic tends to be less developed students' skills. Based on t... more Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic tends to be less developed students' skills. Based on the facts, many elementary school teachers in South Kalimantan are experiencing difficulties because there are limited models and strategies to implement online learning. This reason encourages developing the innovation blended learning model. Innovation on this study is the the product of developing blended learning model with the syntax are Group, Analysis, Work Together, Inform, Solve the problem on outdoor, Actualization of solution, Battle games, Unity on role play, Manage conclusion and Invent the creation (GAWI SABUMI). The purpose of this study is to produce a new learning model and find out the effectiveness of the GAWI SABUMI learning model to improve the ecological awareness and high order thinking skills of elementary school students in Banjarmasin. This study used the type of research and development consisted of three phases to find the effectiveness of the model on the dep...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences Education (ICSSE 2020), 2021
This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of the ANTASARI blended ... more This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of the ANTASARI blended learning model; (2) The appropriateness of implementation blended learning model ANTASARI; (3) the effectiveness of the ANTASARI implementation blended learning model to improve soft and social skills pass for the COVID-19 pandemic. The method of this research uses Research and Development (R&D) with the Four-D model (definition, design, development, and dissemination). The sample of this research is 45 person elementary school students on Banjarmasin. Collecting data use observation, documentation, interview, test, and questionnaire. Observation is used to know the effectiveness of implementation of the blended learning model, the improvement of critical thinking, problem-solving and independence, collaboration, negotiationand communication. Documentation is used to collect every document along with the implementation of this model. The interview is used to know the effectiveness of thi...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dampak pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan strategi outdo... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dampak pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan strategi outdoor learning dengan metode outbound berbasis kearifan lokal untuk mengembangkan keterampilan kerjasama anak. Jenis penelitian yang dipilih adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian anak kelompok B TK At-Tibyan Banjarmasin. Teknik penggalian data menggunakan lembar observasi kerjasama yang terdiri dari 4 aspek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi outdoor learning dan metode outbound berbasis kearifan lokal berupa berbagai permainan tradisional mampu mengembangkan kerjasama anak secara bertahap hingga lebih dari 80% anak memperoleh kriteria “berkembang sangat baik” pada akhir siklus penelitian. Kata Kunci : Kerjasama, Outbound, Kearifan lokal, Anak usia dini
ABSTRAK Agusta, Akhmad Riandy. 2017. Penerapan Strategi Outdoor Learning variasi Outbound untuk M... more ABSTRAK Agusta, Akhmad Riandy. 2017. Penerapan Strategi Outdoor Learning variasi Outbound untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Kerjasama Siswa Kelas 5 SDN Sungai Miai 7 Banjarmasin .Tesis Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar Guru Kelas, Pascasarjana Universitas NegeriMalang. Pembimbing : (I) Prof. Dr. Punaji Setyosari, M.Pd., M.Ed. (II)Prof.Dr.CholisSa’dijah,M.Pd.,M.A. Kata Kunci : Outdoor Learning , Outbound , Kreativitas, Kerjasama Permasalahan yang terjadi di SDN Sungai Miai 7 Banjarmasin adalah rendahnya kreativitas dan kerjasama siswa yang dibuktikan dengan hasil observasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran didalam kelas belum menggunakan strategi khusus bermuatan kreativitas dan kerjasama. Hasil ini didukung pula dengan observasi kemampuan kreativitas dan kerjasama yang menunjukkan bahwa hampir seluruh indikator belum membudaya pada setiap siswa. Permasalahan ini disebabkan proses pembelajaran hanya menerapkan langkah-langkah pada buku guru sehingga belum terfokus pada strategi pembelajaran khu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, aktivitas dan hasil belajar serta mening... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, aktivitas dan hasil belajar serta meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa melalui keterampilan membaca pemahaman menggunakan kombinasi model DIA, TPS dan Scramble dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V SDN Pemurus Dalam 7 Banjarmasin tahun ajaran 2018/2019 berjumlah 31 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru terlaksana dengan sangat baik. (2) Aktivitas siswa secara klasikal mendapatkan kriteria “hampir seluruh siswa sangat aktif”. (3) Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa berhasil meningkat hingga mendapatkan persentase klasikal 90% dengan kriteria “hampir seluruh siswa sangat kritis”. (4) Hasil belajar siswa secara individu semua tuntas sehingga mendapatkan persentase klasikal 100%.
Abstract: This research describe about how the application of outdoor learning strategy outbound ... more Abstract: This research describe about how the application of outdoor learning strategy outbound variation to improve the creativity and cooperation. This study uses a classroom action research design. The subjects are 5th-graders students of SDN Sungai Miai 7 Banjarmasin . The instrument used in this research is the observation sheet of creativity and student cooperation in the learning process. The result show that aplication outdoor learning strategy outbound variation is carried out with good criteria. Application of the solution in this study can improve creativity and cooperation in phases until more than 70% of students get very good creativity criteria and very good cooperation creativity on the last cycle. Abstrak: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan penerapan strategi outdoor learning divariasi dengan outbound untuk meningkatkan kreativitas dan kerjasama siswa. Jenis penelitian yang dipilih adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas 5 SDN Sungai Miai ...
Masa Pandemi Covid-19 merubah paradigma pembelajaran dari tradisional menuju pembelajaran dalam j... more Masa Pandemi Covid-19 merubah paradigma pembelajaran dari tradisional menuju pembelajaran dalam jaringan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi secara maksimal. Pembelajaran dalam jaringan tidak boleh meninggalkan pengembangan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif sebagai tujuan pendidikan masa depan. Namun belum diketahui pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru dalam merancang pembelajaran bermuatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif untuk menuju era pembelajaran dalam jaringan. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang pengetahuan dan kemampuan mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran bermuatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif pada guru sekolah dasar di kota Banjarmasin untuk menghadapi pembelajaran dalam jaringan pada masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Objek penelitian adalah 200 orang guru sekolah dasar di kota Banjarmasin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya 24,25% dari 200 sampel memiliki pengetahu...
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship
Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended learning ANTASA... more Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI; (2) Kesesuaian penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI; (3) efektifitas penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan memechkan masalah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D . Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SD di Kandangan sebanyak 45 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara, tes, dan angket. Observasi digunakan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penerapan model blended learning, peningkatan berpikir kritis, dan memecahan masalah Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI terdiri dari Auditory, Negotiation, Team, Analysis, Somatic, Administer Information, Role Play dan Interaction on Games; (2) model blended learning ANTASARI layak digunakan sesuai hasil validasi 3 ahli dengan persentase validasi langkah pembelaja...
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship
Penelitian ini menjabarkan tentang efektivitas model blended learning GAWI MANUNTUNG untuk mening... more Penelitian ini menjabarkan tentang efektivitas model blended learning GAWI MANUNTUNG untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi metode penelitian yang terdiri dari metode penelitian pengembangan yang dikembangkan Borg and Gall dan metode penelitian eksperimen. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan sequential data analysis untuk mengetahui kelayakan model, untuk menganalisis keefektifan model terhadap variabel terikat melalui uji Two sample t-Test dan uji N-gain. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SDN Karang Mekar 1 Banjarmasin berjumlah 40 orang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) langkah model GAWI MANUNTUNG meliputi: Group, Analysis and observation, Wondering observation result, Intensive data collection, Making experiment on outdoor, Analysis the result by Negotiation of solution, Using Technology, Necessity intelligences development, Task Product Creation, Unity on presentation and role play, Network Tournament and Games dengan ...
Akhmad riandy agusta, 2018
This research describes the impact of learning process use the outdoor learning strategy outbound... more This research describes the impact of learning process use the outdoor learning strategy outbound variation based on Banjarese local wisdom to improve student's cooperation and environmental care skill. The type of research method was classroom action research, and the research subject were students on Karang Mekar 1 Elementary School. The collection data technique used was the observation instrument of cooperation and environmental care skill, consisting of 4 aspect, the result of this research shows that implementation of outdoor learning strategy outbound variation based on Banjarese local wisdom can improve student's cooperation and environmental care skill gradually until more than 80% of students got very good criteria in the last cycle.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Kombinasi Model Inkuiri, SAVI dan TGT, 2015
Classroom action research here is conducted because the implementation of 2013 curiculum in Sunga... more Classroom action research here is conducted because the implementation of 2013 curiculum in Sungai Miai 7 Elemtary School not maximal yet and the study result is low. This problem happen because the learning process not apply the scientific learning yet, overcome the problem and the learning activity is not attractive and then the student not anthusiastic in learning activity, the student be the passive person and the student scientific attitude potential not carried out maximally, and then it will make the student learning result will be low. For solve this problem I use the combination of Inquiry Learning (IL), Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually (SAVI) dan Team Game Tournament (TGT) by the step like this : a. show the picture tcat have the connection with the learning material; b. orientation, ask the student to give the question about the picture; c. take the student to the group; d. formulate the problem; e. formulate the hypothesis; f. make the activity that involve the sense, movement and physical; g. make the activity that involve the vision; h. collect the data; i. verify the hypothesis; j. make the conclution and presentation; k. make the game; l. make the competition; m. give the reward for the group that get the best score. The purpose of this research is to increase the teacher activity, student activity and the learning result by the implementation of combination Inquiry Learning (IL), Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually (SAVI) and Team Game Tournament (TGT) in class 5B Sungai Miai 7 elementary school Banjarmasin. This research doing by the qualitative approach by the style of classroom action research with the design in two cycle by two meeting in a cycle. The instrument that I use in this research is the teacher’s observation sheet, student’s activity observation sheet and the test to know the learning result in the end of the meeting. The result show that occurred the teaher’s activity is always increase, the student’s activity always increase in evry meeting and the learning result in every meeting always increase with the phases in evaluation 1st cycle and 2nd cycle.
Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic tends to be less developed students' skills. Based on t... more Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic tends to be less developed students' skills. Based on the facts, many elementary school teachers in South Kalimantan are experiencing difficulties because there are limited models and strategies to implement online learning. This reason encourages developing the innovation blended learning model. Innovation on this study is the the product of developing blended learning model with the syntax are Group, Analysis, Work Together, Inform, Solve the problem on outdoor, Actualization of solution, Battle games, Unity on role play, Manage conclusion and Invent the creation (GAWI SABUMI). The purpose of this study is to produce a new learning model and find out the effectiveness of the GAWI SABUMI learning model to improve the ecological awareness and high order thinking skills of elementary school students in Banjarmasin. This study used the type of research and development consisted of three phases to find the effectiveness of the model on the dep...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences Education (ICSSE 2020), 2021
This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of the ANTASARI blended ... more This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of the ANTASARI blended learning model; (2) The appropriateness of implementation blended learning model ANTASARI; (3) the effectiveness of the ANTASARI implementation blended learning model to improve soft and social skills pass for the COVID-19 pandemic. The method of this research uses Research and Development (R&D) with the Four-D model (definition, design, development, and dissemination). The sample of this research is 45 person elementary school students on Banjarmasin. Collecting data use observation, documentation, interview, test, and questionnaire. Observation is used to know the effectiveness of implementation of the blended learning model, the improvement of critical thinking, problem-solving and independence, collaboration, negotiationand communication. Documentation is used to collect every document along with the implementation of this model. The interview is used to know the effectiveness of thi...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dampak pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan strategi outdo... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dampak pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan strategi outdoor learning dengan metode outbound berbasis kearifan lokal untuk mengembangkan keterampilan kerjasama anak. Jenis penelitian yang dipilih adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian anak kelompok B TK At-Tibyan Banjarmasin. Teknik penggalian data menggunakan lembar observasi kerjasama yang terdiri dari 4 aspek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi outdoor learning dan metode outbound berbasis kearifan lokal berupa berbagai permainan tradisional mampu mengembangkan kerjasama anak secara bertahap hingga lebih dari 80% anak memperoleh kriteria “berkembang sangat baik” pada akhir siklus penelitian. Kata Kunci : Kerjasama, Outbound, Kearifan lokal, Anak usia dini
ABSTRAK Agusta, Akhmad Riandy. 2017. Penerapan Strategi Outdoor Learning variasi Outbound untuk M... more ABSTRAK Agusta, Akhmad Riandy. 2017. Penerapan Strategi Outdoor Learning variasi Outbound untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Kerjasama Siswa Kelas 5 SDN Sungai Miai 7 Banjarmasin .Tesis Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar Guru Kelas, Pascasarjana Universitas NegeriMalang. Pembimbing : (I) Prof. Dr. Punaji Setyosari, M.Pd., M.Ed. (II)Prof.Dr.CholisSa’dijah,M.Pd.,M.A. Kata Kunci : Outdoor Learning , Outbound , Kreativitas, Kerjasama Permasalahan yang terjadi di SDN Sungai Miai 7 Banjarmasin adalah rendahnya kreativitas dan kerjasama siswa yang dibuktikan dengan hasil observasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran didalam kelas belum menggunakan strategi khusus bermuatan kreativitas dan kerjasama. Hasil ini didukung pula dengan observasi kemampuan kreativitas dan kerjasama yang menunjukkan bahwa hampir seluruh indikator belum membudaya pada setiap siswa. Permasalahan ini disebabkan proses pembelajaran hanya menerapkan langkah-langkah pada buku guru sehingga belum terfokus pada strategi pembelajaran khu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, aktivitas dan hasil belajar serta mening... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, aktivitas dan hasil belajar serta meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa melalui keterampilan membaca pemahaman menggunakan kombinasi model DIA, TPS dan Scramble dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V SDN Pemurus Dalam 7 Banjarmasin tahun ajaran 2018/2019 berjumlah 31 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru terlaksana dengan sangat baik. (2) Aktivitas siswa secara klasikal mendapatkan kriteria “hampir seluruh siswa sangat aktif”. (3) Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa berhasil meningkat hingga mendapatkan persentase klasikal 90% dengan kriteria “hampir seluruh siswa sangat kritis”. (4) Hasil belajar siswa secara individu semua tuntas sehingga mendapatkan persentase klasikal 100%.
Abstract: This research describe about how the application of outdoor learning strategy outbound ... more Abstract: This research describe about how the application of outdoor learning strategy outbound variation to improve the creativity and cooperation. This study uses a classroom action research design. The subjects are 5th-graders students of SDN Sungai Miai 7 Banjarmasin . The instrument used in this research is the observation sheet of creativity and student cooperation in the learning process. The result show that aplication outdoor learning strategy outbound variation is carried out with good criteria. Application of the solution in this study can improve creativity and cooperation in phases until more than 70% of students get very good creativity criteria and very good cooperation creativity on the last cycle. Abstrak: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan penerapan strategi outdoor learning divariasi dengan outbound untuk meningkatkan kreativitas dan kerjasama siswa. Jenis penelitian yang dipilih adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas 5 SDN Sungai Miai ...
Masa Pandemi Covid-19 merubah paradigma pembelajaran dari tradisional menuju pembelajaran dalam j... more Masa Pandemi Covid-19 merubah paradigma pembelajaran dari tradisional menuju pembelajaran dalam jaringan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi secara maksimal. Pembelajaran dalam jaringan tidak boleh meninggalkan pengembangan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif sebagai tujuan pendidikan masa depan. Namun belum diketahui pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru dalam merancang pembelajaran bermuatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif untuk menuju era pembelajaran dalam jaringan. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang pengetahuan dan kemampuan mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran bermuatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif pada guru sekolah dasar di kota Banjarmasin untuk menghadapi pembelajaran dalam jaringan pada masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Objek penelitian adalah 200 orang guru sekolah dasar di kota Banjarmasin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya 24,25% dari 200 sampel memiliki pengetahu...
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship
Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended learning ANTASA... more Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI; (2) Kesesuaian penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI; (3) efektifitas penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan memechkan masalah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D . Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SD di Kandangan sebanyak 45 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara, tes, dan angket. Observasi digunakan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penerapan model blended learning, peningkatan berpikir kritis, dan memecahan masalah Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI terdiri dari Auditory, Negotiation, Team, Analysis, Somatic, Administer Information, Role Play dan Interaction on Games; (2) model blended learning ANTASARI layak digunakan sesuai hasil validasi 3 ahli dengan persentase validasi langkah pembelaja...
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship
Penelitian ini menjabarkan tentang efektivitas model blended learning GAWI MANUNTUNG untuk mening... more Penelitian ini menjabarkan tentang efektivitas model blended learning GAWI MANUNTUNG untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi metode penelitian yang terdiri dari metode penelitian pengembangan yang dikembangkan Borg and Gall dan metode penelitian eksperimen. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan sequential data analysis untuk mengetahui kelayakan model, untuk menganalisis keefektifan model terhadap variabel terikat melalui uji Two sample t-Test dan uji N-gain. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SDN Karang Mekar 1 Banjarmasin berjumlah 40 orang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) langkah model GAWI MANUNTUNG meliputi: Group, Analysis and observation, Wondering observation result, Intensive data collection, Making experiment on outdoor, Analysis the result by Negotiation of solution, Using Technology, Necessity intelligences development, Task Product Creation, Unity on presentation and role play, Network Tournament and Games dengan ...
Akhmad riandy agusta, 2018
This research describes the impact of learning process use the outdoor learning strategy outbound... more This research describes the impact of learning process use the outdoor learning strategy outbound variation based on Banjarese local wisdom to improve student's cooperation and environmental care skill. The type of research method was classroom action research, and the research subject were students on Karang Mekar 1 Elementary School. The collection data technique used was the observation instrument of cooperation and environmental care skill, consisting of 4 aspect, the result of this research shows that implementation of outdoor learning strategy outbound variation based on Banjarese local wisdom can improve student's cooperation and environmental care skill gradually until more than 80% of students got very good criteria in the last cycle.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Kombinasi Model Inkuiri, SAVI dan TGT, 2015
Classroom action research here is conducted because the implementation of 2013 curiculum in Sunga... more Classroom action research here is conducted because the implementation of 2013 curiculum in Sungai Miai 7 Elemtary School not maximal yet and the study result is low. This problem happen because the learning process not apply the scientific learning yet, overcome the problem and the learning activity is not attractive and then the student not anthusiastic in learning activity, the student be the passive person and the student scientific attitude potential not carried out maximally, and then it will make the student learning result will be low. For solve this problem I use the combination of Inquiry Learning (IL), Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually (SAVI) dan Team Game Tournament (TGT) by the step like this : a. show the picture tcat have the connection with the learning material; b. orientation, ask the student to give the question about the picture; c. take the student to the group; d. formulate the problem; e. formulate the hypothesis; f. make the activity that involve the sense, movement and physical; g. make the activity that involve the vision; h. collect the data; i. verify the hypothesis; j. make the conclution and presentation; k. make the game; l. make the competition; m. give the reward for the group that get the best score. The purpose of this research is to increase the teacher activity, student activity and the learning result by the implementation of combination Inquiry Learning (IL), Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually (SAVI) and Team Game Tournament (TGT) in class 5B Sungai Miai 7 elementary school Banjarmasin. This research doing by the qualitative approach by the style of classroom action research with the design in two cycle by two meeting in a cycle. The instrument that I use in this research is the teacher’s observation sheet, student’s activity observation sheet and the test to know the learning result in the end of the meeting. The result show that occurred the teaher’s activity is always increase, the student’s activity always increase in evry meeting and the learning result in every meeting always increase with the phases in evaluation 1st cycle and 2nd cycle.