a backstreet post every day of 2008 (original) (raw)
29 October 2011 @ 03:13 pm
So I went to 2 NKOTBSB shows this year.
-6/5 Philadelphia Concert & After party
-7/2 San Jose
Also, be on the look out for my new project coming next year - Jordan366! Just kidding. Maybe. But he is my new boyfriend.
30 September 2010 @ 10:20 am
day 30 - why are you a fan?
Aside from the fact that the the Backstreet Boys themselves are talented, amazing, charming, hilarious, etc., I've made some of the best friends in my life because of them, cheesy as it sounds. I've met a handful of wonderful people that I probably wouldn't have had the blessing and opportunity to meet if they weren't fellow fans. Having the Backstreet Boys as a similar interest opens doors to other interests that eventually evolve into, hopefully, lifelong friendships. Being friends with fans makes all the bullshit in the fandom worth it. I love you all, you know who you are. And also, I've been a fan for over half my life so I really can't imagine it any other way.
Hope you've enjoyed the 30-day return of bsb366! I miss this place every so often so I'll probably pop in sooner or later.
29 September 2010 @ 07:13 am
day 28 - last.fm(if you have one!) backstreet count?
I don't have one, but if I did I'm sure it'd be pretty high. This is my favorite video special though
day 29 - highest song play count on itunes
Prior to my computer crashing a few months ago, it was probably STIAK at 300-400 plays. After transferring the music from my iPhone to my empty iTunes, somehow STMH has 2426 plays. I really do not know how that happened, but yeah.
Posted via m.livejournal.com.
27 September 2010 @ 12:04 am
26 September 2010 @ 06:18 pm
day 26 - biggest backstreet fan you know
What does "biggest fan" mean? Going to the most concerts? Meeting them the most times? Having the most merchandise? Knowing every single word to every song, including Darlin'? I like the way _titch said it: Well obviously I'm going to say myself, aren't I? IDK really, level of fandom is subjective. I would say all my BSB friends are big fans in their own way.
25 September 2010 @ 12:25 pm
day 25 - have you turned other people into fans?
Sure I've had some influence in other people's lives, Backstreet-wise - family, real life friends, maybe random strangers. But I highly doubt I've turned any into fans of the same level as myself. You know, posting about them every day for a year, sacrificing sleep to road trip from San Francisco to Hollywood and back in 24 hours for a show, suffering through GA crowds, etc. I do like when people end their sentences with, "...and I heard/saw the Backstreet Boys and thought of you!" if that counts for anything.
24 September 2010 @ 10:50 am
day 24 - a song that brings back your childhood (if you liked them then)
When my love for them peaked.
23 September 2010 @ 04:13 pm
day 23 - a song that makes you sad
SMTMOBL obviously. Siberia. A lot of NG actually because it helped me get through a breakup... Anyway.
22 September 2010 @ 06:34 pm
day 22 - a song that makes you happy
Lift Me Up & You Can Let Go