yani sri mulyani | Bsi (original) (raw)
Papers by yani sri mulyani
IJCIT (Indonesian Journal on Computer and Information Technology), Dec 3, 2021
Ilmu Komputer, Manajemen dan Sosial Swabumi : Suara Wawasan Sukabumi, Sep 12, 2022
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023
Jurnal Khatulistiwa Informatika
Sistem Manajemen Proyek adalah serangkaian aktivitas berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengend... more Sistem Manajemen Proyek adalah serangkaian aktivitas berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian untuk memastikan agar sasaran waktu, anggaran dan spesifikasi tertentu dalam sebuah pekerjaan yang telah diterapkan dapat tercapai secara efektif dan efesien. Manajemen proyek yang dilakukan saat ini di PT Arya Bakti Saluyu masih dilakukan secara manual. Pengecekan progres proyek dan laporan yang dilakukan secara manual, terkadang menimbulkan kesalahpahaman. Pengecekan atas progress sebuah proyek yang dilakukan dengan turun langsung ke lapangan, tentunya akan membutuhkan banyak waktu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi manajemen proyek (SIMAPRO) berbasis web yang dapat membantu dalam mengelola proyek. Pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis website ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework CodeIgniter dan template bootstrap. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi SIMAPRO berbasis wesite dengan 2 hak akses yaitu direktur dan p...
Rang Teknik Journal
Geographic information systems or GIS are information systems related to geographical features an... more Geographic information systems or GIS are information systems related to geographical features and are used to manipulate and display information in a geographical area. GIS can also be used for mapping, particularly in raw water areas. At the UPTD PSDA Ciwulan-Cilaki River Area, there are problems in managing data on applications for the submission of raw water requests carried out by the community. The applicant was required to send a letter requesting the submission of raw water to the agency, which resulted in the piling up of letters in the archives. Another problem found is that the survey process feels very long and takes days. This aimed of this researched was to design a geographic information system to solve the problem. In this research, the researchers designed a geographic information system mapping the raw water area of Tasikmalaya City based on Android using the Prototype method. The stages in the Prototype method are Communication, Planning, Representation, and Const...
AIP Conference Proceedings
Despite the significant role of determining superior commodity in the regional economic developme... more Despite the significant role of determining superior commodity in the regional economic development, studies addressing this issue in the handicraft products remain scarcely conducted. This study aimed to investigate the superior products of handicraft commodities, including the creative industry of Tasikmalaya city, where the marketers go to foreign countr ies and develop the tourism industry in the Tasikmalaya city. This study used the Simple Additive Weighting(SAW) method to determine the superior commodity in Tasikmalaya city. The researcher had calculated three components to determine the superior commodity. They were capital investment values, production values, and employees. The result of this study revealed that embroidery was a superior commodity in Tasikmalaya city. The data show that embroidery consistently grows every year, with 0.4 capital investment values (K1) 0.3 production values (K2) and 0.3 employess (K3), which means that embroidery has experienced a very good increase compared to other commodities.. Based on the results of data processing and analysis that had been done with the Decision Support System with the SAW method, conclusions colud be drawn Embroidery commodity was a superior product from Tasikmalaya which was in demand by buyers with a V value of 0.4 for Capital Investment Value,0.3 for Production Value and Employees. All these findings confirm that the application of SAW method was meaningful to determine the superior commodity
This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especiall... more This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especially English language education and teaching, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This anthology book will be very useful for teachers, lecturers, students, and education practitioners, especially language education, to gain experience that can be directly practiced in online, face-to-face classes, or a combination of online and faceto-face. Hopefully, this small effort that has great benefits can be continued by IELA (Indonesian English Lecturer Association) in particular and seminar organizers in general to produce important writings containing theoretical and practical ideas that are useful for the advancement of education, especially language education in Indonesia. By sharing this knowledge and experience, we can transfer these smart ideas to fellow teachers and lecturers, researchers, and practitioners to be able to solve some teaching problems with this solution.
Perwira International Journal of Economics & Business
An employee can perform their work based on the demands of the organizational program plan that h... more An employee can perform their work based on the demands of the organizational program plan that has been established, with the aim that all work objectives can be achieved. If the implementation of work can be achieved optimally, it means that the officer has fulfilled his works and obligations in accordance with the established working standards. This research was aimed to analyze how to improve employee work discipline by granting punishment and reward as well as implementing standard operational procedures. The research design used a descriptive and associative study. It is to find out the value of each variable, whether one or more independent in nature without creating a relationship or comparison with other variables. The populations in this study were the employees of Kota Banjar Regional device unit. Simple random sampling technique of 159 people. The results of the research show that Reward, Punishment and SOP together could improve the work discipline.
World Journal of English Language
The present study investigates English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher’s multimedia knowledge... more The present study investigates English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher’s multimedia knowledge and practices in remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, it focuses on determining whether some teachers' demographics (gender, nationality, academic qualification, type of institution, perceptions) correspond to teachers' multimedia knowledge. Secondly, it reveals the teacher’s practices in implementing multimedia in EFL classrooms. This present study surveyed 120 participants (Male=33 and Female=87) from Indonesia (N=108) and outside Indonesia (N=12). They answered a questionnaire to identify their demographic information and took a literacy test to examine their multimedia knowledge. The findings indicate that of the demographics, only gender correlates significantly to teacher’s multimedia knowledge. It was also found that teachers have worked hard to bridge the gaps of remote teaching by implementing multimedia regardless of the barriers they have met. It imp...
Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Sosial dan Teknologi, 2015
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2021
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2021
E-commerce merupakan solusi bagi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil serta menengah dalam menjalankan bisni... more E-commerce merupakan solusi bagi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil serta menengah dalam menjalankan bisnisnya di tengah pademi covid-19 karena UMKM merupakan sektor ekonomi kreatif yang terserang dampaknya. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui bahwa peranan E-commerce sangatlah mendukung bagi kelangsungan hidup bisnis pelaku UMKM dan dalam mengembangkan industri pariwisata di Tasikmalaya .Populasi atau sample yang diambil sebanyak 10 UMKM yang ada di Tasikmalaya yang tersebar di Kota dan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dengan beragam jenis usaha bisnisnya. Metode yang dipakai adalah kualitatif deskritif dimana peneliti mewawancarai pemilik UMKM melalui media sosial dikarenakan maasih pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM) sehingga tidak memungkinkan untuk mewawancarai pemilik UMKM secara langsung. metode penelitian ini dihitung berapa presentase penjualan yang didapat pelaku UMKM. Hasil dari penelitian selama bulan Mei sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2020 bahwa presentasi dapat dilihat meningkat dibulan Juni 11,3 % sd 21,2% ,rata-rata menurun di bulan Juli sd Agustus 9,5 % s.d 15,6% dari bulan September ke Oktober dan rata-rata naiknya diangka 15 % sd 42,5%.Hal ini menunjukan bahwa Ecommerce menjadi solusi bagi pelaku UMKM ditengah masa pademi covid-19 dan merupakan upaya untuk mengembangkan industri pariwisata. Hal itu dapat mengurangi budget pemasaran yang mana kemudahan dan kecanggihan tekhnologi dalam menyampaikan informasi tentang barang dan jasa yang langsung dialamatkan ke tangan konsumen.Sehingga komsumen atau pembeli tinggal memesan dari rumah dan barang langsung diantar ke rumah sesuai pesanan.
A b strak Baju sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya ... more A b strak Baju sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya baju koko yang sering dipakai manusia yang beragama islam. Dalam pembuatan baju khususnya baju koko memerlukan luas bahan kain yang cukup untuk memasangkan sebuah pola baju dengan berbagai ukuran. Pada penelitian ini perlu adanya metode yang tepat dalam mengukur seminimal mungkin luas bahan kain yang dibutuhkan untuk pemasangan pola baju dengan berbagai ukuran yaitu dengan menggunakan algoritma greedy. Algoritma greedy merupakan metode yang paling popular untuk memecahkan permasalahan optimasi, sesuai dengan metode yang digunakan bisa mempermudah produsen baju koko dalam mengetahui ukuran kain yang dibutuhkannya, oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa tahap, tahap pertama menganalisa bagian pola baju yang paling penting, tahap kedua mengukur luas setiap pola pada bagian-bagian baju, tahap ketiga memasang pola ke bahan kain dengan mengoptimalka...
English is the International language which is already to be mastered by everyone in this age. Al... more English is the International language which is already to be mastered by everyone in this age. Almost all aspects of life already need even require that any person can master the English language, but there are still many people who find them difficult for various reasons. By utilizing the technology development, information and communications nowadays, the author intends to create an english education website with waterfall method so that everyone can get the knowledge and the teaching of the English language easily and inexpensively without having to come in state institutions, formal or non- formal, also independent for web users because they do not have to come face to face with a tutor or teacher. In addition, the presence of English education web, everyone can learn English anywhere and anytime. This English education website contains subject matter of elementary school to middle school covering grammar, tenses and vocab with a grain of text, images, videos, articles and pract...
Business strategy carried out by embroidery entrepreneurs in Kawalu Tasikmalaya in marketing its ... more Business strategy carried out by embroidery entrepreneurs in Kawalu Tasikmalaya in marketing its products in advancing the tourist industry in Kawalu Tasikmalaya are Cost Leadership , Cost Leadership, Focus Strategy. The aim of this study is the writers intend to know further about the marketing and strstegies business in embroidery of Kawalu Tasikmalaya in advancing tourist industry. This research was conducted by using qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Research data collected through direct observation and in-depth interview with embroidery owner n UMKM in Tasikmalaya City. Documentations provided to complete the research data obtained from the informants.The Result of this research shows that the business strategy is done by embroidery owners and MSME owners is highly developed so that embroidery products from Kawalu Tasikmalaya can be sent abroad, and the use of social medials and trading tools for marketing embroidery products is very effective.
Didalam dunia seni muncul sejalan dengan diperkenalkannya istilah teknologi informasi dan sistem ... more Didalam dunia seni muncul sejalan dengan diperkenalkannya istilah teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi. Ada banyak cara yang dapat ditempuh untuk mengetahui perkembangan teknologi, salah satu caranya dengan memanfaatkan komputer sebagai sarana untuk pengolahan data dan informasi. Website adalah salah satu teknologi informasi saat ini yang menjadikan masyarakat lebih mudah dan lebih cepat mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Demikian dengan halnya Paguyuban Campaka Ligar ini yang bergerak dibidang seni sunda yang masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempublikasikan dan mempromosikan profil tersebut. Pekerjaan ini bukan tidak mungkin dikerjakan secara manual, tetapi akan lebih efektif dan efisiensi kegiatan tersebut memerlukan teknologi informasi berbasis web. Website ini merupakan langkah terbaik untuk dapat mempromosikan kepada masyarakat, agar informasi Paguyuban Campaka Ligar dapat lebih cepat diakses masyarakat luas. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba mengembangkan suatu sistem inf...
Social media was one proof of the development of world technology. The most widely used types of ... more Social media was one proof of the development of world technology. The most widely used types of social media are facebook, instagram, youtube and others. Social media sites were getting easier to open, making users spent more time making social networks they had not only the teenagers and the elderly, but also the elementary school students, junior high school had been adapted at opening and using social networking sites. This research was conducted at State Junior High School 6 Tasikmalaya with research data of academic year 2017/2018 and data of questionnaires that had been spread to students of SMP Negeri 6 Kota Tasikmalaya. From the data obtained was test prerequisite analysis that was testing the normality of data by using Kolmogorov Smirnov test. As for testing the hypothesis, the method of analysis used Rank Spearman Correlation Method which aimed to know influence of social media on student academic achievement. Hypothesis testing in this study used two-tail test (Two Tail ...
The use of digital technology requires the world of education to transform digital so that studen... more The use of digital technology requires the world of education to transform digital so that students are increasingly in demand. One of them is Islamic Boarding School education which metamorphoses by providing education that is not only oriented towards religious knowledge but broader in the mission of improving the quality of human resources to be able to face a wider real life in accordance with challenges of the times. Various learning methods are applied in order to be able to balance and develop. One of them is the use of the Blended learning method, which is a learning method that combines technology-based learning and information with classroom or face-to-face learning. Combining learning or combining face-to-face, distance learning, and e learning. To implement the method, a study was conducted at the Darul Muta’allimin Islamic Boarding School Middle School to see students’ perceptions. The blended learning model used is the lab rotation model. The results of research students’ perceptions of learning using the blended learning method get a positive response with a value of 65% agree because it provides motivation for students to study hard and is very helpful in learning and the material provided is easy to understand.
Using computer for managing the borrowing state property in Tasikmalaya State Wealth and Auctio... more Using computer for managing the borrowing state property in Tasikmalaya State Wealth and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) has not been optimal yet. This causes the data can not be stored well and need long time to make a report and the goods that are borrowed don’t control well.The Purpose of research is to build Information System that can manage state property in order to the datas can save well and the reports that are needed available fast and accurately at any time. This research was used waterfall method to bulid a effective and accurate system. This research produced information system for borrowing state property. This information system makes it easier for the parties involved in lending state-owned goods and vehicles at KPKNL Tasikmalaya. It is easier for employees to apply for borrowing goods and vehicles and the admin is also easier to control the condition of the borrowed goods. Reports that are needed can be printed anytime quickly and accurately. Penggunaan ...
IJCIT (Indonesian Journal on Computer and Information Technology), Dec 3, 2021
Ilmu Komputer, Manajemen dan Sosial Swabumi : Suara Wawasan Sukabumi, Sep 12, 2022
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023
Jurnal Khatulistiwa Informatika
Sistem Manajemen Proyek adalah serangkaian aktivitas berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengend... more Sistem Manajemen Proyek adalah serangkaian aktivitas berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian untuk memastikan agar sasaran waktu, anggaran dan spesifikasi tertentu dalam sebuah pekerjaan yang telah diterapkan dapat tercapai secara efektif dan efesien. Manajemen proyek yang dilakukan saat ini di PT Arya Bakti Saluyu masih dilakukan secara manual. Pengecekan progres proyek dan laporan yang dilakukan secara manual, terkadang menimbulkan kesalahpahaman. Pengecekan atas progress sebuah proyek yang dilakukan dengan turun langsung ke lapangan, tentunya akan membutuhkan banyak waktu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi manajemen proyek (SIMAPRO) berbasis web yang dapat membantu dalam mengelola proyek. Pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis website ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework CodeIgniter dan template bootstrap. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi SIMAPRO berbasis wesite dengan 2 hak akses yaitu direktur dan p...
Rang Teknik Journal
Geographic information systems or GIS are information systems related to geographical features an... more Geographic information systems or GIS are information systems related to geographical features and are used to manipulate and display information in a geographical area. GIS can also be used for mapping, particularly in raw water areas. At the UPTD PSDA Ciwulan-Cilaki River Area, there are problems in managing data on applications for the submission of raw water requests carried out by the community. The applicant was required to send a letter requesting the submission of raw water to the agency, which resulted in the piling up of letters in the archives. Another problem found is that the survey process feels very long and takes days. This aimed of this researched was to design a geographic information system to solve the problem. In this research, the researchers designed a geographic information system mapping the raw water area of Tasikmalaya City based on Android using the Prototype method. The stages in the Prototype method are Communication, Planning, Representation, and Const...
AIP Conference Proceedings
Despite the significant role of determining superior commodity in the regional economic developme... more Despite the significant role of determining superior commodity in the regional economic development, studies addressing this issue in the handicraft products remain scarcely conducted. This study aimed to investigate the superior products of handicraft commodities, including the creative industry of Tasikmalaya city, where the marketers go to foreign countr ies and develop the tourism industry in the Tasikmalaya city. This study used the Simple Additive Weighting(SAW) method to determine the superior commodity in Tasikmalaya city. The researcher had calculated three components to determine the superior commodity. They were capital investment values, production values, and employees. The result of this study revealed that embroidery was a superior commodity in Tasikmalaya city. The data show that embroidery consistently grows every year, with 0.4 capital investment values (K1) 0.3 production values (K2) and 0.3 employess (K3), which means that embroidery has experienced a very good increase compared to other commodities.. Based on the results of data processing and analysis that had been done with the Decision Support System with the SAW method, conclusions colud be drawn Embroidery commodity was a superior product from Tasikmalaya which was in demand by buyers with a V value of 0.4 for Capital Investment Value,0.3 for Production Value and Employees. All these findings confirm that the application of SAW method was meaningful to determine the superior commodity
This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especiall... more This is a great effort to summarize bright ideas about educational theory and practice, especially English language education and teaching, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This anthology book will be very useful for teachers, lecturers, students, and education practitioners, especially language education, to gain experience that can be directly practiced in online, face-to-face classes, or a combination of online and faceto-face. Hopefully, this small effort that has great benefits can be continued by IELA (Indonesian English Lecturer Association) in particular and seminar organizers in general to produce important writings containing theoretical and practical ideas that are useful for the advancement of education, especially language education in Indonesia. By sharing this knowledge and experience, we can transfer these smart ideas to fellow teachers and lecturers, researchers, and practitioners to be able to solve some teaching problems with this solution.
Perwira International Journal of Economics & Business
An employee can perform their work based on the demands of the organizational program plan that h... more An employee can perform their work based on the demands of the organizational program plan that has been established, with the aim that all work objectives can be achieved. If the implementation of work can be achieved optimally, it means that the officer has fulfilled his works and obligations in accordance with the established working standards. This research was aimed to analyze how to improve employee work discipline by granting punishment and reward as well as implementing standard operational procedures. The research design used a descriptive and associative study. It is to find out the value of each variable, whether one or more independent in nature without creating a relationship or comparison with other variables. The populations in this study were the employees of Kota Banjar Regional device unit. Simple random sampling technique of 159 people. The results of the research show that Reward, Punishment and SOP together could improve the work discipline.
World Journal of English Language
The present study investigates English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher’s multimedia knowledge... more The present study investigates English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher’s multimedia knowledge and practices in remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, it focuses on determining whether some teachers' demographics (gender, nationality, academic qualification, type of institution, perceptions) correspond to teachers' multimedia knowledge. Secondly, it reveals the teacher’s practices in implementing multimedia in EFL classrooms. This present study surveyed 120 participants (Male=33 and Female=87) from Indonesia (N=108) and outside Indonesia (N=12). They answered a questionnaire to identify their demographic information and took a literacy test to examine their multimedia knowledge. The findings indicate that of the demographics, only gender correlates significantly to teacher’s multimedia knowledge. It was also found that teachers have worked hard to bridge the gaps of remote teaching by implementing multimedia regardless of the barriers they have met. It imp...
Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Sosial dan Teknologi, 2015
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2021
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2021
E-commerce merupakan solusi bagi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil serta menengah dalam menjalankan bisni... more E-commerce merupakan solusi bagi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil serta menengah dalam menjalankan bisnisnya di tengah pademi covid-19 karena UMKM merupakan sektor ekonomi kreatif yang terserang dampaknya. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui bahwa peranan E-commerce sangatlah mendukung bagi kelangsungan hidup bisnis pelaku UMKM dan dalam mengembangkan industri pariwisata di Tasikmalaya .Populasi atau sample yang diambil sebanyak 10 UMKM yang ada di Tasikmalaya yang tersebar di Kota dan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dengan beragam jenis usaha bisnisnya. Metode yang dipakai adalah kualitatif deskritif dimana peneliti mewawancarai pemilik UMKM melalui media sosial dikarenakan maasih pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM) sehingga tidak memungkinkan untuk mewawancarai pemilik UMKM secara langsung. metode penelitian ini dihitung berapa presentase penjualan yang didapat pelaku UMKM. Hasil dari penelitian selama bulan Mei sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2020 bahwa presentasi dapat dilihat meningkat dibulan Juni 11,3 % sd 21,2% ,rata-rata menurun di bulan Juli sd Agustus 9,5 % s.d 15,6% dari bulan September ke Oktober dan rata-rata naiknya diangka 15 % sd 42,5%.Hal ini menunjukan bahwa Ecommerce menjadi solusi bagi pelaku UMKM ditengah masa pademi covid-19 dan merupakan upaya untuk mengembangkan industri pariwisata. Hal itu dapat mengurangi budget pemasaran yang mana kemudahan dan kecanggihan tekhnologi dalam menyampaikan informasi tentang barang dan jasa yang langsung dialamatkan ke tangan konsumen.Sehingga komsumen atau pembeli tinggal memesan dari rumah dan barang langsung diantar ke rumah sesuai pesanan.
A b strak Baju sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya ... more A b strak Baju sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya baju koko yang sering dipakai manusia yang beragama islam. Dalam pembuatan baju khususnya baju koko memerlukan luas bahan kain yang cukup untuk memasangkan sebuah pola baju dengan berbagai ukuran. Pada penelitian ini perlu adanya metode yang tepat dalam mengukur seminimal mungkin luas bahan kain yang dibutuhkan untuk pemasangan pola baju dengan berbagai ukuran yaitu dengan menggunakan algoritma greedy. Algoritma greedy merupakan metode yang paling popular untuk memecahkan permasalahan optimasi, sesuai dengan metode yang digunakan bisa mempermudah produsen baju koko dalam mengetahui ukuran kain yang dibutuhkannya, oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa tahap, tahap pertama menganalisa bagian pola baju yang paling penting, tahap kedua mengukur luas setiap pola pada bagian-bagian baju, tahap ketiga memasang pola ke bahan kain dengan mengoptimalka...
English is the International language which is already to be mastered by everyone in this age. Al... more English is the International language which is already to be mastered by everyone in this age. Almost all aspects of life already need even require that any person can master the English language, but there are still many people who find them difficult for various reasons. By utilizing the technology development, information and communications nowadays, the author intends to create an english education website with waterfall method so that everyone can get the knowledge and the teaching of the English language easily and inexpensively without having to come in state institutions, formal or non- formal, also independent for web users because they do not have to come face to face with a tutor or teacher. In addition, the presence of English education web, everyone can learn English anywhere and anytime. This English education website contains subject matter of elementary school to middle school covering grammar, tenses and vocab with a grain of text, images, videos, articles and pract...
Business strategy carried out by embroidery entrepreneurs in Kawalu Tasikmalaya in marketing its ... more Business strategy carried out by embroidery entrepreneurs in Kawalu Tasikmalaya in marketing its products in advancing the tourist industry in Kawalu Tasikmalaya are Cost Leadership , Cost Leadership, Focus Strategy. The aim of this study is the writers intend to know further about the marketing and strstegies business in embroidery of Kawalu Tasikmalaya in advancing tourist industry. This research was conducted by using qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Research data collected through direct observation and in-depth interview with embroidery owner n UMKM in Tasikmalaya City. Documentations provided to complete the research data obtained from the informants.The Result of this research shows that the business strategy is done by embroidery owners and MSME owners is highly developed so that embroidery products from Kawalu Tasikmalaya can be sent abroad, and the use of social medials and trading tools for marketing embroidery products is very effective.
Didalam dunia seni muncul sejalan dengan diperkenalkannya istilah teknologi informasi dan sistem ... more Didalam dunia seni muncul sejalan dengan diperkenalkannya istilah teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi. Ada banyak cara yang dapat ditempuh untuk mengetahui perkembangan teknologi, salah satu caranya dengan memanfaatkan komputer sebagai sarana untuk pengolahan data dan informasi. Website adalah salah satu teknologi informasi saat ini yang menjadikan masyarakat lebih mudah dan lebih cepat mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Demikian dengan halnya Paguyuban Campaka Ligar ini yang bergerak dibidang seni sunda yang masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempublikasikan dan mempromosikan profil tersebut. Pekerjaan ini bukan tidak mungkin dikerjakan secara manual, tetapi akan lebih efektif dan efisiensi kegiatan tersebut memerlukan teknologi informasi berbasis web. Website ini merupakan langkah terbaik untuk dapat mempromosikan kepada masyarakat, agar informasi Paguyuban Campaka Ligar dapat lebih cepat diakses masyarakat luas. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba mengembangkan suatu sistem inf...
Social media was one proof of the development of world technology. The most widely used types of ... more Social media was one proof of the development of world technology. The most widely used types of social media are facebook, instagram, youtube and others. Social media sites were getting easier to open, making users spent more time making social networks they had not only the teenagers and the elderly, but also the elementary school students, junior high school had been adapted at opening and using social networking sites. This research was conducted at State Junior High School 6 Tasikmalaya with research data of academic year 2017/2018 and data of questionnaires that had been spread to students of SMP Negeri 6 Kota Tasikmalaya. From the data obtained was test prerequisite analysis that was testing the normality of data by using Kolmogorov Smirnov test. As for testing the hypothesis, the method of analysis used Rank Spearman Correlation Method which aimed to know influence of social media on student academic achievement. Hypothesis testing in this study used two-tail test (Two Tail ...
The use of digital technology requires the world of education to transform digital so that studen... more The use of digital technology requires the world of education to transform digital so that students are increasingly in demand. One of them is Islamic Boarding School education which metamorphoses by providing education that is not only oriented towards religious knowledge but broader in the mission of improving the quality of human resources to be able to face a wider real life in accordance with challenges of the times. Various learning methods are applied in order to be able to balance and develop. One of them is the use of the Blended learning method, which is a learning method that combines technology-based learning and information with classroom or face-to-face learning. Combining learning or combining face-to-face, distance learning, and e learning. To implement the method, a study was conducted at the Darul Muta’allimin Islamic Boarding School Middle School to see students’ perceptions. The blended learning model used is the lab rotation model. The results of research students’ perceptions of learning using the blended learning method get a positive response with a value of 65% agree because it provides motivation for students to study hard and is very helpful in learning and the material provided is easy to understand.
Using computer for managing the borrowing state property in Tasikmalaya State Wealth and Auctio... more Using computer for managing the borrowing state property in Tasikmalaya State Wealth and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) has not been optimal yet. This causes the data can not be stored well and need long time to make a report and the goods that are borrowed don’t control well.The Purpose of research is to build Information System that can manage state property in order to the datas can save well and the reports that are needed available fast and accurately at any time. This research was used waterfall method to bulid a effective and accurate system. This research produced information system for borrowing state property. This information system makes it easier for the parties involved in lending state-owned goods and vehicles at KPKNL Tasikmalaya. It is easier for employees to apply for borrowing goods and vehicles and the admin is also easier to control the condition of the borrowed goods. Reports that are needed can be printed anytime quickly and accurately. Penggunaan ...