Dzmitry Skvarcheuski | Belarusian State University (original) (raw)
Papers by Dzmitry Skvarcheuski
The article discusses a local mythologic character from Belarusian-Lithuanian borderzone, known a... more The article discusses a local mythologic character from Belarusian-Lithuanian borderzone, known as Siorba, Siarbai and Serbojus. The author considers the issues of the mythonymʼs etymology, the imageʼs origin, the characterʼs attributes and functions. The most probable etymology of the mythonym arises to stem *ser-bh-, actualized in Lithuanian verb ʻsiur̃btiʼ and Belarusian verb ʻsiorbacʼ (eat or drink loudly). That mythologic figure act both as a season spirit and as an embodyment of famine and poverty. The characterʼs description does not allow to univocally designate him to daemonic creatures, he has much in common with spirits of nature and vegetation than with devilry.
Mythological tourism can be singled out as a separate direction of cultural tourism. Tour operato... more Mythological tourism can be singled out as a separate direction of cultural tourism. Tour operators, guides, museums and rural estates use mythology in their activities. The theme of mythology is popular among tourists. The potential of Belarusian mythological tourism has not yet been fully used.
Скворчевский, Д. В. Мифологический туризм в Беларуси: идея и практика / Д. В. Скворчевский // Материалы первой международной научно-практической конференции “Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировое тенденции и региональные контексты”. г. Минск, 28 сентября 2021 г. – Минск : А. Н. Вараксин, 2021. – С. 40–45.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of archeology monuments in tourist activi... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of archeology monuments in tourist activity on the example of hillforts, which are spread throughout the territory of Belarus. The author shows how hillforts can be involved in tourism, highlights the criteria of monuments selection for travel programs and also formulates recommendations for the integration of hillforts into tourist activities.
Skvarcheuski, D. Hillforts: the potential of archaeological monuments in tourism / D. Skvarcheuski // Prospects for the development of tourism in modern conditions: global trends and regional contexts : materials of the III Int. sci.-pract. conf., Minsk, 28 Sept. 2023 / National Agency for Tourism ; ed.: I. Voronovich (chair.) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2023. – P. 94–102.
Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Гарадзішчы: патэнцыял помнікаў археалогіі ў турыстычнай дзейнасці / Д. В. Скварчэўскі // Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировые тенденции и региональные контексты : материалы III Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Минск, 28. сент. 2023 г. / Национальное агентство по туризму ; ред кол.: И. Н. Воронович (предс.) [и др.]. – Минск, 2023. – С. 94–102.
Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Аб’екты сакральнай геаграфіі ў турыстычна-экскурсійнай дзейнасці: метадычныя р... more Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Аб’екты сакральнай геаграфіі ў турыстычна-экскурсійнай дзейнасці: метадычныя рэкамендацыі / Д. В. Скварчэўскі // Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции «Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировые тенденции и региональные контексты» / редкол. И. Н. Воронович (председатель) [и др.]. – Минск : Колорград, 2022. – С. 80–84.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourist potential of the folk celebration Pi... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourist potential of the folk celebration Piatrok in the village of Šypilavičy, Luban district. The customs and rituals of this celebration received the status of intangible cultural heritage of Belarus. The author shows how the celebration
can be can be involved in tourism, ofers a structure and formulates recommendations for the organization of the tourist route.
Skvarcheuski, D. Rites and customs of the Piatrok
celebration in the village of Šypilavičy, Luban district: tourist potential /
D. Skvarcheuski // Prospects for the development of tourism in modern
conditions: global trends and regional contexts : materials of the IV Int.
sci.-pract. conf., Minsk, 27 Sept. 2024 / National Agency for Tourism ; ed.:
I. Voronovich (chair.) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2024. – P. 74–80.
The article is devoted to the attribution of a stone discovered during the clearing of the ruins ... more The article is devoted to the attribution of a stone discovered during the clearing of the ruins of the castle in Halšany. The author suggests its cult character and connects it with the burial ground, on the territory of which the castle was built at the beginning of the 17th century.
Fossilized ploughmen: mytho-ritual semantics of one Belarusian legend about boulders This text e... more Fossilized ploughmen: mytho-ritual semantics of one Belarusian legend about boulders
This text examines the semantics of one of the extended in Belarus legends about sacred boulders: a peasant turns into a stone for work on the Easter holiday. A hypothesis is proposed about the connection with cosmogonic ideas and the rite of the spring new year.
В сборник включены материалы научных трудов участников XVII Международной научно-практической кон... more В сборник включены материалы научных трудов участников XVII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» (г. Могилев, МГУ имени А. А. Кулешова, 21 апреля 2023 г.). Публикуемые материалы отражают многообразие точек зрения по актуальным проблемам религиоведения-истории, философии и социологии религии, свободы совести и государственно-конфессиональных отношений; религии и культуры, образования, языкознания. Ряд материалов публикуется в порядке дискуссии и в авторской редакции. Мнение авторов может не совпадать с позицией редакционного совета. Ответственность за содержание и стиль публикуемых материалов несут авторы. Р36 УДК 2(075.8) ББК 86я73
Belarusian folklore: data and research, 2022
The paper is about the tradition of worshiping the cult stone Volas near the village of Kryzhovka... more The paper is about the tradition of worshiping the cult stone Volas near the village of Kryzhovka, Minsk region. All known published and unpublished information about the cult stone is analyzed. Based on the author’s observations and polls, the modern cult of this boulder is characterized. The worship of the Volas stone is not associated with pre-сhristian times. The cult arose in the end of the 19th – early 20th century. The case of the Volas stone is interesting and peculiar because of combining various rather rare and archaic elements of traditional cult practices. Such an atypical combination may call into question the reliability of known information about the Volas stone. However, as it was shown in the article, the name, topography, motive of the legend, the function of treating animals, donations (towels, wool, horns, tails) and skulls hung on the trees around boulder, find their correspondences both in the Belarusian tradition and among other peoples. It is assumed that originally the boulder was not a place of religious worship of a deity, but was used in ritual and magical folk practices in order to save animals from diseases and protect them from harmful effects. The process of new mythologization, the emergence and evolution of a new custom of worship in the mainstream of modern paganism is clearly traced on the example of the stone Volas. Today this place is considered as the sanctuary of Veles/Volos. The formation of the modern tradition of veneration, as we can see, was influenced by the literary reconstructions of the Veles/Volos cult. Some of the new forms of worship do not contradict popular traditions. This can be explained by the good knowledge of special literature by modern pagans. At the same time, it’s not mechanical reconstruction, but natural worship with the appearance of new meanings.
Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, 2021
Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 2... more Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. For example, the Scandinavian ones are well enough studied, but about the existence of such calendars among Belarusians wasn’t known for a long time. The Russian Museum of Ethnography has a carved calendar from the Sluck County. Today it is the only such Belarusian artifact. The article presents a description of a carved wooden calendar from the Čudzin Village, Sluck County. A brief overview of other calendars of a similar type is shown. The prerequisites for the formation and distribution of such artifacts on the territory of Belarus were studied. The article discusses the sign system used to designate holidays and working periods, which correlate with the calendar tradition of the region. Based on the data obtained, the authors draw conclusion about the local origin of the calendar.
Pre-Christian cult sculpture from the territory of Belarus is described in this paper. The author... more Pre-Christian cult sculpture from the territory of Belarus is described in this paper. The author identifies the main art features, clarifies the classification of idols found in Belarus. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the relationship between stone christian crosses and pagan idols. Anthropomorphic cruciform sculpture should be differentiated as a separate type of idols. This type could have arisen under the influence of christianization and testifies to the interpenetration and adaptation of traditions. The author discusses about the possibility of the existence of art canons of cult pagan sculpture in Belarus and their features
Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Культавая дахрысціянская скульптура на тэрыторыі Беларусі: да пытання існавання выяўленчых канонаў //Счастье не в награде за доблесть, а в самой доблести = Beatitudo nоn est virtutis praemium sed ipsa virtus : материалы междунар. науч. круглого стола, посвящ. 70-летнему юбилею проф. В. А. Федосика, Минск, 9 февр. 2021 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: И. О. Евтухов (гл. ред.), О. И. Малюгин, А. А. Прохоров. – Минск : БГУ, 2021. – С. 239-247.
Dzmitry Skvarcheuski ‘Valačobnaje’ and ‘kalada’ in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: evolution from ... more Dzmitry Skvarcheuski
‘Valačobnaje’ and ‘kalada’ in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: evolution from donation to duty
The article is devoted to duties ‘valačobnaje’ (easter gift) and ‘kalada’ (christmas gift) that peasants and burghers paid to the clergy and landowners. The origins and main characteristics of these duties are revealed by comparing information from written and ethnographic sources. The author concluded that medieval duties are associated with archaic ritual practices, which have survived in a modified form in Belarus to the present day.
Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 2... more Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. For exam ple, the Scandinavian ones are well enough studied, but about the existence of such calendars among Belarusians wasn’t known for a long time. The Russian Museum of Ethnography has a carved calendar from the Sluck County. Today it is the only such Belarusian artifact. The article presents a description of a carved wooden calendar from the Čudzin Village, Sluck County. A brief overview of other calendars of a similar type is shown. The prerequisites for the formation and distribu-tion of such artifacts on the territory of Belarus were studied. The article discusses the sign system used to designate holidays and working periods, which correlate with the calendar tradition of the region. Based on the data obtained, the authors draw conclusion about the local origin of the calendar. Keywords: carved wooden calendar; folk calendar; feast days; graphic sign system.Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to doctor of science (history) deputy director for scientific and innovative work of the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus S. P. Vitsiaz for his help in organising a visit to study the calendar at the Russian Museum of Ethnography and to re-searcher of the highest category at the department of ethnography of Russian people of the Russian Museum of Ethnography O. G. Baranova for providing the opportunity to explore the artifact and for the consultations.
Скварчэўскі, Д.В. Асноўныя падходы да выкарыстання адметных праяў светапогляду і міфалогіі як эле... more Скварчэўскі, Д.В. Асноўныя падходы да выкарыстання адметных праяў светапогляду і міфалогіі як элементаў культурна-пазнавальнага турызму / Д.В. Скварчэўскі // Актуальныя аспекты аховы нематэрыяльных гісторыка-культурных каштоўнасцей : зб. арт. / уклад.: А. Т. Каліноўская, А. В. Гумінская, пад агул. рэд. І. Б. Лапцёнак ; Мін-ва культуры Рэсп. Беларусь ; Беларус. дзярж. ун-т культуры і мастацтваў, Ін-т павыш. кваліф. і перападр. кадраў. – Мінск : БДУКМ, 2020. – С. 41–44.
The article discusses ideas about the edge of the earth in the Belarusians’ traditio... more The article discusses ideas about the edge of the earth in the Belarusians’ traditional worldview. The author considers the semantics of this concept and its role in the traditional worldview. In folk beliefs, the edge of the earth is shown as the border between «this» and «other» world. This term is understood both as a place in the surrounding natural space and as a symbolic place with the characteristics of the other world. The edge of the earth embodies the original unity of heaven and earth, which is characteristic of cosmogony times and the Golden Age.
Статья посвящена представлениям о «крае земли» в мифопоэтической картине мира белорусов. Автор рассматривает семантику данного понятия и его роль в традиционном мировоззрении. В народном сознании край земли является границей между «этим» и «иным» миром, а сам термин понимается и как место в окружающем природном пространстве, и как символический локус, обладающий характеристиками потустороннего мира. Край земли воплощает первоначальное единство неба и земли, что характерно для космогонических времён и Золотого века.
This article is about the development of Christian cosmology in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in t... more This article is about the development of Christian cosmology in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XIV-XVII centuries. The leading cosmological concepts, which were approved by the church (Cosmas Indicopleustes's cosmological model and geocentric (Ptolemaic)), were considered in the paper. The development of astronomy in the Grand Duchy is also characterized in the paper. The church's attitude to astronomy and astrology, which was varied throughout the period, is analyzed. As a result, reasons for changes in cosmological ideas in church circles were identified. It was proved that the development of Christian cosmology is directly depended on the level of development of astronomical knowledge in society. The conclusions in the article describe the process of spread and development of astronomical knowledge in the Grand Duchy.
The article talks about the astronomical phenomena that are described in the Chronicle of Mahilio... more The article talks about the astronomical phenomena that are described in the Chronicle of Mahilioŭ (in Belarusian).
Скварчэўскі, Д.В. Апісанні астранамічных з’яў у Магілёўскай хроніцы Сурты і Трубніцкіх / Д.В. Скварчэўскі // Гісторыя Магілёва: мінулае і сучаснасць : зборнік навуковых прац удзельнікаў VIII Міжнароднай навукова-практычнай канферэнцыі, 26―27 чэрвеня 2013 г., г. Магілёў / укладальнікі: А. М. Бацюкоў, І. А. Пушкін. - Магілёў : УА “МДУХ”, 2013. – С. 335 – 338.
The paper is about the image of the Baltic paganism in the annals and chronicles of the Grand Duc... more The paper is about the image of the Baltic paganism in the annals and chronicles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Natural phenomena, unusual events and mythological ideas in Belarusian memoir literature of the X... more Natural phenomena, unusual events and mythological ideas in Belarusian memoir literature of the XVI – XVII centuries
The article discusses a local mythologic character from Belarusian-Lithuanian borderzone, known a... more The article discusses a local mythologic character from Belarusian-Lithuanian borderzone, known as Siorba, Siarbai and Serbojus. The author considers the issues of the mythonymʼs etymology, the imageʼs origin, the characterʼs attributes and functions. The most probable etymology of the mythonym arises to stem *ser-bh-, actualized in Lithuanian verb ʻsiur̃btiʼ and Belarusian verb ʻsiorbacʼ (eat or drink loudly). That mythologic figure act both as a season spirit and as an embodyment of famine and poverty. The characterʼs description does not allow to univocally designate him to daemonic creatures, he has much in common with spirits of nature and vegetation than with devilry.
Mythological tourism can be singled out as a separate direction of cultural tourism. Tour operato... more Mythological tourism can be singled out as a separate direction of cultural tourism. Tour operators, guides, museums and rural estates use mythology in their activities. The theme of mythology is popular among tourists. The potential of Belarusian mythological tourism has not yet been fully used.
Скворчевский, Д. В. Мифологический туризм в Беларуси: идея и практика / Д. В. Скворчевский // Материалы первой международной научно-практической конференции “Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировое тенденции и региональные контексты”. г. Минск, 28 сентября 2021 г. – Минск : А. Н. Вараксин, 2021. – С. 40–45.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of archeology monuments in tourist activi... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of archeology monuments in tourist activity on the example of hillforts, which are spread throughout the territory of Belarus. The author shows how hillforts can be involved in tourism, highlights the criteria of monuments selection for travel programs and also formulates recommendations for the integration of hillforts into tourist activities.
Skvarcheuski, D. Hillforts: the potential of archaeological monuments in tourism / D. Skvarcheuski // Prospects for the development of tourism in modern conditions: global trends and regional contexts : materials of the III Int. sci.-pract. conf., Minsk, 28 Sept. 2023 / National Agency for Tourism ; ed.: I. Voronovich (chair.) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2023. – P. 94–102.
Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Гарадзішчы: патэнцыял помнікаў археалогіі ў турыстычнай дзейнасці / Д. В. Скварчэўскі // Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировые тенденции и региональные контексты : материалы III Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Минск, 28. сент. 2023 г. / Национальное агентство по туризму ; ред кол.: И. Н. Воронович (предс.) [и др.]. – Минск, 2023. – С. 94–102.
Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Аб’екты сакральнай геаграфіі ў турыстычна-экскурсійнай дзейнасці: метадычныя р... more Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Аб’екты сакральнай геаграфіі ў турыстычна-экскурсійнай дзейнасці: метадычныя рэкамендацыі / Д. В. Скварчэўскі // Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции «Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировые тенденции и региональные контексты» / редкол. И. Н. Воронович (председатель) [и др.]. – Минск : Колорград, 2022. – С. 80–84.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourist potential of the folk celebration Pi... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourist potential of the folk celebration Piatrok in the village of Šypilavičy, Luban district. The customs and rituals of this celebration received the status of intangible cultural heritage of Belarus. The author shows how the celebration
can be can be involved in tourism, ofers a structure and formulates recommendations for the organization of the tourist route.
Skvarcheuski, D. Rites and customs of the Piatrok
celebration in the village of Šypilavičy, Luban district: tourist potential /
D. Skvarcheuski // Prospects for the development of tourism in modern
conditions: global trends and regional contexts : materials of the IV Int.
sci.-pract. conf., Minsk, 27 Sept. 2024 / National Agency for Tourism ; ed.:
I. Voronovich (chair.) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2024. – P. 74–80.
The article is devoted to the attribution of a stone discovered during the clearing of the ruins ... more The article is devoted to the attribution of a stone discovered during the clearing of the ruins of the castle in Halšany. The author suggests its cult character and connects it with the burial ground, on the territory of which the castle was built at the beginning of the 17th century.
Fossilized ploughmen: mytho-ritual semantics of one Belarusian legend about boulders This text e... more Fossilized ploughmen: mytho-ritual semantics of one Belarusian legend about boulders
This text examines the semantics of one of the extended in Belarus legends about sacred boulders: a peasant turns into a stone for work on the Easter holiday. A hypothesis is proposed about the connection with cosmogonic ideas and the rite of the spring new year.
В сборник включены материалы научных трудов участников XVII Международной научно-практической кон... more В сборник включены материалы научных трудов участников XVII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» (г. Могилев, МГУ имени А. А. Кулешова, 21 апреля 2023 г.). Публикуемые материалы отражают многообразие точек зрения по актуальным проблемам религиоведения-истории, философии и социологии религии, свободы совести и государственно-конфессиональных отношений; религии и культуры, образования, языкознания. Ряд материалов публикуется в порядке дискуссии и в авторской редакции. Мнение авторов может не совпадать с позицией редакционного совета. Ответственность за содержание и стиль публикуемых материалов несут авторы. Р36 УДК 2(075.8) ББК 86я73
Belarusian folklore: data and research, 2022
The paper is about the tradition of worshiping the cult stone Volas near the village of Kryzhovka... more The paper is about the tradition of worshiping the cult stone Volas near the village of Kryzhovka, Minsk region. All known published and unpublished information about the cult stone is analyzed. Based on the author’s observations and polls, the modern cult of this boulder is characterized. The worship of the Volas stone is not associated with pre-сhristian times. The cult arose in the end of the 19th – early 20th century. The case of the Volas stone is interesting and peculiar because of combining various rather rare and archaic elements of traditional cult practices. Such an atypical combination may call into question the reliability of known information about the Volas stone. However, as it was shown in the article, the name, topography, motive of the legend, the function of treating animals, donations (towels, wool, horns, tails) and skulls hung on the trees around boulder, find their correspondences both in the Belarusian tradition and among other peoples. It is assumed that originally the boulder was not a place of religious worship of a deity, but was used in ritual and magical folk practices in order to save animals from diseases and protect them from harmful effects. The process of new mythologization, the emergence and evolution of a new custom of worship in the mainstream of modern paganism is clearly traced on the example of the stone Volas. Today this place is considered as the sanctuary of Veles/Volos. The formation of the modern tradition of veneration, as we can see, was influenced by the literary reconstructions of the Veles/Volos cult. Some of the new forms of worship do not contradict popular traditions. This can be explained by the good knowledge of special literature by modern pagans. At the same time, it’s not mechanical reconstruction, but natural worship with the appearance of new meanings.
Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, 2021
Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 2... more Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. For example, the Scandinavian ones are well enough studied, but about the existence of such calendars among Belarusians wasn’t known for a long time. The Russian Museum of Ethnography has a carved calendar from the Sluck County. Today it is the only such Belarusian artifact. The article presents a description of a carved wooden calendar from the Čudzin Village, Sluck County. A brief overview of other calendars of a similar type is shown. The prerequisites for the formation and distribution of such artifacts on the territory of Belarus were studied. The article discusses the sign system used to designate holidays and working periods, which correlate with the calendar tradition of the region. Based on the data obtained, the authors draw conclusion about the local origin of the calendar.
Pre-Christian cult sculpture from the territory of Belarus is described in this paper. The author... more Pre-Christian cult sculpture from the territory of Belarus is described in this paper. The author identifies the main art features, clarifies the classification of idols found in Belarus. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the relationship between stone christian crosses and pagan idols. Anthropomorphic cruciform sculpture should be differentiated as a separate type of idols. This type could have arisen under the influence of christianization and testifies to the interpenetration and adaptation of traditions. The author discusses about the possibility of the existence of art canons of cult pagan sculpture in Belarus and their features
Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Культавая дахрысціянская скульптура на тэрыторыі Беларусі: да пытання існавання выяўленчых канонаў //Счастье не в награде за доблесть, а в самой доблести = Beatitudo nоn est virtutis praemium sed ipsa virtus : материалы междунар. науч. круглого стола, посвящ. 70-летнему юбилею проф. В. А. Федосика, Минск, 9 февр. 2021 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: И. О. Евтухов (гл. ред.), О. И. Малюгин, А. А. Прохоров. – Минск : БГУ, 2021. – С. 239-247.
Dzmitry Skvarcheuski ‘Valačobnaje’ and ‘kalada’ in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: evolution from ... more Dzmitry Skvarcheuski
‘Valačobnaje’ and ‘kalada’ in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: evolution from donation to duty
The article is devoted to duties ‘valačobnaje’ (easter gift) and ‘kalada’ (christmas gift) that peasants and burghers paid to the clergy and landowners. The origins and main characteristics of these duties are revealed by comparing information from written and ethnographic sources. The author concluded that medieval duties are associated with archaic ritual practices, which have survived in a modified form in Belarus to the present day.
Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 2... more Carved wooden calendars were known to many peoples from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. For exam ple, the Scandinavian ones are well enough studied, but about the existence of such calendars among Belarusians wasn’t known for a long time. The Russian Museum of Ethnography has a carved calendar from the Sluck County. Today it is the only such Belarusian artifact. The article presents a description of a carved wooden calendar from the Čudzin Village, Sluck County. A brief overview of other calendars of a similar type is shown. The prerequisites for the formation and distribu-tion of such artifacts on the territory of Belarus were studied. The article discusses the sign system used to designate holidays and working periods, which correlate with the calendar tradition of the region. Based on the data obtained, the authors draw conclusion about the local origin of the calendar. Keywords: carved wooden calendar; folk calendar; feast days; graphic sign system.Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to doctor of science (history) deputy director for scientific and innovative work of the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus S. P. Vitsiaz for his help in organising a visit to study the calendar at the Russian Museum of Ethnography and to re-searcher of the highest category at the department of ethnography of Russian people of the Russian Museum of Ethnography O. G. Baranova for providing the opportunity to explore the artifact and for the consultations.
Скварчэўскі, Д.В. Асноўныя падходы да выкарыстання адметных праяў светапогляду і міфалогіі як эле... more Скварчэўскі, Д.В. Асноўныя падходы да выкарыстання адметных праяў светапогляду і міфалогіі як элементаў культурна-пазнавальнага турызму / Д.В. Скварчэўскі // Актуальныя аспекты аховы нематэрыяльных гісторыка-культурных каштоўнасцей : зб. арт. / уклад.: А. Т. Каліноўская, А. В. Гумінская, пад агул. рэд. І. Б. Лапцёнак ; Мін-ва культуры Рэсп. Беларусь ; Беларус. дзярж. ун-т культуры і мастацтваў, Ін-т павыш. кваліф. і перападр. кадраў. – Мінск : БДУКМ, 2020. – С. 41–44.
The article discusses ideas about the edge of the earth in the Belarusians’ traditio... more The article discusses ideas about the edge of the earth in the Belarusians’ traditional worldview. The author considers the semantics of this concept and its role in the traditional worldview. In folk beliefs, the edge of the earth is shown as the border between «this» and «other» world. This term is understood both as a place in the surrounding natural space and as a symbolic place with the characteristics of the other world. The edge of the earth embodies the original unity of heaven and earth, which is characteristic of cosmogony times and the Golden Age.
Статья посвящена представлениям о «крае земли» в мифопоэтической картине мира белорусов. Автор рассматривает семантику данного понятия и его роль в традиционном мировоззрении. В народном сознании край земли является границей между «этим» и «иным» миром, а сам термин понимается и как место в окружающем природном пространстве, и как символический локус, обладающий характеристиками потустороннего мира. Край земли воплощает первоначальное единство неба и земли, что характерно для космогонических времён и Золотого века.
This article is about the development of Christian cosmology in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in t... more This article is about the development of Christian cosmology in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XIV-XVII centuries. The leading cosmological concepts, which were approved by the church (Cosmas Indicopleustes's cosmological model and geocentric (Ptolemaic)), were considered in the paper. The development of astronomy in the Grand Duchy is also characterized in the paper. The church's attitude to astronomy and astrology, which was varied throughout the period, is analyzed. As a result, reasons for changes in cosmological ideas in church circles were identified. It was proved that the development of Christian cosmology is directly depended on the level of development of astronomical knowledge in society. The conclusions in the article describe the process of spread and development of astronomical knowledge in the Grand Duchy.
The article talks about the astronomical phenomena that are described in the Chronicle of Mahilio... more The article talks about the astronomical phenomena that are described in the Chronicle of Mahilioŭ (in Belarusian).
Скварчэўскі, Д.В. Апісанні астранамічных з’яў у Магілёўскай хроніцы Сурты і Трубніцкіх / Д.В. Скварчэўскі // Гісторыя Магілёва: мінулае і сучаснасць : зборнік навуковых прац удзельнікаў VIII Міжнароднай навукова-практычнай канферэнцыі, 26―27 чэрвеня 2013 г., г. Магілёў / укладальнікі: А. М. Бацюкоў, І. А. Пушкін. - Магілёў : УА “МДУХ”, 2013. – С. 335 – 338.
The paper is about the image of the Baltic paganism in the annals and chronicles of the Grand Duc... more The paper is about the image of the Baltic paganism in the annals and chronicles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Natural phenomena, unusual events and mythological ideas in Belarusian memoir literature of the X... more Natural phenomena, unusual events and mythological ideas in Belarusian memoir literature of the XVI – XVII centuries
Здаўна на землях Беларусі было раскідана шмат валуноў. Сюды іх прынёс ледавік, які ішоў са Сканды... more Здаўна на землях Беларусі было раскідана шмат валуноў. Сюды іх прынёс ледавік, які ішоў са Скандынавіі. Пакланяцца камяням людзі пачалі яшчэ ў першабытнасці: з тых часоў да нас дайшлі павер'і, што камяні могуць расці, шыць адзенне і абутак, лячыць хваробы. А за грахі чалавек і сам можа скамянець. Беларускі фальклор багаты на такія паданні, а навуковае вывучэнне камянёў пачалося ў нас толькі ў канцы XIX стагоддзя. Знакавай падзеяй стала адкрыццё ў 1985 годзе ў Мінску Музея валуноў, для ўнікальнай калекцыі якога ў сталічны раён "Уручча-2" былі звезены больш за дзве тысячы валуноў з ўсёй краіны. Мы прагуляліся па парку ў кампаніі гісторыка і экскурсавода Змітра Скварчэўскага, які расказаў пра самыя незвычайныя экспанаты музея.
Интервью для журнала "On Air"
Скварчэўскі, Зміцер. Па слядах багоў: нарысы беларускай міфалогіі / Зміцер Скварчэўскі ; ілюстра... more Скварчэўскі, Зміцер. Па слядах багоў: нарысы беларускай міфалогіі / Зміцер Скварчэўскі ; ілюстрацыі Ганны Шчуко. — Мінск : Медысонт,
2019. — 160 с.