Viktória P. Horváth | ELTE-BTK (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Viktória P. Horváth

Research paper thumbnail of A jövő (önkéntes) régészei. Fiatalok bevonása Szádvár régészeti kutatásába / Young people involved in the archaeological research of Szádvár Castle. The (volunteer) archaeologists of the future.  Visegrád, 2023. augusztus 16.

The Association of the Friends of Szádvár, founded in 2006, has been organising community archaeo... more The Association of the Friends of Szádvár, founded in 2006, has been organising community archaeological excavations in the area of Szádvár since 2009, under the supervision and guidance of the Herman Ottó Museum of Miskolc. The successful operation of the 17 years of continuous rescue work would not be possible without the involvement of younger generations. The presenation illustrates the participation of university and high school student groups that have been successfully involved in recent years, the organizing process from the idea to implementation, and the latest achievements. We would like to highlight the schools which, year after year, have helped us on the summer excavations.
With this presentation, we would also like to draw attention to the challenges that we face. It is important to raise awareness of the challenges posed by an ever-changing regulatory environment that does not support voluntary, civilian work, plus the lack of clarity in the ownership and management of monuments.

Research paper thumbnail of A MEDIEVAL TANNERY WORKSHOP FROM THE RIVERBANK OF THE DANUBE–Poster for 'Leercongres' in Delft, The Netherlands, 25.10.2019 (co-author: Katalin Rácz-Szabó, Budapest History Museum)

In 2016 a new hotel was planned to be built on the left side of the river Danube, in Hungary's ca... more In 2016 a new hotel was planned to be built on the left side of the river Danube, in Hungary's capital city Budapest. In the Middle Ages the area in question was a part of Pest town, one of the richest towns in the Hungarian Kingdom. Before the construction started the site was excavated by the archaeologists of the Budapest History Museum. Despite the fact that the place was inhabited for centuries, the medieval layers were found unaffected. Fortunately, the wet and muddy soil by the river preserved the metal and leather objects in excellent condition.

Research paper thumbnail of ArQUAYology - New evidence on medieval trade in Pest. IDSCA 2018 Abstracts book

2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology (IDSCA), Zagreb, 26 April 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of A budavári Szent Zsigmond-templom színesfémleletei/Non-ferrous metal finds from the late St. Sigismund church in Buda, Hungary

The St. Sigismund church was built by Hungarian king Sigismund around 1408-1410 to serve royal ne... more The St. Sigismund church was built by Hungarian king Sigismund around 1408-1410 to serve royal needs. During the early years of 1990's several metal objects were found in a 16-century dust pit nearby, which are thought to had been the parts of the equipment and decoration of the church: bronze and copper-alloy objects of a gothic chandelier, candleholders, incense-burners, bookbindings. Besides that, numerous ornaments, costume elements and everyday objects were excavated from the pit, which can be dated to the 15-16.century.

Research paper thumbnail of 14-17. századi színesfémleletek a budavári palotából. Poszter a Fiatal Középkoros Régészek Konferenciáján. Salgótarján, 2015. november 19-21./Non-ferrous metal finds from the Buda Castle. Poster presented on the Young Medieval Archaeologists' Conference on 19-21 November, 2015, Salgótarján, Hungary

Small bronze, copper and lead objects represent the everyday life of the people lived in the 14-1... more Small bronze, copper and lead objects represent the everyday life of the people lived in the 14-17. century Buda castle, especially the working process of the metalworkers and craftsmen. The other findings can show us how people were dressed up, how they dined, and spent their free-time.

Papers by Viktória P. Horváth

Research paper thumbnail of Mágia a római korban: átkok és ráolvasások In: IPM Magazin 2024/11

Interpress Magazin, 2024

Az úgynevezett átoktáblák az ókori vallásossághoz köthető jellegzetes, mágikus régészeti leletek.... more Az úgynevezett átoktáblák az ókori vallásossághoz köthető jellegzetes, mágikus régészeti leletek. Az ólomlapra vésett feliratok célja valamely istenség segítségét kérve valakinek az elátkozása volt, de az átoktáblák mellett ismerünk olyan varázstáblákat is, amelyek szerelmi praktikák eszközéül szolgáltak. Hogyan működtek ezek a rómaiaknál? Mely istenségekhez szóltak leggyakrabban? És mit árulnak el a szövegek a korabeli mindennapokról? „Senki sincs, aki ne félne attól, hogy borzasztó átkokkal megbűvölik” (Plinius, Naturalis Historia, Kr. u. 77–79.)

Research paper thumbnail of "Mudlarking": kincskeresés a Temze partján In: IPM Magazin 2024/10

Interpress Magazin, 2024

London lakói számára közismert az angol mudlarking szó, ami magyarra elég nehezen fordítható le, ... more London lakói számára közismert az angol mudlarking szó, ami magyarra
elég nehezen fordítható le, nagyjából annyit jelent, hogy „iszapban
keresgélés”. A tevékenységet űzők célja, hogy alacsony vízállásnál a
Temze partját járva a folyó által kivetett kincseket, az egykor (akár több
száz évvel azelőtt) ott élt emberek személyes tárgyait, pénzeit, eszközeit
összegyűjtsék – kedvtelésből.

Research paper thumbnail of A tarsolylemezek In: IPM Magazin 2024/9

Interpress Magazin, 2024

A magyar honfoglaláshoz köthető egyik legismertebb tárgytípus a gyakran nemesfémből készült tarso... more A magyar honfoglaláshoz köthető egyik legismertebb tárgytípus a gyakran
nemesfémből készült tarsolylemez, amelyek kiemelkedő tudású fémművesek keze munkáját dicsérik. A Kárpát-medencében a mai napig 29 ilyen tárgyat találtak a régészek, amelyek között nincs két teljesen egyforma alkotás. Hol találták ezeket a tárgyakat? Kik voltak a készítői és a tulajdonosai? Mit jelentenek a különböző díszítések?

Research paper thumbnail of Légből kapott régészet - Rejtélyes növényi jelek a magasból In: IPM Magazin 2024/8

Interpress Magazin, 2024

A földfelszínen megjelenő szabályos, nem ritkán bonyolult alakzatokat formáló, csupán a levegőből... more A földfelszínen megjelenő szabályos, nem ritkán bonyolult alakzatokat formáló, csupán a levegőből kivehető gabonakörök régóta izgatják az emberek fantáziáját, elég csak a máig ismeretlen eredetű, monumentális figurákat megjelenítő, perui Nazca-vonalakat említeni. Kevésbé köztudott, hogy Magyarországon is léteznek olyan szabályosnak tűnő talajjelenségek, amelyek madártávlatból szemlélve mesterségesnek látszanak. A régészetben nagy szerepük van ezeknek a jelenségeknek, általában azt jelzik a szakembereknek, hogy ott van valami a föld alatt. Mégis, mik ezek az alakzatok?

Research paper thumbnail of "Az aranyat és ezüstöt a földbe ásták" Elrejtett kincsleletek a tatárjárás korából In: IPM Magazin 2024/7

Interpress Magazin, 2024

Kevés olyan általánosan ismert, nagy horderejű, sok szempontból végzetesnek bizonyuló eseménye va... more Kevés olyan általánosan ismert, nagy horderejű, sok szempontból végzetesnek bizonyuló eseménye van a magyar történelemnek, mint az 1241–1242. évi tatárjárásként emlegetett mongol támadás- és pusztítássorozat. A kortárs krónikások leírásai és a szerteágazó történészi kutatások ellenére egészen a közelmúltig maradtak olyan nyitott kérdések, amelyekre a régészeti feltárások eredményei tudtak csak választ adni. Ezen régészeti nyomok egyike az a száznál is több, a Kárpát-medence különböző részein előkerült kincslelet, amelyeket a támadás hírére rejtett földbe egykori tulajdonosa, hogy megóvja vagyonát.

Research paper thumbnail of Két középkori tűzcsiholó a Molnár utcából. Two Medieval Fire Strikers from Molnár Street, Budapest.

Budapest Régiségei 53., 2024

In this paper, the authors’ aim is to present the cultural-historical significance of an undeserv... more In this paper, the authors’ aim is to present the cultural-historical significance of an undeservedly
forgotten type of object, the fire striker, of which two pieces were found in the heart of the
medieval city of Pest.
Despite the fact that fire strikers are among the most common finds of medieval settlements
either on excavations or during metal detecting surveys, the archaeological analysis of this type
of artefact is currently missing from the research. From the Migration Period and the Hungarian
Conquest Period, several fire strikers are known, mainly excavated from graves. This custom
generally disappeared during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, when fire strikers
appear mainly in the archaeological material of castles, monasteries and settlements in the
Carpathian Basin.
In Hungarian ethnographical research, from the end of the 19th century until the 1950s many
books and papers were published dealing with this type of object. The Hungarian Museum
of Ethnography has a collection of nearly 400 fire strikers; however, their analysis has not yet
been carried out.
Due to the lucky finding circumstances of the two objects presented above, they can serve as
an important addition to the research of the type, including its dating possibilities. They were
found not far from each other, from the same sediment layer dated with a coin from the middle
of the 15th century, so that the two types can be considered contemporaneous.
Were the objects used here, in the place where they were found? Were they lost or intentionally
discarded? Can their origin be determined, and if so, is it of any significance?

Research paper thumbnail of Traces of an Árpádian-Age Workshop from Iváncsa (Fejér County, Hungary)

Orbis Mediaevalis 4, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of P. Horváth Viktória - Péterváry Tamás: Árpád-kori ötvösség emlékei Homokbödöge határából. / Relics of Árpád Age Metalworking from the Outskirts of Homokbödöge

Folia Archaeologica, 2024

Tanulmányunkban a Veszprém vármegyei Homokbödöge határában, az egykori Bödöge (később Egyházasböd... more Tanulmányunkban a Veszprém vármegyei Homokbödöge határában, az egykori Bödöge (később Egyházasbödöge, ID 8086) falu területén végzett műszeres lelőhelyvizsgálat és leletgyűjtés során előkerült bronztárgyakat-egy pecsétnyomót és két préselőmintát-ismertetünk.
The study presents some bronze finds recovered during a metal detector survey in the area of the one-time Bödöge village (later Egyházasbödöge, ID 8086) on the outskirts of Homokbödöge (Veszprém County).

Research paper thumbnail of A Medieval Tannery Workshop from the Riverbank of the Danube. Archaeological and Historical Leather. Proceedings of the second Leather Conference in the Low Countries  - October 25th Delft 2019

Archeologisch en historisch leer. Bundel van het tweede Leercongres van de Lage Landen - 25 oktober 2019, Delft, 2023

In early 2017, an astonishing number of archaeological finds were unearthed during the excavation... more In early 2017, an astonishing number of archaeological finds were unearthed during the excavation of two sites in Molnár Street (Budapest, Hungary), led by the archaeologists of Budapest History Museum. Excavation became necessary due to the construction works of a new hotel. As the construction took place on a registered archaeological site, and historical monuments of the city were expected to be found, the presence of archaeological professionals became essential. Even though the location was inhabited for centuries, the medieval layers were found unaffected. Fortunately, the wet and muddy soil by the river preserved, in excellent condition, a number of metal and leather objects.

Research paper thumbnail of A civil success: Saving Szádvár

Hungarian archaeology, 2020

Our community, the "Friends for Szádvár Association" (henceforth: Association) was born in 2006, ... more Our community, the "Friends for Szádvár Association" (henceforth: Association) was born in 2006, as an internet forum connecting castle enthusiasts to save one of our decaying medieval castles. The choice of the founding members fell on Szádvár, in the municipality of Szögliget, in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. Although in terms of its area Szádvár is the largest castle in Hungary, it remained almost unknown to the broader public as it is situated at the former border zone-it was closed to the public, and the ruins were also inaccessible, overgrown by vegetation (Fig. 1). This paper introduces the project of the Association and our results, and also tries to illuminate the questions how a community archaeology program started round fifteen years ago, and what are the problems to be faced by anyone who wishes to set out on a similar path.

Research paper thumbnail of Iváncsa, Kandó-rész

Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis, 2021

A Szent István Király Múzeum régészeti kutatásai Fejér megyében, 2021 Archaeological investigati... more A Szent István Király Múzeum régészeti kutatásai Fejér megyében, 2021

Archaeological investigations of the Szent István Király Museum in Fejér County, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Fogaskerékdíszes palack a tűz szolgálatában

Régész Napló MNM NRI, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the riverside of the Danube in the medieval city of Pest

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae , 2023

[See the original paper here:\] ... more [See the original paper here:]

In early 2017, an astonishing number of archaeological finds were unearthed during the excavation of two sites in Molnár Street (Budapest), led by the archaeologists of the Budapest History Museum. As the construction works of a new hotel took place on a registered archaeological site, and historical monuments of the city were expected to be found, the presence of archaeological professionals became essential. Even though the location was inhabited for centuries, the early modern and medieval layers were found unaffected. Because of the nature of the site, the wet and muddy soil layers along the Danube provided a favourable environment for the preservation of organic materials and metals. As the climatic conditions in the Carpathian Basin are less favourable for the survival of organic material, the findings are very special both on a local and a broader regional level. In the Middle Ages, the Danube flowed over a much wider area than it does today. Today’s embankment was often under water due to its proximity to the river, especially in the days before its regulation. The population, accustomed to the threat of spring floods, built their houses much further inland and along the river. Only urban landfills and, in safer times, ports and loading docks were established. The aim of this paper is to specify past ground levels along the river, and changes in the water levels as well as the path of the Danube, with the help of as many environmental archaeological methods as possible. Similar research was already conducted on Margaret Island, in Vác and in Visegrád, so this new case study is hoped to be a useful contribution to reconstructing past landscapes along the river.

Research paper thumbnail of Research Performed on a 12th Century Settlement at a Site at Iváncsa-Kandó-rész

Archaeological Activities and Scientifi c Projects of the Hungarian National Museum, 2022

During spring 2021, prior to the start of a large regional construction project, multi-phase exca... more During spring 2021, prior to the start of a large regional
construction project, multi-phase excavation
was carried out by the Várkapitányság NZrt. near the
boundary of Iváncsa. The excavation work began with
archaeological geophysical survey, which was followed
by test and full-scale excavations (the latter
was carried out in cooperation with the Szent István
Király Museum of Székesfehérvár). During magnetometer
survey of the approximately 150 hectare large
area, in addition to the identification of archaeological
features, observations were also made in relation
to the structure of the settlement.

Research paper thumbnail of Budapest V. kerület Molnár u. 7-9. szám alatti késő középkori bőrcserző műhely mag- és termésmaradványai / Archaeobotanical analyse of the remains of seeds and plants excavated in the Late Medieval tannery workshop in Molnár Street 7-9, Budapest, Hungary (with Ferenc Gyulai)

Budapest Régiségei, 2022

In 2017, a tannery workshop from the turn of the 15-16th centuries was unearthed in the 5th Distr... more In 2017, a tannery workshop from the turn of the 15-16th centuries was unearthed in the 5th District of Budapest, in Molnár Street, which worked for over 300 years. The significance of the excavation which took place on the banks of the Danube is given by the fact that the permanently wet soil layers have preserved the remains of an in situ tannery workshop in an almost intact condition for several centuries.
We tried to collect soil samples from the closed objects and, in several cases, from the grey, silty-sandy layers during the excavation, in order to obtain as much information as possible on land use and dating issues.
During the sludge, drying and microscopic examination of the material from the leather processing pits and the contents of ceramic vessels, 22,150 seeds or fruits of 132 plant species were isolated by archaeobotanist Ferenc Gyulai. The vast majority of the finds are crop and weed residues, but some charred grains have also been found. The layers of mud have preserved more or less reeds, leaves and bark, the latter of which – and especially the bark of the birchtree – must refer to the plant-based tanning. The definition of SE-072 as a soaking pit is supported by the stoneseeds of a significant amount of cherries, peaches, plums and blackberries that may have been used during plant-based tanning.

Research paper thumbnail of A jövő (önkéntes) régészei. Fiatalok bevonása Szádvár régészeti kutatásába / Young people involved in the archaeological research of Szádvár Castle. The (volunteer) archaeologists of the future.  Visegrád, 2023. augusztus 16.

The Association of the Friends of Szádvár, founded in 2006, has been organising community archaeo... more The Association of the Friends of Szádvár, founded in 2006, has been organising community archaeological excavations in the area of Szádvár since 2009, under the supervision and guidance of the Herman Ottó Museum of Miskolc. The successful operation of the 17 years of continuous rescue work would not be possible without the involvement of younger generations. The presenation illustrates the participation of university and high school student groups that have been successfully involved in recent years, the organizing process from the idea to implementation, and the latest achievements. We would like to highlight the schools which, year after year, have helped us on the summer excavations.
With this presentation, we would also like to draw attention to the challenges that we face. It is important to raise awareness of the challenges posed by an ever-changing regulatory environment that does not support voluntary, civilian work, plus the lack of clarity in the ownership and management of monuments.

Research paper thumbnail of A MEDIEVAL TANNERY WORKSHOP FROM THE RIVERBANK OF THE DANUBE–Poster for 'Leercongres' in Delft, The Netherlands, 25.10.2019 (co-author: Katalin Rácz-Szabó, Budapest History Museum)

In 2016 a new hotel was planned to be built on the left side of the river Danube, in Hungary's ca... more In 2016 a new hotel was planned to be built on the left side of the river Danube, in Hungary's capital city Budapest. In the Middle Ages the area in question was a part of Pest town, one of the richest towns in the Hungarian Kingdom. Before the construction started the site was excavated by the archaeologists of the Budapest History Museum. Despite the fact that the place was inhabited for centuries, the medieval layers were found unaffected. Fortunately, the wet and muddy soil by the river preserved the metal and leather objects in excellent condition.

Research paper thumbnail of ArQUAYology - New evidence on medieval trade in Pest. IDSCA 2018 Abstracts book

2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology (IDSCA), Zagreb, 26 April 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of A budavári Szent Zsigmond-templom színesfémleletei/Non-ferrous metal finds from the late St. Sigismund church in Buda, Hungary

The St. Sigismund church was built by Hungarian king Sigismund around 1408-1410 to serve royal ne... more The St. Sigismund church was built by Hungarian king Sigismund around 1408-1410 to serve royal needs. During the early years of 1990's several metal objects were found in a 16-century dust pit nearby, which are thought to had been the parts of the equipment and decoration of the church: bronze and copper-alloy objects of a gothic chandelier, candleholders, incense-burners, bookbindings. Besides that, numerous ornaments, costume elements and everyday objects were excavated from the pit, which can be dated to the 15-16.century.

Research paper thumbnail of 14-17. századi színesfémleletek a budavári palotából. Poszter a Fiatal Középkoros Régészek Konferenciáján. Salgótarján, 2015. november 19-21./Non-ferrous metal finds from the Buda Castle. Poster presented on the Young Medieval Archaeologists' Conference on 19-21 November, 2015, Salgótarján, Hungary

Small bronze, copper and lead objects represent the everyday life of the people lived in the 14-1... more Small bronze, copper and lead objects represent the everyday life of the people lived in the 14-17. century Buda castle, especially the working process of the metalworkers and craftsmen. The other findings can show us how people were dressed up, how they dined, and spent their free-time.

Research paper thumbnail of Mágia a római korban: átkok és ráolvasások In: IPM Magazin 2024/11

Interpress Magazin, 2024

Az úgynevezett átoktáblák az ókori vallásossághoz köthető jellegzetes, mágikus régészeti leletek.... more Az úgynevezett átoktáblák az ókori vallásossághoz köthető jellegzetes, mágikus régészeti leletek. Az ólomlapra vésett feliratok célja valamely istenség segítségét kérve valakinek az elátkozása volt, de az átoktáblák mellett ismerünk olyan varázstáblákat is, amelyek szerelmi praktikák eszközéül szolgáltak. Hogyan működtek ezek a rómaiaknál? Mely istenségekhez szóltak leggyakrabban? És mit árulnak el a szövegek a korabeli mindennapokról? „Senki sincs, aki ne félne attól, hogy borzasztó átkokkal megbűvölik” (Plinius, Naturalis Historia, Kr. u. 77–79.)

Research paper thumbnail of "Mudlarking": kincskeresés a Temze partján In: IPM Magazin 2024/10

Interpress Magazin, 2024

London lakói számára közismert az angol mudlarking szó, ami magyarra elég nehezen fordítható le, ... more London lakói számára közismert az angol mudlarking szó, ami magyarra
elég nehezen fordítható le, nagyjából annyit jelent, hogy „iszapban
keresgélés”. A tevékenységet űzők célja, hogy alacsony vízállásnál a
Temze partját járva a folyó által kivetett kincseket, az egykor (akár több
száz évvel azelőtt) ott élt emberek személyes tárgyait, pénzeit, eszközeit
összegyűjtsék – kedvtelésből.

Research paper thumbnail of A tarsolylemezek In: IPM Magazin 2024/9

Interpress Magazin, 2024

A magyar honfoglaláshoz köthető egyik legismertebb tárgytípus a gyakran nemesfémből készült tarso... more A magyar honfoglaláshoz köthető egyik legismertebb tárgytípus a gyakran
nemesfémből készült tarsolylemez, amelyek kiemelkedő tudású fémművesek keze munkáját dicsérik. A Kárpát-medencében a mai napig 29 ilyen tárgyat találtak a régészek, amelyek között nincs két teljesen egyforma alkotás. Hol találták ezeket a tárgyakat? Kik voltak a készítői és a tulajdonosai? Mit jelentenek a különböző díszítések?

Research paper thumbnail of Légből kapott régészet - Rejtélyes növényi jelek a magasból In: IPM Magazin 2024/8

Interpress Magazin, 2024

A földfelszínen megjelenő szabályos, nem ritkán bonyolult alakzatokat formáló, csupán a levegőből... more A földfelszínen megjelenő szabályos, nem ritkán bonyolult alakzatokat formáló, csupán a levegőből kivehető gabonakörök régóta izgatják az emberek fantáziáját, elég csak a máig ismeretlen eredetű, monumentális figurákat megjelenítő, perui Nazca-vonalakat említeni. Kevésbé köztudott, hogy Magyarországon is léteznek olyan szabályosnak tűnő talajjelenségek, amelyek madártávlatból szemlélve mesterségesnek látszanak. A régészetben nagy szerepük van ezeknek a jelenségeknek, általában azt jelzik a szakembereknek, hogy ott van valami a föld alatt. Mégis, mik ezek az alakzatok?

Research paper thumbnail of "Az aranyat és ezüstöt a földbe ásták" Elrejtett kincsleletek a tatárjárás korából In: IPM Magazin 2024/7

Interpress Magazin, 2024

Kevés olyan általánosan ismert, nagy horderejű, sok szempontból végzetesnek bizonyuló eseménye va... more Kevés olyan általánosan ismert, nagy horderejű, sok szempontból végzetesnek bizonyuló eseménye van a magyar történelemnek, mint az 1241–1242. évi tatárjárásként emlegetett mongol támadás- és pusztítássorozat. A kortárs krónikások leírásai és a szerteágazó történészi kutatások ellenére egészen a közelmúltig maradtak olyan nyitott kérdések, amelyekre a régészeti feltárások eredményei tudtak csak választ adni. Ezen régészeti nyomok egyike az a száznál is több, a Kárpát-medence különböző részein előkerült kincslelet, amelyeket a támadás hírére rejtett földbe egykori tulajdonosa, hogy megóvja vagyonát.

Research paper thumbnail of Két középkori tűzcsiholó a Molnár utcából. Two Medieval Fire Strikers from Molnár Street, Budapest.

Budapest Régiségei 53., 2024

In this paper, the authors’ aim is to present the cultural-historical significance of an undeserv... more In this paper, the authors’ aim is to present the cultural-historical significance of an undeservedly
forgotten type of object, the fire striker, of which two pieces were found in the heart of the
medieval city of Pest.
Despite the fact that fire strikers are among the most common finds of medieval settlements
either on excavations or during metal detecting surveys, the archaeological analysis of this type
of artefact is currently missing from the research. From the Migration Period and the Hungarian
Conquest Period, several fire strikers are known, mainly excavated from graves. This custom
generally disappeared during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, when fire strikers
appear mainly in the archaeological material of castles, monasteries and settlements in the
Carpathian Basin.
In Hungarian ethnographical research, from the end of the 19th century until the 1950s many
books and papers were published dealing with this type of object. The Hungarian Museum
of Ethnography has a collection of nearly 400 fire strikers; however, their analysis has not yet
been carried out.
Due to the lucky finding circumstances of the two objects presented above, they can serve as
an important addition to the research of the type, including its dating possibilities. They were
found not far from each other, from the same sediment layer dated with a coin from the middle
of the 15th century, so that the two types can be considered contemporaneous.
Were the objects used here, in the place where they were found? Were they lost or intentionally
discarded? Can their origin be determined, and if so, is it of any significance?

Research paper thumbnail of Traces of an Árpádian-Age Workshop from Iváncsa (Fejér County, Hungary)

Orbis Mediaevalis 4, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of P. Horváth Viktória - Péterváry Tamás: Árpád-kori ötvösség emlékei Homokbödöge határából. / Relics of Árpád Age Metalworking from the Outskirts of Homokbödöge

Folia Archaeologica, 2024

Tanulmányunkban a Veszprém vármegyei Homokbödöge határában, az egykori Bödöge (később Egyházasböd... more Tanulmányunkban a Veszprém vármegyei Homokbödöge határában, az egykori Bödöge (később Egyházasbödöge, ID 8086) falu területén végzett műszeres lelőhelyvizsgálat és leletgyűjtés során előkerült bronztárgyakat-egy pecsétnyomót és két préselőmintát-ismertetünk.
The study presents some bronze finds recovered during a metal detector survey in the area of the one-time Bödöge village (later Egyházasbödöge, ID 8086) on the outskirts of Homokbödöge (Veszprém County).

Research paper thumbnail of A Medieval Tannery Workshop from the Riverbank of the Danube. Archaeological and Historical Leather. Proceedings of the second Leather Conference in the Low Countries  - October 25th Delft 2019

Archeologisch en historisch leer. Bundel van het tweede Leercongres van de Lage Landen - 25 oktober 2019, Delft, 2023

In early 2017, an astonishing number of archaeological finds were unearthed during the excavation... more In early 2017, an astonishing number of archaeological finds were unearthed during the excavation of two sites in Molnár Street (Budapest, Hungary), led by the archaeologists of Budapest History Museum. Excavation became necessary due to the construction works of a new hotel. As the construction took place on a registered archaeological site, and historical monuments of the city were expected to be found, the presence of archaeological professionals became essential. Even though the location was inhabited for centuries, the medieval layers were found unaffected. Fortunately, the wet and muddy soil by the river preserved, in excellent condition, a number of metal and leather objects.

Research paper thumbnail of A civil success: Saving Szádvár

Hungarian archaeology, 2020

Our community, the "Friends for Szádvár Association" (henceforth: Association) was born in 2006, ... more Our community, the "Friends for Szádvár Association" (henceforth: Association) was born in 2006, as an internet forum connecting castle enthusiasts to save one of our decaying medieval castles. The choice of the founding members fell on Szádvár, in the municipality of Szögliget, in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. Although in terms of its area Szádvár is the largest castle in Hungary, it remained almost unknown to the broader public as it is situated at the former border zone-it was closed to the public, and the ruins were also inaccessible, overgrown by vegetation (Fig. 1). This paper introduces the project of the Association and our results, and also tries to illuminate the questions how a community archaeology program started round fifteen years ago, and what are the problems to be faced by anyone who wishes to set out on a similar path.

Research paper thumbnail of Iváncsa, Kandó-rész

Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis, 2021

A Szent István Király Múzeum régészeti kutatásai Fejér megyében, 2021 Archaeological investigati... more A Szent István Király Múzeum régészeti kutatásai Fejér megyében, 2021

Archaeological investigations of the Szent István Király Museum in Fejér County, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Fogaskerékdíszes palack a tűz szolgálatában

Régész Napló MNM NRI, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the riverside of the Danube in the medieval city of Pest

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae , 2023

[See the original paper here:\] ... more [See the original paper here:]

In early 2017, an astonishing number of archaeological finds were unearthed during the excavation of two sites in Molnár Street (Budapest), led by the archaeologists of the Budapest History Museum. As the construction works of a new hotel took place on a registered archaeological site, and historical monuments of the city were expected to be found, the presence of archaeological professionals became essential. Even though the location was inhabited for centuries, the early modern and medieval layers were found unaffected. Because of the nature of the site, the wet and muddy soil layers along the Danube provided a favourable environment for the preservation of organic materials and metals. As the climatic conditions in the Carpathian Basin are less favourable for the survival of organic material, the findings are very special both on a local and a broader regional level. In the Middle Ages, the Danube flowed over a much wider area than it does today. Today’s embankment was often under water due to its proximity to the river, especially in the days before its regulation. The population, accustomed to the threat of spring floods, built their houses much further inland and along the river. Only urban landfills and, in safer times, ports and loading docks were established. The aim of this paper is to specify past ground levels along the river, and changes in the water levels as well as the path of the Danube, with the help of as many environmental archaeological methods as possible. Similar research was already conducted on Margaret Island, in Vác and in Visegrád, so this new case study is hoped to be a useful contribution to reconstructing past landscapes along the river.

Research paper thumbnail of Research Performed on a 12th Century Settlement at a Site at Iváncsa-Kandó-rész

Archaeological Activities and Scientifi c Projects of the Hungarian National Museum, 2022

During spring 2021, prior to the start of a large regional construction project, multi-phase exca... more During spring 2021, prior to the start of a large regional
construction project, multi-phase excavation
was carried out by the Várkapitányság NZrt. near the
boundary of Iváncsa. The excavation work began with
archaeological geophysical survey, which was followed
by test and full-scale excavations (the latter
was carried out in cooperation with the Szent István
Király Museum of Székesfehérvár). During magnetometer
survey of the approximately 150 hectare large
area, in addition to the identification of archaeological
features, observations were also made in relation
to the structure of the settlement.

Research paper thumbnail of Budapest V. kerület Molnár u. 7-9. szám alatti késő középkori bőrcserző műhely mag- és termésmaradványai / Archaeobotanical analyse of the remains of seeds and plants excavated in the Late Medieval tannery workshop in Molnár Street 7-9, Budapest, Hungary (with Ferenc Gyulai)

Budapest Régiségei, 2022

In 2017, a tannery workshop from the turn of the 15-16th centuries was unearthed in the 5th Distr... more In 2017, a tannery workshop from the turn of the 15-16th centuries was unearthed in the 5th District of Budapest, in Molnár Street, which worked for over 300 years. The significance of the excavation which took place on the banks of the Danube is given by the fact that the permanently wet soil layers have preserved the remains of an in situ tannery workshop in an almost intact condition for several centuries.
We tried to collect soil samples from the closed objects and, in several cases, from the grey, silty-sandy layers during the excavation, in order to obtain as much information as possible on land use and dating issues.
During the sludge, drying and microscopic examination of the material from the leather processing pits and the contents of ceramic vessels, 22,150 seeds or fruits of 132 plant species were isolated by archaeobotanist Ferenc Gyulai. The vast majority of the finds are crop and weed residues, but some charred grains have also been found. The layers of mud have preserved more or less reeds, leaves and bark, the latter of which – and especially the bark of the birchtree – must refer to the plant-based tanning. The definition of SE-072 as a soaking pit is supported by the stoneseeds of a significant amount of cherries, peaches, plums and blackberries that may have been used during plant-based tanning.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Utad értelme nem a cél, hanem a vándorlás". Árpád-kori zarándokjelvény Homokbödögéről [An Arpadian Age pilgrim badge from Homokbödöge, Veszprém County, Hungary]](

Határtalan Régészet, 2022

Péterváry Tamás-P. Horváth Viktória, Határtalan Régészet 2022/1, 80-82.

Research paper thumbnail of Zoltán Rózsa, Viktória P. Horváth, György Kerekes, Rajmund Péter Zsikai: At the Intersection of Border Areas. Traces of an Inn of the 17th and 18th centuries on the Border of Today’s Kaszaper and Végegyháza (Békés County, Hungary)

Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2021

Six years ago, the Nagy Gyula Regional Museum of Orosháza made a cooperation agreement with nine ... more Six years ago, the Nagy Gyula Regional Museum of Orosháza made a cooperation agreement
with nine metal detectorists. Since then, the relationship between the professionals and the volunteers has been
excellent, in fact, exemplary: participants are doing the collecting and recording work in collaboration, as well
as the presentation of the results. This paper is also a product of thinking together. The authors would like to
present the finds of a building on a significant archaeological site collected by metal detectorists. This object is
located on the border of today’s Kaszaper and Végegyháza. Its “operation time” can also be considered a border
area because it existed at the intersection of archaeological and ethnographical periods. However, as we will see,
these borders do not separate, but more likely connect space and time either, as well as the representatives of
metal detectorists and professional archaeologists.

Research paper thumbnail of New evidence on medieval trade and journey in Pest (Budapest, Hungary). Knives, scabbards and pilgrim badges.


In 2017, the Budapest History Museum carried out an excavation near the Danube, on the left side,... more In 2017, the Budapest History Museum carried out an excavation near the Danube, on the left side, in the so-called medieval Pest town. In the beginning, hardly anyone could imagine the later results, which gave the archaeologists new exciting data in connection with the medieval topography and the hypothetic function of the site.
In the Middle Ages, Pest was a rich and independent town with a self-government. As the modern city is quite built-in since centuries, it is very hard and complicated to explore the past memories of the area. So it was a great opportunity to examine a specific microsite, and paint the picture of a medieval quay of the Danube.
Besides that, plenty of organic matter remained to us due to the wet environment, especially objects of leather, textile and wood. With the help of the emerging archaeological phenomena, the researchers were able to specify a tannery worked for a long time. Because of fortunate circumstances, several metal findings were also excavated in excellent condition. The objects represent the everyday life of medieval people, and with many other traces refer to distance trading.
The aim of this research is to collect what do we know about the commerce of the medieval Pest town, and which objects, traces and phenomena could be linked to distance trading.

[Research paper thumbnail of Kések díszítőelemei és egyéb alkatrészei. Töredékek 2021/1. [Elements and Pieces of the Knives]](

Töredékek, 2021

Kopáncs falu fémleletei.

Research paper thumbnail of Egy Árpád-kori "szálláshely" régészeti kutatása. Archaeological research on an "accomodation place" of Árpádian Age

Határtalan Régészet, 2021

In the Spring of 2021, we carried out a research of a multi-phase archaeological site before the ... more In the Spring of 2021, we carried out a research of a multi-phase archaeological site before the construction works of a new factory near Iváncsa, Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of I. Kaić, M. Cvetko, H. Tomas (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology (IDSCA), Zagreb 2021.

I. Kaić, M. Cvetko, H. Tomas (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology (IDSCA), Zagreb 2021., 2021

U zborniku su prikazani rezultati istraživanja vezanih uz teme doktorskih radova autora koji su 2... more U zborniku su prikazani rezultati istraživanja vezanih uz teme doktorskih radova autora koji su 2015. i 2018. godine sudjelovali na međunarodnom skupu International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology (IDSCA). Skupove je organizirao Arheološki zavod Odsjeka za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.