btvs_ats_3somes - Profile (original) (raw)

This is a community for threesome, foursome, and moresome fics from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. Posting is open (you can post anything at any time, regardless of monthly themes/challenges/ficathons), and we will have occasional themed months/challenges to write specific "pairings" as well.

There WILL be content that is rated NC-17. There will be sex. There will be violence (They're vampires, people). There will be kink. There will be underage sex. If any of this offends you, please do not join the community! None of the community members are advocating anything illegal by writing/posting fic in this community. It's called fiction for a reason!

Community membership is no longer moderated, as the new LJ flagging system should automatically prohibit those users who are under the legal age from joining. However, all posts will still remain f-locked for the moment.

Now, for the rules:
1. Do NOT post plagiarized fic here! Doing so will get you banned, reported to stop_plagiarism, and I will personally pass your username along to every other fandom moderator I know. It's rude, it's pathetic, it's wrong, and it will not be tolerated. This is your only warning!

2. Please don't post your WIP here if you are not positive that it is going to be a multiple partners fic. Friendship does not count (exception for prequels/sequels to an already started or completed story that is multiple partners). There are many other communities that are appropriate for fics that aren't multiple partners.

3. Fic posted here does not have to be new! It can be something that you wrote last night, last year, or as soon as you saw the 1st season of Buffy.

4. If you post your fic here, you grant the community owner/moderator permission to back up your fic to her harddrive in case of malfunction, strikeout repeats, etc. I really don't want us to lose our community if something unthinkable happens.

5. Warnings are required for the following: Incest, Rape, Pedophilia, and EXTREME graphic torture in all of their variations (attempted, actual, etc.). I will not censor anything content-wise, but I do ask that we all police ourselves by using the warning system.

6. Please tag your fics, using the tags provided. If there isn't a tag for your fic's relationship, tag it with Other Multiple Partners and drop me a comment in a mod post so that I can add your tag.

7. LEAVE FEEDBACK, but please DO NOT FLAME! If your feedback is extremely critical/negative it should be emailed to the author, not posted in the comments. Flaming will result in a warning for your first offense, and banning for your second.

8. Crossovers and Original Characters are more than welcome. Human AU fic is welcome.

9. Please use an LJ cut for large images and/or long posts.

angel, angel the series, angel/dawn/xander, angel/willow/dawn, ats, btvs, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, buffy/faith/angel, buffy/willow/cordelia, faith/anya/giles, fanart, fanfic, fanged four, ot3, spike/angel/darla/drusilla, spike/angel/xander/doyle, spike/anya/tara, spike/buffy/angel, spike/buffy/faith, spike/dawn/angel, spike/drusilla/angel, spike/giles/xander, spike/tara/willow, spike/willow/angel, spike/xander/angel, spike/xander/anya, spike/xander/dawn, tara/willow/oz, threesome fic, wes/faith/angel, wes/fred/gunn, whedonverse, xander/wesley/spike