BtVS/Angel/Harry Potter Crossovers! (original) (raw)

16 February 2013 @ 06:55 pm

A Crossover Prompt Event for Fanart & Fanfiction

Any kind of Crossover can be requested and afterwards filled by whoever would like to do it.

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!!

Prompt: heart

*posted with permission from the mod

On Sunday, May 1, 2011, we kicked off our FIRST SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Charity Fundraiser Auction! You can access the various offer threads by clicking on the image above.

All of the proceeds gathered from this auction and charity event have one purpose, and one purpose only: to prevent SIDS from affecting families.

Please come and help participate! No family should ever have to experience this tragedy!

Title: Tragic
Author: nerafic aka cantinera
Pairing: Sirius/Cordy
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Takes sometime before OotP & During S1-3 of BTVS.

( Tragic )

Title: Chase’s Diagon Experience
Author: [[info]]([**kanedax**](
Pairings: Fred Weasley/Cordelia Chase & mentions of Willow/Tara, Harry/Ginny, Luna/Neville, Angel/Cordy (one-side), Angel/Buffy (past),
Rating: PG-13 for mild language
Warnings/Spoilers: Buffy Season 5, Angel Season 2. Post AU!HP7. (made before DH was published)
Author's Notes: This pairing is tenuous at best. I wanted to make this as conceivable as possible, considering that I’m dealing with two universes where 1) Magic work differently, and 2) one is mentioned as pop culture in the other. In the end, this story is more about linking the Buffy and Potter universes coherently, and is also my last shot at writing a “End of Potter” storyline before TDH comes out in three weeks and blows it into the realm of Alternate Universe. But there is definite Cordy/Fred flirtation. I don’t own any characters in the Potter or Buffy universes. Those are Rowling’s and they are Whedon’s. I’m just poking them with sticks. Or wands. Or stakes. Who knows?

( Chase's Diagon Experience... )

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!! Prompt: daughter

28 January 2011 @ 09:27 pm

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!! Prompt: heart

{Banner by EgSparks} Title: The Last Straw... Pairing: Cordelia/Draco
Characters: Cordelia Chase, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Voldemort, Belatrix...
Song: You'r not Sorry By- Taylor Swift
Category: Angst, Drama, Action, AU ...
Summary: HAD TO MAKE ONE WHIT THEM... SO HERE'S MY CORDELIA\DRACO vid. Both are in a relationship already and because Draco became an Death eater, it break them and destroy their relationship.

Current Mood: relaxedrelaxed

Please comment if you take anything. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE MANIP WITHOUT ASKING!

[01] Angel(us)/Hermione manip [22] Angel(us)/Hermione icons [02] Booth/Hermione icons ^TEASER^

( hermione/booth & hermione/angel(us) is love >>> )

absence_oflight, a Buffyverse awards site dedicated to angsty and/or dark fiction, is looking for Crossover Noms!

Crossovers between BtVS/Ats and any fandom are accepted, the only stipulations are that it must be 1000 words or more and it must be angsty or dark!

Absence of Light Awards

Check out the Rules, then Nominate!