btvs_hush - Profile (original) (raw)

Layout by dragonydreams

Welcome to the btvs_hush textless icon community, based on the ats_hush community created by damnskippytoo and angellicious. Your moderator is dragonydreams.

Screencaps from Screencap Paradise

If you would like to become an affiliate, please comment here.



The Rules:

1. Your icon(s) must conform to the Live Journal standards: no larger than 100x100 and 40 kb or less.

2. Icons should be still (not animated).

3. There should be NO TEXT on the icons or writing of any kind (not even in the background from a brush). This ban includes unreadable, tiny text brushes. If a person can tell it's supposed to be text, then it cannot be used.

4. Brushes, templates, backgrounds, etc. are permitted as long as there is NO TEXT.

5. Do not combine (blend) different caps and do not add outside images unless otherwise specified in the challenge. You may repeat the cap or a portion of the cap on the same icon.

6. Submit your icon(s) as a comment to the challenge post. Post your icon as an image and put the url for the image below it. All entries will be screened. Example:

7. Do not post your icon in your journal or other places prior to the winners announcement.

8. Enter only newly created icons - not something you've had in your basement for a year.

9. Unless otherwise specified you can enter one icon for each cap/base given.

10. You can only use images from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, icons using screencaps and/or characters from Angel the Series will be disqualified.

The Challenges:

1. Challenges will vary, there will be bases, caps, and/or themes. Requirements will be explained when challenges are posted.

2. You must be a member to submit an icon but voting is open to everyone.

3. There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place as well as a Mods choice when there is an icon that I feel deserves special mention.

Challenge Timeline:

Challenge Posted: Wednesdays.
Deadline for submitting icons: Tuesday 8pm EST.
Voting deadline: Sunday 8pm EST.
New challenges will be posted during voting.