Buddhist Moms, Dads and other parental types :) (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inbuddhistmoms' LiveJournal:

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

1:52 pm

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

7:05 am

Why are we not happy? Because we are much more concerned over things which are more powerful to make us unhappy than truth is to make us happy, in that we remember truth so slightly.
– Saint Augustine

Monday, October 20th, 2008

3:20 pm

From the absent-minded mod. ;) We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them.
- Buddha

Monday, September 29th, 2008

11:46 am

Note: I was given a "pray for 40 days challenge" from someone on my friends list. Thought I would share today's entry with you. :)

Now with more fun :)

From Joe Z
Wanted: Inner Revolutionaries More than two centuries ago our founding fathers promised us That Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Was the birthright of every American citizen

What does that mean now in the twenty-first century?

The life of the planet and every species is in peril Civil liberties are vanishing everyday And how happy are we, really?

Why are we most often called consumers rather than citizens?

Technology, green or otherwise, will not solve this problem Neither will more production nor more consumption Only an Inner Revolution of Consciousness will turn things around

And it begins with you, right now, if you are ready and willing

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

10:38 am

Buddhist Thought of the Day A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden. - Buddha

Monday, September 15th, 2008

9:19 pm

More from Joe Z Pre-Election Depression

You wrote in your email during the run up to the election: I can't seem to crawl out of the deep depression This has caused me to feel. This country seems more like an insane asylum all the time...

Well, I've really learned from the Tibetans How to deal with deep darkness like this

The Dalai Lama spends time Every morning Visualizing a peaceful, free Tibet With all the monasteries rebuilt and thriving

He's still in exile and his vision hasn't materialized yet But look at how happy he is-- And what a beacon of sanity! So, why not give it a try? You have absolutely nothing to lose--nothing but the blues

x-posted in my journal

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

11:47 pm

Buddhist Thought of the Day Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Friday, September 5th, 2008

9:12 am

Buddhist Thought of the Day There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth -- not going all the way, and not starting. - Buddha

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

10:30 pm

Zen and the art of cooking... I just got this book from the library today, and have been soaking it in.

A quote that I read has really been sitting in my heart, and I wanted some more thoughts on it.

"Do not seek the truth, only cease to cherish opinion." - Zen saying

While I understand it on the level of seeking inner wisdom, I'm not sure I fully understand it. Does this mean that to find truth one must stop holding value in the opinions of others?

This quote comes on a day when I've been trying really hard to wrap my head around the us/them mentality I see so much of these days.

Thanks in advance.

(x-posted to buddhists)

Monday, September 1st, 2008

4:30 pm

=) Happy Labor Day :) Okay...

So, what I will do is post a weekly discussion topic, a few quotes and other things I find online. This helps me, too, as we are homeschoolers...and this is a great way for me to save links and such. :)

I've just started, again, the Tao of Motherhood if any of you would be interested in reading it together. Another one I'd like to read in a group is How to Practice by HHDL.

Without further ado...here is a discussion topic. (we have been talking about this with the kids)

How to you explain Buddhism to Christians? Do you feel uncomfortable in your path as a Buddhist when question by Christians? Is there a way you can blend the two, like with Thich Nhat Hanh's book about Jesus and Buddha, so that both faith systems feel at ease?

The little ones just called, so I'll post my thoughts in the comments once they are all asleep. ;)

Om Mani Padme Hum

Saturday, August 30th, 2008

8:07 am

Things you would like to see from this community :) Yeah! I'm so glad folks are still here. =)

Quickly, as I have a baby in my lap...

What are some things you would like to see here? Quotes, resources, book suggestions, reading groups?

Just let me know :0)

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Kim :)

Friday, August 29th, 2008

7:07 am

Greetings from your friendly Mod :) Good Morning!

Just wanted to know if folks are still on this community or not. :) Sorry it has laid so quiet for so long.

Be well,
aka dharmamomma

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

2:57 pm

Interesting things at Dharma School today Dharma school is our Sunday school for children 3 and up at our Buddhist Center.

When Lama Chuck asked me to be a part of it, I did not want to becuase I wanted to wait until I was done with school -Until I was a certified Elementary and Special Ed teacher. Lama Chuck wouldn't have it. They needed me now; if I didn't sign up the other moms wouldn't do it, they needed at least 4 moms. So, I signed up half-heartedly.

Now, I am really glad I choose to do it. Now, I do it whole heartedly. Last night I was up until 2 am working on my homework and I was still energized enough to get up at 7 am to get ready to go in to the Dharma School. We were still late.
What I have found is that I have an excellent opportunity to use what I am learning in my Ed classes on a weekly basis.
I really think I make a difference and this makes a difference in my life as well.

Today we had a mom who wanted to observe, because she thought her 10 year old son was too old to be up there and that he should be downstairs with her for 2 hours sitting on a cushion. Immediately, I began throwing out teacher lingo about differentiated learning and the multi levels of Buddhism. The child really wanted to stay upstairs with us. Yes, he is 10. Yes, he is mature for his age, but sitting on a cushion for two hours chanting mantras, doing meditations, and listening to the dharma talk is just too much for someone not old enough to drive a car!
In fact, I do not know if I will ever go back downstairs to service again. I am so rewarded by helping the children.

Perhaps I should say that as an Elementary and Special Ed major I work to make everything we do in the Dharma School highly kinesthetic with total child participation. We rarely have the children sitting on a cushion just listening without interacting with them directly. Every Sunday we give offerings, do prostrations, do yoga or Tai Chi, meditation, read a dharma story, and perform an activity that goes along with the dharma story. We end with a song and dedication of merit. So we, Dharma Mommies, really work to create a fun atmosphere for the children.

Even the strict mom whose child is too quite to seem real has learned through my modeling to interact with the children to teach them rules and boundaries rather than barking orders at them.

So, at the end of the session, the mom who wasn't sure he son should be in Dharma School rather than at the service volunteered to help out with the Dharma school and help us clean.

Current Mood: contemplative

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

9:41 pm

World Breastfeeding Week In Tucson Az The festivities begin at 7 am tomorrow morning
Aug 3,2007
with a walk to save
Awareness Walk
Breastfeeding Health Fair 8:30 am- 11:30 am
Door prizes, givaways
Free Food
Information tables
Abrams Health Center 3950 S. Country Club Rd.

What is happening in other parts of the country / world?

Monday, June 4th, 2007

1:45 pm

Question This past weekend I was in a Dzogchen retreat with Wangdor Rinpoche and he had us chant several prayers with him. After translation, the seemed to be the same as my daily practice. I was wondering if anyone knows where to find the Refuge vows, Four Immeasurables, The Seven Limbed Prayer, Brief Mandala Offering and Dedication of Merit in both Tibetan and English?

I had such a hard time keeping up and it would be nice to be able to do so when the next teacher comes into town!

Thanks in advance!

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

8:39 am

I've had this realization this morning, but I can't honestly communicate it... and if I did what would it mean to the person reading it anyway? Certainly not what it meant to me. So I guess I'm posting this to say hello, good morning, how are you? :)

I do have a question which just came up yesterday though. My 7 year old daughter's hamster died last night and I (in attempts to raise her in a taoist/buddhist mindset while leaving her the option to choose her own beliefs) asked her, as we were burrying him what she thought might happen next. She said that she hoped he'd come back and be her hamster again because he was very good at it. Then we covered up his little grave with all of his favorite things (his wheel, his food dish) and she sprinkled his water bottle over the top (her idea). Then she came inside and drew some happy pictures of him.

I'm wondering... in regards to pets and children, what would a proper buddhist do in this situation? How do proper buddhists deal with the death of a pet? How would they explain the whole thing to their youngish kid? Would a real buddhist even have a pet??

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

9:01 am

my daughter will be having oral surgery this week. she's been in a horrible amount of pain and i am worried and scared. i have struggled since she was born with the concept of non-attachment in regards to my love for her, but if, in buddhist terms, love is wishing others to be happy and compassion is wishing others to be free of suffering, my love for her is not attached, but it is still causing me pain and suffering. is this still attachment? i suspect that my fear is rooted in attachment, but i don't believe my love and compassion are, yet they are the source of so much pain because no matter how much i wish that she were not suffering and unhappy, she is. is this just a case of samsara is pain?

xposted to buddhists and personal journal

Friday, April 13th, 2007

6:22 pm

Question How do you seperate yourself from the stresses of daily life ... especially concerning money and the ability to survive?

This has been plaguing me for a bit.


Thursday, March 8th, 2007

11:49 am



I want to introduce myself since I’ve never posted at this community before.

I’m completely new this whole live journal thing, my fiancé got me interested and so far from just watching I think this is an awesome thing to be involved in.

Current Mood: excited

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

5:25 pm

Pardon me, [Interview] I was just wondering if someone could help me. I am writing a comparison essay on parenting skills. I need people to answer the following questions and I'll have to pick a two to write about. Here our the outline questions I was given.

Parent Questions

# of Children: Ages of Children:

Describe the single greatest responsibility of parenting:

What is the greatest reward of being a parent?

Where do (did) you obtain your most helpful sources for developing parenting skills?

How is the world different today for your children compared to when you were a child?

Why is parenting education important?

You may add whatever else you'd like.
Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate this. :]
Have a stupendous week.

Current Mood: hopeful