Parkside Candy Co. (original) (raw)

Photos - Exterior

2017 Photos -


National Register Nomination:

Candy and Candy Manufacturing

The Neighborhood around the Parkside Candy Company: University Heights

The Architect: G. Morton Wolfe

See also:

The Original Parkside Candy Location

History of University Heights by James Napora

Parkside and Central Park by James Napora

The Parkside Candy Shoppe and Factory is locally significant as a largely intact example of an early twentieth-century confectionary production and sales facility. The buildings are significant under criteria A in the area of commerce for their associations with Buffalo's commercial history for more than 80 years. The store and factory complex is a good representative example of the type of independent candy store and candy manufacturer that frequently existed in American cities. The buildings are also significant under C as intact representatives of commercial and manufacturing buildings, and the store is additionally notable for its outstanding Adam Revival interior design.

- National Register Nomination