Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, July 24-27, 2024 (original) (raw)


Kingdom Animalia (Animals)

Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)

No Taxon (BugGuide gatherings and events)

No Taxon Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, July 24-27, 2024


To add images of insects taken during the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Gathering, upload them like normal but put "gathering_2024" in the Remarks or Identifier field. Note that these will not appear immediately in search results but will eventually as the search function picks them up.

Images of people, places, and non-bugs do not need the gathering_2024 tag identifier since they will all be posted directly to Images tab of the page you are currently reading. To add a picture of Idaho 2024 activity, go to the Images tab and then click "add image". Initial images posted precede the gathering itself, and were provided for planning purposes.

Some postings resulting from the gathering represent the first contribution of that taxon to Bugguide. They are identified by putting both "gathering_2024" and "BG1" in the Remarks or Identifier field. Please add both keywords if yours qualifies, so they will show up with the above search.

Many postings resulting from the gathering represent the first Idaho contribution of that taxon to Bugguide. They are identified by putting both "gathering_2024" and "ID1" in the Remarks or Identifier field. Please add both keywords if yours qualifies, so they will show up with the above search.

Many postings resulting from the gathering represent the first Washington contribution of that taxon to Bugguide. They are identified by putting both "gathering_2024" and "WA1" in the Remarks or Identifier field. Please add both keywords if yours qualifies, so they will show up with the above search.

Gathering participants were privileged to survey the Palouse Prairie section of the Coeur d'Alene tribal land (see non-insect images from the Gathering for photos of the Palouse Prairie). Insect images are identified by putting both "gathering_2024" and "Palouse_Prairie" in the Remarks or Identifier field. Please add both keywords if yours qualifies, so they will show up with the above search.

Contributed by John VanDyk on 6 January, 2024 - 9:53am
Additional contributions by Tim Moyer, John Schneider
Last updated 24 August, 2024 - 10:51am