Bui Power Authority leads the way for floating solar Installation in the West African Sub-Region (original) (raw)

In June 2023, Bui Power Authority (BPA), accomplished another significant achievement with the successful completion of the installation of a groundbreaking 5 Megawatt Floating Solar Facility at its Bui Generating Station in the Bono Region. This project is the first of its kind in the West African sub-region and involves deploying photovoltaic modules on water infrastructures, optimizing land usage and improving module efficiency. By occupying approximately 8.5 acres of space on the Bui water reservoir, this 5MWp installation achieves the same power production that would have required 19.35 acres of land, resulting in over 50% of land space saving.

The bi-focal solar panels used in this project ensures the absorption of solar radiation from both sides of the panels thereby increasing the energy output by 19%. Another unique benefit of the floating solar system is the cooling effect of the water on the panel temperature resulting in higher performance efficiency. Floating solar system avoids the need to cut down trees as against the case of the land based solar system there by reducing the need for extensive deforestation. Additionally, these panels create a favorable environment for fish spawning underneath, promoting fingerling production and supporting aquatic ecosystems.

The completion of this floating solar installation is a testament to BPA’s unwavering commitment as leaders of renewable energy. This project also contributes to delivering on the promise in our National Energy plan to increase the penetration of renewable energy by 10% by 2030

The 5 Megawatt Floating Solar plant is also part of the successful implementation of the Bui Hydro-Solar Hybrid (HSH) system, a significant milestone for Ghana within the West African sub-region. This innovative system in addition to the already existing 50MWp land based solar farm is the largest farm so far in Ghana. The combined generation from 404MW hydro plant and 55MWp solar plants, further advances the region’s renewable energy capabilities.

Electricity generation from solar is intermittent and to ensure that the national grid system is not interrupted by the fluctuations from the solar farms, a state-of-the-art 10MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) has been installed to provide backup power and mitigate the intermittencies associated with solar generation. This advanced technology, commonly utilized in renewable energy systems, ensures a stable power frequency to the grid during the hybridization process, further enhancing the system’s reliability.

The success of the Bui HSH project showcases the immense potential of clean energy to drive economic development, improve livelihoods, and combat climate change in Africa.