The Adventures Of.... (original) (raw)

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about thisthis originally started on softlyforgotten's journal, when she posted a meme. smittenly replied to it with the prologue, to which aliah_carina replied saying she loved it. smittenly posted part one in reply, and it grew from there...

charactersjen: aliah_carina
tea: smittenly
mik: softlyforgotten
faith: _____faith
mathias: a danish model we love
boyd: an american model we love
jeremy: a french model we love
zach: zacharias smith from harry potter
draco: draco malfoy from harry potter
jack: jack sparrow from pirates of the carribean
orlando: orlando bloom, an actor from pirates of the carribean
norrington: someone from pirates of the carribean
random tribal boy: a random tribal boy

ruleswe have to know you before you can gain permission to here. there's a reason why this is flocked.

about uswe're just three obsessive fangirls who love all things harry potter and model-y. faith is in here because she's the friend who spawned our love of models, and who we met eachother through.

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