Rini Sulastri | Syiah Kuala University (original) (raw)
Papers by Rini Sulastri
Journal of physics, Sep 1, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The concept of limit is one of the prerequisite subjects in studying calculus. Previous studies i... more The concept of limit is one of the prerequisite subjects in studying calculus. Previous studies indicate that the use of the limit concept in learning that is not in accordance with the limit concept in mathematics. This study aims to describe the concept image of prospective mathematics teachers on the concept of limit functions and the causes of the concept image. This qualitative study used the phenomenology approach, involving seven mathematics students in the fifth semester at a university in Bandung, Indonesia, who were selected based on the results of a written test. The data were obtained from the results of written tests on the concept of limit function and interviews and analysed descriptively. The results showed that students understood the concept of limit function in the same way that limit is an unreachable function. This causes the definition of limit formally using ε-δ is not properly understood. In this case, a comprehensive study of the limit function is needed at ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Concept image is the overall structure associated with a concept, including all mental images and... more Concept image is the overall structure associated with a concept, including all mental images and their related properties and processes. The concept image develops continuously through experience and changes as the individual faces stimulation and maturity. This study aims to analyze and describe the concept image of students in understanding the variable concept. This study is qualitative research with a phenomenological method. Data were collected by means of interviews and tests, then analyzed using the content analysis method. Participants involved in this study were ten eighth-grade students, while the object in this study was students’ concept image in understanding the variable concept. The findings revealed that most of the students understood a variable as something whose value is unknown, whilst some other students comprehend a variable as a substitute for something whose value is unknown. Understanding students’ thinking or concept image provides educators with an insigh...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Difficulties in solving mathematical problems, especially non-routine problems, are not only expe... more Difficulties in solving mathematical problems, especially non-routine problems, are not only experienced by students but also prospective teachers. The aim of this study was to determine the causes of students' difficulties in solving mathematical problems specially PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) on most difficult level. Seven prospective teachers of mathematics education from one of the universities in Aceh, Indonesia as respondents selected by purposive sampling. Respondents will take a part in the teaching program at school. Data obtained through a test and interviews were analysed descriptively. The findings show that the respondent has the most difficulty in presenting mathematical concepts, understanding information on the questions, and interpreting the data in the requested design. These three components are so related that it greatly influences the ability of students to solve mathematical problems, especially the word problem. Thus, the attention to these components is very important to do in learning mathematics.
Journal of Didactic Mathematics
The purpose of this research is to describe the analysis of knowledge to be taught on limit of fu... more The purpose of this research is to describe the analysis of knowledge to be taught on limit of function. This research is part of the didactic transposition research on the concept of limit of function which consists of four stages. Qualitative research with descriptive method is used in this study. The target is a differential calculus course taught in the first semester at a university in Aceh. Data collection techniques consist of documentation studies and unstructured interviews. Analysis of calculus text book documents, especially on limit functions, was carried out using a praxeology approach. The results of the analysis show that the description of the differential calculus course contains material on the real number system, functions and graphs, limits of functions, continuity of functions, derivatives of functions, and applications of derivatives. This is different from the presentation of material in RPS which is compiled by a team of lecturers supporting differential calc...
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika, 2020
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of SAVI approach-based teaching materials developed ... more This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of SAVI approach-based teaching materials developed for mathematical connection ability. This study was research and development. The subjects were 36 Grade 8 students and a mathematics teacher and the objects were the SAVI approach-based teaching materials oriented to the mathematical connection ability. The effectiveness of the teaching materials measured by four aspects: (1) the observation of the teacher's ability to manage the learning should at least be in the "good" category, (2) six of the eight aspects of students activities are within the ideal time interval, (3) the students' mastery learning are fulfilled both individually and classically, and (4) the student and teacher questionnaire responses show positive responses. The results revealed that the effectiveness criteria were fulfilled. The observation of the teacher's ability to manage the learning was in the very good category (4.22). The student activi...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Recent citations The effectiveness of resea... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. Recent citations The effectiveness of research-based learning with computer programming and highly interactive cloud classroom (HIC) elaboration in improving higher order thinking skills in solving a combination of wave functions Z R Ridlo et al
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika
The gap between the concept image and the concept definition will greatly affect a person’s under... more The gap between the concept image and the concept definition will greatly affect a person’s understanding of the concept. This study aims to reveal the gap between the concept image and the concept definition, and the causes of the emergence of the gap. The research subjects were 16 first-year mathematics students at one of the universities in Aceh, Indonesia. Data were obtained from the results of written tests and in-depth interviews. This qualitative research with a phenomenological study approach was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the gap that occurs in the concept includes: the division of a non-zero number by zero yields infinity, the concept of dividing zero by zero is zero, the concept of dividing a number by zero is the same as the concept of the limit, e.g., , and the concept of the left-hand limit as means that the satisfied value of x is all negative numbers such that . The emergence of these concept images results from the subject's learning experi...
Pedagogical content knowledge is a competence that must be mastered by teachers and also prospect... more Pedagogical content knowledge is a competence that must be mastered by teachers and also prospective teachers in learning process as ability to assess the students work. In addition, they are also required to learn the international standard problems such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) to be taught to students. Because of incomplete and unclear scoring rubric, especially in answering PISA questions, this study purpose was to develop valid assessment rubrics in pedagogical content knowledge for mathematical problems. Assessment rubrics were rubric for students work in answering PISA questions for most difficult level, and rubric for prospective teachers' ability in assessing students work. Subjects in this study were eight prospective teachers' of Mathematics Education Department, Syiah Kuala University selected by purposive sampling. This development research used Plomps' development model in five phases. The results showed that both rubrics had the valid criteria that consisting of content and construct validity. Content validity was viewed of the suitability of PCK components, and substance and concept for PISA questions with thinking level of junior high school students. Construct validity was viewed of the suitability of aspects at rubrics with concept of PISA questions, and presented analysis aspects were structured as PCK components
To increase and improve PISA rankings (Programme for International of Student Assessment) of Indo... more To increase and improve PISA rankings (Programme for International of Student Assessment) of Indonesian students not only starts from the students, but also teachers and prospective teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of students as prospective teachers to solve problems of high-level PISA (most difficult) is level 5. This study was a descriptive study using a qualitative approach to describe the ability of each student in solving PISA question. The subjects were students taking the Teaching Mathematics I course of Mathematics Education Program FKIP Unsyiah. Data analysis in qualitative research based on the results of the data collection process in the form of field notes, documentation, and interviews. Assessment conducted on students' ability to solve problems using the PISA assessment rubric. Furthermore, the score obtained is converted into the interval level of ability. The results showed only one student (14,28 %) of the seven students who hav...
General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and i... more General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and improvement the ability of senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh student in creative thinking with Problem Posing model. Understanding the concept is the ability of students to repeat and link the concept that has been studied with the material being studied. Creative thinking is the ability to reason organically and evaluate the quality of a reason systematically. Problem Posing learning model is one form of cooperative learning model that emphasizes the participation and activities of students to find their own material (information) lessons to be learned through the materials available. This research was conducted in senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh especially class XII-IPA1 as experiment class and XII-IPA2 as sample class. The research type is experiment with quantitative approach. Instrument test in the form of a description of 4 questions with the highest value of 100 and the lowest 0. The instrument is used to determine the ability mastery of concepts and creative thinking of students. Before being used to test the students 'creative thinking ability in the implementation of the research, the test questions are tested to other schools to know the validity, reliability, power of the pretest and posttest. Technique data processing is analyzed with quantitative statistics tests students' creative thinking ability. For data processing researcher using SPSS 17.0. Normality test results can be seen the value of pretest class expression and control class sig. = 0.300; 0.120> 0.05 means both classes are normally distributed. Based on the calculation, the value of sig (2-tailed) = 0.002 / 2 = 0.001 shows that sig. (1-tailed) <0,05 so it can be concluded that the improvement of concept comprehension and creative thinking of experimental class students is better than improvement of student's creative thinking conventional class.
Abstrak: Peradaban baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang disebabkan oleh krisis pandemi COVID-19 memic... more Abstrak: Peradaban baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang disebabkan oleh krisis pandemi COVID-19 memicu reformulasi aktivitas pembelajaran. Konsensus terkait reformulasi tersebut telah menghasilkan transisi menuju proses pembelajaran berbasis virtual (PBV). Sejalan dengan itu, selama tahun 2020 telah banyak studi individu tentang efek PBV dengan temuan yang tidak konsisten. Studi meta-analisis dilakukan untuk menganalisis temuan terkait, dan mempertimbangkan hasilnya untuk implementasi PBV dimasa yang akan datang. Sampel penelitian berupa studi individu terkait dikumpulkan dari basis data ERIC, SAGE, dan Google Cendekia. Penelitian ini mempertimbangkan hasil belajar sebagai variabel moderator. Metode estimasi menggunakan model efek-acak, dan alat penghitungan adalah software Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA). Hasil analisis mengungkapkan bahwa secara keseluruhan PBV berdampak sedang terhadap hasil belajar siswa (ES=0.67; standar error 0,15). Hasil analisis moderator mengungkapkan bahwa i...
Abstract— The ability of teachers to support the process and learning outcomes that needs to be i... more Abstract— The ability of teachers to support the process and learning outcomes that needs to be improved quality and professionalism as a teacher. The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge of teachers in solving mathematics problems about the national exam questions. Subject in this study was mathematics teachers of SMP/MTs as many as 20 people from ten schools in Pidie District selected by purposive sampling. This research was a descriptive research with the qualitative approach. Research data obtained from the test of professional competence for mathematics problems equivalent to the question of National Examination (UN) at junior high school level, and the results of the discussion with the subject of research. Furthermore, the test results are converted to percentage values and analyzed descriptively. The result of the research shows that 65% of teachers complete in answer thirty math problems. Most teachers have difficulty in solving non-routine math problems and ...
Pedagogigal Content Knowledge (PCK) merupakan kombinasi dari dua unsur yaitu content knowledge da... more Pedagogigal Content Knowledge (PCK) merupakan kombinasi dari dua unsur yaitu content knowledge dan pedagogical knowledge . Kedua unsur tersebut terkait dengan empat tuntutan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru dan dosen di Indonesia, dua diantaranya adalah kompetensi profesional dan pedagogik. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk memamparkan kajian tentang PCK sehingga diharapkan pendidik dapat memahami dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap PCK yang dimiliki.
General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and i... more General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and improvement the ability of senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh student in creative thinking with Problem Posing model. Understanding the concept is the ability of students to repeat and link the concept that has been studied with the material being studied. Creative thinking is the ability to reason organically and evaluate the quality of a reason systematically. Problem Posing learning model is one form of cooperative learning model that emphasizes the participation and activities of students to find their own material (information) lessons to be learned through the materials available. This research was conducted in senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh especially class XII-IPA1 as experiment class and XII-IPA2 as sample class. The research type is experiment with quantitative approach. Instrument test in the form of a description of 4 questions with the highest value of 100 and the lowes...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kendala dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru d... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kendala dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam pembelajaran matematika tingkat SMP. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru matematika dari sepuluh sekolah tingkat SMP/MTs di kabupaten Pidie yang berjumlah dua puluh orang dengan pemilihan secara purposive sampling. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian didapat dari hasil kegiatan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) dengan dua kategori yaitu materi yang sulit diajarkan, dan proses pembelajaran yang sulit untuk materi tertentu. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa beberapa materi yang sulit diajarkan adalah Barisan dan Deret, Kesebangunan, Statistik, Aljabar (pangkat dalam akar), Geometri, Peluang, dan Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linear. Untuk proses pembelajaran yang dirasakan sulit untuk materi tertentu yaitu Aljabar (KPK, FPB dan SPLDV), Deret/pola Bilangan, Kesebangunan, Pangkat tak Sebenarnya, Perbandingan, Bangun Datar, dan Statistik.
Salah satu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa adalah melalui pembelajaran Team Quiz. Team Quiz m... more Salah satu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa adalah melalui pembelajaran Team Quiz. Team Quiz merupakan salah satu tipe model pembelajaran active learning . Dengan pendekatan atau pembelajaran Team Quiz ini siswa diharapkan aktif belajar, siswa mampu mampu bertanya maupun menjawab dan meningkatkan kemampuan tanggung jawab siswa terhadap apa yang mereka pelajari dengan cara menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran team quiz pada materi bilangan pecahan siswa SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sampel penelitian ini adalah 16 orang siswa, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes. Pengolahan data menggunakan rumus uji-t. hasil penelitian dengan taraf signifikan =0,05 dan derajat kebebasan dk= 15 menunjukkan uji t=table yaitu t=1,7. Oleh karena itu, t hit > t tab atau 4,14 > 1,17 maka hipotesis Ho ditolak. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ...
Journal of physics, Sep 1, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The concept of limit is one of the prerequisite subjects in studying calculus. Previous studies i... more The concept of limit is one of the prerequisite subjects in studying calculus. Previous studies indicate that the use of the limit concept in learning that is not in accordance with the limit concept in mathematics. This study aims to describe the concept image of prospective mathematics teachers on the concept of limit functions and the causes of the concept image. This qualitative study used the phenomenology approach, involving seven mathematics students in the fifth semester at a university in Bandung, Indonesia, who were selected based on the results of a written test. The data were obtained from the results of written tests on the concept of limit function and interviews and analysed descriptively. The results showed that students understood the concept of limit function in the same way that limit is an unreachable function. This causes the definition of limit formally using ε-δ is not properly understood. In this case, a comprehensive study of the limit function is needed at ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Concept image is the overall structure associated with a concept, including all mental images and... more Concept image is the overall structure associated with a concept, including all mental images and their related properties and processes. The concept image develops continuously through experience and changes as the individual faces stimulation and maturity. This study aims to analyze and describe the concept image of students in understanding the variable concept. This study is qualitative research with a phenomenological method. Data were collected by means of interviews and tests, then analyzed using the content analysis method. Participants involved in this study were ten eighth-grade students, while the object in this study was students’ concept image in understanding the variable concept. The findings revealed that most of the students understood a variable as something whose value is unknown, whilst some other students comprehend a variable as a substitute for something whose value is unknown. Understanding students’ thinking or concept image provides educators with an insigh...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Difficulties in solving mathematical problems, especially non-routine problems, are not only expe... more Difficulties in solving mathematical problems, especially non-routine problems, are not only experienced by students but also prospective teachers. The aim of this study was to determine the causes of students' difficulties in solving mathematical problems specially PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) on most difficult level. Seven prospective teachers of mathematics education from one of the universities in Aceh, Indonesia as respondents selected by purposive sampling. Respondents will take a part in the teaching program at school. Data obtained through a test and interviews were analysed descriptively. The findings show that the respondent has the most difficulty in presenting mathematical concepts, understanding information on the questions, and interpreting the data in the requested design. These three components are so related that it greatly influences the ability of students to solve mathematical problems, especially the word problem. Thus, the attention to these components is very important to do in learning mathematics.
Journal of Didactic Mathematics
The purpose of this research is to describe the analysis of knowledge to be taught on limit of fu... more The purpose of this research is to describe the analysis of knowledge to be taught on limit of function. This research is part of the didactic transposition research on the concept of limit of function which consists of four stages. Qualitative research with descriptive method is used in this study. The target is a differential calculus course taught in the first semester at a university in Aceh. Data collection techniques consist of documentation studies and unstructured interviews. Analysis of calculus text book documents, especially on limit functions, was carried out using a praxeology approach. The results of the analysis show that the description of the differential calculus course contains material on the real number system, functions and graphs, limits of functions, continuity of functions, derivatives of functions, and applications of derivatives. This is different from the presentation of material in RPS which is compiled by a team of lecturers supporting differential calc...
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika, 2020
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of SAVI approach-based teaching materials developed ... more This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of SAVI approach-based teaching materials developed for mathematical connection ability. This study was research and development. The subjects were 36 Grade 8 students and a mathematics teacher and the objects were the SAVI approach-based teaching materials oriented to the mathematical connection ability. The effectiveness of the teaching materials measured by four aspects: (1) the observation of the teacher's ability to manage the learning should at least be in the "good" category, (2) six of the eight aspects of students activities are within the ideal time interval, (3) the students' mastery learning are fulfilled both individually and classically, and (4) the student and teacher questionnaire responses show positive responses. The results revealed that the effectiveness criteria were fulfilled. The observation of the teacher's ability to manage the learning was in the very good category (4.22). The student activi...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Recent citations The effectiveness of resea... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. Recent citations The effectiveness of research-based learning with computer programming and highly interactive cloud classroom (HIC) elaboration in improving higher order thinking skills in solving a combination of wave functions Z R Ridlo et al
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika
The gap between the concept image and the concept definition will greatly affect a person’s under... more The gap between the concept image and the concept definition will greatly affect a person’s understanding of the concept. This study aims to reveal the gap between the concept image and the concept definition, and the causes of the emergence of the gap. The research subjects were 16 first-year mathematics students at one of the universities in Aceh, Indonesia. Data were obtained from the results of written tests and in-depth interviews. This qualitative research with a phenomenological study approach was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the gap that occurs in the concept includes: the division of a non-zero number by zero yields infinity, the concept of dividing zero by zero is zero, the concept of dividing a number by zero is the same as the concept of the limit, e.g., , and the concept of the left-hand limit as means that the satisfied value of x is all negative numbers such that . The emergence of these concept images results from the subject's learning experi...
Pedagogical content knowledge is a competence that must be mastered by teachers and also prospect... more Pedagogical content knowledge is a competence that must be mastered by teachers and also prospective teachers in learning process as ability to assess the students work. In addition, they are also required to learn the international standard problems such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) to be taught to students. Because of incomplete and unclear scoring rubric, especially in answering PISA questions, this study purpose was to develop valid assessment rubrics in pedagogical content knowledge for mathematical problems. Assessment rubrics were rubric for students work in answering PISA questions for most difficult level, and rubric for prospective teachers' ability in assessing students work. Subjects in this study were eight prospective teachers' of Mathematics Education Department, Syiah Kuala University selected by purposive sampling. This development research used Plomps' development model in five phases. The results showed that both rubrics had the valid criteria that consisting of content and construct validity. Content validity was viewed of the suitability of PCK components, and substance and concept for PISA questions with thinking level of junior high school students. Construct validity was viewed of the suitability of aspects at rubrics with concept of PISA questions, and presented analysis aspects were structured as PCK components
To increase and improve PISA rankings (Programme for International of Student Assessment) of Indo... more To increase and improve PISA rankings (Programme for International of Student Assessment) of Indonesian students not only starts from the students, but also teachers and prospective teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of students as prospective teachers to solve problems of high-level PISA (most difficult) is level 5. This study was a descriptive study using a qualitative approach to describe the ability of each student in solving PISA question. The subjects were students taking the Teaching Mathematics I course of Mathematics Education Program FKIP Unsyiah. Data analysis in qualitative research based on the results of the data collection process in the form of field notes, documentation, and interviews. Assessment conducted on students' ability to solve problems using the PISA assessment rubric. Furthermore, the score obtained is converted into the interval level of ability. The results showed only one student (14,28 %) of the seven students who hav...
General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and i... more General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and improvement the ability of senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh student in creative thinking with Problem Posing model. Understanding the concept is the ability of students to repeat and link the concept that has been studied with the material being studied. Creative thinking is the ability to reason organically and evaluate the quality of a reason systematically. Problem Posing learning model is one form of cooperative learning model that emphasizes the participation and activities of students to find their own material (information) lessons to be learned through the materials available. This research was conducted in senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh especially class XII-IPA1 as experiment class and XII-IPA2 as sample class. The research type is experiment with quantitative approach. Instrument test in the form of a description of 4 questions with the highest value of 100 and the lowest 0. The instrument is used to determine the ability mastery of concepts and creative thinking of students. Before being used to test the students 'creative thinking ability in the implementation of the research, the test questions are tested to other schools to know the validity, reliability, power of the pretest and posttest. Technique data processing is analyzed with quantitative statistics tests students' creative thinking ability. For data processing researcher using SPSS 17.0. Normality test results can be seen the value of pretest class expression and control class sig. = 0.300; 0.120> 0.05 means both classes are normally distributed. Based on the calculation, the value of sig (2-tailed) = 0.002 / 2 = 0.001 shows that sig. (1-tailed) <0,05 so it can be concluded that the improvement of concept comprehension and creative thinking of experimental class students is better than improvement of student's creative thinking conventional class.
Abstrak: Peradaban baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang disebabkan oleh krisis pandemi COVID-19 memic... more Abstrak: Peradaban baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang disebabkan oleh krisis pandemi COVID-19 memicu reformulasi aktivitas pembelajaran. Konsensus terkait reformulasi tersebut telah menghasilkan transisi menuju proses pembelajaran berbasis virtual (PBV). Sejalan dengan itu, selama tahun 2020 telah banyak studi individu tentang efek PBV dengan temuan yang tidak konsisten. Studi meta-analisis dilakukan untuk menganalisis temuan terkait, dan mempertimbangkan hasilnya untuk implementasi PBV dimasa yang akan datang. Sampel penelitian berupa studi individu terkait dikumpulkan dari basis data ERIC, SAGE, dan Google Cendekia. Penelitian ini mempertimbangkan hasil belajar sebagai variabel moderator. Metode estimasi menggunakan model efek-acak, dan alat penghitungan adalah software Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA). Hasil analisis mengungkapkan bahwa secara keseluruhan PBV berdampak sedang terhadap hasil belajar siswa (ES=0.67; standar error 0,15). Hasil analisis moderator mengungkapkan bahwa i...
Abstract— The ability of teachers to support the process and learning outcomes that needs to be i... more Abstract— The ability of teachers to support the process and learning outcomes that needs to be improved quality and professionalism as a teacher. The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge of teachers in solving mathematics problems about the national exam questions. Subject in this study was mathematics teachers of SMP/MTs as many as 20 people from ten schools in Pidie District selected by purposive sampling. This research was a descriptive research with the qualitative approach. Research data obtained from the test of professional competence for mathematics problems equivalent to the question of National Examination (UN) at junior high school level, and the results of the discussion with the subject of research. Furthermore, the test results are converted to percentage values and analyzed descriptively. The result of the research shows that 65% of teachers complete in answer thirty math problems. Most teachers have difficulty in solving non-routine math problems and ...
Pedagogigal Content Knowledge (PCK) merupakan kombinasi dari dua unsur yaitu content knowledge da... more Pedagogigal Content Knowledge (PCK) merupakan kombinasi dari dua unsur yaitu content knowledge dan pedagogical knowledge . Kedua unsur tersebut terkait dengan empat tuntutan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru dan dosen di Indonesia, dua diantaranya adalah kompetensi profesional dan pedagogik. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk memamparkan kajian tentang PCK sehingga diharapkan pendidik dapat memahami dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap PCK yang dimiliki.
General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and i... more General purpose of this research is to get information about mastery of mathematics concept and improvement the ability of senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh student in creative thinking with Problem Posing model. Understanding the concept is the ability of students to repeat and link the concept that has been studied with the material being studied. Creative thinking is the ability to reason organically and evaluate the quality of a reason systematically. Problem Posing learning model is one form of cooperative learning model that emphasizes the participation and activities of students to find their own material (information) lessons to be learned through the materials available. This research was conducted in senior high school 11 in Banda Aceh especially class XII-IPA1 as experiment class and XII-IPA2 as sample class. The research type is experiment with quantitative approach. Instrument test in the form of a description of 4 questions with the highest value of 100 and the lowes...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kendala dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru d... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kendala dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam pembelajaran matematika tingkat SMP. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru matematika dari sepuluh sekolah tingkat SMP/MTs di kabupaten Pidie yang berjumlah dua puluh orang dengan pemilihan secara purposive sampling. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian didapat dari hasil kegiatan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) dengan dua kategori yaitu materi yang sulit diajarkan, dan proses pembelajaran yang sulit untuk materi tertentu. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa beberapa materi yang sulit diajarkan adalah Barisan dan Deret, Kesebangunan, Statistik, Aljabar (pangkat dalam akar), Geometri, Peluang, dan Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linear. Untuk proses pembelajaran yang dirasakan sulit untuk materi tertentu yaitu Aljabar (KPK, FPB dan SPLDV), Deret/pola Bilangan, Kesebangunan, Pangkat tak Sebenarnya, Perbandingan, Bangun Datar, dan Statistik.
Salah satu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa adalah melalui pembelajaran Team Quiz. Team Quiz m... more Salah satu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa adalah melalui pembelajaran Team Quiz. Team Quiz merupakan salah satu tipe model pembelajaran active learning . Dengan pendekatan atau pembelajaran Team Quiz ini siswa diharapkan aktif belajar, siswa mampu mampu bertanya maupun menjawab dan meningkatkan kemampuan tanggung jawab siswa terhadap apa yang mereka pelajari dengan cara menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran team quiz pada materi bilangan pecahan siswa SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sampel penelitian ini adalah 16 orang siswa, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes. Pengolahan data menggunakan rumus uji-t. hasil penelitian dengan taraf signifikan =0,05 dan derajat kebebasan dk= 15 menunjukkan uji t=table yaitu t=1,7. Oleh karena itu, t hit > t tab atau 4,14 > 1,17 maka hipotesis Ho ditolak. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ...