Beavis and Butthead community (original) (raw)

Subject:Beavis and Butthead at the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 Posted by:marivs. Time:10:30 pm.
Some news concerning the revival of Beavis and Butt-head:_It was announced on June 29, 2011 that there will be a Beavis and Butthead panel at the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 which will possibly have Mike Judge speaking and will hopefully show previews or clips of the new Beavis and Butthead cartoons. The panel will be on July 21, 2011 at 5pm in room 6A._More:
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Subject:FROG BASEBALL!!! Posted by:cartoon_antics. Time:7:58 pm. Mood:accomplished.
Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I started a new Beavis and Butthead community on LJ! I'm just trying to revive this tiny fandom and I thought starting a fresh community would be a good start ;)The community is frog_baseballRight now, I've only have links to free episodes up (btw, I've locked those entries to members just out of fear of Viacom finding the links and deleting them.) Really hard ones to find. Like "Babes R Us" and "Buff n Stuff." But I plan on posting fan-fiction, fan-art, icons...whatever is in demand!I'd love to expand this fandom, but I really need more members to help me! So please join! <3
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Subject:Wouldn't Want My Holio to Get Polio... Posted by:cartoon_antics. Time:4:23 pm. Mood: sleepy.
Hey-o! The name's Sara and I'm new to this well as to the fandom!You see, my mom never let me watch Beavis and Butt-Head as a kid. So it wasn't until my kid brother and I caught it on an MTV2 block that I saw my first batch of episodes. Holy Christ, I have been missing out! <3Now I'm not sure what this community's policy on slash is, but some Bevis/Butt-Head fanart is all I have for you lot right now. If any mods see fault with this, feel free to delete this post. I'll have some less gay icons for you later.CLICK UNDER THE CUT FOR TEH GAY:**( Read more...Collapse )**I really hope I'm not getting off on the wrong start with you guys. This isn't by any means, character bashing. I love these two tards! It's just I have this habbit of slashing everything I love. <3
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Subject:B&BH shirt Posted by:alive2000. Time:7:13 pm.
DOes anyone want this shirt? I've shrunk a bit, and it's too big for me now. I just thought I'd try to see if anyone on here wanted it before I did anything else with it.( pics under the cut....Collapse )
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Subject:cornholio Posted by:betsytron5000. Time:12:03 pm. Mood: giddy.
you must bow down to the almighty bunghole!
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Yes, I had a Beavis and Butt-Head Do America fest this morning. Anyway, I was playing with PS CS3 and made some icons, just being silly, I suppose. I love Beavis and Butt-Head Do America. Cracks me up every time I watch it. Feel free to snag as you like and credit would be nice. :)
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Subject:Titleeist! XD Posted by:voodoochild9. Time:6:21 pm. Mood: giggly.
Mkay does anybody have any JPEGs of Beavis and Butthead dancing? Specifically, I'm looking for one where it looks like Beavis is humping something LOL Thanks in advance :)-Peace
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Subject:Whoa! Huh huh That was Cool :D Posted by:voodoochild9. Time:5:55 pm. Mood: impressed.
Yay! A Beavis and Butthead community! I think I've been literally watching Beavis and Butthead my whole life (especially the movie)but now that I'm a teenager and its on DVD me and my brother glomped on it again also because we've developed a similar taste for heavy metal and dirty jokes (and I do a bitchin' Cornholio impression :P) So I was wondering if this would be the place to ask if anybody has Beavis and Butthead icons? If I had one of them headbanging or one of Cornholio, my collection would be complete :DBreakin' the law! Breakin' the law!
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Hello everyone! I'm Greta and I'm 23 years old. I live in Tennessee in the USA. Beavis & Butthead is one of my favorite cartoon shows, so I thought I'd join this community. I'm glad I found this community.
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It's really nice that B&B are back on tv but I'm really sick of MTV2 playing the same damn episodes over and over again. I also hate it when they do that thing where they show about three minutes of an episode then they show B&B on the couch and Beavis laughing then they play a newer video. And they're not even showing it anymore on Comedy Central! Anyone as pissed as I am?
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"DAMMIT, PANTERA, THIS BEER IS WARM!"Sorry... I just had to. ;)
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Subject:Wow (I like Star Trek ^.^) Posted by:shermanizer. Time:6:03 pm. Mood: amused.
This is seriously a Mural. Wish it was mine roflmao
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Watching Beavis and Butthead on MTV 2 is bringing back great memories. Someone get Beavis some dick cream now.
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Beavis and Butthead are impeccable characters who have amused people during the 1990's. Despite their lack of education and poor houses, they are astounding young men with ways with words. "I like to blow up lizards." "Eh heh heh, yeah. And I like to burn things." - _Beavis and Butthead_Because of their witty dialect, I felt compelled to join the community. Viva la Cornholio!
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Subject:New huh huh member I said huh huh hehehehehhe Posted by:delirifacient. Time:10:01 pm. Mood:high on sugar.
Um, hello? Is this thing on? Um, I just joined this comm..comm..uh, group. I have boobs and I stay in my house and stare at them. I'm a teacher but a cool teacher. I, uh, teach French. You know, like, kissing and stuff. My interests include nachos and eating stuff off the sidewalk. I saw GWAR in 2000 and it was the best day EVER! IT RULED! IT RULED! I'm living in New Orleans so things kind of suck but at least I have my video games and a lot of lotion. Huh, huh, wouldn't you like to know.Please friend me if you want. I need to laugh more. My butt itches. Whitney
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