Bart Kowallis | Brigham Young University (original) (raw)


Books by Bart Kowallis

Research paper thumbnail of Rock Canyon near Provo, Utah County: A Geologic Field Laboratory

Utah Geological Association Publication 48, 2019

Rock Canyon near Provo, Utah is an ideal outdoor laboratory. Th e canyon has been known and explo... more Rock Canyon near Provo, Utah is an ideal outdoor laboratory. Th e
canyon has been known and explored for many years by scientists
and students for its fascinating geology, biology, and botany. It is
also a favorite location for rock climbers, hikers, and other outdoor
enthusiasts. Geology is the focal point of this beautiful canyon with a history that stretches from the Precambrian (about 700 million years ago) to the Wasatch fault and Lake Bonneville, which covered much of
western Utah at its peak roughly 18,000 years ago. Excellent
exposures of the rocks allow visitors to see features clearly and piece together the history of the canyon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Descendants of David Duers or Dewers and Deborah Sherman of Dartmouth, Massachusetts

A history and genealogy of the descendants of David Duers (or Dewers) and Deborah Sherman includi... more A history and genealogy of the descendants of David Duers (or Dewers) and Deborah Sherman including the first 6 generations. The book includes many photos and stories.

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Research paper thumbnail of Letters across the Pacific

Photos and letters written by Lieutenant R. T. Kowallis and his wife Norma Jensen Kowallis while ... more Photos and letters written by Lieutenant R. T. Kowallis and his wife Norma Jensen Kowallis while he was stationed in the Pacific during World War II in 1945. A higher resolution version of this book is available from the author upon request.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geologic History of Utah

Copies of this book may be obtained from the Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young Uni... more Copies of this book may be obtained from the Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University (contact:

This is a completely revised and updated version of the most widely used book on the geology of Utah in print. This book supplements the published geologic maps of Utah (Hintze, 1980, 1997, 2000f) by providing a third dimension, thickness, to the many map units whose areal extent is shown on the maps. The book also summarizes how these map units relate to Earth’s plate tectonic system. Much new information regarding Utah’s geologic past has been discovered in the the twenty-two years since the last edition of this book was published. Updates have been particularly striking in our understanding of plate tectonics, knowledge of Precambrian rocks, concepts and ages of volcanic events in the last 30 million years, documenting the history of Lake Bonneville within the last 30,000 years, and characterizing the activity of the Wasatch Fault within the last 5000 years. Fourteen new stratigraphic charts have been added and all of the text and figures, including the stratigraphic and correlation charts, have been completely revised. The book is directed primarily toward students in geology, but professional geologists working in Utah will find the stratigraphic and correlation charts useful, as well as the source literature citation list. Other interested persons will find the broad sweep of Utah’s geologic history fascinating.

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Papers by Bart Kowallis

Research paper thumbnail of Road Guide to the Geology of the Uinta Mountains for the 2005 Utah Geological Association Field Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphic relationships of the Eocene Duchesne River Formation and Oligocene Bishop Conglomerate, northeastern Utah—pulsed sedimentary response to rollback of the subducted Farallon slab

Geology of the Intermountain West

The Uinta Mountains are an east-west-trending, reverse fault-bounded, basement-cored Laramide upl... more The Uinta Mountains are an east-west-trending, reverse fault-bounded, basement-cored Laramide uplift. The Eocene Duchesne River Formation and Oligocene Bishop Conglomerate represent late stage, intermontane basin fill of the Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah. Detailed mapping (1:24,000 scale), clast counts in conglomerate beds, description of lithology and stratigraphic contacts, and radiometric dating of pyroclastic fall beds of the Duchesne River Formation and Bishop Conglomerate in the Vernal NW quadrangle in northeastern Utah reveal stratal geometries of middle Cenozoic depositional units, the uplift and unroofing history of the eastern Uinta Mountains, and give evidence for the pulsed termination of Laramide uplift related to rollback of the Farallon slab and lithospheric delamination. These relationships show the continuation of Laramide uplift in this region until after 37.9 Ma and before 34 Ma, an age younger than the previously reported 45 to 40 Ma. The Duchesne River Format...

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Titanite Compositions to Identify Intrusive Phases and Mo-W Mineralization Patterns in the Oligocene Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Titanite in an Oligocene Granitic Intrusive Complex in Central Ut: Implications for Magmatic and Hydrothermal System Evolution and Mo-W Mineralization

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Research paper thumbnail of Titanite geochemistry and textures: Implications for magmatic and post-magmatic processes in the Notch Peak and Little Cottonwood granitic intrusions, Utah

American Mineralogist, 2022

Textural and compositional variations in titanite constrain the roles of magma mixing and hydroth... more Textural and compositional variations in titanite constrain the roles of magma mixing and hydrothermal alteration in two plutons in central Utah: the Jurassic Notch Peak and the Oligocene Little Cottonwood stocks. In the Notch Peak intrusion, magmatic titanite grains usually have oscillatory zones combined with BSE-bright sector zones, in some cases surrounding simple unzoned cores. These grains are frequently overprinted by hydrothermal titanite with low concentrations of high field strength elements (HFSE). Magmatic titanite has an average δ18O of 6.0‰ and post-magmatic titanite is 6.2‰, as analyzed by SIMS. Average Zr-in-titanite temperatures are also similar, with 718 °C for magmatic and 711 °C for hydrothermal titanite. These observations indicate simple magmatic growth, followed by hydrothermal alteration by magmatic fluids. Titanite in aplite dikes and sills has lower concentrations of all trace elements except F. Many titanite grains in the aplites have late overgrowths of h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Titanite in Pebble Dikes in the East Traverse Mountains, Central Utah, and Its Implications for Intrusive and Hydrothermal Sequencing in the Little Cottonwood Intrusive Complex

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphic Relationships Within the Duchesne River Formation and Bishop Conglomerate: Conclusions for Mapping the Vernal NW Quadrangle, Ut

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Jurassic Magmatism of the Western Cordillera: The Record from Fallout Tuffs and Back-Arc Plutons

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Igneous Accessory Mineral Textures: Titanite from Notch Peak Granite and Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Titanite as an Indicator of Metal Fertility and Relative Oxygen Fugacity in the White Pine Mo-W Porphyry Deposit, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical and Textural Analysis of Enclave Titanite in the Oligocene Little Cottonwood Granitic Stock to Determine Crystallization History, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Origin of the fluorine- and beryllium-rich rhyolites of the Spor Mountain Formation, Western Utah

American Mineralogist, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Titanite Trace Element Trends in a Low-F Porphyry Mo-W Deposit in the Oligocene Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Zonation of Titanite from the Notch Peak (Jurassic) and Little Cottonwood (Oligocene) Granites, Utah, Provide Clues to Magmatic and Hydrothermal Histories

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Research paper thumbnail of Compositional Variation of Fe, Al, and F in Titanite (Sphene)

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Are Titanite Grains in Middle and Late Jurassic Tuffs of the Carmel and Morrison Formations of Utah Volcanic in Origin or Detrital Grains from Non-Volcanic Sources?

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Rock Canyon near Provo, Utah County: A Geologic Field Laboratory

Utah Geological Association Publication 48, 2019

Rock Canyon near Provo, Utah is an ideal outdoor laboratory. Th e canyon has been known and explo... more Rock Canyon near Provo, Utah is an ideal outdoor laboratory. Th e
canyon has been known and explored for many years by scientists
and students for its fascinating geology, biology, and botany. It is
also a favorite location for rock climbers, hikers, and other outdoor
enthusiasts. Geology is the focal point of this beautiful canyon with a history that stretches from the Precambrian (about 700 million years ago) to the Wasatch fault and Lake Bonneville, which covered much of
western Utah at its peak roughly 18,000 years ago. Excellent
exposures of the rocks allow visitors to see features clearly and piece together the history of the canyon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Descendants of David Duers or Dewers and Deborah Sherman of Dartmouth, Massachusetts

A history and genealogy of the descendants of David Duers (or Dewers) and Deborah Sherman includi... more A history and genealogy of the descendants of David Duers (or Dewers) and Deborah Sherman including the first 6 generations. The book includes many photos and stories.

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Research paper thumbnail of Letters across the Pacific

Photos and letters written by Lieutenant R. T. Kowallis and his wife Norma Jensen Kowallis while ... more Photos and letters written by Lieutenant R. T. Kowallis and his wife Norma Jensen Kowallis while he was stationed in the Pacific during World War II in 1945. A higher resolution version of this book is available from the author upon request.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geologic History of Utah

Copies of this book may be obtained from the Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young Uni... more Copies of this book may be obtained from the Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University (contact:

This is a completely revised and updated version of the most widely used book on the geology of Utah in print. This book supplements the published geologic maps of Utah (Hintze, 1980, 1997, 2000f) by providing a third dimension, thickness, to the many map units whose areal extent is shown on the maps. The book also summarizes how these map units relate to Earth’s plate tectonic system. Much new information regarding Utah’s geologic past has been discovered in the the twenty-two years since the last edition of this book was published. Updates have been particularly striking in our understanding of plate tectonics, knowledge of Precambrian rocks, concepts and ages of volcanic events in the last 30 million years, documenting the history of Lake Bonneville within the last 30,000 years, and characterizing the activity of the Wasatch Fault within the last 5000 years. Fourteen new stratigraphic charts have been added and all of the text and figures, including the stratigraphic and correlation charts, have been completely revised. The book is directed primarily toward students in geology, but professional geologists working in Utah will find the stratigraphic and correlation charts useful, as well as the source literature citation list. Other interested persons will find the broad sweep of Utah’s geologic history fascinating.

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Research paper thumbnail of Road Guide to the Geology of the Uinta Mountains for the 2005 Utah Geological Association Field Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphic relationships of the Eocene Duchesne River Formation and Oligocene Bishop Conglomerate, northeastern Utah—pulsed sedimentary response to rollback of the subducted Farallon slab

Geology of the Intermountain West

The Uinta Mountains are an east-west-trending, reverse fault-bounded, basement-cored Laramide upl... more The Uinta Mountains are an east-west-trending, reverse fault-bounded, basement-cored Laramide uplift. The Eocene Duchesne River Formation and Oligocene Bishop Conglomerate represent late stage, intermontane basin fill of the Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah. Detailed mapping (1:24,000 scale), clast counts in conglomerate beds, description of lithology and stratigraphic contacts, and radiometric dating of pyroclastic fall beds of the Duchesne River Formation and Bishop Conglomerate in the Vernal NW quadrangle in northeastern Utah reveal stratal geometries of middle Cenozoic depositional units, the uplift and unroofing history of the eastern Uinta Mountains, and give evidence for the pulsed termination of Laramide uplift related to rollback of the Farallon slab and lithospheric delamination. These relationships show the continuation of Laramide uplift in this region until after 37.9 Ma and before 34 Ma, an age younger than the previously reported 45 to 40 Ma. The Duchesne River Format...

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Titanite Compositions to Identify Intrusive Phases and Mo-W Mineralization Patterns in the Oligocene Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Titanite in an Oligocene Granitic Intrusive Complex in Central Ut: Implications for Magmatic and Hydrothermal System Evolution and Mo-W Mineralization

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Research paper thumbnail of Titanite geochemistry and textures: Implications for magmatic and post-magmatic processes in the Notch Peak and Little Cottonwood granitic intrusions, Utah

American Mineralogist, 2022

Textural and compositional variations in titanite constrain the roles of magma mixing and hydroth... more Textural and compositional variations in titanite constrain the roles of magma mixing and hydrothermal alteration in two plutons in central Utah: the Jurassic Notch Peak and the Oligocene Little Cottonwood stocks. In the Notch Peak intrusion, magmatic titanite grains usually have oscillatory zones combined with BSE-bright sector zones, in some cases surrounding simple unzoned cores. These grains are frequently overprinted by hydrothermal titanite with low concentrations of high field strength elements (HFSE). Magmatic titanite has an average δ18O of 6.0‰ and post-magmatic titanite is 6.2‰, as analyzed by SIMS. Average Zr-in-titanite temperatures are also similar, with 718 °C for magmatic and 711 °C for hydrothermal titanite. These observations indicate simple magmatic growth, followed by hydrothermal alteration by magmatic fluids. Titanite in aplite dikes and sills has lower concentrations of all trace elements except F. Many titanite grains in the aplites have late overgrowths of h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Titanite in Pebble Dikes in the East Traverse Mountains, Central Utah, and Its Implications for Intrusive and Hydrothermal Sequencing in the Little Cottonwood Intrusive Complex

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphic Relationships Within the Duchesne River Formation and Bishop Conglomerate: Conclusions for Mapping the Vernal NW Quadrangle, Ut

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Jurassic Magmatism of the Western Cordillera: The Record from Fallout Tuffs and Back-Arc Plutons

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Igneous Accessory Mineral Textures: Titanite from Notch Peak Granite and Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Titanite as an Indicator of Metal Fertility and Relative Oxygen Fugacity in the White Pine Mo-W Porphyry Deposit, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical and Textural Analysis of Enclave Titanite in the Oligocene Little Cottonwood Granitic Stock to Determine Crystallization History, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Origin of the fluorine- and beryllium-rich rhyolites of the Spor Mountain Formation, Western Utah

American Mineralogist, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Titanite Trace Element Trends in a Low-F Porphyry Mo-W Deposit in the Oligocene Little Cottonwood Stock, Utah

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Research paper thumbnail of Zonation of Titanite from the Notch Peak (Jurassic) and Little Cottonwood (Oligocene) Granites, Utah, Provide Clues to Magmatic and Hydrothermal Histories

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Research paper thumbnail of Compositional Variation of Fe, Al, and F in Titanite (Sphene)

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Are Titanite Grains in Middle and Late Jurassic Tuffs of the Carmel and Morrison Formations of Utah Volcanic in Origin or Detrital Grains from Non-Volcanic Sources?

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Geothermobarometry of the Fluorine- and Beryllium-Rich Spor Mountain Rhyolite, Western Utah

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Mid and Late Cenozoic Volcanism in Northern East Tintic Mountains, West-Central Utah

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,, May 12, 2009

A Miocene transition from subduction-related intermediate and silicic volcanism to extensional ma... more A Miocene transition from subduction-related intermediate and silicic volcanism to extensional mafic volcanism is recorded by volcanic rocks in the Allens Ranch quadrangle which lies at the northern end of the East Tintic Mountains west of Utah Lake near the eastern margin of the Great Basin of central Utah. The Paleogene volcanic section is dominated by a suite of high-K calc-alkaline extrusive rocks. The oldest is a rhyolite ignimbrite that we have correlated with the Packard Quartz Latite with a type-locality to the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biotite and Titanite Compositions from Altered Ash Beds of the Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation: Further Evidence for Transtension in the Continental Margin Arc of the Late Jurassic, Western North America

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Nov 7, 2012

The Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation contains numerous volcanic ash beds thought to ... more The Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation contains numerous volcanic ash beds thought to have erupted from a Late Jurassic volcanic arc along the west coast of North America. These sediments were deposited in a back bulge basin during the Nevadan orogeny. Phenocrysts in 31 ash beds from a section near Huntington, Utah were studied to better understand magma compositions and infer the tectonic setting of the magmatism. Glass has altered to clay and zeolites, but phenocrysts are preserved, including: quartz, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Variation of Fe, Al, and F Substitution in Titanite (Sphene)


Titanite is an important mineral in petrochronology studies. Understanding chemical signatures of... more Titanite is an important mineral in petrochronology studies. Understanding chemical signatures of titanite from different environments can provide significant data in unraveling the complex histories recorded in their textures and compositions. Using a database of over 8500 titanite analyses from both the literature (3829) and our own data (4900), we found that the ratio of Fe/Al is useful for separating igneous titanite (Fe/Al is typically close to 1:1 and almost always > 1:2) from metamorphic titanite (Fe/Al ratio is < 1:2) with few exceptions. Volcanic titanite grains can also be separated from plutonic titanite grains due to their shorter crystallization histories with compositions clustered more tightly in terms of Fe, Al, and F. Compositions of titanite from plutonic rocks often have later metamorphic or hydrothermal overgrowths that are not found on volcanic titanite. Fe/Al ratios in titanite from silica-undersaturated volcanic and plutonic rocks are typically > 1:2 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compositional Variation of Fe, Al, & F in Titanite

GSA Abstracts with Programs, 2018

Titanite has become an important mineral in petrochronology studies. Understanding the chemical s... more Titanite has become an important mineral in petrochronology studies. Understanding the chemical signatures of titanite from different environments can provide significant help in unraveling the complex histories observed in many titanite grains. We have compiled a database of over 7000 titanite analyses from the literature and supplemented it with our own data. We find that the ratio of Fe/Al is useful for separating volcanic and plutonic titanite (Fe/Al typically close to 1:1 and almost always >1:2) from metamorphic titanite (Fe/Al ratio is <1:2) with a few exceptions. Volcanic titanites can also be separated from plutonic titanites due to their shorter crystallization histories causing them to cluster more tightly in terms of their Fe, Al, and F. Compositions of titanite from plutonic rocks are typically more scattered than volcanic titanite suggesting longer histories of crystallization and, in many cases, later metamorphic or hydrothermal overgrowths that are not found on volcanic titanite. Fe/Al ratios in titanites from silica-undersaturated volcanic and plutonic rocks (phonolites, nepheline syenites, ijolites, etc.) are typically >1:2 and include titanite with the highest Fe/Al values. Although they overlap the field for normal volcanic and plutonic titanite, other elements (particularly high levels of Nb and low levels of Y) allow them to be separated. In most metamorphic rocks the Fe/Al ratio is <1:2 with the exception of a few metamorphic titanites that formed in mafic rocks, such as those from metabasalts or metabasites. Titanite from high pressure metamorphic rocks (eclogites, blue schists, etc.) tend to have the lowest Fe/Al ratios, typically <1:8. Titanite from hydrothermal and pegmatitic environments scatter widely in terms of Fe/Al even within single grains due to crystallization from fluids with highly variable compositions. Charge balancing in metamorphic, hydrothermal, and pegmatitic titanite due to Fe+3 and Al+3 substitution into the Ti+4 site is largely accomplished by the coupled substitution of F- for O-2. However, in volcanic and plutonic titanite the charge imbalance due to Fe+3 and Al+3 substitution appears to be mainly coupled with REE+3 or Y+3 substitution into the Ca+2 site with a more minor contribution from F-.

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Research paper thumbnail of Compositional Variation of Fe, Al, & F in Titanite

GSA Abstracts with Programs, 2018

Annual Geological Society of America Meeting 2018, Indianapolis, Indiana Titanite has become an i... more Annual Geological Society of America Meeting 2018, Indianapolis, Indiana
Titanite has become an important mineral in petrochronology studies. Understanding the chemical signatures of titanite from different environments can provide significant help in unraveling the complex histories observed in many titanite grains. We have compiled a database of over 7000 titanite analyses from the literature and supplemented it with our own data. We find that the ratio of Fe/Al is useful for separating volcanic and plutonic titanite (Fe/Al typically close to 1:1 and almost always >1:2) from metamorphic titanite (Fe/Al ratio is <1:2) with a few exceptions. Volcanic titanites can also be separated from plutonic titanites due to their shorter crystallization histories causing them to cluster more tightly in terms of their Fe, Al, and F. Compositions of titanite from plutonic rocks are typically more scattered than volcanic titanite suggesting longer histories of crystallization and, in many cases, later metamorphic or hydrothermal overgrowths that are not found on volcanic titanite. Fe/Al ratios in titanites from silica-undersaturated volcanic and plutonic rocks (phonolites, nepheline syenites, ijolites, etc.) are typically >1:2 and include titanite with the highest Fe/Al values. Although they overlap the field for normal volcanic and plutonic titanite, other elements (particularly high levels of Nb and low levels of Y) allow them to be separated. In most metamorphic rocks the Fe/Al ratio is <1:2 with the exception of a few metamorphic titanites that formed in mafic rocks, such as those from metabasalts or metabasites. Titanite from high pressure metamorphic rocks (eclogites, blue schists, etc.) tend to have the lowest Fe/Al ratios, typically <1:8. Titanite from hydrothermal and pegmatitic environments scatter widely in terms of Fe/Al even within single grains due to crystallization from fluids with highly variable compositions. Charge balancing in metamorphic, hydrothermal, and pegmatitic titanite due to Fe+3 and Al+3 substitution into the Ti+4 site is largely accomplished by the coupled substitution of F- for O-2. However, in volcanic and plutonic titanite the charge imbalance due to Fe+3 and Al+3 substitution appears to be mainly coupled with REE+3 or Y+3 substitution into the Ca+2 site with a more minor contribution from F-.

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