cabaretstyle (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jan. 5th, 2006|08:50 am]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
Application-Did you read the rules?:nah-Name:joseph stephany-Age:19-Location:texas-Gender:male-Do you have a beloved? if so would you like to share a pic?:i hate EVERYBODY-6 Bands:NIN,MNE,JEW,cradle of filth,BTA,LOCT-4 Movies:donny darko,the violet gun, watch out for snakes, international plot-2 Books:fat white men, a much ado about nothing-Actors/Actresses and which movies they played in:donny darko, dony darko, will smith, carpeyt kinds-Artists if applicable:donny darko-Favorite feature physically and mentally:brain and brain-Ok, here's your candid chance to say whatever the hell you want. i hate everybody -Post at least four pictures. One must clearly have your face. The second needs to be a 100x100 of yourself for member page. Finally, the third can be of you doing whatever. You have a problem with something, talk with the mod otherwise we wont vote. i dont have th einternet
link post comment Urg [Aug. 27th, 2004|11:21 pm]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
[and mama's feelin'** |tiredtired] [the piano man plays** Fall out boy] Well looks like this hasn't been very active. If it picks up then awesome. I dont really have much time to be working my arse off though.Damn school and the AP. So I dunno. I guess it would be awesome for this comm. to pick upand be totally kick ass...I understand if it doesn't though. haha. Wow, I'm understanding. Yea though, feel free to be cam whores. Frankly I dont care who joins right now. So unless Jenn has a problem the applications will be on a break.Much love.
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stamped [Aug. 26th, 2004|06:29 pm]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
SORRY FOR MY ABSENCE! our computer got a virus and wouldnt turn on, and then i was in canada for a week
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(no subject) [Aug. 22nd, 2004|06:59 pm]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
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stamped// [Aug. 17th, 2004|08:45 am]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
I'm sorry but I am leaving the majority of all of the rating communties I am in right now. You guys are great but AP World is ruining my life and taking up a lot of my time and I can't change out of that class.Please add me at one or both of my journals and I will most definitely add you back. My journal is about the only thing I will be able to keep up with. goodbye_lovershematinic**( pictures<3Collapse )**Sorry again and you guys were way rad.♥
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stamped// [Aug. 14th, 2004|09:48 am]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
New journal. Nothing interesting but add me if you please and I will most definitely add you back.goodbye_lovers
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stamped// [Aug. 11th, 2004|07:33 am]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
Just wanted to let you guys know I won't be active because there is supposed to be a hurricane coming right through where I live. Just letting you know.♥
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Bwa. [Aug. 11th, 2004|12:30 am]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
[and mama's feelin'** |sadsad] [the piano man plays** Nada]Everything is going sooo slow! Gasp.! ( ''Leaving, on a jet plane... Dont know when i'll be back again...''Collapse )
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Mod-Post. [Aug. 7th, 2004|10:26 pm]Cant handle the heat, get off the fuckin' stage.
Urg. I'm really thinking that we might not be gettin' members because stupid people may not even know what cabaret is... Does anyone think that would be the possibilty, because seriously, I have promoted to a ton of people. Contemplating just making a new community name and transfering it all there... Anybody think that would be better?
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