Nuvida Raf | Universitas Hasanuddin (original) (raw)
Papers by Nuvida Raf
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora, Oct 1, 2022
Remaja merupakan penggunaan yang menjadikan media sosial sebagai wadah untuk komunikasi, mencari ... more Remaja merupakan penggunaan yang menjadikan media sosial sebagai wadah untuk komunikasi, mencari informasi, dan hiperaktif dalam mempublikasi keseharian dengan gaya hidup yang lebih baik, walaupun sepenuhnya tidak dapat dipercaya atau bahkan dijadikan sebagai rujukan dalam bersosial. Mengetahui fenomena publikasi perilaku sosial dalam hubungan asmara dan hubngan yang sangat dekat dengan sasamanya, mengetahui sebagaimana yang terlihat pada fenomena Remaja Citayam dalam perilaku hubungan asmara yang diketahui viral di media sosial dapat mempengaruhi perubahan sosial remaja, sebagai tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan maksud melihat fenomena yang ada kemudian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan dampak perilaku sosial remaja dalam media sosial yang akan mempengaruhi perubahan sosial bagi remaja sejawatnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengaruh yang diberikan dapat berupa pengaruh positif dan negatif. Pengaruh positif, dapat memberikan remaja ruang untuk berinovasi, berkreatifitas, dan berperan secara global dan mendapatkan dukungan pihak lain secara emosional, serta memberikan penghasilan. Sedangkan dengan viralnya di media sosial terkait perilaku sosial yang mereka perlihatkan dapat berpengaruh negatif, dengan mengaharapkan pembenaran, dan pengakuan atas perilaku hubungan asmara dan pertemanan yang diperlihatkan di media sosial tanpa memahami bahwa hal tersebut telah menyalahi norma-norma budaya dengan mengadopsi budaya-budaya masyarakat luar yang dianggap untuk mengikuti perkembangan zama modern, kemudian memungkinkan remaja sejawat dan sejajarannya menjadikannya sebagai hal yang dapat untuk ditiru dengan mengharapkan popularitas walau hal tersebut telah menyalahi norma-norma budaya. Demikian tindakan tersebut juga dapat memberikan dampak negatif melalui komentar-komentar negatif di media sosial terkait perilaku sosial mereka yang tidak sesuai dengan norma dan budaya disekitarnya.
IOP conference series, Nov 6, 2019
The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten'scurriculum w... more The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten'scurriculum which is the main guideline and reference for the learning process in allAisyiyah Bustanul AthfalKindergartens in Palopo City. This research is a qualitative study which focuses on Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten in Palopo City using a pedagogical and psychological approach. The primary data were gained from the interviews with the principals, teachers, staffs, trustees of the foundation, students' parents, and community leaders. While the secondary data were obtained from the document of Kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal in the form of semester activity plans, weekly activity plans, daily activity plans and standards for the achievement of children's development. The method of data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The validity of the data was tested by triangulation technique. The results of the research containing the values of Dewata SeuwaE (true faith), Agettengeng(firmness), Alempureng (honesty), Amaccangeng (smartness), and Aperrukeng (affection) in teaching the faith, worship, morality and behavior of the students to achieve spiritual attitude, social attitudes, knowledge and skills.
International Journal of Qualitative Research, Mar 22, 2022
This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience ... more This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience of education and the family economy to deal with situations and conditions affected by Covid-19. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, because this study used a qualitative approach, in collecting data, observations, interviews, and documentation studies were carried out. The data analysis process that the researcher uses consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of the study show that the important role that women can play in the resilience of family education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic is assisting children in learning, supervising children's learning processes, facilitating children in learning, and advising and encouraging children when they are bored with learning. In addition to maintaining family education, women also play an important role in maintaining the family economy by earning additional income in the family economy and being good financial managers in the household.
Jurnal neo societal, Jan 14, 2021
Penelitian ini mengungkapan isu konflik sosial dari aspek konflik agraria dan upaya pelibatan per... more Penelitian ini mengungkapan isu konflik sosial dari aspek konflik agraria dan upaya pelibatan perempuan khusunya ibu rumah tangga dalam pengelolaan konflik sosial. Dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Takalar tahun 2016 dan Desa Timbuseng Kecamatan Polongbangkeng Utara Kabupaten Takalar tahun 2018, dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam kepada tokoh kunci yang terlibat dalam konflik sosial dan Focus Group Discussion kepada ibu rumah tangga sebagai agen penyelesaian konflik sosial. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik agraria telah berlangsung cukup lama dengan mengalami eskalasi yang berujung memakan korban jiwa, serangkaian upaya yang dilakukan oleh aparat dengan memediasi kedua belah pihak yang bertikai namun belum memiliki kesepakatan yang berpotensi kembali terjadi konflik sosial. Dengan keterlibatan perempuan sebagai subjek (aktor/pelaku) pada kelembagaan formal dan informal sehingga dapat berkontribusi secara positif melalui pemetaan potensi, permasalahan dan upaya pengelolaan konflik sosial.
IOP conference series, Nov 6, 2019
The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social... more The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The aim was to describe the construction of the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The data source is the study entitled news of social life online media. This study used the approach of critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, who built a model by integrating together a discourse analysis based on the linguistic and social and political thought, which in turn is generally integrated in social change. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the ideology and power in the discourse of social life is represented in the following linguistic features. (1) Recommended vocabulary that represents the ideology and power in the discourse of social life consists of: (a) modality, which includes modalities "for sure", (b) the verb which include "make", "have" and "upload", (c) nouns include "ATM machine", and "croquet", and (d) includes the conjunctive "but". (2) Features phrase that represents the ideology and power in the discourse of social life consists of a verb phrase. (3) Features sentences represented ideology and power in the discourse of environmental social life consisted of sentences inversion.
Jurnal Noken: Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
Pandemi Covid-19 terbukti mempengaruhi banyak dimensi kehidupan yang merupakan bagian dari keseja... more Pandemi Covid-19 terbukti mempengaruhi banyak dimensi kehidupan yang merupakan bagian dari kesejahteraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap, mendeskripsikan, dan membandingkan kesejahteraan milenial sebelum dan selama pandemi di Kota Makassar, dilihat dari perspektif objektif dan subjektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang melibatkan 350 partisipan. Karakteristik responden adalah usia 25-39 tahun, bekerja sebelum atau selama pandemi dan bertempat tinggal atau berdomisili di Kecamatan Rappocini, Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk kesejahteraan objektif, frekuensi jawaban tertinggi indikator pendapatan, pengeluaran untuk sandang, pangan, dan hiburan dalam sebulan mengalami penurunan sebesar 4%, 6,3%, 9,1% dan 5,2% selama pandemi, tetapi pengeluaran untuk kesehatan dan internet dan komunikasi dalam sebulan meningkat sebesar 0,9% dan 0,6%. Hasil untuk kesejahteraan subjektif, frekuensi pada kategori jawaban tertinggi mengalami pe...
Jurnal Noken: ilmu-ilmu sosial, Dec 25, 2022
Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Keluarga sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial memiliki peran penting di masyarakat dalam mencegah be... more Keluarga sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial memiliki peran penting di masyarakat dalam mencegah berbagai perilaku menyimpang. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang ketahanan keluarga dalam menjalankan fungsi dan perannya sebagai salah satu lembaga yang paling bertanggung jawab khususnya dalam pengawasan anak. Metode penyuluhan ini didasarkan pada pengorganisasian sikap, di mana seluruh proses kegiatan, mulai dari penyajian materi, diskusi dan simulasi, mampu menata kembali pemahaman tentang fungsi dan peran keluarga. Hasil dari penyuluhan ini dapat memberdayakan peserta dalam mengekspresikan tanggapan mereka dengan meningkatkan kerjasama untuk memahami masalah keluarga. Selain itu tereksplorasi sikap yang sama dengan perkembangan remaja melalui unsur-unsur yang disajikan tentang bagaimana keluarga mengubah lingkungan. Melalui diskusi fungsi dan peran utama keluarga dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak, dan keserasian sosial antara sosialisasi dan tempat tumbuh kembang pada masa remaja membuat peserta lebih siap untuk menata kelompok mereka dalam menggerakkan program penguatan keluarga dalam pencegahan penyimpangan.
Jurnal Noken: Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan menganalisis partisipasi perempuan dalam gerakan LGN, ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan menganalisis partisipasi perempuan dalam gerakan LGN, dimana LGN Kartini merupakan ujung tombak gerakan perempuan sebagai representasi dari gerakan perempuan yang memperjuangkan legalisasi ganja di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang berusaha mencari makna dan pemahaman tentang suatu fenomena, peristiwa, atau kehidupan manusia dengan melibatkan secara langsung dan/atau tidak langsung dalam setting yang diteliti, secara kontekstual dan komprehensif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumen dan studi pustaka. Teknik penentuan informan yang peneliti pilih adalah purposive dan snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LGN Kartini merupakan wadah bagi para aktivis perempuan yang memperjuangkan legalisasi ganja dan membela hak-hak perempuan yang bersentuhan dengan narkotika.
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil
The practice of underage marriage to fisherwomen is based on the socio-economic and cultural cond... more The practice of underage marriage to fisherwomen is based on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the community in constructing a social phenomenon. Underage marriage is a classic discourse that has occurred in society, both in urban, rural and coastal communities. Communities that practice underage marriages are usually influenced by the constructs that develop in the surrounding community. This paper uses a type of qualitative research with a purposive sampling approach. The type of research used is descriptive, based on case study research and documents (both printed and electronic), as well as other sources of information deemed relevant. The results of the study show that the practice of underage marriage occurs because of habitus or habits that are produced from the low economic conditions of fishing families so that underage marriage is considered as a solution for survival and also as social capital and cultural capital owned by fishing families, as well as the prac...
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora
Teenagers are users who use social media as a forum for communication, seeking information, and b... more Teenagers are users who use social media as a forum for communication, seeking information, and being hyperactive in publishing daily life with a better lifestyle, even though it is completely untrustworthy or even used as a reference in socializing. Knowing the phenomenon of publication of social behavior in romantic relationships and very close relationships with each other, knowing as seen in the Citayam Teen phenomenon in romantic relationship behavior which is known to be viral on social media can affect teenagers social change, as the purpose of this study. This study uses qualitative research methods with the aim of looking at existing phenomena and then uses a descriptive approach to describe the impact of adolescent social behavior in social media that will affect social change for their adolescent peers. Based on the results of the study, the influence given can be in the form of positive and negative influences. Positive influence, can give youth space to innovate, be cre...
International Journal of Qualitative Research
Development essentially has a goal that is none other than to create a just, prosperous and prosp... more Development essentially has a goal that is none other than to create a just, prosperous and prosperous society. In advancing the development of rural communities, village institutions have an important role that can assist the implementation of the process of forming a prosperous society. This study aims to determine the role of village institutions in participatory development in Samaenre Village, Maros Regency. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and FGD. Determination of informants was carried out using the purposive sampling technique with 6 informants. The results showed that there were several village institutions located in Samaenre Village, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, namely the Village Government, Polindes, BPD, Farmers' Groups, Youth Organizations, Posyandu, Bumdes, PKK, Educational Institutions and Taklim assembly. The role in planning and implementing de...
International Journal of Qualitative Research
This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience ... more This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience of education and the family economy to deal with situations and conditions affected by Covid-19. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, because this study used a qualitative approach, in collecting data, observations, interviews, and documentation studies were carried out. The data analysis process that the researcher uses consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of the study show that the important role that women can play in the resilience of family education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic is assisting children in learning, supervising children's learning processes, facilitating children in learning, and advising and encouraging children when they are bored with learning. In addition to maintaining family education, women also play an important role in maintaining the family economy by earning additional...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Hasanuddin International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, HICOSPOS 2019, 21-22 October 2019, Makassar, Indonesia, 2020
Study on functions of Majelis taklim showed its new function as a medium of institutionalization ... more Study on functions of Majelis taklim showed its new function as a medium of institutionalization of Muslim women leadership since this grass root organization fights to fulfill the requirement of Islamic preachers for its regular meetings. The process of institutionalization is started by accepting female preachers, and they are from secular educational background but they have already trained as the Islamic preachers through specific trainings on Islamic teachings to Islamic leadership. Generally, female preachers are the head of majelis taklim who plays significant roles in spreading Islamic teaching, organizing regular religious meetings, and managing the board of organization. By using the case study on 2 majelis taklim in Makassar, research results are the number of Muslim women elite increases promisingly, and at the same time institutionalization of Muslim women leadership runs. These conditions bring advantages to such political parties because new elite women are becoming the potent candidates of legislative member in terms of having bases of mass that lead to increasing number of ballots for party in moment of legislative election.
This study aims to examine transparency and accountability of community involvement in program im... more This study aims to examine transparency and accountability of community involvement in program implementation. This research is a qualitative research with case study of the City of Makassar. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, document study and focus group discussion (FGD). The study was conducted in 2019.Theresearchersinterviewed fifteen key actors of village development programs who are community leaders and beneficiaries of programs. The study identifies transparency and accountability in every stage of program implementation process which also works as a learning process for community groups managing development. This study also indicates that community participation strongly supports local government in village development and contribute in budget use more efficient and more accountable.
Democratization has opened a channel for Muslim women to speak out their needs as citizens. Since... more Democratization has opened a channel for Muslim women to speak out their needs as citizens. Since Muslim women are not one entity, a number of religious movement organizations increases along with the rising of Muslim consciousness in practicing Islamic values. Establishing these organizations are a response to religious needs of Muslim women which have not been fully fulfilled yet by the mainstream of Islamic movements. By joining the organizations, Muslim women find the path to increase their understanding of Islamic values and their political awareness as well as forming of their collective identity that as a connection of personal cognitive, moral and emotion with group or organization. In terms of process, collective identity shows how actors share meanings, understandings, and emotions during their participation in religious programs. Meanwhile as a product, identity collective is the recognition of outsider organizations to the actors. Collective identity internally leads to ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social... more The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The aim was to describe the construction of the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The data source is the study entitled news of social life online media. This study used the approach of critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, who built a model by integrating together a discourse analysis based on the linguistic and social and political thought, which in turn is generally integrated in social change. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the ideology and power in the discourse of social life is represented in the following linguistic features. (1) Recommended vocabulary that represents the ideology and power in the discourse of social life consists of: (a) modality, which includes modalities “for sure”, (b) the verb which include “make”, “have” and “upload”, (c) nouns include “ATM machine”, and “croquet”, and (d) includes the conjun...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten’scurriculum w... more The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten’scurriculum which is the main guideline and reference for the learning process in allAisyiyah Bustanul AthfalKindergartens in Palopo City. This research is a qualitative study which focuses on Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten in Palopo City using a pedagogical and psychological approach. The primary data were gained from the interviews with the principals, teachers, staffs, trustees of the foundation, students’ parents, and community leaders. While the secondary data were obtained from the document of Kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal in the form of semester activity plans, weekly activity plans, daily activity plans and standards for the achievement of children’s development. The method of data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The validity of the data was tested by...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The purpose of this study was to determine the form of legal responsibility due to the environmen... more The purpose of this study was to determine the form of legal responsibility due to the environmental damage done by corporations in the mining industry. This research uses normative legal research typology, especially those relating to the enforcement of corporate criminal sanctions in the fields of mineral and coal mining. The results of the research obtained are forms of penalties in the form of criminal sanctions for corporate actors who carry out environmental damage due to mining where law enforcers must provide strict sanctions to the perpetrators of destruction where the sanctions are strict liability, for the perpetrators of environmental destruction, who can create the legal entity has been dropped in the form of a criminal fine with a spread plus 1/3 of the provisions of the maximum criminal penalty imposed.
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora, Oct 1, 2022
Remaja merupakan penggunaan yang menjadikan media sosial sebagai wadah untuk komunikasi, mencari ... more Remaja merupakan penggunaan yang menjadikan media sosial sebagai wadah untuk komunikasi, mencari informasi, dan hiperaktif dalam mempublikasi keseharian dengan gaya hidup yang lebih baik, walaupun sepenuhnya tidak dapat dipercaya atau bahkan dijadikan sebagai rujukan dalam bersosial. Mengetahui fenomena publikasi perilaku sosial dalam hubungan asmara dan hubngan yang sangat dekat dengan sasamanya, mengetahui sebagaimana yang terlihat pada fenomena Remaja Citayam dalam perilaku hubungan asmara yang diketahui viral di media sosial dapat mempengaruhi perubahan sosial remaja, sebagai tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan maksud melihat fenomena yang ada kemudian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan dampak perilaku sosial remaja dalam media sosial yang akan mempengaruhi perubahan sosial bagi remaja sejawatnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengaruh yang diberikan dapat berupa pengaruh positif dan negatif. Pengaruh positif, dapat memberikan remaja ruang untuk berinovasi, berkreatifitas, dan berperan secara global dan mendapatkan dukungan pihak lain secara emosional, serta memberikan penghasilan. Sedangkan dengan viralnya di media sosial terkait perilaku sosial yang mereka perlihatkan dapat berpengaruh negatif, dengan mengaharapkan pembenaran, dan pengakuan atas perilaku hubungan asmara dan pertemanan yang diperlihatkan di media sosial tanpa memahami bahwa hal tersebut telah menyalahi norma-norma budaya dengan mengadopsi budaya-budaya masyarakat luar yang dianggap untuk mengikuti perkembangan zama modern, kemudian memungkinkan remaja sejawat dan sejajarannya menjadikannya sebagai hal yang dapat untuk ditiru dengan mengharapkan popularitas walau hal tersebut telah menyalahi norma-norma budaya. Demikian tindakan tersebut juga dapat memberikan dampak negatif melalui komentar-komentar negatif di media sosial terkait perilaku sosial mereka yang tidak sesuai dengan norma dan budaya disekitarnya.
IOP conference series, Nov 6, 2019
The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten'scurriculum w... more The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten'scurriculum which is the main guideline and reference for the learning process in allAisyiyah Bustanul AthfalKindergartens in Palopo City. This research is a qualitative study which focuses on Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten in Palopo City using a pedagogical and psychological approach. The primary data were gained from the interviews with the principals, teachers, staffs, trustees of the foundation, students' parents, and community leaders. While the secondary data were obtained from the document of Kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal in the form of semester activity plans, weekly activity plans, daily activity plans and standards for the achievement of children's development. The method of data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The validity of the data was tested by triangulation technique. The results of the research containing the values of Dewata SeuwaE (true faith), Agettengeng(firmness), Alempureng (honesty), Amaccangeng (smartness), and Aperrukeng (affection) in teaching the faith, worship, morality and behavior of the students to achieve spiritual attitude, social attitudes, knowledge and skills.
International Journal of Qualitative Research, Mar 22, 2022
This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience ... more This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience of education and the family economy to deal with situations and conditions affected by Covid-19. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, because this study used a qualitative approach, in collecting data, observations, interviews, and documentation studies were carried out. The data analysis process that the researcher uses consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of the study show that the important role that women can play in the resilience of family education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic is assisting children in learning, supervising children's learning processes, facilitating children in learning, and advising and encouraging children when they are bored with learning. In addition to maintaining family education, women also play an important role in maintaining the family economy by earning additional income in the family economy and being good financial managers in the household.
Jurnal neo societal, Jan 14, 2021
Penelitian ini mengungkapan isu konflik sosial dari aspek konflik agraria dan upaya pelibatan per... more Penelitian ini mengungkapan isu konflik sosial dari aspek konflik agraria dan upaya pelibatan perempuan khusunya ibu rumah tangga dalam pengelolaan konflik sosial. Dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Takalar tahun 2016 dan Desa Timbuseng Kecamatan Polongbangkeng Utara Kabupaten Takalar tahun 2018, dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam kepada tokoh kunci yang terlibat dalam konflik sosial dan Focus Group Discussion kepada ibu rumah tangga sebagai agen penyelesaian konflik sosial. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik agraria telah berlangsung cukup lama dengan mengalami eskalasi yang berujung memakan korban jiwa, serangkaian upaya yang dilakukan oleh aparat dengan memediasi kedua belah pihak yang bertikai namun belum memiliki kesepakatan yang berpotensi kembali terjadi konflik sosial. Dengan keterlibatan perempuan sebagai subjek (aktor/pelaku) pada kelembagaan formal dan informal sehingga dapat berkontribusi secara positif melalui pemetaan potensi, permasalahan dan upaya pengelolaan konflik sosial.
IOP conference series, Nov 6, 2019
The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social... more The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The aim was to describe the construction of the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The data source is the study entitled news of social life online media. This study used the approach of critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, who built a model by integrating together a discourse analysis based on the linguistic and social and political thought, which in turn is generally integrated in social change. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the ideology and power in the discourse of social life is represented in the following linguistic features. (1) Recommended vocabulary that represents the ideology and power in the discourse of social life consists of: (a) modality, which includes modalities "for sure", (b) the verb which include "make", "have" and "upload", (c) nouns include "ATM machine", and "croquet", and (d) includes the conjunctive "but". (2) Features phrase that represents the ideology and power in the discourse of social life consists of a verb phrase. (3) Features sentences represented ideology and power in the discourse of environmental social life consisted of sentences inversion.
Jurnal Noken: Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
Pandemi Covid-19 terbukti mempengaruhi banyak dimensi kehidupan yang merupakan bagian dari keseja... more Pandemi Covid-19 terbukti mempengaruhi banyak dimensi kehidupan yang merupakan bagian dari kesejahteraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap, mendeskripsikan, dan membandingkan kesejahteraan milenial sebelum dan selama pandemi di Kota Makassar, dilihat dari perspektif objektif dan subjektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang melibatkan 350 partisipan. Karakteristik responden adalah usia 25-39 tahun, bekerja sebelum atau selama pandemi dan bertempat tinggal atau berdomisili di Kecamatan Rappocini, Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk kesejahteraan objektif, frekuensi jawaban tertinggi indikator pendapatan, pengeluaran untuk sandang, pangan, dan hiburan dalam sebulan mengalami penurunan sebesar 4%, 6,3%, 9,1% dan 5,2% selama pandemi, tetapi pengeluaran untuk kesehatan dan internet dan komunikasi dalam sebulan meningkat sebesar 0,9% dan 0,6%. Hasil untuk kesejahteraan subjektif, frekuensi pada kategori jawaban tertinggi mengalami pe...
Jurnal Noken: ilmu-ilmu sosial, Dec 25, 2022
Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Keluarga sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial memiliki peran penting di masyarakat dalam mencegah be... more Keluarga sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial memiliki peran penting di masyarakat dalam mencegah berbagai perilaku menyimpang. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang ketahanan keluarga dalam menjalankan fungsi dan perannya sebagai salah satu lembaga yang paling bertanggung jawab khususnya dalam pengawasan anak. Metode penyuluhan ini didasarkan pada pengorganisasian sikap, di mana seluruh proses kegiatan, mulai dari penyajian materi, diskusi dan simulasi, mampu menata kembali pemahaman tentang fungsi dan peran keluarga. Hasil dari penyuluhan ini dapat memberdayakan peserta dalam mengekspresikan tanggapan mereka dengan meningkatkan kerjasama untuk memahami masalah keluarga. Selain itu tereksplorasi sikap yang sama dengan perkembangan remaja melalui unsur-unsur yang disajikan tentang bagaimana keluarga mengubah lingkungan. Melalui diskusi fungsi dan peran utama keluarga dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak, dan keserasian sosial antara sosialisasi dan tempat tumbuh kembang pada masa remaja membuat peserta lebih siap untuk menata kelompok mereka dalam menggerakkan program penguatan keluarga dalam pencegahan penyimpangan.
Jurnal Noken: Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan menganalisis partisipasi perempuan dalam gerakan LGN, ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan menganalisis partisipasi perempuan dalam gerakan LGN, dimana LGN Kartini merupakan ujung tombak gerakan perempuan sebagai representasi dari gerakan perempuan yang memperjuangkan legalisasi ganja di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang berusaha mencari makna dan pemahaman tentang suatu fenomena, peristiwa, atau kehidupan manusia dengan melibatkan secara langsung dan/atau tidak langsung dalam setting yang diteliti, secara kontekstual dan komprehensif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumen dan studi pustaka. Teknik penentuan informan yang peneliti pilih adalah purposive dan snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LGN Kartini merupakan wadah bagi para aktivis perempuan yang memperjuangkan legalisasi ganja dan membela hak-hak perempuan yang bersentuhan dengan narkotika.
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil
The practice of underage marriage to fisherwomen is based on the socio-economic and cultural cond... more The practice of underage marriage to fisherwomen is based on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the community in constructing a social phenomenon. Underage marriage is a classic discourse that has occurred in society, both in urban, rural and coastal communities. Communities that practice underage marriages are usually influenced by the constructs that develop in the surrounding community. This paper uses a type of qualitative research with a purposive sampling approach. The type of research used is descriptive, based on case study research and documents (both printed and electronic), as well as other sources of information deemed relevant. The results of the study show that the practice of underage marriage occurs because of habitus or habits that are produced from the low economic conditions of fishing families so that underage marriage is considered as a solution for survival and also as social capital and cultural capital owned by fishing families, as well as the prac...
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora
Teenagers are users who use social media as a forum for communication, seeking information, and b... more Teenagers are users who use social media as a forum for communication, seeking information, and being hyperactive in publishing daily life with a better lifestyle, even though it is completely untrustworthy or even used as a reference in socializing. Knowing the phenomenon of publication of social behavior in romantic relationships and very close relationships with each other, knowing as seen in the Citayam Teen phenomenon in romantic relationship behavior which is known to be viral on social media can affect teenagers social change, as the purpose of this study. This study uses qualitative research methods with the aim of looking at existing phenomena and then uses a descriptive approach to describe the impact of adolescent social behavior in social media that will affect social change for their adolescent peers. Based on the results of the study, the influence given can be in the form of positive and negative influences. Positive influence, can give youth space to innovate, be cre...
International Journal of Qualitative Research
Development essentially has a goal that is none other than to create a just, prosperous and prosp... more Development essentially has a goal that is none other than to create a just, prosperous and prosperous society. In advancing the development of rural communities, village institutions have an important role that can assist the implementation of the process of forming a prosperous society. This study aims to determine the role of village institutions in participatory development in Samaenre Village, Maros Regency. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and FGD. Determination of informants was carried out using the purposive sampling technique with 6 informants. The results showed that there were several village institutions located in Samaenre Village, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, namely the Village Government, Polindes, BPD, Farmers' Groups, Youth Organizations, Posyandu, Bumdes, PKK, Educational Institutions and Taklim assembly. The role in planning and implementing de...
International Journal of Qualitative Research
This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience ... more This study aims to describe and analyze the important role that women can play in the resilience of education and the family economy to deal with situations and conditions affected by Covid-19. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, because this study used a qualitative approach, in collecting data, observations, interviews, and documentation studies were carried out. The data analysis process that the researcher uses consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of the study show that the important role that women can play in the resilience of family education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic is assisting children in learning, supervising children's learning processes, facilitating children in learning, and advising and encouraging children when they are bored with learning. In addition to maintaining family education, women also play an important role in maintaining the family economy by earning additional...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Hasanuddin International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, HICOSPOS 2019, 21-22 October 2019, Makassar, Indonesia, 2020
Study on functions of Majelis taklim showed its new function as a medium of institutionalization ... more Study on functions of Majelis taklim showed its new function as a medium of institutionalization of Muslim women leadership since this grass root organization fights to fulfill the requirement of Islamic preachers for its regular meetings. The process of institutionalization is started by accepting female preachers, and they are from secular educational background but they have already trained as the Islamic preachers through specific trainings on Islamic teachings to Islamic leadership. Generally, female preachers are the head of majelis taklim who plays significant roles in spreading Islamic teaching, organizing regular religious meetings, and managing the board of organization. By using the case study on 2 majelis taklim in Makassar, research results are the number of Muslim women elite increases promisingly, and at the same time institutionalization of Muslim women leadership runs. These conditions bring advantages to such political parties because new elite women are becoming the potent candidates of legislative member in terms of having bases of mass that lead to increasing number of ballots for party in moment of legislative election.
This study aims to examine transparency and accountability of community involvement in program im... more This study aims to examine transparency and accountability of community involvement in program implementation. This research is a qualitative research with case study of the City of Makassar. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, document study and focus group discussion (FGD). The study was conducted in 2019.Theresearchersinterviewed fifteen key actors of village development programs who are community leaders and beneficiaries of programs. The study identifies transparency and accountability in every stage of program implementation process which also works as a learning process for community groups managing development. This study also indicates that community participation strongly supports local government in village development and contribute in budget use more efficient and more accountable.
Democratization has opened a channel for Muslim women to speak out their needs as citizens. Since... more Democratization has opened a channel for Muslim women to speak out their needs as citizens. Since Muslim women are not one entity, a number of religious movement organizations increases along with the rising of Muslim consciousness in practicing Islamic values. Establishing these organizations are a response to religious needs of Muslim women which have not been fully fulfilled yet by the mainstream of Islamic movements. By joining the organizations, Muslim women find the path to increase their understanding of Islamic values and their political awareness as well as forming of their collective identity that as a connection of personal cognitive, moral and emotion with group or organization. In terms of process, collective identity shows how actors share meanings, understandings, and emotions during their participation in religious programs. Meanwhile as a product, identity collective is the recognition of outsider organizations to the actors. Collective identity internally leads to ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social... more The problem this research is how the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The aim was to describe the construction of the structure of the symbolic meaning in the discourse of social life. The data source is the study entitled news of social life online media. This study used the approach of critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, who built a model by integrating together a discourse analysis based on the linguistic and social and political thought, which in turn is generally integrated in social change. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the ideology and power in the discourse of social life is represented in the following linguistic features. (1) Recommended vocabulary that represents the ideology and power in the discourse of social life consists of: (a) modality, which includes modalities “for sure”, (b) the verb which include “make”, “have” and “upload”, (c) nouns include “ATM machine”, and “croquet”, and (d) includes the conjun...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten’scurriculum w... more The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Aisyiyah Kindergarten’scurriculum which is the main guideline and reference for the learning process in allAisyiyah Bustanul AthfalKindergartens in Palopo City. This research is a qualitative study which focuses on Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten in Palopo City using a pedagogical and psychological approach. The primary data were gained from the interviews with the principals, teachers, staffs, trustees of the foundation, students’ parents, and community leaders. While the secondary data were obtained from the document of Kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal in the form of semester activity plans, weekly activity plans, daily activity plans and standards for the achievement of children’s development. The method of data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The validity of the data was tested by...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The purpose of this study was to determine the form of legal responsibility due to the environmen... more The purpose of this study was to determine the form of legal responsibility due to the environmental damage done by corporations in the mining industry. This research uses normative legal research typology, especially those relating to the enforcement of corporate criminal sanctions in the fields of mineral and coal mining. The results of the research obtained are forms of penalties in the form of criminal sanctions for corporate actors who carry out environmental damage due to mining where law enforcers must provide strict sanctions to the perpetrators of destruction where the sanctions are strict liability, for the perpetrators of environmental destruction, who can create the legal entity has been dropped in the form of a criminal fine with a spread plus 1/3 of the provisions of the maximum criminal penalty imposed.