sri Purwanti | Universitas Hasanuddin (original) (raw)

Papers by sri Purwanti

Research paper thumbnail of Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun oregano terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli dan Stapylococcus aureus sebagai alternatif feed additive unggas

Gangguan kesehatan pada ternak unggas biasanya diberikan Antibiotics Growth Promoters (AGPs). Pen... more Gangguan kesehatan pada ternak unggas biasanya diberikan Antibiotics Growth Promoters (AGPs). Penggunaan AGPs dilarang oleh karena itu, dicarilah alternatif herbal yang dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan antibiotik. Tanaman oregano berfungsi sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun oregano terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan P1 (kontrol (+) kloramfenikol 30 µg), P2 (kontrol (-) aquades), P3 (ekstrak daun oregano 5%), P4 (ekstrak daun oregano 10%) dan P5 (ekstrak daun oregano 15%) disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap. Parameter yang diukur yaitu zona hambat pada bakteri Escherichia coli dan Stahylococcus aureus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh nyata (P0,05). Uji kontras polinominal memperlihatkan bahwa aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak oregano pada level 15% maksimum menghambat bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphy...

Research paper thumbnail of IbM Kelompok Ternak Unggas Di Kecamatan Manuju Kabupaten Gowa Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2018

The target of this devotion activity is the group of poultry breeder Baji Minasa and Cahaya Po&#3... more The target of this devotion activity is the group of poultry breeder Baji Minasa and Cahaya Po'rong in ManujuSubdistrict Gowa regency of South Sulawesi. The productivity of livestock in this group has not been good or is still said tobe low. Bran ammonia by utilizing feces and bran around as high protein source as well as an herbal medicine for ducksand domestic chickens as feed additive and composting. After that proceed with the socialization of activity programs onmembers of livestock groups. The execution phase is carried out by counseling on the importance of providing and makingfeeds independently by utilizing local resources and the importance of sanitation or bio-security in village management. Themethod used is PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal)/RRA (Rapid Rural Appraisal). Methods of approach to solvingproblems, including counseling, training and visits, field school education (SL), and learning by doing. Through this activit yfarmers and agricultural extension, work...

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Ayam Buras Dan Sapi Potong Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani Kabupaten Maros

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2019

The activities conducted in Maros regency Tanralili district Purnakarya village in chickens and b... more The activities conducted in Maros regency Tanralili district Purnakarya village in chickens and beef cattle groups Cedde Jaya. The main source of livestock feed cows during the dry season are dry forage, rice straw, corn straw and hay crops of nuts which happened to be planted at the time of drought. Besides, leaf Gamal is also a main feed in dry season. Number of cattle per family ownership only 2-3 head extensively maintained. Range chicken as well as extensive maintenance, ownership on average 2-5 chicken each household group. To increase the productivity of cattle, the team provides counseling, coaching, training and mentoring as well as providing some main of facilities such as cattle shed, biogas digester, planting banana. Results are expected in the presence of activities is the avaibility of green forage mainly during the dry season, so that the cattle population will increase, the biogas as a fuel alternative to kerosin and LPG gas, liquid and solid fertilizer from bi...

Research paper thumbnail of Physical and Sensory Quality of Broiler Meat as Influenced by Dietary Supplementation of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Garlic (Allium sativum) and in Combinations as a Feed Additive


This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinat... more This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinations of turmeric and garlic as feed additives in broiler diets on the physical and sensory quality of broiler meat. During the study, the chicken were given 5 feeding treatments, i.e. R0 (basal ration without phytobiotic and antibiotics) , R1 (basal diet + 0.015% zinc bacitracin + 2.485% filler), R2 (basal ration + 2.50% TE), R4 (basal ration + 2.00% GE + 0.50% filler), and R5 (basal ration + 2.50% TGE). The base diet was composed of: yellow corn, meat and bone meal, poultry meat meal, soybean meal, oil, mineral mix, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, salt, L-lysine-HCl, and DL-methionine. Variables observed were physical quality (pH, water holding capacity, cooking lose, and tenderness) and sensory quality. Data regarding physical quality were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by the orthogonal contrast for significant results, and data of sensory quality by non-par...

Research paper thumbnail of Ketahanan Tubuh dan Performa Puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica) dengan Pemberian Jus Bunga Kasumba Turate (Carthamus tinctorius L)

Jurnal Ilmu dan Industri Peternakan, 2021

Zona nyaman puyuh adalah suhu 18-26ºC. Dengan demikian, suhu lingkungan yang diatas zona nyaman d... more Zona nyaman puyuh adalah suhu 18-26ºC. Dengan demikian, suhu lingkungan yang diatas zona nyaman dapat mengakibatkan puyuh mengalami cekaman panas dan dampaknya akan menurunkan imunitasnya. Salah satu suplemen untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah bunga kasumba turate. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana ketahanan tubuh terhadap panas dan infeksi bakteri serta performa puyuh dengan pemberian jus bunga kasumba turate. Materi penelitian terdiri dari sari bunga kasumba turate dan puyuh. Penelitian terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan dengan P0: 100 mL air minum tanpa JBKT (Kontrol), P1: JBKT 0,25 mg/mL dalam 100 mL air minum, P2: JBKT 0,75 mg/mL dalam 100 mL air minum, P3: JBKT 1,25 mg/mL dalam 100 mL air minum. Hasil penelitian tingkat stres menunjukkan bahwa rasio H/L P1, P2 dan P3 lebih rendah dari P0. Hasil uji clearance test menunjukkan bahwa mortalitas bakteri Salmonella pullorum mencapai 67,7%. Pemberian JBKT tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap konsumsi pakan dan pertambahan bobot badan. Nilai konversi pakan pada perlakuan P1, P2 dan P3 lebih baik dari pada P0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian jus bunga kasumba turate pada puyuh mempunyai kemampuan membunuh Salmonella pullorum lebih tinggi dan menghasilkan keefisienan pakan terbaik. Hasil terbaik yaitu pada konsentrasi 0,25 mg/100 mL JBKT.

Research paper thumbnail of Kandungan Nutrisi Tepung Limbah Biji Kakao Yang Difermentasi Menggunakan Bakteri Selulolitik Dengan Metode Pengeringan Yang Berbeda

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pengeringan yang optimal terhadap kandungan nutr... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pengeringan yang optimal terhadap kandungan nutrisi tepung limbah biji kakao yang difermentasi menggunakan bakteri selulolitik. Bahan difermentasi selama 8 hari kemudian dikeringkan dengan metode pengeringan berbeda. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan 5 ulangan; P0 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) tanpa pengeringan, P1 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) kering diangin-anginkan, P2 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) kering matahari, P3 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) kering oven. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA, dilanjutkan uji Duncan taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian kadar air (%) P0: 46,82±1,84, P1: 15,98±0,73, P2: 6,78±0,34, P3: 32,18±1,22; kadar abu (%) P0: 13,59±1,61, P1: 12,65±0,24, P2: 12,69±0,65, P3: 9,78±2,59; lemak kasar (%) P0: 3,95±0,...

Research paper thumbnail of Potential study and utilization of red fruit peels (Pandanus conoideus lam) as feed additive for native chicken production

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Application of the use of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) as a feed additive needs to be devel... more Application of the use of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) as a feed additive needs to be developed because it has antioxidant properties and as a preventive disease drug. The purpose of this review is to examine the use of red fruit peels as feed additives for native chickens. A literature study conducted by reviewing several journals with the results of the study showed that the use of red fruit peels in poultry is still limited to broilers. Red fruit has known properties as a cancer-preventing drug, hypertension, diabetes, and even HIV. Red fruit contains beta-carotene, tocopherol, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. It also contains unsaturated fatty acids, namely oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, decanoic, omega 3, and omega 9. Parts used only in fruit juice, oil, and red fruit pulp, while the skin has not been utilized. Thus, the use of red fruit peels in free-range chickens as feed additives will provide new treasures in science and prospects for local, regional, nation...

Research paper thumbnail of Penekanan Kadar Asam Sianida (HCN) Kulit Ubi Kayu Dalam Potensinya Sebagai Pakan Ternak

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Fitobiotik Ekstrak Kunyit Dan Ekstrak Bawang Putih Sebagai Feed Additive Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Gastrointestinal, Performan, Uji Sensoris Dan Daging Broiler

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Efektifitas Pemberian Kunyit, Bawang Putih Dan Mineral Zink terhadap Performa, Kadar Lemak, Kolesterol Dan Status Kesehatan Broiler

... Idat G. Permana, M.Sc Prof ... Pengujian Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen P... more ... Idat G. Permana, M.Sc Prof ... Pengujian Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian Cimanggu-Bogor, Bapak Taufik dan staf Lab Ilmu ... pengorbanan dan dorongannya, kepada suamiku tercinta Nurdin, SKom, MT dan buah hatiku Muhammad Fathi Athallah ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Maggot sebagai Pakan Lokal Alternatif Sumber Protein Ayam Kampung pada Kegiatan PKM Kelompok Tani-Ternak Liku Labbua di Kecamatan Bangkala Barat Kabupaten Jeneponto

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2021

A technology dissemination program aimed at the community is carried out with a focus on the main... more A technology dissemination program aimed at the community is carried out with a focus on the main problems experienced by partners and provides sustainable solutions based on the potential and resources owned by internal partners themselves. The implementation of this program aims to increase the capacity of farmers by providing information on the potential utilization of natural resources in their land. That resources especially agricultural and livestock waste that can be used as a medium for developing feed ingredients from insects i.e., BSF larvae (maggot). It will be used as an alternative feed for native chickens. Service activities are carried out through several stages including preparation, socialization, extension and demonstrations, as well as assistance so that farmers can independently carry out technology transfer packages themselves. During the activity, group members showed a high level of participation. Demonstration plots for rearing BSF larvae followed by feeding ...

Research paper thumbnail of Particle size and physical characteristic of corn milling results using hammer mill as poultry feed ingredients

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021

Feed ingredients used in poultry feed, generally require size reduction before being used in mixi... more Feed ingredients used in poultry feed, generally require size reduction before being used in mixing rations, such as corn. The process of reducing the size of corn is the initial process that must be carried out for ration production. The machine that is commonly used to reduce the size is the hammer mill. This study aims to determine the particle size and physical characteristics of corn as a poultry feed ingredient by grinding using a hammer mill. The study was arranged using a completely randomized design with four treatments of amount of corn milled with three replications. The treatments were P1 = 5 kg, P2 = 10 kg, P3 = 15 kg, and P4 = 20 kg. Parameters observed were particle size and degree of fineness of milled results, bulk density, and specific gravity, angle of repose, capacity and efficiency of hammer mill machine performance. The results showed that the largest particle size was P4 at 3.167 mm with a fineness degree of 4.927 and the smallest particle size was P1 at 2.810...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Substitution of Fish Meal by Maggot Meal (Hermetia Illucens L) on the Relative Length of Digestive Tract, Histomorphology of Small Intestines, and the Percentage of Carcass Parts in Native Chickens

Journal of World's Poultry Research, 2021

The development of the digestive tract organs is closely related to the increased body weight gro... more The development of the digestive tract organs is closely related to the increased body weight growth in chickens. The present study aimed to determine the effect of using maggot meal as an antibacterial and protein source of fish meal substitution in diets on the relative length of the digestive tract organs, small intestine histomorphology, and the percentage of the native chicken carcass. A total of 140 one-day-old chickens were randomly assigned to one of the five treatments according to a completely randomized design with four replications for each treatment. The treatments included P0 (basal diet + 15% fish meal + 0% maggot meal), P1(basal diet + 11.25% fish meal + 3.75% maggot meal), P2 (basal diet + 7.5% fish meal + 7.5% maggot meal), P3(basal diet + 3.75% fish meal + 11.25% maggot meal), and P4 (basal diet + 0% fish meal + 15% maggot meal). The results showed that the use of maggot meal in P3 had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the relative length, villi height, depth of duodenal crypt, jejunum and ileum, villi surface area, the density of jejunum and ileum villi, and percentage of thigh and wing weight. Besides, the treatment tended to increase the relative length of the caecum and colon, surface area of the duodenal villi, and chest weight percentage. However, the treatment did not affect the duodenal villi density and percentage of back weight in native chickens. The use of maggot meal up to 11.25% in diets can improve the relative length of intestinal, histomorphology of small intestine's villi, and the percentage of carcass parts of native chickens.

Research paper thumbnail of Phytobiotic Utilization as Feed Additive in Feed for Pancreatic Enzyme Activity of Broiler Chicken


This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinat... more This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combination turmeric and garlic as a feed additive in the broiler diet on pancreatic enzyme activity of broiler chicken. Effectivity of treatments was assessed by addition of phytobiotic (control, 015% zinc bacitracin, 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE, 2.5% TGE) which were arranged Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications. The variables measured were pancreatic enzyme activity(amylase enzyme activity, protease enzyme activity and lipase enzyme activity).The results showed that enzyme protein activity content of 2.5% TE supplementation is also high at 82.02 U/ml, then supplemented 2.5% TGE, 2.0% GE, negative control and positive control respectively 75.98 ; 72.02; 68.74; and 66.57 U/ml. The lipase enzyme activity whereas the negative control and a positive control differ significantly higher (P<0.05) to treatment with the addition of 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE and 2.5% TGE phytobiotic. The research concluded t...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Turmeric and Garlic Phytobiotic Addition with Different Duration Storage on the Fungal Colony in Feed


Turmeric and garlic phytobiotic contain bioactive substances, each of which has a function as an ... more Turmeric and garlic phytobiotic contain bioactive substances, each of which has a function as an antifungal. The study aims to determined to test the ability turmeric and garlic phytobiotic pressed fungal colonies in the feed with different storage time. The data were analyzed by a factorial experimental design with 5 treatments 4 replications and 2 repetitions. The first factor types phytobiotic and the second factor was storage duration. R0 = basal ration (without phytobiotic), R1 = basal ration + 0.3% synthetic antifungal, R2 = basal ration + 2.5% turmeric, R3 = basal ration + 5% garlic, R4 = (basal ration + 2.5% turmeric+ 5% garlic. W0, W1, W2 and W3 respectively with storage time 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. Samples were taken from each experimental unit homogeneously. The results showed the average fungal colonies of garlic phytobiotic treatment (26.06±44.76 CFUx103/g) in 2-week storage time (25.20±22.52 CFUx103/g) lower than the provision of synthetic preservatives (57.75±52.03 CFUx1...

Research paper thumbnail of Duodenum Histomorphology and Performance as Influenced by Dietary Supplementation of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Garlic (Allium sativum) and its Combinations as a Feed Additive in Broilers

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2014

This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinat... more This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combination of turmeric and garlic as a feed additive in the broiler diet on performance and duodenum histomorphology. Affectivity of treatments was assessed by addition of phytobiotic (control, 015% zinc bacitracin, 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE, 2.5% TGE) which were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications. The variables measured were duodenum histomorphology (villi height, villi surface area, crypt depth, ratio villi height to crypt depth) and performances (body weight gain, feed intake, FCR). Results showed that diet with 2.5% of TE, 2.0% of GE and 2.5% of TGE significantly increased (p<0.01) the duodenum histomorphology as compared to positive control and negative control. The highest villi height was attained by feeding 2.5% TGE (1726.67 µm) and villi surface area (5054.17 µm) and the lowest was attained by feeding positive control 1005 µm 2 and 1395.66 µm .No significant differences (P > 0.05), were observed in body weight gain and FCR beetwen 2 different treatments, but the negative control feed intake increased significantly (P < 0.05), compared to the positive control. The research concluded that the incorporation of 2.5% TE, 2% GE and combined 2.5% TGE as feed additive enhanced duodenum histomorphology without no side effects on performances in broiler chicks.

Research paper thumbnail of Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun oregano terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli dan Stapylococcus aureus sebagai alternatif feed additive unggas

Gangguan kesehatan pada ternak unggas biasanya diberikan Antibiotics Growth Promoters (AGPs). Pen... more Gangguan kesehatan pada ternak unggas biasanya diberikan Antibiotics Growth Promoters (AGPs). Penggunaan AGPs dilarang oleh karena itu, dicarilah alternatif herbal yang dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan antibiotik. Tanaman oregano berfungsi sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun oregano terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan P1 (kontrol (+) kloramfenikol 30 µg), P2 (kontrol (-) aquades), P3 (ekstrak daun oregano 5%), P4 (ekstrak daun oregano 10%) dan P5 (ekstrak daun oregano 15%) disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap. Parameter yang diukur yaitu zona hambat pada bakteri Escherichia coli dan Stahylococcus aureus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh nyata (P0,05). Uji kontras polinominal memperlihatkan bahwa aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak oregano pada level 15% maksimum menghambat bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphy...

Research paper thumbnail of IbM Kelompok Ternak Unggas Di Kecamatan Manuju Kabupaten Gowa Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2018

The target of this devotion activity is the group of poultry breeder Baji Minasa and Cahaya Po&#3... more The target of this devotion activity is the group of poultry breeder Baji Minasa and Cahaya Po'rong in ManujuSubdistrict Gowa regency of South Sulawesi. The productivity of livestock in this group has not been good or is still said tobe low. Bran ammonia by utilizing feces and bran around as high protein source as well as an herbal medicine for ducksand domestic chickens as feed additive and composting. After that proceed with the socialization of activity programs onmembers of livestock groups. The execution phase is carried out by counseling on the importance of providing and makingfeeds independently by utilizing local resources and the importance of sanitation or bio-security in village management. Themethod used is PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal)/RRA (Rapid Rural Appraisal). Methods of approach to solvingproblems, including counseling, training and visits, field school education (SL), and learning by doing. Through this activit yfarmers and agricultural extension, work...

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Ayam Buras Dan Sapi Potong Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani Kabupaten Maros

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2019

The activities conducted in Maros regency Tanralili district Purnakarya village in chickens and b... more The activities conducted in Maros regency Tanralili district Purnakarya village in chickens and beef cattle groups Cedde Jaya. The main source of livestock feed cows during the dry season are dry forage, rice straw, corn straw and hay crops of nuts which happened to be planted at the time of drought. Besides, leaf Gamal is also a main feed in dry season. Number of cattle per family ownership only 2-3 head extensively maintained. Range chicken as well as extensive maintenance, ownership on average 2-5 chicken each household group. To increase the productivity of cattle, the team provides counseling, coaching, training and mentoring as well as providing some main of facilities such as cattle shed, biogas digester, planting banana. Results are expected in the presence of activities is the avaibility of green forage mainly during the dry season, so that the cattle population will increase, the biogas as a fuel alternative to kerosin and LPG gas, liquid and solid fertilizer from bi...

Research paper thumbnail of Physical and Sensory Quality of Broiler Meat as Influenced by Dietary Supplementation of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Garlic (Allium sativum) and in Combinations as a Feed Additive


This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinat... more This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinations of turmeric and garlic as feed additives in broiler diets on the physical and sensory quality of broiler meat. During the study, the chicken were given 5 feeding treatments, i.e. R0 (basal ration without phytobiotic and antibiotics) , R1 (basal diet + 0.015% zinc bacitracin + 2.485% filler), R2 (basal ration + 2.50% TE), R4 (basal ration + 2.00% GE + 0.50% filler), and R5 (basal ration + 2.50% TGE). The base diet was composed of: yellow corn, meat and bone meal, poultry meat meal, soybean meal, oil, mineral mix, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, salt, L-lysine-HCl, and DL-methionine. Variables observed were physical quality (pH, water holding capacity, cooking lose, and tenderness) and sensory quality. Data regarding physical quality were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by the orthogonal contrast for significant results, and data of sensory quality by non-par...

Research paper thumbnail of Ketahanan Tubuh dan Performa Puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica) dengan Pemberian Jus Bunga Kasumba Turate (Carthamus tinctorius L)

Jurnal Ilmu dan Industri Peternakan, 2021

Zona nyaman puyuh adalah suhu 18-26ºC. Dengan demikian, suhu lingkungan yang diatas zona nyaman d... more Zona nyaman puyuh adalah suhu 18-26ºC. Dengan demikian, suhu lingkungan yang diatas zona nyaman dapat mengakibatkan puyuh mengalami cekaman panas dan dampaknya akan menurunkan imunitasnya. Salah satu suplemen untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah bunga kasumba turate. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana ketahanan tubuh terhadap panas dan infeksi bakteri serta performa puyuh dengan pemberian jus bunga kasumba turate. Materi penelitian terdiri dari sari bunga kasumba turate dan puyuh. Penelitian terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan dengan P0: 100 mL air minum tanpa JBKT (Kontrol), P1: JBKT 0,25 mg/mL dalam 100 mL air minum, P2: JBKT 0,75 mg/mL dalam 100 mL air minum, P3: JBKT 1,25 mg/mL dalam 100 mL air minum. Hasil penelitian tingkat stres menunjukkan bahwa rasio H/L P1, P2 dan P3 lebih rendah dari P0. Hasil uji clearance test menunjukkan bahwa mortalitas bakteri Salmonella pullorum mencapai 67,7%. Pemberian JBKT tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap konsumsi pakan dan pertambahan bobot badan. Nilai konversi pakan pada perlakuan P1, P2 dan P3 lebih baik dari pada P0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian jus bunga kasumba turate pada puyuh mempunyai kemampuan membunuh Salmonella pullorum lebih tinggi dan menghasilkan keefisienan pakan terbaik. Hasil terbaik yaitu pada konsentrasi 0,25 mg/100 mL JBKT.

Research paper thumbnail of Kandungan Nutrisi Tepung Limbah Biji Kakao Yang Difermentasi Menggunakan Bakteri Selulolitik Dengan Metode Pengeringan Yang Berbeda

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pengeringan yang optimal terhadap kandungan nutr... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pengeringan yang optimal terhadap kandungan nutrisi tepung limbah biji kakao yang difermentasi menggunakan bakteri selulolitik. Bahan difermentasi selama 8 hari kemudian dikeringkan dengan metode pengeringan berbeda. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan 5 ulangan; P0 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) tanpa pengeringan, P1 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) kering diangin-anginkan, P2 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) kering matahari, P3 (tepung limbah biji kakao 50% + bekatul 25% + onggok 20% + arang sekam 5%) kering oven. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA, dilanjutkan uji Duncan taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian kadar air (%) P0: 46,82±1,84, P1: 15,98±0,73, P2: 6,78±0,34, P3: 32,18±1,22; kadar abu (%) P0: 13,59±1,61, P1: 12,65±0,24, P2: 12,69±0,65, P3: 9,78±2,59; lemak kasar (%) P0: 3,95±0,...

Research paper thumbnail of Potential study and utilization of red fruit peels (Pandanus conoideus lam) as feed additive for native chicken production

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Application of the use of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) as a feed additive needs to be devel... more Application of the use of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) as a feed additive needs to be developed because it has antioxidant properties and as a preventive disease drug. The purpose of this review is to examine the use of red fruit peels as feed additives for native chickens. A literature study conducted by reviewing several journals with the results of the study showed that the use of red fruit peels in poultry is still limited to broilers. Red fruit has known properties as a cancer-preventing drug, hypertension, diabetes, and even HIV. Red fruit contains beta-carotene, tocopherol, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. It also contains unsaturated fatty acids, namely oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, decanoic, omega 3, and omega 9. Parts used only in fruit juice, oil, and red fruit pulp, while the skin has not been utilized. Thus, the use of red fruit peels in free-range chickens as feed additives will provide new treasures in science and prospects for local, regional, nation...

Research paper thumbnail of Penekanan Kadar Asam Sianida (HCN) Kulit Ubi Kayu Dalam Potensinya Sebagai Pakan Ternak

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Fitobiotik Ekstrak Kunyit Dan Ekstrak Bawang Putih Sebagai Feed Additive Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Gastrointestinal, Performan, Uji Sensoris Dan Daging Broiler

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Efektifitas Pemberian Kunyit, Bawang Putih Dan Mineral Zink terhadap Performa, Kadar Lemak, Kolesterol Dan Status Kesehatan Broiler

... Idat G. Permana, M.Sc Prof ... Pengujian Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen P... more ... Idat G. Permana, M.Sc Prof ... Pengujian Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian Cimanggu-Bogor, Bapak Taufik dan staf Lab Ilmu ... pengorbanan dan dorongannya, kepada suamiku tercinta Nurdin, SKom, MT dan buah hatiku Muhammad Fathi Athallah ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Maggot sebagai Pakan Lokal Alternatif Sumber Protein Ayam Kampung pada Kegiatan PKM Kelompok Tani-Ternak Liku Labbua di Kecamatan Bangkala Barat Kabupaten Jeneponto

JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2021

A technology dissemination program aimed at the community is carried out with a focus on the main... more A technology dissemination program aimed at the community is carried out with a focus on the main problems experienced by partners and provides sustainable solutions based on the potential and resources owned by internal partners themselves. The implementation of this program aims to increase the capacity of farmers by providing information on the potential utilization of natural resources in their land. That resources especially agricultural and livestock waste that can be used as a medium for developing feed ingredients from insects i.e., BSF larvae (maggot). It will be used as an alternative feed for native chickens. Service activities are carried out through several stages including preparation, socialization, extension and demonstrations, as well as assistance so that farmers can independently carry out technology transfer packages themselves. During the activity, group members showed a high level of participation. Demonstration plots for rearing BSF larvae followed by feeding ...

Research paper thumbnail of Particle size and physical characteristic of corn milling results using hammer mill as poultry feed ingredients

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021

Feed ingredients used in poultry feed, generally require size reduction before being used in mixi... more Feed ingredients used in poultry feed, generally require size reduction before being used in mixing rations, such as corn. The process of reducing the size of corn is the initial process that must be carried out for ration production. The machine that is commonly used to reduce the size is the hammer mill. This study aims to determine the particle size and physical characteristics of corn as a poultry feed ingredient by grinding using a hammer mill. The study was arranged using a completely randomized design with four treatments of amount of corn milled with three replications. The treatments were P1 = 5 kg, P2 = 10 kg, P3 = 15 kg, and P4 = 20 kg. Parameters observed were particle size and degree of fineness of milled results, bulk density, and specific gravity, angle of repose, capacity and efficiency of hammer mill machine performance. The results showed that the largest particle size was P4 at 3.167 mm with a fineness degree of 4.927 and the smallest particle size was P1 at 2.810...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Substitution of Fish Meal by Maggot Meal (Hermetia Illucens L) on the Relative Length of Digestive Tract, Histomorphology of Small Intestines, and the Percentage of Carcass Parts in Native Chickens

Journal of World's Poultry Research, 2021

The development of the digestive tract organs is closely related to the increased body weight gro... more The development of the digestive tract organs is closely related to the increased body weight growth in chickens. The present study aimed to determine the effect of using maggot meal as an antibacterial and protein source of fish meal substitution in diets on the relative length of the digestive tract organs, small intestine histomorphology, and the percentage of the native chicken carcass. A total of 140 one-day-old chickens were randomly assigned to one of the five treatments according to a completely randomized design with four replications for each treatment. The treatments included P0 (basal diet + 15% fish meal + 0% maggot meal), P1(basal diet + 11.25% fish meal + 3.75% maggot meal), P2 (basal diet + 7.5% fish meal + 7.5% maggot meal), P3(basal diet + 3.75% fish meal + 11.25% maggot meal), and P4 (basal diet + 0% fish meal + 15% maggot meal). The results showed that the use of maggot meal in P3 had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the relative length, villi height, depth of duodenal crypt, jejunum and ileum, villi surface area, the density of jejunum and ileum villi, and percentage of thigh and wing weight. Besides, the treatment tended to increase the relative length of the caecum and colon, surface area of the duodenal villi, and chest weight percentage. However, the treatment did not affect the duodenal villi density and percentage of back weight in native chickens. The use of maggot meal up to 11.25% in diets can improve the relative length of intestinal, histomorphology of small intestine's villi, and the percentage of carcass parts of native chickens.

Research paper thumbnail of Phytobiotic Utilization as Feed Additive in Feed for Pancreatic Enzyme Activity of Broiler Chicken


This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinat... more This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combination turmeric and garlic as a feed additive in the broiler diet on pancreatic enzyme activity of broiler chicken. Effectivity of treatments was assessed by addition of phytobiotic (control, 015% zinc bacitracin, 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE, 2.5% TGE) which were arranged Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications. The variables measured were pancreatic enzyme activity(amylase enzyme activity, protease enzyme activity and lipase enzyme activity).The results showed that enzyme protein activity content of 2.5% TE supplementation is also high at 82.02 U/ml, then supplemented 2.5% TGE, 2.0% GE, negative control and positive control respectively 75.98 ; 72.02; 68.74; and 66.57 U/ml. The lipase enzyme activity whereas the negative control and a positive control differ significantly higher (P<0.05) to treatment with the addition of 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE and 2.5% TGE phytobiotic. The research concluded t...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Turmeric and Garlic Phytobiotic Addition with Different Duration Storage on the Fungal Colony in Feed


Turmeric and garlic phytobiotic contain bioactive substances, each of which has a function as an ... more Turmeric and garlic phytobiotic contain bioactive substances, each of which has a function as an antifungal. The study aims to determined to test the ability turmeric and garlic phytobiotic pressed fungal colonies in the feed with different storage time. The data were analyzed by a factorial experimental design with 5 treatments 4 replications and 2 repetitions. The first factor types phytobiotic and the second factor was storage duration. R0 = basal ration (without phytobiotic), R1 = basal ration + 0.3% synthetic antifungal, R2 = basal ration + 2.5% turmeric, R3 = basal ration + 5% garlic, R4 = (basal ration + 2.5% turmeric+ 5% garlic. W0, W1, W2 and W3 respectively with storage time 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. Samples were taken from each experimental unit homogeneously. The results showed the average fungal colonies of garlic phytobiotic treatment (26.06±44.76 CFUx103/g) in 2-week storage time (25.20±22.52 CFUx103/g) lower than the provision of synthetic preservatives (57.75±52.03 CFUx1...

Research paper thumbnail of Duodenum Histomorphology and Performance as Influenced by Dietary Supplementation of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Garlic (Allium sativum) and its Combinations as a Feed Additive in Broilers

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2014

This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combinat... more This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combination of turmeric and garlic as a feed additive in the broiler diet on performance and duodenum histomorphology. Affectivity of treatments was assessed by addition of phytobiotic (control, 015% zinc bacitracin, 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE, 2.5% TGE) which were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications. The variables measured were duodenum histomorphology (villi height, villi surface area, crypt depth, ratio villi height to crypt depth) and performances (body weight gain, feed intake, FCR). Results showed that diet with 2.5% of TE, 2.0% of GE and 2.5% of TGE significantly increased (p<0.01) the duodenum histomorphology as compared to positive control and negative control. The highest villi height was attained by feeding 2.5% TGE (1726.67 µm) and villi surface area (5054.17 µm) and the lowest was attained by feeding positive control 1005 µm 2 and 1395.66 µm .No significant differences (P > 0.05), were observed in body weight gain and FCR beetwen 2 different treatments, but the negative control feed intake increased significantly (P < 0.05), compared to the positive control. The research concluded that the incorporation of 2.5% TE, 2% GE and combined 2.5% TGE as feed additive enhanced duodenum histomorphology without no side effects on performances in broiler chicks.