The Bohemian Binge (original) (raw)

Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded inthe bohemian binge's LiveJournal:

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

12:10 am

I decided to post this crappy poem just to show that this group is still alive! Untitled Finite

i have the mind of a young child
the imagination
that cannot find an end
as the vast blue skies
now clouding my troubled eyes
cannot handle reality
retreat into a world
all of my own
where fantasies take shape
and i may hold my love until the dawn
on the evening of perepetual moonlight
i cannot stray
only pray that i may remain forever
under the cherry trees
always in blossom
flowers smiling back at me
as i meander about
constructing, most uncarefully,
every scenario possible
under my pink lights...
then time passes on
and i may see years from now
a future that my hopes wish to fulfil
subconscious desires
dreams living out
the only life that they know
for i shall never wake
and the spawn of my imagination
will never break free
and enter
into the world that my body
is cruelly entrapped in
surrounded, caged
by solid bars that do not give way
when in confined solitude
those chimaera-like phantoms
are comforting company

I was going to fix all of the "I"'s, you know, capitalize them... But I decided it added a touch of youthful symbolism. That, or I'm really just that lazy. I don't expect any comments. Just wanted to post.

Monday, February 7th, 2005

10:43 pm

"you know where she goes"

don't run so far, babe.
he is on her neck.
he is on my hips.
he is on the cap of the bottle
and flicking a lighter in the wind.

oh the back roads are safe
for the knives
and the ravens
and the ghosts we never lose
from childhood beds.

"you were never so clean. never so clean"

they're little, they taste bad, they stay in you forever.
i am no poet;
the world is a fucking vulgar star waiting its turn to burn out.

"you make my hands hurt"

he got out the shot gun and said
"be clean

or die"

so i got down on the floor
and listened to him laugh

the rug;
a bloody lamb's fleece.

Tuesday, December 14th, 2004

1:13 pm

The next is a free prompt, or you can stick with my theme of this one. I don't want this to end up just being my creative writing journal... *puppy face* peas write?

( rapeCollapse )

Tuesday, November 30th, 2004

1:24 pm

Time to get this community up and running again.
I guess for "again" to be true, we have to get it started in the first place.
recommend us, post a link in other communities, we need members!

1:19 pm

Despnodency Steal that which was mine
dancing through life
Standing in solitude among flwers
their beauty provides no releif from solitude
foolish shadows without identity
dancing through life
plain jane melts sto teh floor
lechery devours the love
to pull away the bonds
the virgin turns to red
held in the embrace
of the theif of innocence
the sky becomes toxic
the water as inky as the soul
cover your ears to block out your own cries
surrounding you
lack of expression, lack of identity
my repose lacks rest
as my body lacks the calm
the difference between fear and anxiety
fear has an objext
anxiety springs from within
highly acidic, it eats what loneliness cannot fill
escape from consciousness
where nightmares are your sle companions
fear death in case consciousness outlves the body
fate stalks the lonely crowd and guns you down
isolated consciousness
and despondency.

Tuesday, August 17th, 2004

7:43 pm

and it's been a while... Yeah, we have to start this up again after we're all settled into school... Com'on, we still have fire and air! Then we can do some more prompts. However, Nny, 'tis your turn to come up with the next element prompt.

Monday, July 26th, 2004

11:35 pm

Water Story 'Ello, everyone! I just finished my water story, after a long time of procrastination and lack of inspiration (what a horrible combination, my friends). It didn't come out the way I wanted, but this is what happened. More would have required more length, and that would have been horrible. Instead, a "quick" story of the overpowering of a girl by the ocean.

Make sure you read Jenny's if you haven't already -- it's amazing as always. I said I would beat her out, but I was wrong (as usual... I can never beat her...)


( Read more...Collapse )

Current Mood: mellow

8:53 am

The next element to respond to is Water. no more procrastinating Mish! here's ( mineCollapse )
x-posted to _eloquor

Sunday, July 18th, 2004

11:31 pm

1:09 am

1:02 am

Mish's Glass Story Welcome to the Cafe Dante, everyone! I am going to just jump right into this. This is my "girl turns to glass/degredation of civilization" story. The whole idea is how the modern world, particularly America, is falling apart, which is all illustrated by using some deadly sins. Jen's is a lot better and a lot shorter, but here is mine just in case anyone's bored. However, I SO have her ass kicked on the next story prompt (water... my element, baby!).

( Read more...Collapse )

Tuesday, July 13th, 2004

10:26 pm

welcome all! The first prompt is "A girl walks into the desert and turns to glass." you can read my response ( hereCollapse )