Zulkarnain Hamson | Universitas Indonesia Timur (original) (raw)

Papers by Zulkarnain Hamson

Research paper thumbnail of Akuntabilitas Layanan Masyarakat Berbasis Media Desa Guna Pencegahan Korupsi

Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, Nov 11, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Program Penta Helix Dalam Program Media Dan Publikasi Desa

Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, Nov 11, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Perencanan Agenda Berita Berorientasi Kesehatan Lingkungan Pengalaman Dari Peristiwa Pandemi COVID-19

Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, Nov 11, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Framing Media Online Kompas.com Terkait Isu Palestina Dan Israel

Jurnal Jurnalisa/Jurnal jurnalisa, Jun 30, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Microstructure Characteristics of Chicken Feather Panels As An Alternative Wall Material

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Research paper thumbnail of Ekliptis Teori Komunikasi

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Research paper thumbnail of Pemikiran Jurgen Habermas

<i>Jurgen Habermas (1929) is the 2nd generation of leading exponents of the Frankfurt Schoo... more <i>Jurgen Habermas (1929) is the 2nd generation of leading exponents of the Frankfurt School and has been instrumental in reviving his influence. The Frankfurt School offers a new and latest version of Marxism, and all of that is again driven by Habermas. His thoughts and ideas are intended to maintain the critical and emancipatory dimension of Marxism in the context of developments which have marked the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Habermas, was able to fight a number of post-modern thinkers, such as Derrida, Lyotard, or Foucault. The nineteenth-century orthodox Marxist theory lies in the Industrial Age and articulates social phenomena in terms of materialistic views, and Habermas is able to articulate the hopes of his predecessors in Frankfurt, through his thoughts on; Communicative Rationality, Ethical Discourse, Deliberative Democracy, Universal Practices, Communicative Actions, Public Spaces.</i>

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Research paper thumbnail of Politik Uang di Pemilu Indonesia: Sebuah Tinjauan

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Research paper thumbnail of TEORI KRITIS THEODOR ADORNO.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Peran Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Drainase Sekunder Perkotaan

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Jaringan Sosial Melalui Ucinet

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Research paper thumbnail of Keberhasilan Vaksin Covid-19: Persfektip Komunikasi Pendekatan Teori Coordinated Management of Meaning

Masyarakat Indonesia sejak awal pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), Januari 2020, tidak... more Masyarakat Indonesia sejak awal pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), Januari 2020, tidak memiliki prediksi akan mengalami kondisi ketidakstabilan sosial, ekonomi juga politik. Pada tanggal 30 April 2020, pemerintah Indonesia Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 Tahun 2020 menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) adalah kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu penduduk di suatu wilayah yang sedemikian rupa untuk mencegah kemungkinan penyebaran Covid -I9. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia yang mewajibkan masyarakat vaksin, menerima, yakni patuh, ragu-ragu dan menolak.Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini, menggunakan sumber-sumber data yang berasal dari jurnal ilmiah, literatur digital, website berita, situs web resmi, media sosial Facebook, wawancara pada sumber yang dipilih berdasarkan profesi dan usia tertentu, untuk memperoleh kesimpulan sikap masyarakat pada kewajiban melaksanakan vaksin di Kota Makassar. Hasil yang diperoleh masyarakat memutuskan untuk menjalani vaksin Covid-19, karena kewajiban, kesadaran akan informasi yang akurat dan tekanan, karena wajib vaksin sebagai prasarat untuk pengurusan perizinan di kantor pemerintah, bahkan untuk pembelian tiket penerbangan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Dan Efektivitas Komunikasi CSR Pt. Vale Indonesia (TBK) Dalam Pembentukan Opini Publik

Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh, Jun 29, 2021

Public opinion is an opinion, idea, or idea issued by internal or external public parties of an o... more Public opinion is an opinion, idea, or idea issued by internal or external public parties of an organization or company regarding an issue that arises. The internal or external public party obtains information about a matter either face to face or through the mass media. The creation of public opinion that develops in both internal and external public circles can assist companies in evaluating work programs in achieving the company's vision, mission, and goals. Public opinion is formed and is positive due to the existence of an effective communication process. The objectives of this study were to identify the strategies undertaken by PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. in building communication effectiveness. The location of this research was carried out in East Luwu District, South Sulawesi where the company operates. The research method used is a survey method with quantitative data supported by qualitative methods (Mixed method). The technique of determining respondents through the method of sampling Morgan and Krejci. The determination of informants was carried out using the snowball technique. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data analysis will be presented in the form of frequency tables and cross-tabulations, then qualitative data will be processed through three stages of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the communication strategies and methods used in forming public opinion about the existence of the company and corporate social responsibility for the community were quite effective. So that a more optimal communication strategy is needed in order to create positive public opinion for both the company's existence and corporate social responsibility in the social, economic, and environmental aspects effectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interaksionisme Simbolik Pengguna Media Sosial Facebook dan WhatsApp Pada Isu Covid-19

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Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode ‘3H’ dalam Pelatihan Jurnalistik Anggota LAPMI-HMI Makassar

Baktimas, Sep 30, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors That Determine Apparatus Performance Improvement in Realizing Good Governance

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Mar 28, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Metodologi Mengajar Guna Peningkatan Kompetensi Instruktur Aisi Kota Makassar

JCES (Journal of Character Education Society), Jul 30, 2019

Abstrak : Kegagalan dalam embangun sistem pelatihan (Kursus) keterampilan, adalah ketidakmampuan ... more Abstrak : Kegagalan dalam embangun sistem pelatihan (Kursus) keterampilan, adalah ketidakmampuan mendesain program pembelajaran dan praktik, yang adaptif, inovatif serta mudah dicerna dan dadopsi oleh siswa. Seorang instruktur dituntut memiliki paling tidak tiga yakni (a) penguasaan materi pelatihan, (b) kemampuan komunikasi, dan (c) pemanfaatan teknologi. Kemampuan dasar instruktur yang baik dalam proses transformasi pengetahuan, pengalaman dan penguasaan teknologi terbaru yang terus berkembang sesuai kecepatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sangat diperlukan. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan alternatif pengetahuan dan informasi kebaruan perkembangan keilmuan dan teknologi pembelajaran, kepada instruktur yang tergabung dalam organisasi Asosiasi Instruktur Seluruh Indonesia (AISI) Kota Makassar, dan aktif bekerja pada pusat kursus keterampilan atau Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja (LPK). Dari kegiatan itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa instruktur LPK di internal AISI Kota Makassar, belum menaikkan standar program pelatihan, penggunaan teknologi pembelajaran, serta minimnya inovasi dalam menaikkan motifasi belajar siswa, juga kesulitan dalam monitoring hasil dan pencapaian kualitas mutu luaran LPK. Abstract: Failure to build a skills training system (Course), is the inability to design learning programs and practices, which are adaptive, innovative and easily digested and adopted by students. An instructor is required to have at least three, namely (a) mastery of training materials, (b) communication skills, and (c) use of technology. The basic ability of a good instructor in the process of transforming knowledge, experience and mastery of the latest technology that continues to evolve at the speed of science and technology, is very necessary. This training was held to provide alternative knowledge and new information on the development of science and learning technology, to instructors who are members of the Makassar Indonesia Association of Instructors (AISI), and actively work in the center of skills courses or Job Training Institutions (LPK). From this activity, it can be concluded that the LPK instructors in the Makassar City AISI have not yet raised the standard of training programs, the use of learning technology, as well as the lack of innovation in increasing student learning motivation, as well as difficulties in monitoring results and achieving the quality of LPK outcomes

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Research paper thumbnail of Institutional Village Strengthening Model in Completing Standar Minimum of Human Development

Kemudi, Apr 18, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Teori Kritis Theodor Adorno

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Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Liputan Sebagai Indikator Ukur Kinerja Redaksi Portal Berita Berita

Humanis, Mar 15, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Akuntabilitas Layanan Masyarakat Berbasis Media Desa Guna Pencegahan Korupsi

Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, Nov 11, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Program Penta Helix Dalam Program Media Dan Publikasi Desa

Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, Nov 11, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Perencanan Agenda Berita Berorientasi Kesehatan Lingkungan Pengalaman Dari Peristiwa Pandemi COVID-19

Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, Nov 11, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Framing Media Online Kompas.com Terkait Isu Palestina Dan Israel

Jurnal Jurnalisa/Jurnal jurnalisa, Jun 30, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Microstructure Characteristics of Chicken Feather Panels As An Alternative Wall Material

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Research paper thumbnail of Ekliptis Teori Komunikasi

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Research paper thumbnail of Pemikiran Jurgen Habermas

<i>Jurgen Habermas (1929) is the 2nd generation of leading exponents of the Frankfurt Schoo... more <i>Jurgen Habermas (1929) is the 2nd generation of leading exponents of the Frankfurt School and has been instrumental in reviving his influence. The Frankfurt School offers a new and latest version of Marxism, and all of that is again driven by Habermas. His thoughts and ideas are intended to maintain the critical and emancipatory dimension of Marxism in the context of developments which have marked the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Habermas, was able to fight a number of post-modern thinkers, such as Derrida, Lyotard, or Foucault. The nineteenth-century orthodox Marxist theory lies in the Industrial Age and articulates social phenomena in terms of materialistic views, and Habermas is able to articulate the hopes of his predecessors in Frankfurt, through his thoughts on; Communicative Rationality, Ethical Discourse, Deliberative Democracy, Universal Practices, Communicative Actions, Public Spaces.</i>

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Research paper thumbnail of Politik Uang di Pemilu Indonesia: Sebuah Tinjauan

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Research paper thumbnail of TEORI KRITIS THEODOR ADORNO.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Peran Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Drainase Sekunder Perkotaan

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Jaringan Sosial Melalui Ucinet

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Research paper thumbnail of Keberhasilan Vaksin Covid-19: Persfektip Komunikasi Pendekatan Teori Coordinated Management of Meaning

Masyarakat Indonesia sejak awal pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), Januari 2020, tidak... more Masyarakat Indonesia sejak awal pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), Januari 2020, tidak memiliki prediksi akan mengalami kondisi ketidakstabilan sosial, ekonomi juga politik. Pada tanggal 30 April 2020, pemerintah Indonesia Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 Tahun 2020 menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) adalah kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu penduduk di suatu wilayah yang sedemikian rupa untuk mencegah kemungkinan penyebaran Covid -I9. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia yang mewajibkan masyarakat vaksin, menerima, yakni patuh, ragu-ragu dan menolak.Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini, menggunakan sumber-sumber data yang berasal dari jurnal ilmiah, literatur digital, website berita, situs web resmi, media sosial Facebook, wawancara pada sumber yang dipilih berdasarkan profesi dan usia tertentu, untuk memperoleh kesimpulan sikap masyarakat pada kewajiban melaksanakan vaksin di Kota Makassar. Hasil yang diperoleh masyarakat memutuskan untuk menjalani vaksin Covid-19, karena kewajiban, kesadaran akan informasi yang akurat dan tekanan, karena wajib vaksin sebagai prasarat untuk pengurusan perizinan di kantor pemerintah, bahkan untuk pembelian tiket penerbangan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Dan Efektivitas Komunikasi CSR Pt. Vale Indonesia (TBK) Dalam Pembentukan Opini Publik

Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh, Jun 29, 2021

Public opinion is an opinion, idea, or idea issued by internal or external public parties of an o... more Public opinion is an opinion, idea, or idea issued by internal or external public parties of an organization or company regarding an issue that arises. The internal or external public party obtains information about a matter either face to face or through the mass media. The creation of public opinion that develops in both internal and external public circles can assist companies in evaluating work programs in achieving the company's vision, mission, and goals. Public opinion is formed and is positive due to the existence of an effective communication process. The objectives of this study were to identify the strategies undertaken by PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. in building communication effectiveness. The location of this research was carried out in East Luwu District, South Sulawesi where the company operates. The research method used is a survey method with quantitative data supported by qualitative methods (Mixed method). The technique of determining respondents through the method of sampling Morgan and Krejci. The determination of informants was carried out using the snowball technique. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data analysis will be presented in the form of frequency tables and cross-tabulations, then qualitative data will be processed through three stages of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the communication strategies and methods used in forming public opinion about the existence of the company and corporate social responsibility for the community were quite effective. So that a more optimal communication strategy is needed in order to create positive public opinion for both the company's existence and corporate social responsibility in the social, economic, and environmental aspects effectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interaksionisme Simbolik Pengguna Media Sosial Facebook dan WhatsApp Pada Isu Covid-19

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Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode ‘3H’ dalam Pelatihan Jurnalistik Anggota LAPMI-HMI Makassar

Baktimas, Sep 30, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors That Determine Apparatus Performance Improvement in Realizing Good Governance

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Mar 28, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Metodologi Mengajar Guna Peningkatan Kompetensi Instruktur Aisi Kota Makassar

JCES (Journal of Character Education Society), Jul 30, 2019

Abstrak : Kegagalan dalam embangun sistem pelatihan (Kursus) keterampilan, adalah ketidakmampuan ... more Abstrak : Kegagalan dalam embangun sistem pelatihan (Kursus) keterampilan, adalah ketidakmampuan mendesain program pembelajaran dan praktik, yang adaptif, inovatif serta mudah dicerna dan dadopsi oleh siswa. Seorang instruktur dituntut memiliki paling tidak tiga yakni (a) penguasaan materi pelatihan, (b) kemampuan komunikasi, dan (c) pemanfaatan teknologi. Kemampuan dasar instruktur yang baik dalam proses transformasi pengetahuan, pengalaman dan penguasaan teknologi terbaru yang terus berkembang sesuai kecepatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sangat diperlukan. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan alternatif pengetahuan dan informasi kebaruan perkembangan keilmuan dan teknologi pembelajaran, kepada instruktur yang tergabung dalam organisasi Asosiasi Instruktur Seluruh Indonesia (AISI) Kota Makassar, dan aktif bekerja pada pusat kursus keterampilan atau Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja (LPK). Dari kegiatan itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa instruktur LPK di internal AISI Kota Makassar, belum menaikkan standar program pelatihan, penggunaan teknologi pembelajaran, serta minimnya inovasi dalam menaikkan motifasi belajar siswa, juga kesulitan dalam monitoring hasil dan pencapaian kualitas mutu luaran LPK. Abstract: Failure to build a skills training system (Course), is the inability to design learning programs and practices, which are adaptive, innovative and easily digested and adopted by students. An instructor is required to have at least three, namely (a) mastery of training materials, (b) communication skills, and (c) use of technology. The basic ability of a good instructor in the process of transforming knowledge, experience and mastery of the latest technology that continues to evolve at the speed of science and technology, is very necessary. This training was held to provide alternative knowledge and new information on the development of science and learning technology, to instructors who are members of the Makassar Indonesia Association of Instructors (AISI), and actively work in the center of skills courses or Job Training Institutions (LPK). From this activity, it can be concluded that the LPK instructors in the Makassar City AISI have not yet raised the standard of training programs, the use of learning technology, as well as the lack of innovation in increasing student learning motivation, as well as difficulties in monitoring results and achieving the quality of LPK outcomes

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Research paper thumbnail of Institutional Village Strengthening Model in Completing Standar Minimum of Human Development

Kemudi, Apr 18, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Teori Kritis Theodor Adorno

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Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Liputan Sebagai Indikator Ukur Kinerja Redaksi Portal Berita Berita

Humanis, Mar 15, 2021

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Forensik Jurnalisme: Membedah Fakta Berita, 2023

SEMUA PERISTIWA memiliki fakta, dengan fakta itu konstruksi berita dibangun. Setiap fakta memilik... more SEMUA PERISTIWA memiliki fakta, dengan fakta itu konstruksi berita dibangun. Setiap fakta memiliki keunggulan sekalipun tidak lebih hebat dari lainnya. Dengan firkah-firkah fakta yang berserak itu, jurnalis dituntut mampu merangkainya, menempatkan sedemikian rupa, sehingga berita terbaca dengan sempurna, informatif, mencerdaskan, transmisi nilai, control social, mencegah, melindungi dan menghibur konsumen informasi.

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Research paper thumbnail of PERS DALAM LINTASAN PERADABAN

ISBN: 9786025197970, 2019

Sejarah pers diberbagai belahan dunia, bisa ditelusuri secara lebih cepat melalui rangkaian siste... more Sejarah pers diberbagai belahan dunia, bisa ditelusuri secara lebih cepat melalui rangkaian sistematika dalam buku ini. Hingga akhirnya tiba di Indonesia, mengalami dinamikanya yang begitu kompleks, Pers Indonesia akhirnya menyimpan sejumlah catatan untuk kita pelajari. Berbagai teori tentang pers juga ikut menyumbangkan proses penyempurnaan iklim akademik, juga penerapannya dalam sebagai sebuah ilmu praktis dalam komunikasi manusia. Kita berharap tetap dapat dengan baik menjajari setiap perubahan peradaban, teknologi yang melingkupi kesempurnaan hidup manusia, juga perubahan prilaku komunikasi manusia yang terimbas secara logis dan bermanfaat, yang dengannya diperoleh catatan sejarah yang lebih komprehensif.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pusdiklat Jurnalis Online Indonesia (JOIN) dan Ledakan Media Online

https://www.researchgate.net, 2020

The development of the media industry in the post-Indonesian political and democratic reform era ... more The development of the media industry in the post-Indonesian political and democratic reform era 1998-1999, gave greater implications and space for expression. The consequences for the growth of communication science studies are also widespread. Mainstream media, such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio, are under intense pressure to change, following new platforms, which are provided with digitalization and online technology whose market is growing rapidly, after the latest invention of Android-based cellular technology Journalists are required to have the ability to understand the presence of new media. Journalist organizations are also present to serve their members by preparing practical education. ABSTRAK Perkembangan industry media di era pasca reformasi politik dan demokrasi Indonesia 1998-1999, memberi implikasi dan ruang ekspresi yang lebih besar. Konsekwensinya bagi tumbuhnya kajian ilmu komunikasi yang juga meluas. Media mainstream seperti surat kabar, majalah, televisi juga radio, mengalami tekanan keras untuk berubah, mengikuti platform baru, yang disediakan teknologi digitalisasi dan online yang pasarnya tumbuh pesat, setelah penemuan terbaru teknologi seluler berbasis android. Wartawan dituntut memiliki kemampuan memahami kehadiran media baru. Organisasi jurnalis juga hadir melayani anggotanya, dengan menyiapkan pendidikan praktis.

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