Caitlin Fan Club's Journal (original) (raw)

Caitlin Fan Club's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inCaitlin Fan Club's LiveJournal:

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Sunday, June 3rd, 2007
_10:08 pm_[chappell] Attention I would like to say that despite her absence of late, I am still a Caitlin Fan! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
_9:13 pm_[six2] New Picture! I thought I'd post a picture of caitlin's new teeth. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
_9:39 am_[chappell] One month and counting :-) One month and counting till the Cute One finally turns 21.Big party in DC. Be there! (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, July 9th, 2001
_8:57 pm_[yesfan5] my misjudged entry hi.... ok, I can't seem to add a pic. figures.. anyway.... look up a mortercycle called "roadog"It has to be the coolest bike I have ever seen.I wish I could have inserted the pic here.."Oh a wish for wings that work"- Bloom County(Opus) Maybe soon I will be better at this. :) (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, May 24th, 2001
_7:47 pm_[six2] **"People don't usually hang jeans...but women do"**Caitlin said this today as we argued over why she apparenly has shoelaces for underwear.I know, you had to be there. (Comment on this)
Thursday, April 19th, 2001
_1:23 pm_[tommydiablo] Hooray for CutieCat! (Comment on this)
Sunday, April 15th, 2001
_2:21 am_[pms_girly] Caitlin is very SEXY!! *hehe* Current Mood: hot (Comment on this)
Friday, April 13th, 2001
_3:19 am_[craam] when you're so bored, that you... One night, when I was in 12th grade I think. Dave, his friend raj, and i were hanging out at dave's old apartment. We were *so* bored. There was nothing on tv, none of us had a car, we weren't hungry, none of us were tired enough to go to bed, yet it was too late to do something constructive. I believe it was wintertime. So one of us (i honestly don't remember who) came up with the idea to dress up weirdly and sit in the elevator. I put raj in one of my dresses (over his jeans and shirt) and gave him some boobs, with the dress he put on a ski mask that covered his whole face. I left my shirt on, but put a bikini top over it, sunglasses, and one of dave's suit jackets. I think i was also wearing a white gloves from an M&M costume and dave's snow boots. Neither dave nor I can remember what he was wearing, but I think a santa hat was involved. Anyway, there we were. The 3 of us got into the elevator. Raj standing and me and dave sitting. lol. We just got on and pressed a few buttons. The first time someone got on, i think they just glanced at us and then got off ASAP, probably wasn't even their floor. The next person got on was a woman I remember. She was facing away from us, but I could see her shoulders shaking with laughter. We were all trying hard not to laugh. THe point was we were just going to sit there and be totally serious wearing ridiculous outfits lol. That didn't last. I think after the second woman got off the elevator we went back to the apartment..I haven't been bored enough to do something like that since then (thank GOD). Current Mood: silly (1 Comment |Comment on this)
_3:08 am_[craam] So, since I am probably not going to get this car fixed, but will still drive it for a while, dave came up with (and I didn't argue) the idea of covering my car with bumper stickers(or just plain stickers), or at least the back of the car. So, I want you guys to send me some stickers!!I am willing to put any bumper sticker on my car, as long as it isn't anti-abortion and the like. I don't think anyone would send something like that, but email me for my address and I will take pictures occasionally! I already have some sanrio stickers on there, but this will be even more fun. People stare at my car cause of the accident already, so why not? Current Mood: dorky (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, April 12th, 2001
_12:30 am_[six2] FYI: Today's caitlin news:She's the blue-eyed devil. She's picking out kittens! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2001
_8:58 pm_[craam] There's been another entry in the nickname contest....Dr. Scholl's! lol (he entered last night at Rite Aid)Current Mood: amused (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, April 2nd, 2001
_11:29 pm_[craam] Dave causes caitlin to beat small children! film at 11 So one time when dave and I were in Europe (switzerland to be more specific) we were on a train. We were on many trains every day we were there, it's the only way to get around and we had swiss train passes. So we're getting off the train and dave is pestering me a poking me and stuff. Then I get up and think that dave gets behind me. As it turns out a little boy (maybe 6 or 7) gets in the aisle after me and before dave. So he's walking in between us. Then dave pokes me a few times in the back, I try to ignore him..then he does it again. I get annoyed and whip around to hit him on the stomach and end up hitting the little kid!! Dave busts out laughing and I try to apologize to the kid, but he doesn't speak any english. Doh. I feel bad. Luckily I didn't hit him hard b/c as soon as i turned around i saw him and it was too late to stop totally,but i didn't do it too hard. DERR DA DERR Current Mood: amused (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, March 31st, 2001
_1:27 pm_[chappell] Caitlin World Tour? Just wondering, since we have a fan club now, when is the Caitlin World Tour? And when will it be coming to a city near me? Current Mood: curious (Comment on this)
Thursday, March 29th, 2001
_1:37 pm_[tefen] cute-astrophecutopiacait-o-nine-tails (5 Comments |Comment on this)
_7:54 am_[chappell] Entries CaitastropheCuteicle (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, March 28th, 2001
_8:27 pm_[craam] A Post about dave--warning, very sappy. When I went away to college (in salisbury, md..which is about 120miles from here), I knew I would miss dave a lot. At the time neither of us had a car really (he used his sisters, but wasn't supposed to drive it much) and I thought I wouldn't get to see him that much. The first day was *really* hard. I was meeting my roomate (who later turned out to be really cool), and all the people on my floor and getting my ID and I was so overwhelmed. I am such an introverted person and meeting so many new people all at once is really hard for me. Especially in a totally new town, where I knew nothing about where anything was and I was away from someone i'd been with everyday for over a year. (yes I was co-dependent, i 'm better now, really). So anyway, after my parents left me I was feeling a *little* better. Another thing I was upset about was that my phone wasn't hookedup to make outgoing calls, AND dave was doing jury duty so I couldn't email him. Then it started getting dark..there was this freshmen thing they were doing outside. The local radio station was there and it was kinda like a "get to know you" thing or something. It was so awkward and I was not having fun at all. Then we sit down to listen to some announcements or something then someone sits next to me and says "hey." It is dave!! I am so shocked my mouth is just hanging open. I'm like "what are you doing here?" He said, "I was driving back from jury duty and thought I'd just drive here." I am so happy to see him I start crying, but trying not to b/c there are all these people around and I hate crying in public, also I tried to hug him but we're both sitting on the ground and thats hard to do. So the next few minutes is a blur and then we start walking back to my room..on the way we run into my roomate, I introduce them and since she wasn't planning on sleeping in our room that night anyway it is ok for dave to stay. (she always was ok with him sleeping over, she rarely slept in our room) So that is my cute story about dave and an example of why I love him so much. I felt like he "knew" somehow that I needed him and that's why he came to see me. I feel like we are connected that way...telepathically or whatever. Current Mood: nostalgic (3 Comments |Comment on this)
_2:09 pm_[tefen] Somewhere in this country is a very cute lil' woman who is desperately in need of support. She needs her fans to help her to get through her day to day life. For just the low low cost of one post a day you can put a smile on this young ladies face.Please call now, operators are standing by. (7 Comments |Comment on this)
_5:04 pm_[six2] Contest, Potty Tales Here's today's latest caitlin tidbit:she has many nicknames, "cutelin", caitlinger, cat lips, complicaitlin, shorty by nature, pornstar, some that are more obscene, various variations of cait and/or lin. I'm inviting folks to suggest their best nicknames. Since I'd like to update this often, you can keep up by adding the community to your friends list (yes, that's a blatant plug). Umm, if we get enough replies, maybe we'll have a real contest and give away a caitlin to the winner or something.Anyway, Caitlin tells me her most embarrasing moment was on an Italian train in Switzerland. She got up and walked to the next car to go to the John (called the W/C there, or Water Closet). She couldn't get the lock on the door to work (it was kinda tricky) and people kept barging in on her while she was going to the bathroom! One time, she saw the whole row of people on the train car! Then she came out of the john and she was all embarassed. Now she can kill me *lol*at least she may have more detail or corrections...Here's another good potty tale. In Paris they have these automatic toilets for a small fee that clean themselves - they cost nothing to use (10 cents?) and they're pretty good. Anyway, I'd used one before and they're nice, you go in, you take a leak, and you get cleaned up and leave. It won't let you stay in there longer than a few mins and then after each use it hoses itself down.Anywho, she went into one and she came right back out and said she couldn't figure out how to use it. i said she just goes in the toilet thing and then that's it. she comes out again - there's no hole in the bottom of the toilet thing, so she doesn't want to go in it because she thinks her umm products will just stay in there and she doesn't want other people seeing them [!]. So I figure out that the bowl just retracts into the wall after every use and cleans itself up. So she finally uses it, nuff said. Really cracked me up for some reason. Current Mood: artistic (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, March 27th, 2001
_10:00 am_[tefen] shake shake shake seniorashake that body lineWork work work seniorawork it all the timeUhm, ok, showing my support for cuteness. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, March 26th, 2001
_9:29 pm_[pms_girly] Oh Caitlin your soo fineYour soo fine you blow my mindHey Caitlin...Hey Caitlin *hehehehehehehehehehe* Current Mood: silly (2 Comments |Comment on this)

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