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The End Is Never The End

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Requests: Closed

Requests in Inbox: 28

Requests being worked on in Drafts: 3

Welcome + Rules:

Welcome to my blog!

Write occasionally here. I draw and reblog a lot of stuff. You may check my description to see if requests are open or not.

Also refer to here if you want to know anything about me! I may add there some stuff in the future.


I write for fun, and it is my hobby, do not pressure me, please. Do not send any writer I support hate, they are all very hard working and fenominal people who are talented at their work. Hate sent my way will be posted as the post of shame, and will be used against you with comedy.

Everything is under the cut!

Keep reading

ReDestro: “Where is Shigaraki?”

Spinner: “It’s his gaming time.”

ReDestro: “Gaming time? We have important things to discuss. Skeptic, go retrieve Shigaraki.”

Spinner: “I wouldn’t do that—”

Skeptic walking into Shigaraki’s room.

Skeptic: “OW!— FUCK.”

Skeptic running back out.

ReDestro: “What happened?”

Skeptic: “HE BIT ME!”

Spinner: “I tried to warn you.”


Their marriage didn't last long sadly. 🤷


Deku's first day on the job is going great

Anonymous asked:

I just got back from vacation and was thinking… what would a beach vacay be like with the MLA/Lov.

thotsforvillainrights answered:

(Wish I could have a beach vacay with them…well maybe not all of them. You’ll see why in a minute)

~Beach Vacay with the MLA/LOV~




-Shigaraki got there, got his shit out of the car, set up his little spot, and has not moved in over an hour. He’s totally relaxed so don’t even try to come make him move because he’s not doing it. He’d rather play on his switch than to be out there in the sun doing whatever. You MIGHT be able to convince him with enough begging though. Skeptic and Geten have also opted toward relaxing under the umbrella rather than getting involved with various beach activity. Mustard as well. Skeptic literally brought his laptop to do work while there and Geten hates the summer time heat. Mustard didn’t want to go to the beach in the first place. They aint moving so if you choose to spend your time with them, you might wanna bring a book or something to do that passes the time.

~Hitting up the Food Trucks~

-Magne isn’t big on the various foods but she definitely loves hitting up the little trucks that serve the drinks inside pineapples. That and the ice cream truck. Spinner is also going to be with her as he loves just being able to sample a lot of different snacks. Oh and Muscular too!!! Muscular can really knock out a good meal here and there. Literally gets so full that when everyone decided to go to the restaurant later that he just sits in the car and sleeps. (Magne will pay for you to eat whatever you want throughout the day even if you brought your own money so I’d say it’s a win when it comes to hanging with their group all day).

~Sandcastle Tournament~

-To be expected of course it would be Toga and Twice engaging in the sandcastle tomfoolery. What’s worse is that they roped Compress into it as well. In fact, you’re probably going to have to compete against them while Compress is the judge and referee for the tournament. Curious hops in and joins your team if she sees you doing it. You wouldn’t have expected her to be into such a thing but she enjoys being silly and having fun sometimes too! The three of them start to take it a little too seriously near the end though. Who knew they could be so competitive!?


-Leave ReDestro alone unless you’re serious about joining him on the boat and getting some fishing done. He’s got his gear out and ready. Definitely sporting sunscreen on his nose, the classic fishing hat with some cargo shorts and a button up tropical shirt. He enjoys the peacefulness out on the ocean so you might get a little bored with him after a while.


-Trumpet fell asleep to the sounds of the ocean waves and nobody was around to wake him up so when you found him he was already as red as a lobster. Poor Koku.

~Has been wandering around~

-Both have been wandering around, but not together! Dabi went walking along one side of the beach and Moonfish went along the other. Dabi isn’t really interested in doing anything like sandcastles or eating. He doesn’t even care to sit and be bored under the umbrella. He’s just kinda doing his own thing at the moment, observing the seagulls (leaving food near small children so they’d swoop down and scare the kids), collecting a couple of seashells, looking at crabs beneath the pier. Meanwhile Moonfish is more or less doing the same thing just about…although I’d like to think he later joins Magne’s group on their food truck run.

Anonymous asked:

Ahhhh happy birthday! 🎂🎁🎈🎉🎊

Can I request a little Drabble of redestro or skep on Valentine’s Day?

thotsforvillainrights answered:

(Thanks because I just realized I didn’t write a single thing this year V-Day, that’s crazy! I’ll give my baby with the bigass forehead some attention today)

(and thank you for the b-day wishes!!!!!!!)




It’s rare you find him being in such a silly mood but believe it or not, he can tend to act this way with you occasionally. Right now he was standing directly above you in the bed, staring down and smirking with a pillow in his hands. This would be the 3rd time he’s thrown this pillow in your sleeping face this morning so you decide to put a stop to it before it even begins.

“Ugh okay! I’m getting up, so please don’t do it again.” You tiredly beg and he smiles triumphantly before tossing the pillow to the side and getting down from the mattress. “Ah, I’m pleased to see you’re finally awake my love. Did you rest well? I trust everything was to your liking yes?” He follows you into the bathroom, chatting as though you’re wide awake enough to respond. He continues chatting more and more while you continue your morning routine. It’s only upon passing the calendar in the kitchen that you realize where his burst of energy from. You smile at him as he takes a seat at the kitchen table. “Happy Valentine’s Day my love.” You swear he’s beaming just from the words alone.

“Ah, I was under the impression you’d forgotten.” He teased as you poured his cup of coffee and placed it in front of him. You give him a gentle peck on the forehead and sit across from him. “Well I actually did for a small moment this morning but don’t worry…” You wink at him as you reach from under the table and pull a small elongated box from underneath. He gasps before reaching out to grab it. “You did a good job at hiding it this year. I wasn’t able to find it at all.” He refers to the small competition the two of you host between each other every year where if you find your gift before vday then you get to open it early. Each and every year he wins while you lose. You suspect it’s because he’s been hiding your gifts at Detnerat instead of the house, but you’ll bring it up later.

“Dearest, you found each and every pair I’d looked for? I love this. Thank you so much.” His eyes sparkle before softening as he stares at you in appreciation. “You’re welcome although I’m unsure of what you can do with so many cufflinks but hey. It’s your gift, not mine.” You shrug as he admires the sets carefully nestled in the box. “I seem to keep losing all of mine and it got to the point where I was down to only 5 pairs. This means the world to me Y/N.” Although it may seem silly to anyone on the outside, its the little things between the two of you that he appreciates the most. That’s why when he gifts you the only thing you asked him to get you, he’s found himself feeling rather proud of his small victory/accomplishment. Perhaps a couple of years ago when you first started dating each other he would’ve went overboard and gotten far more than any human being should have in their possession, but he’s had time to learn the ins and outs of the relationship by now.

It’s also why he’s geared up to lounge around with you in the house today rather than making reservations at an overpriced restaurant that’s likely to be packed to the brim today. He knows he can take you out on another day and even today had you wanted him to do so. For now, you’ve settled yourself comfortably in a puddle of blankets in the living room with him as he’s picks out a movie to watch.

“Happy Valentine’s day.”

I wish I had enough followers that I could post "All Smite" and 100 people would reply "hell yeah"




Anonymous asked:

Ok gotta be thaaaaaat person. Can I have some redestro (belated) Valentine’s Day content. 🥹🥰

villain-sympathizer answered:

LMAO no problem anon, and im sorry this is like, SUPER belated, school is picking up yet again with schoolwork and my stress is all haywire again

────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────

[ReDestro x GN!Reader]

[3rd person; use of [Name] instead of [y/n] so OCs can be included!]


────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────

In true Rikiya fashion, of course his go-to Valentines Day date is to the highest class restaurant – but not just in Deika, in all of Japan.

“You deserve only the best, my dear,” he had said when he first explained the trip he and his partner would be going on for the special occasion. “I know we don’t have to, but I want to. Besides, I want you to experience all the wonders Japan has to offer.”

Which is what lead them both sitting in the fancy, yet strangely not as busy restaurant. While every table was either filled or reserved, the atmosphere was calm and relaxing, no waiters bustling around or chefs yelling from the kitchen. Instead, only soft piano music played throughout the establishment, and people kept their conversations relatively quiet and to themselves.

Rikiya had reserved a rather secluded table in a corner of the restaurant, ceiling-length curtains draped on each end of the plush booths, a large window overlooking the city at night to one side, the other side open to the rest of the floor. The two were in the middle of their meal, enjoying the high-quality food alongside the restaurant’s finest wine available.

Once the two finished a light conversation, amused laughs signaling the end of some work-place related story, [Name] finally comments on their surroundings. “It’s rather quiet in here for such a dinner-centric holiday,” they muse, taking a sip of their drink.

“That’s why I like this place so much,” Rikiya responds, a content smile on his face as he swirls the wine around in it’s glass. “High demand and popular, yet still calm and collected, even on their busiest holiday.”

“Rich people,” [Name] huffs out in amusement, flashing the ginger-haired man a grin. Rikiya only laughs at that, about to retort with his own comment about how dating him also makes them rich in a sense – but their conversation is interrupted by the sound of an excited gasp somewhere off to the side, followed by more surprised gasps and low murmuring.

Their attention is directed towards the dining floor, a couple that had been eating nearby were now off to the side of their table, one down on one knee offering a ring within a box to the one standing.

“Yes, of course!” The one standing says, enveloping their partner in a hug once the other stands up with them. The tables surrounding the two lightly clap and congratulate the two, before returning to their own meals once again.

[Name] smiles a bit fondly, but quickly returns to sipping their drink. “Aw, a Valentines Day proposal,” they say before their lips take in the drink, then setting it back down. “I’d call it cute if it wasn’t so… cliché.”

That catches Rikya’s attention, the business man gazing back at his partner with a confused look. “You don’t like Valentines proposals?”

“I don’t dislike them, I just think it’s a little tacky and cliché… there’s not much surprise value in it anymore, y’know?” [Name] explains, giving him a reassuring smile. “Not like I can stop them from happening, though. If it happens, it happens.”

Rikiya hums in understanding, watching his lover return to their meal as they begin a new topic of conversation. The CEO is barely paying much attention, though, now even more aware of the small ring box that was unfortunately going to be waiting longer for its reveal.

Maybe next month, then.



Since you guys liked my previous EPIC sketches, have some more random ones~ ; v ; this musical still makes me feel so many things, specially the Thunder saga