Mark Salmon | University of Cambridge (original) (raw)

Papers by Mark Salmon

Research paper thumbnail of Linearity testing and nonlinear modeling of economic time series

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Research paper thumbnail of Overconfidence, Sentiment and Beta Herding: A Behavioral Explanation of the Low-Beta Anomaly

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Beta herding through overconfidence: A behavioral explanation of the low-beta anomaly

Journal of International Money and Finance, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Performance Measures using We would like to thank Alistair Sayer of J.P.Morgan, London for several disc... more We would like to thank Alistair Sayer of J.P.Morgan, London for several discussions relating to the practical implementation of performance We have carried out a detailed comparison of the statistical properties and the relationships between a set of five performance measures using 14 UK based Investment Trusts over a sample period ranging from 1980 to 2001. Our results suggest very clearly that there is almost no difference between Jensen’s Alpha, the Treynor-Mazuy (TM) measure and the Positive Period Weighting(PPW) measure over our sample period and amongst our set of Investment Trusts. This would seem to indicate that there is no timing ability within these fund managers. The Sharpe Ratio clearly provides different signals regarding performance than the other measures and is the only absolute measure in the set of measures we have considered. While simple correlation analysis suggests that there is a high degree of dependence between most of the measures we h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Daily returns in international stocks markets: Predictability, nonlinearity and transaction costs

... 372 Steve Satchel1 and Allan Timmermann for instance, in the transaction costs of the market.... more ... 372 Steve Satchel1 and Allan Timmermann for instance, in the transaction costs of the market. ... In light of the problem associated with nonsynchronous trading of the shares included in any given index (Atchison, Butler, and Simonds 1987), it comes as no surprise that all of the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of International Economic Policy Coordination

Economica, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of The Editors and Associate Editors of the Journal of Empirical Finance wish to express their appreciation to the following persons who acted as reviewers

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Research paper thumbnail of Sentiment and Beta Herding 1

We propose a new non-parametric measure of herding, beta herding, based on linear factor models a... more We propose a new non-parametric measure of herding, beta herding, based on linear factor models and apply it to investigate the nature of herd behaviour in the US, UK, and South Korean stock markets. Our measure is based on the cross-sectional variation of market betas hence we consider what might be called beta herding and herding towards the market index. We …nd clear evidence of beta herding when the market is evolving smoothly, either rising or falling, rather than when the market is in crisis. In fact we …nd that crises appear to lead investors to seek out fundamenal value rather than herd.We examine the relationship between market wide sentiment and beta herding and show that there are separate forces at work. The evidence we …nd on herding provides an explanation for why we observe di¤erent impacts in cross-sectional asset returns after periods of negative and positive sentiment. Keyword Herding, Sentiment, Non-central Chi Square Distribution, Market Crises. JEL Code C12,C31,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning and Rationality in Economics

What has the rational learning literature taught us?, L. Blume and D. Easley Savage-Bayesian mode... more What has the rational learning literature taught us?, L. Blume and D. Easley Savage-Bayesian models of economics, N. Kiefer and Y. Nyarko on adaptive learning in strategic games, R. Narimon and E. McGrattan adaptive learning and expectational stability, G. Evans and S. Honkapohja learning in oligopoly - theory, simulation and experimental evidence, A. Kirman speed of convergence of recursive least squares - learning with autoregressive moving-average perceptions increasing social returns, learning and bifurcation phenomena, G. Evans and S. Honkapohja bounded rationality and learning - procedural learning, M. Salmon learning and reputation in repeated games of incomplete information, D. Canning learning and social equilibrium in large populations, D. Canning evolution and rationality in competitive markets, L. Blume and D. Easley evolutionary selection and rational behaviour, A. Banerjee and J. Weibull equilibrium selection through adaption and experimentation, H. Young.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics

Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, first published in 1997, presents developments in nonlinear eco... more Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, first published in 1997, presents developments in nonlinear economic dynamics along with related research from associated fields, including mathematics, statistics, biology, and physics. Specific areas covered include instability in economic theory, nonlinearity in financial markets, tests for nonlinearity and chaos, frequency domain methods, nonlinear business cycles, and nonlinear prediction and forecasting. This volume comprises the tenth in the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics series under the general editorship of William Barnett. This proceedings volume includes revisions of the most important papers presented at a conference held at the European University Institute in Florence on July 6-17, 1992, along with revisions of the related, invited papers presented at the annual meetings of the American Statistical Association held in San Francisco on August 8-12, 1993.

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Research paper thumbnail of Error correction mechanisms

The Economic Journal, 1982

The interface between economic theory and applied econometrics is often one of uneasy compromise,... more The interface between economic theory and applied econometrics is often one of uneasy compromise, with the pragmatic justification for many accepted procedures resting on a tenuous theoretical base. This paper examines the surprisingly strong arguments that exist in ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dinámica no lineal y tipo de cambio

Cuadernos Economicos De Ice, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconfigurable acceleration of fitness evaluation in trading strategies

2015 IEEE 26th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Preferred Point Geometry and Statistical Manifolds

Annals of Statistics, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Copulae and Multivariate Probability Distributions in Finance

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Research paper thumbnail of Run-time Reconfigurable Acceleration for Genetic Programming Fitness Evaluation in Trading Strategies

Journal of Signal Processing Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-aware Hardware Acceleration of Financial Applications on a Heterogeneous Cluster

Natural Computing Series, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Error Correction Mechanisms

The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Differential Geometry of the Wald Test with Nonlinear Restrictions

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Research paper thumbnail of Robust and Risk Sensitive Decision Theory: Editor's Introduction

Macroeconomic Dynamics, Feb 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Linearity testing and nonlinear modeling of economic time series

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Research paper thumbnail of Overconfidence, Sentiment and Beta Herding: A Behavioral Explanation of the Low-Beta Anomaly

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Beta herding through overconfidence: A behavioral explanation of the low-beta anomaly

Journal of International Money and Finance, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Performance Measures using We would like to thank Alistair Sayer of J.P.Morgan, London for several disc... more We would like to thank Alistair Sayer of J.P.Morgan, London for several discussions relating to the practical implementation of performance We have carried out a detailed comparison of the statistical properties and the relationships between a set of five performance measures using 14 UK based Investment Trusts over a sample period ranging from 1980 to 2001. Our results suggest very clearly that there is almost no difference between Jensen’s Alpha, the Treynor-Mazuy (TM) measure and the Positive Period Weighting(PPW) measure over our sample period and amongst our set of Investment Trusts. This would seem to indicate that there is no timing ability within these fund managers. The Sharpe Ratio clearly provides different signals regarding performance than the other measures and is the only absolute measure in the set of measures we have considered. While simple correlation analysis suggests that there is a high degree of dependence between most of the measures we h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Daily returns in international stocks markets: Predictability, nonlinearity and transaction costs

... 372 Steve Satchel1 and Allan Timmermann for instance, in the transaction costs of the market.... more ... 372 Steve Satchel1 and Allan Timmermann for instance, in the transaction costs of the market. ... In light of the problem associated with nonsynchronous trading of the shares included in any given index (Atchison, Butler, and Simonds 1987), it comes as no surprise that all of the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of International Economic Policy Coordination

Economica, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of The Editors and Associate Editors of the Journal of Empirical Finance wish to express their appreciation to the following persons who acted as reviewers

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Research paper thumbnail of Sentiment and Beta Herding 1

We propose a new non-parametric measure of herding, beta herding, based on linear factor models a... more We propose a new non-parametric measure of herding, beta herding, based on linear factor models and apply it to investigate the nature of herd behaviour in the US, UK, and South Korean stock markets. Our measure is based on the cross-sectional variation of market betas hence we consider what might be called beta herding and herding towards the market index. We …nd clear evidence of beta herding when the market is evolving smoothly, either rising or falling, rather than when the market is in crisis. In fact we …nd that crises appear to lead investors to seek out fundamenal value rather than herd.We examine the relationship between market wide sentiment and beta herding and show that there are separate forces at work. The evidence we …nd on herding provides an explanation for why we observe di¤erent impacts in cross-sectional asset returns after periods of negative and positive sentiment. Keyword Herding, Sentiment, Non-central Chi Square Distribution, Market Crises. JEL Code C12,C31,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning and Rationality in Economics

What has the rational learning literature taught us?, L. Blume and D. Easley Savage-Bayesian mode... more What has the rational learning literature taught us?, L. Blume and D. Easley Savage-Bayesian models of economics, N. Kiefer and Y. Nyarko on adaptive learning in strategic games, R. Narimon and E. McGrattan adaptive learning and expectational stability, G. Evans and S. Honkapohja learning in oligopoly - theory, simulation and experimental evidence, A. Kirman speed of convergence of recursive least squares - learning with autoregressive moving-average perceptions increasing social returns, learning and bifurcation phenomena, G. Evans and S. Honkapohja bounded rationality and learning - procedural learning, M. Salmon learning and reputation in repeated games of incomplete information, D. Canning learning and social equilibrium in large populations, D. Canning evolution and rationality in competitive markets, L. Blume and D. Easley evolutionary selection and rational behaviour, A. Banerjee and J. Weibull equilibrium selection through adaption and experimentation, H. Young.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics

Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, first published in 1997, presents developments in nonlinear eco... more Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, first published in 1997, presents developments in nonlinear economic dynamics along with related research from associated fields, including mathematics, statistics, biology, and physics. Specific areas covered include instability in economic theory, nonlinearity in financial markets, tests for nonlinearity and chaos, frequency domain methods, nonlinear business cycles, and nonlinear prediction and forecasting. This volume comprises the tenth in the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics series under the general editorship of William Barnett. This proceedings volume includes revisions of the most important papers presented at a conference held at the European University Institute in Florence on July 6-17, 1992, along with revisions of the related, invited papers presented at the annual meetings of the American Statistical Association held in San Francisco on August 8-12, 1993.

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Research paper thumbnail of Error correction mechanisms

The Economic Journal, 1982

The interface between economic theory and applied econometrics is often one of uneasy compromise,... more The interface between economic theory and applied econometrics is often one of uneasy compromise, with the pragmatic justification for many accepted procedures resting on a tenuous theoretical base. This paper examines the surprisingly strong arguments that exist in ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dinámica no lineal y tipo de cambio

Cuadernos Economicos De Ice, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconfigurable acceleration of fitness evaluation in trading strategies

2015 IEEE 26th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Preferred Point Geometry and Statistical Manifolds

Annals of Statistics, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Copulae and Multivariate Probability Distributions in Finance

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Research paper thumbnail of Run-time Reconfigurable Acceleration for Genetic Programming Fitness Evaluation in Trading Strategies

Journal of Signal Processing Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-aware Hardware Acceleration of Financial Applications on a Heterogeneous Cluster

Natural Computing Series, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Error Correction Mechanisms

The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Differential Geometry of the Wald Test with Nonlinear Restrictions

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Research paper thumbnail of Robust and Risk Sensitive Decision Theory: Editor's Introduction

Macroeconomic Dynamics, Feb 1, 2002

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