Nigel Spivey | University of Cambridge (original) (raw)
Books (including edited & co-authored works)
- The Micali Painter and his Followers (Oxford UP 1987: 113pp)
- Un artista etrusco e il suo mondo (De Luca, Rome 1988; = Le peintre de Micali et son monde, Puy-de-Dome 1989) [Catalogue of an exhibition co-organized with the Villa Giulia Museum]
- Etruscan Italy (Batsford 1990: 168pp) [co-written with Simon Stoddart]
- Looking at Greek Vases (Cambridge UP 1991: 282pp) [co-edited with Tom Rasmussen] – NS contribution being ‘Greek Vases in Etruria’, pp 131-50 [Greek edition 1997]
- Understanding Greek Sculpture (Thames and Hudson 1996: 240pp) [Runciman Prize 1997] [Greek edition 2004]
- Greek Art (Phaidon 1997: 447pp) [Greek edition 1999; Japanese 2000; French, Korean 2001]
- Etruscan Art (Thames and Hudson 1997: 216pp)[Spanish edition 1998]
- 75: Phaidon 1923-98 (Phaidon 1999: 75pp)
- Enduring Creation: Art, Pain and Fortitude (Thames and Hudson/California UP 2001: 272pp) [Ch.10 anthologized in W. Kelly ed., Art and Humanist Ideals (Macmillan 2003), 99-106; a version of Ch.5 published in Aeimnestos: Miscellanea di Studi per Mauro Cristofani II (Centro Di 2006), 918-25]
- The Ancient Olympics (Oxford UP 2004: 273pp). Second (revised) edition 2012
- Panorama of the Classical World (Thames and Hudson/Getty Publications 2004: 368pp) [co-written with Michael Squire] [German, Hungarian, Dutch editions 2005; Japanese, Rumanian 2007]
- How Art Made The World (BBC/Basic Books 2005: 288pp) [Accompanied five-part television series for BBC/PBS/BBC Worldwide, first broadcast May-June 2005. Currently translated in German, Dutch, Hungarian; Japanese in press]
- Songs on Bronze: Greek Myths Retold (Faber/Farrar Strauss Giroux 2005)
- Greek Sculpture (Cambridge UP 2013: 329pp) [revised/rewritten version of no. (5)]
- Classical Civilization: Greeks & Romans in Ten Chapters (Head of Zeus 2015; 353 pp)
Principal Articles, Essays & Review-Articles
- ‘La carriera del Pittore di Micali’, in Prospettiva 40 (1986), 10-19
- ‘The Armed Dance on Etruscan Vases’, in Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ancient Greek and Related Pottery (Copenhagen 1988), 592-603
- ‘The Power of Women in Etruscan Society’, in Accordia Research Papers 2 (1991), 59-67
- ‘Ajax in Etruria’, in Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia 1992, 233-42
- ‘Psephological Heroes’, in R. Osborne and S. Hornblower eds., Ritual, Finance, Politics (Oxford UP 1994), 39-51
- ‘Bionic Statues’, in A. Powell ed., The Greek World (Routledge 1995), 442-59
- ‘Meanings and Messages’, in Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5.2 (1995), 314-22
- ‘Etruscomania and Etruscosense’, in American Journal of Archaeology 100 (1996), 170-73
- ‘In Defense of Schliemann?’, in H. Duchêne, The Golden Treasures of Troy (London/New York 1996), 134-5
- ‘Meditations on a Greek Torso’, in Cambridge Archaeological Journal 7.2 (1997), 309-14
- Introduction to Robert Graves, The Claudius Novels (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics, 1999)
- ‘Cognition: thought, ideas, and belief' [with Steven Mithen], in G. Barker ed., Companion Encyclopaedia of Archaeology (Routledge 1999) Vol. 2, 714-54
- ‘Greek Art beyond Greece’, in M. Kemp ed., The Oxford History of Western Art (Oxford UP 2000), 32-37
- ‘Greek Vases in Etruria’, in American Journal of Archaeology 110 (2006), 659-61
- ‘Volcanic landscape with kraters’, in Greece & Rome 54 (2007), 230-53 [also published in D. Yatromanolakis ed., An Archaeology of Representations: Ancient Greek Vase Painting and Contemporary Methodologies, Kardamitsa 2009, 50-75]
- ‘The Emergence of the Classical Style’, in British Journal of Aesthetics 52 (2012), 107-110
- ‘Pythagoras and the Origins of Olympic Ideology’: in B. Goff & M. Simpson eds., Thinking the Olympics (Duckworth 2011), 21-39
- ‘From Aigai to Nikopolis: The Art and Archaeology of Hellenistic Greece’, in Pharos 20.1 (2014), 221-40
- ‘Paradossografia etrusca’, in M.C. Biella & E. Giovanelli eds., Nuovi studi sul bestiario fantastico di età orientalizzante nella penisola italiana (Trento 2016), 385-94
- ‘Homer and the Sculptors’, in J. Bintliff & K. Rutter eds., The Archaeology of Greece and Rome: Studies in Honour of Anthony Snodgrass (Edinburgh UP 2016), 133-51
- ‘Archaic and Late Archaic Art, 580-450 BCE’ (with Maurizio Harari), in A. Naso ed., Etruscology (De Gruyter 2017), 943-969
In press/preparation
- ‘Epic Games’ (for conference proceedings, Sport, Games & Play, ed. I. Morley, Cambridge UP 2017)
- The Sarpedon Krater: Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase (Head of Zeus 2018)
- ‘Representations’, for P. Christesen & C. Stocking eds., The Cultural History of Sport, I: Antiquity (Bloomsbury)
- ‘The Piping Crab’, for Mediterranea 2018 (volume of essays in memoriam J.Gy. Szilágyi)