Paola Ricciardi | University of Cambridge (original) (raw)

Papers by Paola Ricciardi

Research paper thumbnail of Use of standard analytical tools to detect small amounts of smalt in the presence of ultramarine as observed in 15th-century Venetian illuminated manuscripts

Heritage Science, 2022

A previous preliminary study of 15th-century Venetian manuscript fragments by the Master of the M... more A previous preliminary study of 15th-century Venetian manuscript fragments by the Master of the Murano Gradual identified the presence of cobalt in many ultramarine blue areas, suggesting the presence of smalt. This would represent an early use of this glassy pigment in Venetian illuminated manuscripts. Whereas sampling has been used to identify smalt in 15th century paintings, only non-invasive methods can be used on manuscripts due to their small size and fragile nature. Here we investigated four non-invasive analysis techniques to identify small amounts of smalt in the presence of ultramarine, including single-point and scanning XRF spectroscopy, UV–vis-NIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy (FORS), Raman spectroscopy, and external reflection FT-IR spectroscopy. This was done by studying paint mock-ups of ultramarine and smalt mixtures with and without the presence of a white pigment on parchment. The results showed molecular spectroscopy techniques (reflectance, Raman, and FTIR) requ...

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Research paper thumbnail of MOLAB ® meets Persia: Non-invasive study of a sixteenth-century illuminated manuscript

Studies in Conservation, 2015

Using the MOLAB® non-invasive analytical mobile laboratory, we studied a finely illuminated sixte... more Using the MOLAB® non-invasive analytical mobile laboratory, we studied a finely illuminated sixteenth-century Persian manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK, in collaboration with its Department of Manuscripts and Printed Books. Three miniatures belonging to the manuscript, but ascribable to different periods, were analyzed in order to identify similarities and differences in the painting materials and techniques used by Safavid artists over a period of 150 years. The use of multiple analytical techniques indicated a common palette characterizing the three decorative schemes, along with some differences mainly regarding the pigment mixture used to obtain brown hues in the first scheme, as well as the presence of different mixtures in green and dark purple areas in the third scheme.

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Research paper thumbnail of Macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanning of illuminated manuscript fragments: potentialities and challenges

Microchemical Journal, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art II (Proceedings Volume)

<div class="eventBoxedTex... more <div class="eventBoxedText"><strong>Due Dates:</strong> <br/><br/>Abstract (500 words) and Summary (200 words): <strong>19 July 2010</strong> <br/><br/>Manuscript for Post-Meeting Proceedings:

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Research paper thumbnail of Areas and limits of employment of portable EDXRF equipment for in situ investigations

ArchéoSciences, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of semiconductor-like pigment concentrations in paint mixtures and their differentiation from paint layers using first-derivative reflectance spectra

Talanta, 2016

Identification of the techniques employed by artists, e.g. mixing and layering of paints, if used... more Identification of the techniques employed by artists, e.g. mixing and layering of paints, if used together with information about their colour palette and style, can help to attribute works of art with more confidence. In this study, we show how the pigment composition in binary paint mixtures can be quantified using optical-reflectance spectroscopy, by analysis of the peak features corresponding to colour-transition edges in the first-derivative spectra. This technique is found to be more robust than a number of other spectral-analysis methods, which can suffer due to shifts in the transition edges in mixed paints compared to those observed in spectra of pure ones. Our method also provides a means of distinguishing paint mixtures from layering in some cases. The spectroscopy also shows the presence of multiple electronic transitions, accessible within a narrow energy range, to be a common feature of many coloured pigments, which electronic-structure calculations attribute to shallow band edges. We also demonstrate the successful application of the reflectance-analysis technique to painted areas on a selection of medieval illuminated manuscripts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy for the non destructive characterization of ancient pottery, porcelain and mosaic glass

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Research paper thumbnail of The non-invasive characterization of mosaic materials by means of Raman Spectroscopy

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Research paper thumbnail of Dall'Argilla Al Vaso: Tecnologia Della Ceramica Nel Sito Neolitico DI Sammardenchia (Ud). Risultati Preliminari Delle Analisi Archeometriche e Prospettive Della Ricerca

Riassunto Il progetto di ricerca archeometrica relativo alla produzione ceramica del sito neoliti... more Riassunto Il progetto di ricerca archeometrica relativo alla produzione ceramica del sito neolitico di Sammardenchia (UD) ha finora interessato reperti provenienti dalla struttura 153 (prima metà del V millennio a.C.). Gli obiettivi principali delle analisi sono l'approfondimento delle conoscenze relative alla presenza di materiale ceramico importato e/o prodotto in loco, e la caratterizzazione della tecnologia di produzione. Le indagini preliminari sui 18 campioni selezionati hanno evidenziato una discreta omogeneità di composizione chimica degli impasti, cui si accompagna una certa eterogeneità micro-strutturale (dimensioni e forma dei vacuoli, presenza di inclusioni grossolane). Saranno condotte ulteriori indagini volte alla caratterizzazione dei sedimenti argillosi locali, oltre ad analisi più approfondite tese, ad esempio, ad identificare l'origine dei pori quadrangolari osservati in molti campioni. Abstract From the raw clay to the pot: the technology of pottery in the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Glass corrosion mechanisms: A multiscale analysis

Solid State Ionics

Ancient to modern glass used for stained glass windows, representative of the main composition ty... more Ancient to modern glass used for stained glass windows, representative of the main composition types (Ca-rich, Na- and Ca-rich and K-rich) were treated with boiling concentrated H2SO4 (338 °C) and/or in molten NaOH (320 °C, with or without water addition). Subsequent annealings in air or in molten KNO3 (334 °C) were also performed. Microstructures and corrosion habits were analysed by optical microscopy. Modifications of the silicate network and corrosion products were studied by Raman and IR spectroscopies, dilatometry, microhardness, and TGA. Only K-rich silicate glasses are drastically modified by concentrated sulphuric acid. The alkali leaching takes place in three steps: i) K+–H+ (not H3O+) exchange, partly reversible, inducing glass contraction and cracking, ii) a complete, irreversible H+/K+ ion exchange, iii) a (small) hydration of the formed porous, multicracked lixiviated silica-rich solid crust. The thermal treatment of the crust induces a water loss (~0.6 wt.% at

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the concentrations of pigments and binders in lead-based paints using FT-Raman spectroscopy and principal component analysis

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014

ABSTRACT Understanding the composition of the paints used on works of art is crucial in attributi... more ABSTRACT Understanding the composition of the paints used on works of art is crucial in attributing them to the artist or workshop that created them, as well as to devising strategies for their preservation and restoration. Much current research is focussed on the development of non-invasive spectroscopic methods, enabling in situ paint analysis without the need for sampling. However, whilst a lot of work has been carried out on looking at the composition of artists' materials qualitatively, little has been performed to analyse them quantitatively. In this work, we investigate the use of Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy, in isolation and in conjunction with complementary fibre optic reflectance spectroscopy, to look at the spectral changes that occur with varying the paint/binder ratio in model historic lead-based paints. When used in conjunction with multivariate analysis, we demonstrate that it can be possible to obtain a semi-quantitative estimation of the composition of a paint film from its Fourier transform Raman spectrum, given a set of suitable reference spectra recorded from paints produced within the workable mixture range. This represents a tentative first step towards a semi-automated and quantitative method for analysing cultural heritage objects, which may help boost our understanding of their history, and enable conservators to make more informed decisions so as to ensure their preservation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman Spectroscopy of Ceramics and Glasses

Chalmers/Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy as a tool for the non-destructive identification of organic minerals in the geological record

Organic Geochemistry, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Imaging Spectroscopy and in situ Analytical Methods for the Characterization of the Materials and Techniques of 15th Century Illuminated Manuscripts

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 2013

ABSTRACT This study combines site-specific in situ analytical techniques with non-site-specific r... more ABSTRACT This study combines site-specific in situ analytical techniques with non-site-specific reflectance imaging spectroscopy and multispectral infrared reflectography to characterize pigments and underdrawing materials in fragile, light-sensitive illuminated manuscripts. In situ methods implemented in this study included fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy and x-ray fluorescence, as well as multispectral visible and near-infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy and multispectral infrared reflectography. Imaging spectroscopy was used to map areas having similar diffuse reflectance spectra, and the site-specific methods were used to further identify the primary pigments present. This combined approach was used to examine an illumination by Lorenzo Monaco (ca. 1370–1422 or after) and his workshop on the Praying Prophet, in the collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC (NGA), from an early-15th-century gradual on parchment (codex H74) currently at the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence. The combination of the results along with microscopic examination led to a more complete understanding of the working methods used to create the Praying Prophet, including the primary pigments present and the two forms of underdrawing, ink and metalpoint. These results also allowed for a comparative examination of the primary pigments used in 13 other folios in codex H74. Multispectral infrared reflectography imaging and fiber optics reflectance spectroscopy confirmed that the primary pigments and preparatory drawing used in the NGA folio were consistent with those used in the other folios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy of copper nanoparticle-containing glass matrices: ancient red stained-glass windows

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of A non-invasive study of Roman Age mosaic glass tesserae by means of Raman spectroscopy

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards the Establishment of a Raman Database of Early European Porcelain

This work presents an update on the research work that is being carried out towards the establish... more This work presents an update on the research work that is being carried out towards the establishment of a database and of an experimental protocol for the Raman analysis of porcelain. Several studies published since 2001 have in fact demonstrated how the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Capodimonte Production: An Occasion for the Proposal of a Raman Database for Ancient Porcelains

In the past few years a comprehensive interdisciplinary study has been undertaken on some excavat... more In the past few years a comprehensive interdisciplinary study has been undertaken on some excavation fragments of 18th century porcelain from Capodimonte (Naples, Italy). The Capodimonte manufacture has had a very peculiar history; this makes ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy for the non destructive characterization of ancient pottery, porcelain and mosaic glass

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘It's not easy being green’: a spectroscopic study of green pigments used in illuminated manuscripts

Analytical Methods, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of standard analytical tools to detect small amounts of smalt in the presence of ultramarine as observed in 15th-century Venetian illuminated manuscripts

Heritage Science, 2022

A previous preliminary study of 15th-century Venetian manuscript fragments by the Master of the M... more A previous preliminary study of 15th-century Venetian manuscript fragments by the Master of the Murano Gradual identified the presence of cobalt in many ultramarine blue areas, suggesting the presence of smalt. This would represent an early use of this glassy pigment in Venetian illuminated manuscripts. Whereas sampling has been used to identify smalt in 15th century paintings, only non-invasive methods can be used on manuscripts due to their small size and fragile nature. Here we investigated four non-invasive analysis techniques to identify small amounts of smalt in the presence of ultramarine, including single-point and scanning XRF spectroscopy, UV–vis-NIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy (FORS), Raman spectroscopy, and external reflection FT-IR spectroscopy. This was done by studying paint mock-ups of ultramarine and smalt mixtures with and without the presence of a white pigment on parchment. The results showed molecular spectroscopy techniques (reflectance, Raman, and FTIR) requ...

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Research paper thumbnail of MOLAB ® meets Persia: Non-invasive study of a sixteenth-century illuminated manuscript

Studies in Conservation, 2015

Using the MOLAB® non-invasive analytical mobile laboratory, we studied a finely illuminated sixte... more Using the MOLAB® non-invasive analytical mobile laboratory, we studied a finely illuminated sixteenth-century Persian manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK, in collaboration with its Department of Manuscripts and Printed Books. Three miniatures belonging to the manuscript, but ascribable to different periods, were analyzed in order to identify similarities and differences in the painting materials and techniques used by Safavid artists over a period of 150 years. The use of multiple analytical techniques indicated a common palette characterizing the three decorative schemes, along with some differences mainly regarding the pigment mixture used to obtain brown hues in the first scheme, as well as the presence of different mixtures in green and dark purple areas in the third scheme.

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Research paper thumbnail of Macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanning of illuminated manuscript fragments: potentialities and challenges

Microchemical Journal, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art II (Proceedings Volume)

<div class="eventBoxedTex... more <div class="eventBoxedText"><strong>Due Dates:</strong> <br/><br/>Abstract (500 words) and Summary (200 words): <strong>19 July 2010</strong> <br/><br/>Manuscript for Post-Meeting Proceedings:

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Research paper thumbnail of Areas and limits of employment of portable EDXRF equipment for in situ investigations

ArchéoSciences, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of semiconductor-like pigment concentrations in paint mixtures and their differentiation from paint layers using first-derivative reflectance spectra

Talanta, 2016

Identification of the techniques employed by artists, e.g. mixing and layering of paints, if used... more Identification of the techniques employed by artists, e.g. mixing and layering of paints, if used together with information about their colour palette and style, can help to attribute works of art with more confidence. In this study, we show how the pigment composition in binary paint mixtures can be quantified using optical-reflectance spectroscopy, by analysis of the peak features corresponding to colour-transition edges in the first-derivative spectra. This technique is found to be more robust than a number of other spectral-analysis methods, which can suffer due to shifts in the transition edges in mixed paints compared to those observed in spectra of pure ones. Our method also provides a means of distinguishing paint mixtures from layering in some cases. The spectroscopy also shows the presence of multiple electronic transitions, accessible within a narrow energy range, to be a common feature of many coloured pigments, which electronic-structure calculations attribute to shallow band edges. We also demonstrate the successful application of the reflectance-analysis technique to painted areas on a selection of medieval illuminated manuscripts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy for the non destructive characterization of ancient pottery, porcelain and mosaic glass

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Research paper thumbnail of The non-invasive characterization of mosaic materials by means of Raman Spectroscopy

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Research paper thumbnail of Dall'Argilla Al Vaso: Tecnologia Della Ceramica Nel Sito Neolitico DI Sammardenchia (Ud). Risultati Preliminari Delle Analisi Archeometriche e Prospettive Della Ricerca

Riassunto Il progetto di ricerca archeometrica relativo alla produzione ceramica del sito neoliti... more Riassunto Il progetto di ricerca archeometrica relativo alla produzione ceramica del sito neolitico di Sammardenchia (UD) ha finora interessato reperti provenienti dalla struttura 153 (prima metà del V millennio a.C.). Gli obiettivi principali delle analisi sono l'approfondimento delle conoscenze relative alla presenza di materiale ceramico importato e/o prodotto in loco, e la caratterizzazione della tecnologia di produzione. Le indagini preliminari sui 18 campioni selezionati hanno evidenziato una discreta omogeneità di composizione chimica degli impasti, cui si accompagna una certa eterogeneità micro-strutturale (dimensioni e forma dei vacuoli, presenza di inclusioni grossolane). Saranno condotte ulteriori indagini volte alla caratterizzazione dei sedimenti argillosi locali, oltre ad analisi più approfondite tese, ad esempio, ad identificare l'origine dei pori quadrangolari osservati in molti campioni. Abstract From the raw clay to the pot: the technology of pottery in the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Glass corrosion mechanisms: A multiscale analysis

Solid State Ionics

Ancient to modern glass used for stained glass windows, representative of the main composition ty... more Ancient to modern glass used for stained glass windows, representative of the main composition types (Ca-rich, Na- and Ca-rich and K-rich) were treated with boiling concentrated H2SO4 (338 °C) and/or in molten NaOH (320 °C, with or without water addition). Subsequent annealings in air or in molten KNO3 (334 °C) were also performed. Microstructures and corrosion habits were analysed by optical microscopy. Modifications of the silicate network and corrosion products were studied by Raman and IR spectroscopies, dilatometry, microhardness, and TGA. Only K-rich silicate glasses are drastically modified by concentrated sulphuric acid. The alkali leaching takes place in three steps: i) K+–H+ (not H3O+) exchange, partly reversible, inducing glass contraction and cracking, ii) a complete, irreversible H+/K+ ion exchange, iii) a (small) hydration of the formed porous, multicracked lixiviated silica-rich solid crust. The thermal treatment of the crust induces a water loss (~0.6 wt.% at

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the concentrations of pigments and binders in lead-based paints using FT-Raman spectroscopy and principal component analysis

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014

ABSTRACT Understanding the composition of the paints used on works of art is crucial in attributi... more ABSTRACT Understanding the composition of the paints used on works of art is crucial in attributing them to the artist or workshop that created them, as well as to devising strategies for their preservation and restoration. Much current research is focussed on the development of non-invasive spectroscopic methods, enabling in situ paint analysis without the need for sampling. However, whilst a lot of work has been carried out on looking at the composition of artists' materials qualitatively, little has been performed to analyse them quantitatively. In this work, we investigate the use of Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy, in isolation and in conjunction with complementary fibre optic reflectance spectroscopy, to look at the spectral changes that occur with varying the paint/binder ratio in model historic lead-based paints. When used in conjunction with multivariate analysis, we demonstrate that it can be possible to obtain a semi-quantitative estimation of the composition of a paint film from its Fourier transform Raman spectrum, given a set of suitable reference spectra recorded from paints produced within the workable mixture range. This represents a tentative first step towards a semi-automated and quantitative method for analysing cultural heritage objects, which may help boost our understanding of their history, and enable conservators to make more informed decisions so as to ensure their preservation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman Spectroscopy of Ceramics and Glasses

Chalmers/Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy as a tool for the non-destructive identification of organic minerals in the geological record

Organic Geochemistry, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Imaging Spectroscopy and in situ Analytical Methods for the Characterization of the Materials and Techniques of 15th Century Illuminated Manuscripts

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 2013

ABSTRACT This study combines site-specific in situ analytical techniques with non-site-specific r... more ABSTRACT This study combines site-specific in situ analytical techniques with non-site-specific reflectance imaging spectroscopy and multispectral infrared reflectography to characterize pigments and underdrawing materials in fragile, light-sensitive illuminated manuscripts. In situ methods implemented in this study included fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy and x-ray fluorescence, as well as multispectral visible and near-infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy and multispectral infrared reflectography. Imaging spectroscopy was used to map areas having similar diffuse reflectance spectra, and the site-specific methods were used to further identify the primary pigments present. This combined approach was used to examine an illumination by Lorenzo Monaco (ca. 1370–1422 or after) and his workshop on the Praying Prophet, in the collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC (NGA), from an early-15th-century gradual on parchment (codex H74) currently at the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence. The combination of the results along with microscopic examination led to a more complete understanding of the working methods used to create the Praying Prophet, including the primary pigments present and the two forms of underdrawing, ink and metalpoint. These results also allowed for a comparative examination of the primary pigments used in 13 other folios in codex H74. Multispectral infrared reflectography imaging and fiber optics reflectance spectroscopy confirmed that the primary pigments and preparatory drawing used in the NGA folio were consistent with those used in the other folios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy of copper nanoparticle-containing glass matrices: ancient red stained-glass windows

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of A non-invasive study of Roman Age mosaic glass tesserae by means of Raman spectroscopy

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards the Establishment of a Raman Database of Early European Porcelain

This work presents an update on the research work that is being carried out towards the establish... more This work presents an update on the research work that is being carried out towards the establishment of a database and of an experimental protocol for the Raman analysis of porcelain. Several studies published since 2001 have in fact demonstrated how the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Capodimonte Production: An Occasion for the Proposal of a Raman Database for Ancient Porcelains

In the past few years a comprehensive interdisciplinary study has been undertaken on some excavat... more In the past few years a comprehensive interdisciplinary study has been undertaken on some excavation fragments of 18th century porcelain from Capodimonte (Naples, Italy). The Capodimonte manufacture has had a very peculiar history; this makes ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Raman spectroscopy for the non destructive characterization of ancient pottery, porcelain and mosaic glass

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘It's not easy being green’: a spectroscopic study of green pigments used in illuminated manuscripts

Analytical Methods, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Telegraph Article on Recent Discoveries

The Telegraph, 2020

Scientific analysis with Dr Paola Ricciardi (Cambridge) revealed last-known portrait of Cromwell ... more Scientific analysis with Dr Paola Ricciardi (Cambridge) revealed last-known portrait of Cromwell prior to his execution, as well as careful manipulation of Great Bible iconic title page

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