caribbean_mojo (original) (raw)


It would seem that there was some sort of accident topside concerning Norrington and his attempt to teach some of the crew the finger techniques of sailing. It amazes me how this man ever took command of ONE ship, let alone and entire fleet. The state of the rigging after those pathetic knots came undone, for shame, and it in no way had absolutely, positively anything of the sort to do with me in the least.

I simply happened to be passing by when all hell broke loose.

I've run into Lian, and she's absent her other half. Poor dear. I know how she feels. I'm hardly myself without the Pearl. Not that I would ever compare her sister to a ship... And no I'm not writing this just in case we DO locate Park and she DOES happen across my log. Which I found in the oddest of places this time around. To think it found it's way beneath the mattress in the stateroom.

A talley has been taken, on my part, of all those present. Most of which I'm less than pleased of sharing close quarters with and whom I'll be avoiding verily for some time. I wouldn't call it afraid, simply... wary. And mindful of myself and my surroundings. Surroundings that just happened to be filled with the likes of characters that would be less than pleased at mine own presence.

Well, I must put a close to my thoughts and put this little book somewhere safe lest it wanders off again. Funny how inanimate objects tend to bustle about on their own.