What is the essence energies distinction in Eastern Orthodoxy? (original) (raw)

In Eastern Orthodoxy, there is a difference between the essence and energies of God – usually associated with St. Gregory Palamas in the 14th century. Essence (ousia) is the very nature of God and is not shared by anything else. Only God experiences His own nature. We cannot experience that or understand His infinite qualities. But, the energies of God are His work and grace in our lives. They deal with God’s presence and activity in our lives. We can experience those. When we participate in those energies, we “partake of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). A common illustration given by members of the Eastern Orthodox church is the sun. We can participate in its energies (heat, light, warmth, etc.), but not its essence (sunness). So, the essence cannot be shared with us. But we can share and experience the energies. Likewise, think of the energies of God as His attributes.

Essence of God(Transcendence) Energies of God(Immanence)
God’s inner Transcendent Nature God’s presence and activity in the world
Incomprehensible to people Comprehensible to people
Experienced by God alone Experienced by People
Accessible to God alone Accessible to people by prayer and sacraments. Participation moves a person to become like God (theosis)
Divine Qualities of Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence Divine Qualities of God’s mercy, justice, God’s healing, truth, wisdom, love, grace
Natural to God Uncreated, not part of creation
Distinct from God’s energies Distinct from God’s essence

In light of this, the energies of God are transformative when we experience them, and they help in theosis – becoming like God. Furthermore, the energies of God, in Eastern Orthodoxy, are uncreated and are related to the essence of God. But, there is a distinction between the essence and energies of God while both are uncreated and natural to God.Essence Energy Eastern Orthodoy

Quotes from Eastern Orthodox Sources on essence and energies

“God, who is inaccessible in His essence, is present in His energies ‘as in a mirror,’ remaining invisible in that which He is; ‘in the same way we are able to see our faces, themselves invisible to us in a glass,’ according to a saying of St. Gregory Palamas.” (https://www.stgeorgeto.org/on-the-essence-energies-of-god-v-lossky/)

“The list of things that Palamas calls “energies” includes some predictable things: the creative power (indeed, creativity itself), the retributive power, foreknowledge, mercy, justice, God’s healing, truth, wisdom, love, the divine will…The divine “energies” in Palamas also include simplicity, immutability, incorporeality, and similar attributes…so the “energies” of creativity and mercy cannot be things that God does or actions that God performs in time_._ They must characterize him from all eternity…this would go a long way towards explaining how God’s “energies” can be eternal and uncreated, since they are his eternal powers or inherent δυνάμεις” (https://www.pappaspatristicinstitute.com/post/what-are-the-divine-energies)

“When one reads the Bible looking for the answer as to how God is seen, it will be shown that the Scriptural answer pertains to God being perceived in His energies (i.e. works).” (https://orthodoxchristiantheology.com/2021/03/07/the-energy-essence-distinction-in-wisdom-of-solomon-and-theophilus-of-antioch/)

Essence & Energies and Ontological & Economic Trinity

The Essence Energy distinction of Eastern Orthodoxy is similar to the Ontological and Economic aspects of the Trinity. We could say that the essence energies issue is Eastern Orthodox, and the Ontological and Economic issue is Western Christianity. For clarification, the ontological trinity deals with the nature of God. He is divine. He is one substance, one triune thing. The Economic Trinity is how the three persons of the Godhead relate to each other and us. The Father begets. The Son is begotten. The Holy Spirit proceeds.

Essence Energy (Eastern Thought) Ontological Economic (Western Thought)
Focus on essence as it relates to God’s being, who is a Trinity. Focus on essence as it relates to the Trinity
Affirms the Unity of God as one essence Affirms the Unity of God as a Trinity
God’s energies are how He interacts in the world God’s activity in the world is understood in terms of the actions of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Distinction in essence and energies Distinction in persons in relation to each other and the world
Focus on how God is experienced in the mystical, sacramental life of the Church Focus on how God is experienced in his relationship within the Godhead and His interactions with the world

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