Mary, sacred tradition, and teachings not found in the Bible (original) (raw)

Mary has been exalted to an extremely high position in the Roman Catholic Church. But, what Catholicism teaches concerning her is not found in God’s inspired word. Instead, Catholicism claims that through its authority to interpret scripture and tradition, it is then revealed many new truths not found in God’s inspired word. Following is a list of some of the things taught about Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. As you read them, ask yourself if any of these are found in Scripture.

Nothing in God’s inspired word promotes with the Roman Catholic Church has stated in the above list of teachings. This is important because God has given us his inspired word to guide us. The Roman Catholic Church’s “Sacred Tradition” is not inspired. Only God’s word, the Bible, is inspired.

Therefore, we ought not to trust any spiritual teachings that come from any source outside of God’s word unless it agrees with God’s word. Any doctrines developed after the closing of the canon must not contradict God’s word. After all, it is the word of God to which Christ himself appealed as did the apostles in defending spiritual truth.

It is only the word of God that is inspired. But, the Roman Catholic Church is not satisfied with sticking to God’s word.

Scripture and Tradition

Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church uses its tradition as a justification for extra-biblical doctrines. It claims its sacred tradition is inspired on the same level as Scripture. After all, it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 80 that, “Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring…”

When the Roman Catholic Church claims its tradition is sacred and inspired, then it can say anything it wants in support of any doctrine it claims is true. Essentially this means that they are not submitting themselves to the word of God but are instead submitting the word of God to their tradition. Please consider the following quotes from the catechism of the Catholic Church, an official document.

As you can see, the Roman Catholic Church elevates its own sacred tradition the same level as the word of God. This can only be hubris to an extraordinary extent.

Mary and Scripture

In my dealings with Roman Catholics in social media and radio throughout many years, I have repeatedly asked them to demonstrate their teachings on Mary from Scripture. I am almost always met with profound silence. However, on those rare occasions when that silence is broken and the attempt to produce Scripture, it is possible to hear those verses being ripped out of context in order to support the unbiblical doctrines held by the Roman Catholic Church.

But, the truth is that nothing in the Scriptures promote these fantastic claims the Roman Catholic Church makes about Mary. There’s nothing there.

Hypothetically, if Mary could see what is happening in Catholicism, she must be deeply saddened by those who refuse to follow the word of GOD and instead, follow another voice (John 10:26-28). It is not the voice of Christ that the Roman Catholic Church follows. Otherwise, it would not promote praying to Mary and seeking her intercession instead of that of Christ himself (1 Cor. 1:2; 1 Tim. 2:5).


God has given us his inspired word for a reason. It is guidance for us and those who take their eyes off of inspired Scripture and put it onto man’s ‘sacred tradition’ will be led astray. The Catholics are, without a doubt, led astray. Their semi-goddess status of Mary is due to extra-biblical teaching. It is not a revelation from God. It is the teaching of an apostate church. They have exceeded what is written in God’s word (1 Cor. 4:6). As a result, they have ventured so far off course, that their direction is no longer towards Christ. Instead, they follow the traditions of men, and the result can only be damnation.

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