Marie-Christine Heinze | CARPO - Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (original) (raw)

Books by Marie-Christine Heinze

Research paper thumbnail of Weiblichkeit und öffentlicher Raum im Jemen

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Edited Publications by Marie-Christine Heinze

Research paper thumbnail of Yemen and the Search for Stability: Power, Politics and Society After the Arab Spring

The ongoing civil war in Yemen, with its clear regional and international dimensions, has killed ... more The ongoing civil war in Yemen, with its clear regional and international dimensions, has killed thousands and triggered humanitarian disaster. Since 2014/15, Huthi rebels and (until December 2017) Salih-affiliated militias have been fighting a broad front of forces loyal to the internationally recognized government, the Southern Movement, as well as local actors fighting for their own interests. This front is supported by the Saudi-led multinational coalition.

In 2011, however, thousands of Yemenis had taken to the streets to protest for a better future for their country. When President ʿAli ʿAbd Allah Salih signed over power in the aftermath of these protests, there were hopes that this would signal the beginning of a new period of transition. Yemen and the Search for Stability focuses on the aspirations that inspired revolutionary action, and analyzes what went wrong in the years that followed. It examines the different groups involved in the protests –Muslim Brothers, Salafis, Huthis, secessionists, women, youth, artists and intellectuals– in terms of their competing visions for the country’s future as well as their internal struggles. This book traces the impact of the 2011 upheavals on these groups’ ideas for a “new Yemen” and on their strategies for self-empowerment. In so doing, Yemen and the Search for Stability examines the mistakes committed in the country’s post-2011 transition process but also points towards prospects for stability and positive change.

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Research paper thumbnail of Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention During and Post-Conflict

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Research paper thumbnail of Bonner Islamwissenschaftler Stellen Sich Vor

Bonner Islamstudien , 2006

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Policy Reports by Marie-Christine Heinze

Research paper thumbnail of Local Security Governance in Times of War. The Cases of al-Hudayda, Ta'iz and Aden

YPC/CARPO Report, 2021

with Mareike Transfeld, Mohamed al-Iriani and Maged Sultan

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Research paper thumbnail of Women as Peacebuilders in Yemen

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Research paper thumbnail of Criminal Histories, Arrest and Prison Experiences of Women and Girls in Yemen

This report is part of YPC’s project entitled ‘Enhancing Legal Security, Arrest Procedures, and D... more This report is part of YPC’s project entitled ‘Enhancing Legal Security, Arrest Procedures, and Detention Conditions of Women and Girls’, financed through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) of the European Union (EU). It intends to provide those concerned with security sector reform and the penal system in Yemen with the necessary numbers and figures to better comprehend arrest procedures and detention conditions of female prisoners with the ultimate aim of enhancing the legal security of women in Yemen.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Women Nowadays Do Anything.' Women’s Role in Conflict, Peace and Security in Yemen

This study brings together the findings of qualitative research conducted in Ibb and Aden by the ... more This study brings together the findings of qualitative research conducted in Ibb and Aden by the Yemen Polling Center (YPC) in cooperation with CARPO and Saferworld. It looks at the impact of the war on women and their families in these two regions, particularly in terms of security-related issues, and the roles women play or have played in the conflict as well as in the building of security and peace.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jemen. Akteure, Faktoren, Szenarien

Drei Jahre nach dem durch die Proteste von 2011 erzwungenen Rücktritt Ali Abdallah Salihs befinde... more Drei Jahre nach dem durch die Proteste von 2011 erzwungenen Rücktritt Ali Abdallah Salihs befindet sich der Jemen in einer höchst volatilen Situation. Zahlreiche, größtenteils bewaffnete Akteure kämpfen um die Durchsetzung ihrer strategischen Interessen und Huthi-Milizen blockieren zunehmend die Arbeit der gerade erst neu gewählten Regierung in der Hauptstadt Sanaa. Für die politische Entwicklung der vergangenen drei Jahre ebenso wie für die zukünftige sind jedoch auch regionale und internationale Akteure relevant. Nachfolgend werden der derzeitige Kontext, die wichtigsten Akteure und relevante Faktoren für die zukünftige Entwicklung des Jemen erörtert. Drei mögliche Szenarien für die kommenden 1-2 Jahre werden entwickelt und Handlungsoptionen für die deutsche EZ vorgestellt.

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Women's Security Interests into Police Reform in Yemen. Some Suggestions for Structural Reform (Arabic / English)

YPC Policy Report 1, Jun 2013

دمج قضايا أمن المرأة في إصلاح قطاع الشرطة في اليمن. بعض المقترحات إصلاح هيكل

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Policy Briefs etc. by Marie-Christine Heinze

Research paper thumbnail of Zooming in on the Yemen War. The Future of Warfare and Human Rights in the Middle East

FES / BICC / CARPO Perspective, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Diaspora in Peacebuilding in Yemen, Potentials and Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints

CARPO Brief 22, 2022

On 12 June 2022, FES Yemen and CARPO, in collaboration with the EU-funded Peace Women project, co... more On 12 June 2022, FES Yemen and CARPO, in collaboration with the EU-funded Peace Women project, convened a one-day workshop in Amman, Jordan. The aim of this workshop was to discuss with researchers as well as female and male diaspora representatives challenges and constraints as well as potentials and opportunities of Yemeni diaspora communities to contribute to peace in their home country, and to particularly highlight the role of female members of the diaspora community in such efforts. This publication is a summary of the most important workshop findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a (Gender) Equality Department at the MoI (Arabic / English)

YPC Poliy Brief 1, Jun 2013

نحو إنشاء إدارة مساواة النوع الاجتماعي في وزارة الداخلية

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Papers by Marie-Christine Heinze

Research paper thumbnail of Das Engagement junger Jemenit*innen für eine friedliche Zukunft

IJAB Journal, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Civil Society in Providing Local Security in Yemen

Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Revolution, Transition und Krieg. Eine Einführung in den Jemen-Konflikt

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), 2020

Der Konflikt im Jemen ist ein Bürgerkrieg mit internationaler Beteiligung, der aufgrund seiner Ko... more Der Konflikt im Jemen ist ein Bürgerkrieg mit internationaler Beteiligung, der aufgrund seiner Komplexität nur schwer zu lösen ist. Seine Wurzeln liegen in der jüngeren Geschichte des Landes und vor allem im nach den Protesten 2011 gescheiterten Transitionsprozess.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction. Yemen and the Search for Stability

Heinze, Marie-Christine [ed.]: Yemen and the Search for Stability. Power, Politics and Society After the Arab Spring, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Yemen's war as seen from the local level

Politics, Governance, and Reconstruction in Yemen, Jan 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Opportunities for SSR in Yemen

Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention During and Post-Conflict , 2017

This report is the result of a conference with the same name, which was jointly organized by CARP... more This report is the result of a conference with the same name, which was jointly organized by CARPO and the Regional Office Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) at the Dead Sea in April 2017. The papers by prolific experts on Yemen included in this publication discuss the changes, obstacles and limits for successful security sector reform in Yemen during and after the conflict and offer respective recommendations for national and international policy-makers in the field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Konfliktporträt Jemen

Der Transitionsprozess, der nach den erfolgreichen Protesten des "Arabischen Frühlings" von 2011 ... more Der Transitionsprozess, der nach den erfolgreichen Protesten des "Arabischen Frühlings" von 2011 begann, ist gescheitert. Seit 2015 tobt ein Mehrfrontenkrieg, in den Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate interveniert haben. Eine politische Lösung ist in weite Ferne gerückt. Es droht eine humanitäre Katastrophe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Weiblichkeit und öffentlicher Raum im Jemen

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Research paper thumbnail of Yemen and the Search for Stability: Power, Politics and Society After the Arab Spring

The ongoing civil war in Yemen, with its clear regional and international dimensions, has killed ... more The ongoing civil war in Yemen, with its clear regional and international dimensions, has killed thousands and triggered humanitarian disaster. Since 2014/15, Huthi rebels and (until December 2017) Salih-affiliated militias have been fighting a broad front of forces loyal to the internationally recognized government, the Southern Movement, as well as local actors fighting for their own interests. This front is supported by the Saudi-led multinational coalition.

In 2011, however, thousands of Yemenis had taken to the streets to protest for a better future for their country. When President ʿAli ʿAbd Allah Salih signed over power in the aftermath of these protests, there were hopes that this would signal the beginning of a new period of transition. Yemen and the Search for Stability focuses on the aspirations that inspired revolutionary action, and analyzes what went wrong in the years that followed. It examines the different groups involved in the protests –Muslim Brothers, Salafis, Huthis, secessionists, women, youth, artists and intellectuals– in terms of their competing visions for the country’s future as well as their internal struggles. This book traces the impact of the 2011 upheavals on these groups’ ideas for a “new Yemen” and on their strategies for self-empowerment. In so doing, Yemen and the Search for Stability examines the mistakes committed in the country’s post-2011 transition process but also points towards prospects for stability and positive change.

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Research paper thumbnail of Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention During and Post-Conflict

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Research paper thumbnail of Bonner Islamwissenschaftler Stellen Sich Vor

Bonner Islamstudien , 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Local Security Governance in Times of War. The Cases of al-Hudayda, Ta'iz and Aden

YPC/CARPO Report, 2021

with Mareike Transfeld, Mohamed al-Iriani and Maged Sultan

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Research paper thumbnail of Women as Peacebuilders in Yemen

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Research paper thumbnail of Criminal Histories, Arrest and Prison Experiences of Women and Girls in Yemen

This report is part of YPC’s project entitled ‘Enhancing Legal Security, Arrest Procedures, and D... more This report is part of YPC’s project entitled ‘Enhancing Legal Security, Arrest Procedures, and Detention Conditions of Women and Girls’, financed through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) of the European Union (EU). It intends to provide those concerned with security sector reform and the penal system in Yemen with the necessary numbers and figures to better comprehend arrest procedures and detention conditions of female prisoners with the ultimate aim of enhancing the legal security of women in Yemen.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Women Nowadays Do Anything.' Women’s Role in Conflict, Peace and Security in Yemen

This study brings together the findings of qualitative research conducted in Ibb and Aden by the ... more This study brings together the findings of qualitative research conducted in Ibb and Aden by the Yemen Polling Center (YPC) in cooperation with CARPO and Saferworld. It looks at the impact of the war on women and their families in these two regions, particularly in terms of security-related issues, and the roles women play or have played in the conflict as well as in the building of security and peace.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jemen. Akteure, Faktoren, Szenarien

Drei Jahre nach dem durch die Proteste von 2011 erzwungenen Rücktritt Ali Abdallah Salihs befinde... more Drei Jahre nach dem durch die Proteste von 2011 erzwungenen Rücktritt Ali Abdallah Salihs befindet sich der Jemen in einer höchst volatilen Situation. Zahlreiche, größtenteils bewaffnete Akteure kämpfen um die Durchsetzung ihrer strategischen Interessen und Huthi-Milizen blockieren zunehmend die Arbeit der gerade erst neu gewählten Regierung in der Hauptstadt Sanaa. Für die politische Entwicklung der vergangenen drei Jahre ebenso wie für die zukünftige sind jedoch auch regionale und internationale Akteure relevant. Nachfolgend werden der derzeitige Kontext, die wichtigsten Akteure und relevante Faktoren für die zukünftige Entwicklung des Jemen erörtert. Drei mögliche Szenarien für die kommenden 1-2 Jahre werden entwickelt und Handlungsoptionen für die deutsche EZ vorgestellt.

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Women's Security Interests into Police Reform in Yemen. Some Suggestions for Structural Reform (Arabic / English)

YPC Policy Report 1, Jun 2013

دمج قضايا أمن المرأة في إصلاح قطاع الشرطة في اليمن. بعض المقترحات إصلاح هيكل

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Research paper thumbnail of Zooming in on the Yemen War. The Future of Warfare and Human Rights in the Middle East

FES / BICC / CARPO Perspective, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Diaspora in Peacebuilding in Yemen, Potentials and Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints

CARPO Brief 22, 2022

On 12 June 2022, FES Yemen and CARPO, in collaboration with the EU-funded Peace Women project, co... more On 12 June 2022, FES Yemen and CARPO, in collaboration with the EU-funded Peace Women project, convened a one-day workshop in Amman, Jordan. The aim of this workshop was to discuss with researchers as well as female and male diaspora representatives challenges and constraints as well as potentials and opportunities of Yemeni diaspora communities to contribute to peace in their home country, and to particularly highlight the role of female members of the diaspora community in such efforts. This publication is a summary of the most important workshop findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a (Gender) Equality Department at the MoI (Arabic / English)

YPC Poliy Brief 1, Jun 2013

نحو إنشاء إدارة مساواة النوع الاجتماعي في وزارة الداخلية

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Engagement junger Jemenit*innen für eine friedliche Zukunft

IJAB Journal, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Civil Society in Providing Local Security in Yemen

Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Revolution, Transition und Krieg. Eine Einführung in den Jemen-Konflikt

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), 2020

Der Konflikt im Jemen ist ein Bürgerkrieg mit internationaler Beteiligung, der aufgrund seiner Ko... more Der Konflikt im Jemen ist ein Bürgerkrieg mit internationaler Beteiligung, der aufgrund seiner Komplexität nur schwer zu lösen ist. Seine Wurzeln liegen in der jüngeren Geschichte des Landes und vor allem im nach den Protesten 2011 gescheiterten Transitionsprozess.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction. Yemen and the Search for Stability

Heinze, Marie-Christine [ed.]: Yemen and the Search for Stability. Power, Politics and Society After the Arab Spring, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Yemen's war as seen from the local level

Politics, Governance, and Reconstruction in Yemen, Jan 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Opportunities for SSR in Yemen

Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention During and Post-Conflict , 2017

This report is the result of a conference with the same name, which was jointly organized by CARP... more This report is the result of a conference with the same name, which was jointly organized by CARPO and the Regional Office Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) at the Dead Sea in April 2017. The papers by prolific experts on Yemen included in this publication discuss the changes, obstacles and limits for successful security sector reform in Yemen during and after the conflict and offer respective recommendations for national and international policy-makers in the field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Konfliktporträt Jemen

Der Transitionsprozess, der nach den erfolgreichen Protesten des "Arabischen Frühlings" von 2011 ... more Der Transitionsprozess, der nach den erfolgreichen Protesten des "Arabischen Frühlings" von 2011 begann, ist gescheitert. Seit 2015 tobt ein Mehrfrontenkrieg, in den Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate interveniert haben. Eine politische Lösung ist in weite Ferne gerückt. Es droht eine humanitäre Katastrophe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Women's Role in Peace and Security in Yemen. Literature review

This literature review provides an overview of women’s interactions with peacebuilding efforts in... more This literature review provides an overview of women’s interactions with peacebuilding efforts in Yemen, in view to informing current strategies on how to enhance their role. In doing so, it considers questions in regard to women’s political participation in the past; the impact of conflict on women’s lives; the social norms governing women’s activism; and examples of women’s involvement in peacebuilding processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jemen - Den Krieg kann keiner gewinnen

In Kuwait verhandeln die jemenitischen Konfliktparteien. Sollten die Friedensgespräche scheitern ... more In Kuwait verhandeln die jemenitischen Konfliktparteien. Sollten die Friedensgespräche scheitern steht dem Jemen ein syrisches Szenario bevor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Krieg im Jemen vor dem Hintergrund regionaler Dynamiken

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Research paper thumbnail of Yemen through the janbiya. The social lives of daggers in Yemen

Zusammenfassung meiner 2015 an der Universität Bielefeld abgeschlossenen Dissertation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Neues aus der Jemen-Forschung (2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Krieg im Jemen: Die Entwicklung vor dem Hintergrund regionaler Dynamiken im Nahen Osten

Seit etwa einem Jahr befindet sich der Jemen in einem Mehrfrontenkrieg mit internationaler Beteil... more Seit etwa einem Jahr befindet sich der Jemen in einem Mehrfrontenkrieg mit internationaler Beteiligung, der das Land zu zerreißen droht. Beobachter warnen alternierend vor einer drohenden Balkanisierung oder Somalisierung des Landes, sollte es nicht bald gelingen, diesen gewaltsamen Konflikt zu beenden. Neben zahlreichen internen Bruchlinien nimmt eine Vielzahl regionaler Akteure eine konfliktverstärkende Rolle ein. Eine Koalition verschiedener, hauptsächlich arabischer Staaten unter der Führung Saudi-Arabiens bekämpft auf der Seite von Präsident Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi die angeblich von Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Konfliktporträt Jemen

Der Transitionsprozess, der nach den erfolgreichen Protesten des "Arabischen Frühlings" von 2011 ... more Der Transitionsprozess, der nach den erfolgreichen Protesten des "Arabischen Frühlings" von 2011 eingeleitet wurde, ist gescheitert. In Jemen tobt ein Mehrfrontenkrieg, in den Saudi-Arabien und Katar interveniert haben. Eine politische Lösung ist in weite Ferne gerückt. Im Norden droht eine Hungerkatastrophe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Krieg im Jemen. Fronten, Akteure, Ausblick

Jemen, Oct 2015

Am 25. März 2015 begann Saudi-Arabien in einer Koalition mit neun anderen, größtenteils arabische... more Am 25. März 2015 begann Saudi-Arabien in einer Koalition mit neun anderen, größtenteils arabischen Staaten mit dem Bombardement der Hauptstadt Sana‘a die Operation „Decisive Storm“ im Jemen. Nur kurz zuvor war Präsident Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi aus Aden, der größten Stadt im Süden des Landes, vor den anrückenden Huthi/Salih-Milizen geflohen. Diese hatten am selben Tag eine strategisch wichtige Militärbasis nördlich von Aden eingenommen. Seit Beginn der Operation „Decisive Storm“, die am 21. April in Operation „Restoring Hope“ umbenannt wurde, sind im Jemen nach Angaben der VN über 4.500 Menschen getötet und über 23.000 verletzt worden, darunter viele Zivilisten (BBC 24.8.2015). Bemühungen um einen Waffenstillstand dauern an, während das Land von Tag zu Tag weiter ins Chaos gleitet.
Dieser Beitrag zeichnet die Entwicklungen im Jemen seit Ende März dieses Jahres nach und erläutert die Rolle der einzelnen Akteure im aktuellen Konflikt.

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Research paper thumbnail of From the margins of Yemen into the heart of the country, from fist-fights on Change Square to control of the capital city. Spatial manifestations of the Ḥūthī ascension to power

Stephan Conermann & Elena Smolarz (eds.): Mobilizing Religion: Networks and Mobility, pp. 111-149, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Erbe früherer Kriege, Aug 8, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Neues aus der Jemen-Forschung (2015)

Jemen Report 46 (1/2), 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Verhandlungstisch in Berlin, Mar 6, 2015

JEMEN Es zeichnet sich eine neue internationale Front ab, die an den Kalten Krieg erinnert. Deuts... more JEMEN Es zeichnet sich eine neue internationale Front ab, die an den Kalten Krieg erinnert. Deutschland, Oman und die Niederlande gelten als neutral

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Research paper thumbnail of The crisis in Yemen. The primacy of stability over real change, Jan 30, 2015

Since 22 January, Yemen has been mired in an almost unresolvable crisis of government. After a po... more Since 22 January, Yemen has been mired in an almost unresolvable crisis of government. After a power struggle that lasted several days, President Hadi stepped down along with Prime Minister Bahah and his whole cabinet. Marie-Christine Heinze takes a closer look at the current crisis and its wider implications

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Noel Brehony (2011): Yemen divided. The story of a failed state in South Arabia

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Stephen Gracie (2010): Jambia. Daggers from the ancient souqs of Yemen

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Research paper thumbnail of Die politischen Entwicklungen im Jemen seit 2011 und die aktuelle (humanitäre) Lage

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Research paper thumbnail of Jemen. Der vergessene Krieg

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Jemen-Konflikt und seine Akteure. Um wieviel(e) Identität(en) geht es?

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Jemen-Konflikt. Akteure, Strategien, Lösungsszenarien

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Research paper thumbnail of Security perceptions of the Yemeni public and attitudes towards the security sector

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Research paper thumbnail of Reforming the Ministry of Interior. Findings from research conducted in 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Vortrag 'Krieg im Jemen - Akteure, Konfliktlinien, Lösungsansätze'

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Research paper thumbnail of Respondent in the Session 'Understanding Drivers of Conflict in Yemen'

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Research paper thumbnail of Panelistin bei der Podiumsdiskussion 'Jemen: Herausforderung Frieden'

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Research paper thumbnail of Presentation on 'Dimensions of Applied Research on Yemen'

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Research paper thumbnail of Vortrag 'Revolution und Konterrevolution: Lokale und regionale Dimensionen des Konfliktes im Jemen'

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Research paper thumbnail of Chair of the panel on 'Media and Politics during the Military Intervention in Yemen' at the conference 'Media Language in War and Conflict - Yemen's Quest for Truth'

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Research paper thumbnail of Input at the conference 'Iranian-Saudi Perspectives on the Refugee Crisis'

Input in the session on 'Regional Support for Conflict-Resolution in Yemen'

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Research paper thumbnail of Vortrag 'Nahost/Arabische Halbinsel: Stellvertreterkrieg im Jemen?'

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Research paper thumbnail of Vortrag 'Stand des Friedensprozesses und aktuelle Lage im Jemen'

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Research paper thumbnail of Chair of the Yemen-Panel at the Second RoK-EU International Conference on Middle Eastern and North African Affairs

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Research paper thumbnail of Input at the conference 'EU-Middle East Relations Revisited. Implications of the E3+3/Iran Nuclear Agreement for EU Policy in the Middle East'

Input on 'Yemen' in the session on 'Cultural Politics and Soft Power'

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Research paper thumbnail of Panelistin bei der Podiumsdiskussion 'Jemen: Ein vergessener Konflikt'

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Research paper thumbnail of Konflikt im Jemen: Hintergründe, aktuelle Lage, Ausblick und Ansatzmöglichkeiten

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Research paper thumbnail of Panelistin bei der Veranstaltung 'Yemen: Implications of the war and prospects for its end'

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