Katerina Machovcova | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (original) (raw)

Papers in English by Katerina Machovcova

Research paper thumbnail of Department heads negotiating emerging managerialism

The Czech higher educational system has transformed over the past three decades from a state-cent... more The Czech higher educational system has transformed over the past three decades from a state-centred model evolving via strong academic autonomy to the current system, which is characterised by academic freedom but also heightened pressure to produce measurable research output. The purpose of this study was to explore how Czech academic middle managers relate to this emerging managerialism in their faculties. We conducted 31 interviews with Heads of Departments (HoDs) and, using thematic analysis, we identified three central themes. First, despite their enhanced managerial tasks, the HoDs strongly identified themselves as researchers. Second, the HoDs instrumentally adopted certain managerialist practices congruent with their values as academic professionals with a primary focus on increasing research performance and the ability to acquire additional financing through grants. Third, the HoDs used practices to lessen the negative effects of managerialist pressures, such as diverting the administrative overload from academics. In conclusion, academic middle managers supported performance management even though existing structural differences benefited certain departments more than others. Paradoxically, the HoDs more likely to succeed in the quantitative assessment appeared to be in a better position to buffer some of the negative impacts of the managerialist reforms.

Research paper thumbnail of Burnout among university faculty: the central role of work–family conflict

This study examined both direct and indirect associations of faculty burnout with psychosocial wo... more This study examined both direct and indirect associations of faculty burnout with psychosocial work environments, using the job resources-demands framework. A sample of 2,229 faculty members (57.1% male) throughout public universities in the Czech Republic completed a questionnaire comprising measures of burnout and psychosocial work environment characteristics from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II. We formulated a structural model that hypothesised a positive effect of job demands (quantitative demands, work-family conflict (WFC), job insecurity) and a negative effect of job resources (influence, social community, role clarity) on burnout. Results showed that the strongest predictor of burnout was WFC, which had a direct positive effect on burnout and mediated the positive effect of quantitative demands on burnout. Further, a small direct negative effect of age and an indirect positive effect of involvement in research grants and administrative paperwork on burnout were observed. The findings indicate that university management can most effectively address burnout in academic staff not only by implementing policies that reduce WFC, workload and administrative paperwork, but also by providing more job resources to younger faculty and faculty involved in grant-based projects.

Research paper thumbnail of Keeping Marketisation at Bay: The Quality of Academic Worklife in Czech Universities

This study examines quality of academic worklife in Czech public universities to assess the exten... more This study examines quality of academic worklife in Czech public universities to assess the extent to which the global drive towards marketisa-tion in higher education has affected Czech academic staff. A total of 2229 academics (men = 57.1%) completed a survey measuring their job satisfaction, job stress, and work environment perceptions. Findings revealed high levels of overall job satisfaction (83.6% satisfi ed with their jobs) and relatively low levels of stress (13.7% regularly stressed). Most academics reported positive features of their work environment including autonomy and quality, role clarity , infl uence over academic work, and a strong social community. Negative features included dissatisfaction with pay, poor leadership, and pressure to produce. Job satisfaction was signifi cantly associated with traditional academic values (focus on quality, involvement in decision-making, commitment to the workplace, recognition), while stress was linked to market-related aspects (pressure to produce, quantitative work demands, job insecurity). The study highlighted relatively high levels of well-being among Czech faculty, which can be attributed to the continued prevalence of a traditional, professor oriented academic system based on autonomy and collegiality. Despite recent market-oriented changes within Czech research policy, the negative effects of marketisation are not yet pronounced in the quality of academic work-life in public universities, except for the increasing pressure for productivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Czech elementary school teachers’ implicit expectations from migrant children

The article explores the implicit expectations of teachers regarding the paths of integration of ... more The article explores the implicit expectations of teachers regarding the paths of integration of migrant children from various cultural backgrounds. Drawing on qualitative interviews with teachers the findings suggest that the school experience of migrant children is shaped by the concealed assertion of values linked with the dominant ethnicity. In the eyes of teachers, a successfully integrated migrant is stripped of ethnical specifics. The key mechanisms of this assimilatory process are a focus on host country language acquisition, neglect of the skills a migrant child may have acquired before immigration, and the individualisation of success. The analysis calls for a broader reflection on the implicit conditions involved in architecturing migrant integration policies and practices in education.

Research paper thumbnail of Uneasy Relationship: Feminist Practices in the Czech Psychology and Therapy

Women & Therapy, Jan 1, 2011

This article starts with a discussion of how the Czech society welcomed feminism after the colla... more This article starts with a discussion of how the Czech society
welcomed feminism after the collapse of communist regime in the Eastern bloc. It continues with an evaluation of how feminism and gender studies have influenced the Czech psychology and its practice; examples from qualitative research with psychologists and therapists are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Machovcová, Kampichler. Gender Mainstreaming in the Czech Republic: a Critical Perspective. Warsaw: Heinrich Böll Foundation Regional Office Warsaw, 2008

Papers by Katerina Machovcova

Research paper thumbnail of 'Twofold otherness': on religion, spirituality, and home schooling in the Czech Republic

Journal of Beliefs & Values, 2020

In the Czech Republic, home schooling is an increasing but still rare education practice. The cou... more In the Czech Republic, home schooling is an increasing but still rare education practice. The country is at the same time not favourable to public demonstrations of religion. In such a specific context, we investigated the intersection of religion, spirituality, and home schooling. Drawing on a broad ethnographic research design, we identify three levels of strategies employed by religious or spiritual home-schooling parents to negotiate their ‘twofold otherness’. On the individual level, these parents significantly sought religious or spiritual support in their decision to home-school. On the societal level, the local community played a crucial role in assisting parents with home schooling. Simultaneously, fearing the reactions of home-schooling opponents, the families decided to keep their religion or spirituality to themselves. We conclude that the ‘twofold otherness’ is a vulnerable position for home-schoolers in the Czech Republic which forces the families to remain private about both their education style and spiritual or religious ideology.


Studia Paedagogica, 2020

t Vnímání dětství je v současnosti silně zaměřené na význam naplňování potřeb dětí, zejména s ohl... more t Vnímání dětství je v současnosti silně zaměřené na význam naplňování potřeb dětí, zejména s ohledem na vliv primární pečující osoby. S tím souvisí i v naší společnosti časté diskuse týkající se toho, kdy je pro děti vhodný věk pro vstup do vzdělávací instituce. Zřejmě nejmarkantnějším přístupem kritizujícím ranou sepa-raci dítěte a následně odsouvajícím moment vstupu do vzdělávací instituce je iniciativa domácího vzdělávání. V našem výzkumu jsme se zaměřily na to, jak rodiče, kteří doma vzdělávali své děti, zdůvodňují tuto volbu v kontextu potřeb svých dětí. Analyzovaly jsme kvalitativní rozhovory (50) s cílem lépe porozumět jejich motivaci. Prezentujeme tři témata popisující rodiči vnímaný soulad dětských potřeb a možností domácího vzdělávání: (1) Potřeba bez pečného prostoru pro dozrání, (2) Potřeba individuálního rozvoje, (3) Potřeba osamostatnit se. Text poukazuje na to, jak je rozhodnutí vzdělávat děti doma propojené s aktuálními trendy v porozumění dětství a rodičovství. Analýza konkrétních zkušeností přináší praktické využití, zejména pro psycholog y a pedagog y. Klíčová slova dětství, rodičovství, dětské potřeby, domácí vzdělávání

Contemporary perceptions of childhood strongly emphasize the importance of meeting the needs of children, especially when taking into account the influence of the primary caregiver. This is reflected in the common discussion as to the most suitable age for children to enter educational institutions. In this discussion, the home-education initiative noticeably criticizes child separation and postpones children's entrance into educational institutions. In our research, we focused on how parents who educated their children at home justify this choice in the context of their children's needs. We analyzed qualitative interviews (50) to gain better insight into their motivations. This study presents three themes perceived by parents that describe the perceived harmony of children's needs and the possibilities of home education: (1) the need for a safe space Studia paedagogica vol. 25, n. 1, 2020 www.studiapaedagogica.cz https://doi.org/10.5817/SP2020-1-2

Research paper thumbnail of Sebepojetí absolventů domácího vzdělávání a jejich spolužáků: pilotní studie

a Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství b Kate... more a Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství b Kateřina Machovcová, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství c Andrea Beláňová, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství d Romana Štambergová, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta Redakci zasláno 15. 2. 2018 / upravená verze obdržena 24. 6. 2018/ k uveřejnění přijato 24. 6. 2018 Abstrakt: Studie je první výzkumnou sondou do problematiky sebepojetí absolventů domácího vzdělávání. Jedná se o dílčí, ale velmi významné téma, kterému se v našich podmínkách ve vztahu k domácímu vzdělávání zatím nedostalo náležité pozornosti. Cílem studie je zjistit, jak děti s touto speci ickou zkušeností samy sebe vnímají, a porovnat jejich výsledky se spolužáky, kteří domácím vzděláváním neprošli. První část textu je zaměřená na teoretická východiska, koncept sebepojetí a metodologii výzkumu, ve druhé části jsou prezentovány výsledky pilotního výzkumného šetření. Jedním z hlavních přínosů této pilotní studie je obrácení pozornosti k individualitě vzdělávaného, nikoli pouze vzdělávajícího, což je v případě studií zaměřených na domácí vzdělávání doposud převažující přístup, a ověření, zda lze Dotazník sebepojetí Piers-Harris 2 považovat za vhodný nástroj pro realizaci obdobně zaměřených výzkumů. Klíčová slova: domácí vzdělávání, sebepojetí, sociální vývoj, emoční vývoj, adaptace

Research paper thumbnail of Justifying homeschooling in Czech Republic: How " good parents " and their children use time

In our study of Czech homeschooling families, we discovered that the unifying theme of their just... more In our study of Czech homeschooling families, we discovered that the unifying theme of their justifying narratives was how the families rearranged the norm of " good parenting, " defined as the amount of time families spent together. The parents argued the importance of sacrificing their own time and educating their children themselves. They distinguished themselves from parents who are not willing to attend the children's needs as much. Finally, we show that homeschooled children also actively adopt the family time management.

Research paper thumbnail of Work environment and well-being of academic faculty in Czech universities: A pilot study

This article addresses the relationship between the work environment and the well-being of academ... more This article addresses the relationship between the work environment and the well-being of academic faculties
in public Czech universities. It presents findings from a pilot study conducted at a Faculty of Arts at a major
Czech university. The aims of the study were to describe the Faculty’s work environment and to examine the
impact of specific work environment variables on the well-being of academic employees. In total, 236 academics
participated in the study. The results showed relatively high job satisfaction and high work engagement at all
academic levels. The Faculty’s organizational climate (measured using the Organizational Climate Measure;
Patterson, Patterson, West, Shackleton, Dawson, Lawthom, Maitlis & Wallace, 2005) was defined by high
autonomy and involvement in decision making, as well as relatively low pressure to produce. The Faculty’s
psychosocial work environment (measured using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II; Kristensen,
Hannerz, Høgh & Borg, 2005) was defined by a strong social community and social support. Based on
these findings, the authors suggest that the Faculty’s work environment corresponds to the Humboldtian type
of governance, defined by academic self-rule and a culture of collegiality, and they compare this type of governance
with the market governance prevalent in Anglo-American contexts. The study contributes to the recent debates
about national differences in academic governance by discussing how specific aspects of Humboldtian and
market governance may contribute to well-being in academia.

Conference Presentations by Katerina Machovcova

Research paper thumbnail of Women and Workplace Bullying in Academic Settings

Papers in Czech by Katerina Machovcova

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Academic leadership: Theoretical approaches and current issues

Due to recent global transformation of higher education, organizational researchers have increasi... more Due to recent global transformation of higher education, organizational researchers have increasingly begun to explore the quality of work environment in higher education institutions and faculty job satisfaction. One of the relevant factors with strong impact on academic work is academic leadership which, however, have so far received only limited attention. This is in contrast to a considerable interest in leadership in a private sector. In order to address this gap, the aims of this study are: 1) to provide a systematic research review of current research on leadership with a specific focus on higher education and 2) to identify a research agenda for future research in the area. The article provides comprehensive overview of main approaches to the study of leadership, presents relevant research findings, and formulates conclusions for further study of academic leadership. The key agenda for further research includes the understanding of leadership among academic leaders and team members, including non-formal leadership, relationship between the quality of leadership and well-being of academic staff, and the role of senior faculty in promoting high quality leadership.

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Silence Is a Form of Communication: Feminist Debates about the Political Aspects of Psychological Practice.

Gender-rovné příležitosti-výzkum

The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes beyond the u... more The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes beyond the understanding of feminism as a dangerous ideology that needs to be divorced from the respect for approaches intrinsic to psychological practices. Political activism is frequently understood as a core feminist value, but different ethics can come into play in psychology and psychotherapy. Professionals engaged in critical and feminist approaches seek to combine being political while cherishing the autonomous decision-making of each and every client. However, we also encounter positions where individual work is rejected and only collective activism is to be pursued, or on the other hand, positions where activism beyond individual help is deemed unrealistic.
In the following text different perspectives on feminist politics and psychology will be presented. For instance, critical psychology can serve as one of the platforms where feminisms and the critique of psychological theories can come together in claiming that neutrality is impossible. The theoretical part of the article is illustrated with examples, some of which were drawn from the empirical material collected for the author’s dissertation project ‘Gendering Psychological Counselling’.
Keywords: feminism, critical psychology, activism

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Currently discussed topics related to feminist approach in psychology

Časopis sociální práce| Sociálna práca

The article presents selection of currently discussed topics in feminist approach in psychology. ... more The article presents selection of currently discussed topics in feminist approach in psychology. Its point of departure is social constructionism, which is briefly introduced, and also critical perspectives are presented, for instance psychosocial studies based on combination of social constructionism, phenomenology and psychoanalysis. In regard to feminist approaches conceptualization
of gender and category of women are critiqued from inside and move towards intersectional perspective on differences is introduced.

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Silence Is a Form of Communication: Feminist Debates about the Political Aspects of Psychological Practice.


Abstract: The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes be... more Abstract: The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes beyond the understanding of feminism as a dangerous ideology that needs to be divorced from the respect for approaches intrinsic to psychological practices. Political activism is ...

Conference Papers by Katerina Machovcova

Research paper thumbnail of Internet use in the Czech Republic: Gender and age differences

The paper deals with differences in the Internet use as a means of communication in the Czech Rep... more The paper deals with differences in the Internet use as a means of communication in the Czech Republic from the point of view of Internet users' gender and age. It aims at depicting the differences in pretending to have a different identity in the virtual environment. The presented questions were included in a questionnaire survey carried out within the framework of the international "World Internet Project" research. The survey sampled 1,832 respondents aged 12 years or more. It has been revealed that, from the point of view of Internet preference as a means of communication, there are only statistically insignificant differences between men and women; however, it is men who tend to claim, more often than women, to be more open on the Internet than in the real world. Furthermore, they also admit pretending a new identity. There have been large differences in virtual communication preference according to the respondents' age: adolescents and young people tend to prefer substantially more often the Internet as a means of communication than older people. At the same time, it is adolescents rather than adults who tend to experiment more with their identity in the virtual environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Department heads negotiating emerging managerialism

The Czech higher educational system has transformed over the past three decades from a state-cent... more The Czech higher educational system has transformed over the past three decades from a state-centred model evolving via strong academic autonomy to the current system, which is characterised by academic freedom but also heightened pressure to produce measurable research output. The purpose of this study was to explore how Czech academic middle managers relate to this emerging managerialism in their faculties. We conducted 31 interviews with Heads of Departments (HoDs) and, using thematic analysis, we identified three central themes. First, despite their enhanced managerial tasks, the HoDs strongly identified themselves as researchers. Second, the HoDs instrumentally adopted certain managerialist practices congruent with their values as academic professionals with a primary focus on increasing research performance and the ability to acquire additional financing through grants. Third, the HoDs used practices to lessen the negative effects of managerialist pressures, such as diverting the administrative overload from academics. In conclusion, academic middle managers supported performance management even though existing structural differences benefited certain departments more than others. Paradoxically, the HoDs more likely to succeed in the quantitative assessment appeared to be in a better position to buffer some of the negative impacts of the managerialist reforms.

Research paper thumbnail of Burnout among university faculty: the central role of work–family conflict

This study examined both direct and indirect associations of faculty burnout with psychosocial wo... more This study examined both direct and indirect associations of faculty burnout with psychosocial work environments, using the job resources-demands framework. A sample of 2,229 faculty members (57.1% male) throughout public universities in the Czech Republic completed a questionnaire comprising measures of burnout and psychosocial work environment characteristics from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II. We formulated a structural model that hypothesised a positive effect of job demands (quantitative demands, work-family conflict (WFC), job insecurity) and a negative effect of job resources (influence, social community, role clarity) on burnout. Results showed that the strongest predictor of burnout was WFC, which had a direct positive effect on burnout and mediated the positive effect of quantitative demands on burnout. Further, a small direct negative effect of age and an indirect positive effect of involvement in research grants and administrative paperwork on burnout were observed. The findings indicate that university management can most effectively address burnout in academic staff not only by implementing policies that reduce WFC, workload and administrative paperwork, but also by providing more job resources to younger faculty and faculty involved in grant-based projects.

Research paper thumbnail of Keeping Marketisation at Bay: The Quality of Academic Worklife in Czech Universities

This study examines quality of academic worklife in Czech public universities to assess the exten... more This study examines quality of academic worklife in Czech public universities to assess the extent to which the global drive towards marketisa-tion in higher education has affected Czech academic staff. A total of 2229 academics (men = 57.1%) completed a survey measuring their job satisfaction, job stress, and work environment perceptions. Findings revealed high levels of overall job satisfaction (83.6% satisfi ed with their jobs) and relatively low levels of stress (13.7% regularly stressed). Most academics reported positive features of their work environment including autonomy and quality, role clarity , infl uence over academic work, and a strong social community. Negative features included dissatisfaction with pay, poor leadership, and pressure to produce. Job satisfaction was signifi cantly associated with traditional academic values (focus on quality, involvement in decision-making, commitment to the workplace, recognition), while stress was linked to market-related aspects (pressure to produce, quantitative work demands, job insecurity). The study highlighted relatively high levels of well-being among Czech faculty, which can be attributed to the continued prevalence of a traditional, professor oriented academic system based on autonomy and collegiality. Despite recent market-oriented changes within Czech research policy, the negative effects of marketisation are not yet pronounced in the quality of academic work-life in public universities, except for the increasing pressure for productivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Czech elementary school teachers’ implicit expectations from migrant children

The article explores the implicit expectations of teachers regarding the paths of integration of ... more The article explores the implicit expectations of teachers regarding the paths of integration of migrant children from various cultural backgrounds. Drawing on qualitative interviews with teachers the findings suggest that the school experience of migrant children is shaped by the concealed assertion of values linked with the dominant ethnicity. In the eyes of teachers, a successfully integrated migrant is stripped of ethnical specifics. The key mechanisms of this assimilatory process are a focus on host country language acquisition, neglect of the skills a migrant child may have acquired before immigration, and the individualisation of success. The analysis calls for a broader reflection on the implicit conditions involved in architecturing migrant integration policies and practices in education.

Research paper thumbnail of Uneasy Relationship: Feminist Practices in the Czech Psychology and Therapy

Women & Therapy, Jan 1, 2011

This article starts with a discussion of how the Czech society welcomed feminism after the colla... more This article starts with a discussion of how the Czech society
welcomed feminism after the collapse of communist regime in the Eastern bloc. It continues with an evaluation of how feminism and gender studies have influenced the Czech psychology and its practice; examples from qualitative research with psychologists and therapists are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Machovcová, Kampichler. Gender Mainstreaming in the Czech Republic: a Critical Perspective. Warsaw: Heinrich Böll Foundation Regional Office Warsaw, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of 'Twofold otherness': on religion, spirituality, and home schooling in the Czech Republic

Journal of Beliefs & Values, 2020

In the Czech Republic, home schooling is an increasing but still rare education practice. The cou... more In the Czech Republic, home schooling is an increasing but still rare education practice. The country is at the same time not favourable to public demonstrations of religion. In such a specific context, we investigated the intersection of religion, spirituality, and home schooling. Drawing on a broad ethnographic research design, we identify three levels of strategies employed by religious or spiritual home-schooling parents to negotiate their ‘twofold otherness’. On the individual level, these parents significantly sought religious or spiritual support in their decision to home-school. On the societal level, the local community played a crucial role in assisting parents with home schooling. Simultaneously, fearing the reactions of home-schooling opponents, the families decided to keep their religion or spirituality to themselves. We conclude that the ‘twofold otherness’ is a vulnerable position for home-schoolers in the Czech Republic which forces the families to remain private about both their education style and spiritual or religious ideology.


Studia Paedagogica, 2020

t Vnímání dětství je v současnosti silně zaměřené na význam naplňování potřeb dětí, zejména s ohl... more t Vnímání dětství je v současnosti silně zaměřené na význam naplňování potřeb dětí, zejména s ohledem na vliv primární pečující osoby. S tím souvisí i v naší společnosti časté diskuse týkající se toho, kdy je pro děti vhodný věk pro vstup do vzdělávací instituce. Zřejmě nejmarkantnějším přístupem kritizujícím ranou sepa-raci dítěte a následně odsouvajícím moment vstupu do vzdělávací instituce je iniciativa domácího vzdělávání. V našem výzkumu jsme se zaměřily na to, jak rodiče, kteří doma vzdělávali své děti, zdůvodňují tuto volbu v kontextu potřeb svých dětí. Analyzovaly jsme kvalitativní rozhovory (50) s cílem lépe porozumět jejich motivaci. Prezentujeme tři témata popisující rodiči vnímaný soulad dětských potřeb a možností domácího vzdělávání: (1) Potřeba bez pečného prostoru pro dozrání, (2) Potřeba individuálního rozvoje, (3) Potřeba osamostatnit se. Text poukazuje na to, jak je rozhodnutí vzdělávat děti doma propojené s aktuálními trendy v porozumění dětství a rodičovství. Analýza konkrétních zkušeností přináší praktické využití, zejména pro psycholog y a pedagog y. Klíčová slova dětství, rodičovství, dětské potřeby, domácí vzdělávání

Contemporary perceptions of childhood strongly emphasize the importance of meeting the needs of children, especially when taking into account the influence of the primary caregiver. This is reflected in the common discussion as to the most suitable age for children to enter educational institutions. In this discussion, the home-education initiative noticeably criticizes child separation and postpones children's entrance into educational institutions. In our research, we focused on how parents who educated their children at home justify this choice in the context of their children's needs. We analyzed qualitative interviews (50) to gain better insight into their motivations. This study presents three themes perceived by parents that describe the perceived harmony of children's needs and the possibilities of home education: (1) the need for a safe space Studia paedagogica vol. 25, n. 1, 2020 www.studiapaedagogica.cz https://doi.org/10.5817/SP2020-1-2

Research paper thumbnail of Sebepojetí absolventů domácího vzdělávání a jejich spolužáků: pilotní studie

a Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství b Kate... more a Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství b Kateřina Machovcová, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství c Andrea Beláňová, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství d Romana Štambergová, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta Redakci zasláno 15. 2. 2018 / upravená verze obdržena 24. 6. 2018/ k uveřejnění přijato 24. 6. 2018 Abstrakt: Studie je první výzkumnou sondou do problematiky sebepojetí absolventů domácího vzdělávání. Jedná se o dílčí, ale velmi významné téma, kterému se v našich podmínkách ve vztahu k domácímu vzdělávání zatím nedostalo náležité pozornosti. Cílem studie je zjistit, jak děti s touto speci ickou zkušeností samy sebe vnímají, a porovnat jejich výsledky se spolužáky, kteří domácím vzděláváním neprošli. První část textu je zaměřená na teoretická východiska, koncept sebepojetí a metodologii výzkumu, ve druhé části jsou prezentovány výsledky pilotního výzkumného šetření. Jedním z hlavních přínosů této pilotní studie je obrácení pozornosti k individualitě vzdělávaného, nikoli pouze vzdělávajícího, což je v případě studií zaměřených na domácí vzdělávání doposud převažující přístup, a ověření, zda lze Dotazník sebepojetí Piers-Harris 2 považovat za vhodný nástroj pro realizaci obdobně zaměřených výzkumů. Klíčová slova: domácí vzdělávání, sebepojetí, sociální vývoj, emoční vývoj, adaptace

Research paper thumbnail of Justifying homeschooling in Czech Republic: How " good parents " and their children use time

In our study of Czech homeschooling families, we discovered that the unifying theme of their just... more In our study of Czech homeschooling families, we discovered that the unifying theme of their justifying narratives was how the families rearranged the norm of " good parenting, " defined as the amount of time families spent together. The parents argued the importance of sacrificing their own time and educating their children themselves. They distinguished themselves from parents who are not willing to attend the children's needs as much. Finally, we show that homeschooled children also actively adopt the family time management.

Research paper thumbnail of Work environment and well-being of academic faculty in Czech universities: A pilot study

This article addresses the relationship between the work environment and the well-being of academ... more This article addresses the relationship between the work environment and the well-being of academic faculties
in public Czech universities. It presents findings from a pilot study conducted at a Faculty of Arts at a major
Czech university. The aims of the study were to describe the Faculty’s work environment and to examine the
impact of specific work environment variables on the well-being of academic employees. In total, 236 academics
participated in the study. The results showed relatively high job satisfaction and high work engagement at all
academic levels. The Faculty’s organizational climate (measured using the Organizational Climate Measure;
Patterson, Patterson, West, Shackleton, Dawson, Lawthom, Maitlis & Wallace, 2005) was defined by high
autonomy and involvement in decision making, as well as relatively low pressure to produce. The Faculty’s
psychosocial work environment (measured using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II; Kristensen,
Hannerz, Høgh & Borg, 2005) was defined by a strong social community and social support. Based on
these findings, the authors suggest that the Faculty’s work environment corresponds to the Humboldtian type
of governance, defined by academic self-rule and a culture of collegiality, and they compare this type of governance
with the market governance prevalent in Anglo-American contexts. The study contributes to the recent debates
about national differences in academic governance by discussing how specific aspects of Humboldtian and
market governance may contribute to well-being in academia.

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Academic leadership: Theoretical approaches and current issues

Due to recent global transformation of higher education, organizational researchers have increasi... more Due to recent global transformation of higher education, organizational researchers have increasingly begun to explore the quality of work environment in higher education institutions and faculty job satisfaction. One of the relevant factors with strong impact on academic work is academic leadership which, however, have so far received only limited attention. This is in contrast to a considerable interest in leadership in a private sector. In order to address this gap, the aims of this study are: 1) to provide a systematic research review of current research on leadership with a specific focus on higher education and 2) to identify a research agenda for future research in the area. The article provides comprehensive overview of main approaches to the study of leadership, presents relevant research findings, and formulates conclusions for further study of academic leadership. The key agenda for further research includes the understanding of leadership among academic leaders and team members, including non-formal leadership, relationship between the quality of leadership and well-being of academic staff, and the role of senior faculty in promoting high quality leadership.

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Silence Is a Form of Communication: Feminist Debates about the Political Aspects of Psychological Practice.

Gender-rovné příležitosti-výzkum

The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes beyond the u... more The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes beyond the understanding of feminism as a dangerous ideology that needs to be divorced from the respect for approaches intrinsic to psychological practices. Political activism is frequently understood as a core feminist value, but different ethics can come into play in psychology and psychotherapy. Professionals engaged in critical and feminist approaches seek to combine being political while cherishing the autonomous decision-making of each and every client. However, we also encounter positions where individual work is rejected and only collective activism is to be pursued, or on the other hand, positions where activism beyond individual help is deemed unrealistic.
In the following text different perspectives on feminist politics and psychology will be presented. For instance, critical psychology can serve as one of the platforms where feminisms and the critique of psychological theories can come together in claiming that neutrality is impossible. The theoretical part of the article is illustrated with examples, some of which were drawn from the empirical material collected for the author’s dissertation project ‘Gendering Psychological Counselling’.
Keywords: feminism, critical psychology, activism

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Currently discussed topics related to feminist approach in psychology

Časopis sociální práce| Sociálna práca

The article presents selection of currently discussed topics in feminist approach in psychology. ... more The article presents selection of currently discussed topics in feminist approach in psychology. Its point of departure is social constructionism, which is briefly introduced, and also critical perspectives are presented, for instance psychosocial studies based on combination of social constructionism, phenomenology and psychoanalysis. In regard to feminist approaches conceptualization
of gender and category of women are critiqued from inside and move towards intersectional perspective on differences is introduced.

Research paper thumbnail of Title in English: Silence Is a Form of Communication: Feminist Debates about the Political Aspects of Psychological Practice.


Abstract: The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes be... more Abstract: The heated debate between feminism(s) and psychology(ies) about being political goes beyond the understanding of feminism as a dangerous ideology that needs to be divorced from the respect for approaches intrinsic to psychological practices. Political activism is ...

Research paper thumbnail of Internet use in the Czech Republic: Gender and age differences

The paper deals with differences in the Internet use as a means of communication in the Czech Rep... more The paper deals with differences in the Internet use as a means of communication in the Czech Republic from the point of view of Internet users' gender and age. It aims at depicting the differences in pretending to have a different identity in the virtual environment. The presented questions were included in a questionnaire survey carried out within the framework of the international "World Internet Project" research. The survey sampled 1,832 respondents aged 12 years or more. It has been revealed that, from the point of view of Internet preference as a means of communication, there are only statistically insignificant differences between men and women; however, it is men who tend to claim, more often than women, to be more open on the Internet than in the real world. Furthermore, they also admit pretending a new identity. There have been large differences in virtual communication preference according to the respondents' age: adolescents and young people tend to prefer substantially more often the Internet as a means of communication than older people. At the same time, it is adolescents rather than adults who tend to experiment more with their identity in the virtual environment.