Lucie Jílková | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (original) (raw)

Papers by Lucie Jílková

Research paper thumbnail of Slogany Michala Bukoviče -zvuková podobnost české a původní verze (Mám styl Čendy / Iʼam still standing) 1

Kontext - komunikace -dialog, 2023

Michal Bukovič hooks-sound similarity of the Czech and original version (Mám styl Čendy / Iʼam st... more Michal Bukovič hooks-sound similarity of the Czech and original version (Mám styl Čendy / Iʼam still standing)

Research paper thumbnail of Zur Aussprache von Anthroponymen und Toponymen aus den germanischen Sprachen im Tschechischen: Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Mitarbeitern des Tschechischen Fernsehens (2013-2014)

Germanoslavica, 2021

The article presents results from field research conducted at Czech Televison. The focus of the r... more The article presents results from field research conducted at Czech Televison. The focus of the research was on pronunciation of loanwords and foreign proper names, particularly on words of Germanic origin (German, English, etc.). The research method consisted of semi-structured interviews with respondents (employees of Czech Television). The pronunciation of loanwords in the data was classified along with eight principles of phonological adaptation of loanwords and foreign proper names. The results suggest that respondents most frequently employed the principle of phonological approximation, which means that they pronounced proper foreign names based on the pronunciation in the language of origin, but they draw on the repertoire of target language consonants and vowels. Another significant principle of pronunciation was orthographic pronunciation based primarily on the written form of the word. In some cases respondents turned to the principle of analogy with the donor language, in this case, the adapted form resulted from phonetic analogies with the source language.

Research paper thumbnail of Expresivní slovní zásoba jako prostředek infotainmentu (na příkladu rozhlasového dopravního zpravodajství) / Expressive vocabulary as a means of infotainment (on the example of traffic announcements)

Słowiańszczyzna dawniej i dziś – język, literatura, kultura, 2020

Expresivní slovní zásoba jako prostředek infotainmentu (na příkladu rozhlasového dopravního zprav... more Expresivní slovní zásoba jako prostředek infotainmentu (na příkladu rozhlasového dopravního zpravodajství) Expressive vocabulary as a means of infotainment (on the example of traffic announcements) Summary: The article deals with the analysis of radio news on traffic. The analysis is based on recordings from the public radio station Radiožurnál and the private radio station Impuls (30 recordings from each radio). Analysis focuses on the expressive lexicon. Theoretically, the analysis is based on J. Zima's (1961) typology that differentiates between inherent, adherent and context expressivity. It revealed that traffic news habitually contains lexical items that are expressive both inherently (profíci, impulzáci) and adherently (aby do toho někdo nevletěl, zkolabovaly výjezdy). We interpret this feature of the lexicon of traffic news as an instance of infotainment. The expressive lexical items might contribute to a shift of radio broadcasting towards informality.

Research paper thumbnail of Ke slovnímu spojení takže tak (no nehlídala jsem nic .. sebe .. no .. takže tak)

Korpus - gramatika - axiologie, 2021

On the expression takže tak (no nehlídala jsem nic .. sebe .. no .. takže tak) The article deals... more On the expression takže tak (no nehlídala jsem nic .. sebe .. no .. takže tak)

The article deals with semantic and prosodic analysis of the Czech expression takže tak. The analysis is based on data drawn from the ORTOFON spoken language corpus and the SYN v 8 written language corpus. The analysis showed that certain intonations of the collocation takže tak correspond to certain meanings. If speakers produce takže tak with falling intonation or with uptalk, then the meaning is a summary, roughly: everything important has been said. If it is produced with flat intonation, then it does not form an independent prosodic and semantic segment; rather it forms a part of a longer segment (preparation, hesitation). The collocation takže tak very often forms an independent turn in conversation. Examples from the SYN v 8 corpus also demonstrated that the expression takže tak can stand independently (Takže tak.), mainly as a part of written conversation, with the meaning of summary.

Research paper thumbnail of K užívání příčestí v přísudku: 70 dotazníků The use of the participle: 70 questionnaires

Lingvistika - korpus - empirie, 2020

This article answers the following research questions: Do nonprofessional Czech speakers feel any... more This article answers the following research questions: Do nonprofessional Czech speakers feel any difference in meaning between sentences, which differ only in the use of short or long form of the participle? If yes, are they able to describe/explain this dif ference in meaning? In explaining of this difference, are they use some grammatical terms? Questionnaires were chosen as the research method. 70 respondents commented on four pairs of sentences which differ only in the use of the short or long form of the participle (e.g. poškozen-poškozený). The analysis showed that the respondents are able to describe the difference in meaning between sentences in the sense that they associate the short form with an expression of an action and the long form with an expression of a state. Only 6 res pondents used some grammatical terms in their comments. KEYWORDS: short form of the participle, long form of the participle, questionnaire research, non-professional Czech speakers 1. Úvod, výzkumné otázky Inspirací� k napsání� tohoto textu je článek F. S� tí� chy (S� tí� cha 1980) věnovaný konkurenci dlouhých a krátkých participiální� ch n/tových tvarů v pří� sudku ve větách se slovesem být. Vybrané pří� kladové věty uvedené ve S� tí� chově článku, jež se liší� pouze krátkým/dlouhým tvarem v pří� čestí� , jsou předmětem dotazní� kového šetření� , o něž se opí� rá tento text. Č� lánek odpoví� dá na následují� cí� výzkumné otázky: Pociťují� neprofesionální� uživatelé češtiny význa mový rozdí� l mezi větami, které se liší� pouze užití� m dlouhého/krátkého tvaru pří� čestí� v pří�-sudku? Pokud ano, dokáží� tento významový rozdí� l popsat/vysvětlit? Uží� vají� při vysvětlení� významového rozdí� lu termí� ny z oblasti gramatiky? 2. Materiál a metoda Respondenty dotazní� kového testování� jsou neprofesionální� uživatelé češtiny. Jejich cel kový počet činil-s ohledem na tuto publikaci nikoli náhodou-70, a to 48 žen (z toho 30 s vy sokoškolským vzdělání� m) a 22 mužů (z nich 19 s vysokoškolským vzdělání� m). 1 Jejich věkové rozložení� je následují� cí� : jeden respondent ve věku 14 let, 8 respondentů ve věku 15-30 let, 37 respondentů ve věku 46-60 let, 8 respondentů ve věku 61-75 let a jeden respondent starší� 75 let. Respondenti dostali vytištěný dotazní� k od autorky; někteří� z nich dotazní� k dále předali ještě další� m osobám (kolegům v práci, pří� buzným). Zhruba polovina respondentů 1 Vzdělání� , jakožto součást informace o respondentech, je dále v textu vyjadřováno zkratkami vš (vysoko-školské) a sš (středoškolské). 42-47

Research paper thumbnail of Emotikony v internetových diskuzích: jejich pozice, kombinace a význam


The topic of this article is emoticons in internet forums. The material for this analysis was dra... more The topic of this article is emoticons in internet forums. The material for this analysis was
drawn from two internet forums on the website. The informal character of
these internet forums leads to the use of emoticons. This article deals with (1) the position of
emoticons within the post, (2) repetition of the (same) emoticons, (3) combination of (different)
emoticons and (4) their meaning. The analysis demonstrated that emoticons are mostly
located at the end of the post. These are very often situated where a punctuation mark would
be expected in a more formal text. Repetition and combination of emoticons were found in
around a third of posts. Each combination of
emoticons was unique – no combination of emoticons was repeated. The emoticons demarcate
the post; they are often the only indicators of punctuation. Another important function
is intensification. Furthermore, emoticons can give a positive or negative connotation to
a neutral text, so they are the principle means for comprehension of textual meaning. A typical
feature of emoticons is their multifunctional nature.

Research paper thumbnail of Gratulace Janě Hoffmannové

Research paper thumbnail of Dialogické rysy dopravního rozhlasového zpravodajství (na příkladu slovesných způsobů) / Dialogical features in traffic radio news (on the example of verbal moods)

Korpus - gramatika - axiologie, 2019

The article deals with the analysis of radio news on traffic. Traffic news is generally described... more The article deals with the analysis of radio news on traffic. Traffic news is generally described as a specific kind of a dialogue, namely the dialogue between a reporter and phoning drivers, acted out as a role-play. This description is based on recordings from the public
radio station Radiožurnál and the private radio station Impuls (10 recordings from each radio).
Further attention is paid to the verbs used in traffic news, especially to those in the form of
2nd person plural in the indicative (zdržíte se / you are late) and 2nd person plural in the imperative (čekejte/wait) that is to those verb forms which are used by the reporter to address radio
listeners (drivers) directly. The analysis showed that the distribution of verbal means (the indicative and the imperative) is practically identical in both radio stations

Research paper thumbnail of Průzkum výslovnostního úzu u výpůjček a cizích vlastních jmen – metodologické otázky

[Research paper thumbnail of Mluvená čeština v televizních debatách: korpus DIALOG [Spoken Czech in television debates: The DIALOG corpus]](

Slovo a Slovesnost, Nov 25, 2004

The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio--visual stud... more The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio--visual studio at the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The article begins by recalling the establishment of the corpus in 1997 as part of the project "Dialogue in a World of People and Machines", defines the aim motivating the collection of data for this corpus, formulates distinctive criteria for this corpus as a specifically "spoken" one in terms of time, interaction and genre and partially even as topic-specific, and attempts to define the types of spoken dialogues which the corpus can aid in analysing. It characterizes speech in the media, which makes up a focal point here, and details the procedures for storing audio and video recordings of this speech and the resulting transcriptions. The second part provides an overview of the fundamentals of transcription systems and offers theoretical support for transcription method selection as determined by the aim of capturing segmental, supra-segmental, sequential, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena, including several examples of practical solutions. The third part reports on how this corpus has been thus far utilized in linguistic research, both in the creation of a contemporary Czech theory of dialogue and in the analysis of specific features of spoken Czech. The article concludes by detailing the prospects for further use of this corpus.

Research paper thumbnail of Mluvená čeština v televizních debatách: korpus DIALOG

The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio-visual studi... more The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio-visual studio at the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The article begins by recalling the establishment of the corpus in 1997 as part of the project “Dialogue in a World of People and Machines”, defines the aim motivating the collection of data for this corpus, formulates distinctive criteria for this corpus as a specifically “spoken” one in terms of time, interaction and genre and partially even as topic-specific, and attempts to define the types of spoken dialogues which the corpus can aid in analysing. It characterizes speech in the media, which makes up a focal point here, and details the procedures for storing audio and video recordings of this speech and the resulting transcriptions. The second part provides an overview of the fundamentals of transcription systems and offers theoretical support for transcription method selection as determined by the aim of capturing segmental, supra-segmental, sequential, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena, including several examples of practical solutions. The third part reports on how this corpus has been thus far utilized in linguistic research, both in the creation of a contemporary Czech theory of dialogue and in the analysis of specific features of spoken Czech. The article concludes by detailing the prospects for further use of this corpus.

Research paper thumbnail of Loanwords and Foreign Proper Names in Czech: A Phonologist's View

Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2013, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Structural parameters and blue stragglers in Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters ★

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012

We present BV photometry of four Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters: Arp 2, NG... more We present BV photometry of four Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters: Arp 2, NGC 5634, Palomar 12, and Terzan 8, obtained with the Danish telescope at ESO-La Silla. We measure the structural parameters of the clusters using a King profile fitting, obtaining the first reliable measurements of the tidal radius of Arp 2 and Terzan 8. These two clusters are remarkably extended and with low concentrations; with a concentration of only c = 0.41 ± 0.02, Terzan 8 is less concentrated than any cluster in our Galaxy.

Research paper thumbnail of Vejdu do pokoje svých synů a ptám se šeptem: „Spíš?“: K možnostem výzkumu šeptání v běžné komunikaci

This article provides an overview of the existing work in linguistics on whispering and presents ... more This article provides an overview of the existing work in linguistics on whispering
and presents the results of new research on whispering in everyday communication. There are
three types of linguistic studies on whispering: a) the identification and implementation of communicative
aims that involve whispering; b) whispering viewed through the lens of phonetics,
including notes on speech impediments; and c) whispering in transcripts of spoken language.
In the research on whispering in everyday communication, data was gathered using the method
of systematic self-observation. The research subjects provided a total of 56 recordings of communicative
situations/events where whispering was involved. The data were organized based on the
communicative aim pursued in the given communicative event/situation: non-disturbance, secrecy
(including whispering during games), expressions of intimate relationships, and attention-seeking.
Examples of accommodation, i.e. communicative situations involving whispering appropriate to
a given environment (e.g. a church), and examples connected with speech impediments were
treated separately. The results showed that a single communicative situation/event can involve
several communicative aims at once (most frequently simultaneous efforts to not disturb others
and to be secretive).

Research paper thumbnail of Management výslovnosti pravopisně neintegrovaného lexika v Českém rozhlase

In the article we present results of our research on pronunciation of orthographically non integr... more In the article we present results of our research on pronunciation of orthographically non integrated loanwords and foreign proper names in Czech Radio. The article is based on Language Management Theory (Jernudd -
Neustupný, 1987). In particular, we endeavoured to find out whether organized language management is conducted in the Czech Radio in case of the loanwords and foreign
proper names, for example, whether the presenters of the Czech Radio were given clear instructions on how to deal with a problematic pronunciation and whether these instructions were followed. As our research method we used semi-structured interviews with the employees of the Czech Radio. All together we gathered 13 interviews with 13 respondents. The main object of our research was pre-broadcast anagement, that means the process preceding the actual broadcasting when a presenter comes across (notes) a foreign word with a problematic pronunciation or a word that s/he is not sure how to pronounce. Such a noting triggers the process of language management that must inevitably
lead to an acceptable form of pronunciation. On the other hand we were not concerned with language management triggered by noting the problematic pronunciation while hearing it on the air. Such a research would deman
d different research method that would enable us to gain insight into the conduct and attitude of the radio listeners. Another aim of our research was to establish the types of
problematic pronunciation which are frequently and ecurrently noted by presenters during the pre-broadcast management.

Research paper thumbnail of Slogany Michala Bukoviče -zvuková podobnost české a původní verze (Mám styl Čendy / Iʼam still standing) 1

Kontext - komunikace -dialog, 2023

Michal Bukovič hooks-sound similarity of the Czech and original version (Mám styl Čendy / Iʼam st... more Michal Bukovič hooks-sound similarity of the Czech and original version (Mám styl Čendy / Iʼam still standing)

Research paper thumbnail of Zur Aussprache von Anthroponymen und Toponymen aus den germanischen Sprachen im Tschechischen: Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Mitarbeitern des Tschechischen Fernsehens (2013-2014)

Germanoslavica, 2021

The article presents results from field research conducted at Czech Televison. The focus of the r... more The article presents results from field research conducted at Czech Televison. The focus of the research was on pronunciation of loanwords and foreign proper names, particularly on words of Germanic origin (German, English, etc.). The research method consisted of semi-structured interviews with respondents (employees of Czech Television). The pronunciation of loanwords in the data was classified along with eight principles of phonological adaptation of loanwords and foreign proper names. The results suggest that respondents most frequently employed the principle of phonological approximation, which means that they pronounced proper foreign names based on the pronunciation in the language of origin, but they draw on the repertoire of target language consonants and vowels. Another significant principle of pronunciation was orthographic pronunciation based primarily on the written form of the word. In some cases respondents turned to the principle of analogy with the donor language, in this case, the adapted form resulted from phonetic analogies with the source language.

Research paper thumbnail of Expresivní slovní zásoba jako prostředek infotainmentu (na příkladu rozhlasového dopravního zpravodajství) / Expressive vocabulary as a means of infotainment (on the example of traffic announcements)

Słowiańszczyzna dawniej i dziś – język, literatura, kultura, 2020

Expresivní slovní zásoba jako prostředek infotainmentu (na příkladu rozhlasového dopravního zprav... more Expresivní slovní zásoba jako prostředek infotainmentu (na příkladu rozhlasového dopravního zpravodajství) Expressive vocabulary as a means of infotainment (on the example of traffic announcements) Summary: The article deals with the analysis of radio news on traffic. The analysis is based on recordings from the public radio station Radiožurnál and the private radio station Impuls (30 recordings from each radio). Analysis focuses on the expressive lexicon. Theoretically, the analysis is based on J. Zima's (1961) typology that differentiates between inherent, adherent and context expressivity. It revealed that traffic news habitually contains lexical items that are expressive both inherently (profíci, impulzáci) and adherently (aby do toho někdo nevletěl, zkolabovaly výjezdy). We interpret this feature of the lexicon of traffic news as an instance of infotainment. The expressive lexical items might contribute to a shift of radio broadcasting towards informality.

Research paper thumbnail of Ke slovnímu spojení takže tak (no nehlídala jsem nic .. sebe .. no .. takže tak)

Korpus - gramatika - axiologie, 2021

On the expression takže tak (no nehlídala jsem nic .. sebe .. no .. takže tak) The article deals... more On the expression takže tak (no nehlídala jsem nic .. sebe .. no .. takže tak)

The article deals with semantic and prosodic analysis of the Czech expression takže tak. The analysis is based on data drawn from the ORTOFON spoken language corpus and the SYN v 8 written language corpus. The analysis showed that certain intonations of the collocation takže tak correspond to certain meanings. If speakers produce takže tak with falling intonation or with uptalk, then the meaning is a summary, roughly: everything important has been said. If it is produced with flat intonation, then it does not form an independent prosodic and semantic segment; rather it forms a part of a longer segment (preparation, hesitation). The collocation takže tak very often forms an independent turn in conversation. Examples from the SYN v 8 corpus also demonstrated that the expression takže tak can stand independently (Takže tak.), mainly as a part of written conversation, with the meaning of summary.

Research paper thumbnail of K užívání příčestí v přísudku: 70 dotazníků The use of the participle: 70 questionnaires

Lingvistika - korpus - empirie, 2020

This article answers the following research questions: Do nonprofessional Czech speakers feel any... more This article answers the following research questions: Do nonprofessional Czech speakers feel any difference in meaning between sentences, which differ only in the use of short or long form of the participle? If yes, are they able to describe/explain this dif ference in meaning? In explaining of this difference, are they use some grammatical terms? Questionnaires were chosen as the research method. 70 respondents commented on four pairs of sentences which differ only in the use of the short or long form of the participle (e.g. poškozen-poškozený). The analysis showed that the respondents are able to describe the difference in meaning between sentences in the sense that they associate the short form with an expression of an action and the long form with an expression of a state. Only 6 res pondents used some grammatical terms in their comments. KEYWORDS: short form of the participle, long form of the participle, questionnaire research, non-professional Czech speakers 1. Úvod, výzkumné otázky Inspirací� k napsání� tohoto textu je článek F. S� tí� chy (S� tí� cha 1980) věnovaný konkurenci dlouhých a krátkých participiální� ch n/tových tvarů v pří� sudku ve větách se slovesem být. Vybrané pří� kladové věty uvedené ve S� tí� chově článku, jež se liší� pouze krátkým/dlouhým tvarem v pří� čestí� , jsou předmětem dotazní� kového šetření� , o něž se opí� rá tento text. Č� lánek odpoví� dá na následují� cí� výzkumné otázky: Pociťují� neprofesionální� uživatelé češtiny význa mový rozdí� l mezi větami, které se liší� pouze užití� m dlouhého/krátkého tvaru pří� čestí� v pří�-sudku? Pokud ano, dokáží� tento významový rozdí� l popsat/vysvětlit? Uží� vají� při vysvětlení� významového rozdí� lu termí� ny z oblasti gramatiky? 2. Materiál a metoda Respondenty dotazní� kového testování� jsou neprofesionální� uživatelé češtiny. Jejich cel kový počet činil-s ohledem na tuto publikaci nikoli náhodou-70, a to 48 žen (z toho 30 s vy sokoškolským vzdělání� m) a 22 mužů (z nich 19 s vysokoškolským vzdělání� m). 1 Jejich věkové rozložení� je následují� cí� : jeden respondent ve věku 14 let, 8 respondentů ve věku 15-30 let, 37 respondentů ve věku 46-60 let, 8 respondentů ve věku 61-75 let a jeden respondent starší� 75 let. Respondenti dostali vytištěný dotazní� k od autorky; někteří� z nich dotazní� k dále předali ještě další� m osobám (kolegům v práci, pří� buzným). Zhruba polovina respondentů 1 Vzdělání� , jakožto součást informace o respondentech, je dále v textu vyjadřováno zkratkami vš (vysoko-školské) a sš (středoškolské). 42-47

Research paper thumbnail of Emotikony v internetových diskuzích: jejich pozice, kombinace a význam


The topic of this article is emoticons in internet forums. The material for this analysis was dra... more The topic of this article is emoticons in internet forums. The material for this analysis was
drawn from two internet forums on the website. The informal character of
these internet forums leads to the use of emoticons. This article deals with (1) the position of
emoticons within the post, (2) repetition of the (same) emoticons, (3) combination of (different)
emoticons and (4) their meaning. The analysis demonstrated that emoticons are mostly
located at the end of the post. These are very often situated where a punctuation mark would
be expected in a more formal text. Repetition and combination of emoticons were found in
around a third of posts. Each combination of
emoticons was unique – no combination of emoticons was repeated. The emoticons demarcate
the post; they are often the only indicators of punctuation. Another important function
is intensification. Furthermore, emoticons can give a positive or negative connotation to
a neutral text, so they are the principle means for comprehension of textual meaning. A typical
feature of emoticons is their multifunctional nature.

Research paper thumbnail of Gratulace Janě Hoffmannové

Research paper thumbnail of Dialogické rysy dopravního rozhlasového zpravodajství (na příkladu slovesných způsobů) / Dialogical features in traffic radio news (on the example of verbal moods)

Korpus - gramatika - axiologie, 2019

The article deals with the analysis of radio news on traffic. Traffic news is generally described... more The article deals with the analysis of radio news on traffic. Traffic news is generally described as a specific kind of a dialogue, namely the dialogue between a reporter and phoning drivers, acted out as a role-play. This description is based on recordings from the public
radio station Radiožurnál and the private radio station Impuls (10 recordings from each radio).
Further attention is paid to the verbs used in traffic news, especially to those in the form of
2nd person plural in the indicative (zdržíte se / you are late) and 2nd person plural in the imperative (čekejte/wait) that is to those verb forms which are used by the reporter to address radio
listeners (drivers) directly. The analysis showed that the distribution of verbal means (the indicative and the imperative) is practically identical in both radio stations

Research paper thumbnail of Průzkum výslovnostního úzu u výpůjček a cizích vlastních jmen – metodologické otázky

[Research paper thumbnail of Mluvená čeština v televizních debatách: korpus DIALOG [Spoken Czech in television debates: The DIALOG corpus]](

Slovo a Slovesnost, Nov 25, 2004

The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio--visual stud... more The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio--visual studio at the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The article begins by recalling the establishment of the corpus in 1997 as part of the project "Dialogue in a World of People and Machines", defines the aim motivating the collection of data for this corpus, formulates distinctive criteria for this corpus as a specifically "spoken" one in terms of time, interaction and genre and partially even as topic-specific, and attempts to define the types of spoken dialogues which the corpus can aid in analysing. It characterizes speech in the media, which makes up a focal point here, and details the procedures for storing audio and video recordings of this speech and the resulting transcriptions. The second part provides an overview of the fundamentals of transcription systems and offers theoretical support for transcription method selection as determined by the aim of capturing segmental, supra-segmental, sequential, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena, including several examples of practical solutions. The third part reports on how this corpus has been thus far utilized in linguistic research, both in the creation of a contemporary Czech theory of dialogue and in the analysis of specific features of spoken Czech. The article concludes by detailing the prospects for further use of this corpus.

Research paper thumbnail of Mluvená čeština v televizních debatách: korpus DIALOG

The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio-visual studi... more The DIALOG corpus is one of two collections of spoken language gathered in the audio-visual studio at the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The article begins by recalling the establishment of the corpus in 1997 as part of the project “Dialogue in a World of People and Machines”, defines the aim motivating the collection of data for this corpus, formulates distinctive criteria for this corpus as a specifically “spoken” one in terms of time, interaction and genre and partially even as topic-specific, and attempts to define the types of spoken dialogues which the corpus can aid in analysing. It characterizes speech in the media, which makes up a focal point here, and details the procedures for storing audio and video recordings of this speech and the resulting transcriptions. The second part provides an overview of the fundamentals of transcription systems and offers theoretical support for transcription method selection as determined by the aim of capturing segmental, supra-segmental, sequential, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena, including several examples of practical solutions. The third part reports on how this corpus has been thus far utilized in linguistic research, both in the creation of a contemporary Czech theory of dialogue and in the analysis of specific features of spoken Czech. The article concludes by detailing the prospects for further use of this corpus.

Research paper thumbnail of Loanwords and Foreign Proper Names in Czech: A Phonologist's View

Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2013, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Structural parameters and blue stragglers in Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters ★

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012

We present BV photometry of four Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters: Arp 2, NG... more We present BV photometry of four Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters: Arp 2, NGC 5634, Palomar 12, and Terzan 8, obtained with the Danish telescope at ESO-La Silla. We measure the structural parameters of the clusters using a King profile fitting, obtaining the first reliable measurements of the tidal radius of Arp 2 and Terzan 8. These two clusters are remarkably extended and with low concentrations; with a concentration of only c = 0.41 ± 0.02, Terzan 8 is less concentrated than any cluster in our Galaxy.

Research paper thumbnail of Vejdu do pokoje svých synů a ptám se šeptem: „Spíš?“: K možnostem výzkumu šeptání v běžné komunikaci

This article provides an overview of the existing work in linguistics on whispering and presents ... more This article provides an overview of the existing work in linguistics on whispering
and presents the results of new research on whispering in everyday communication. There are
three types of linguistic studies on whispering: a) the identification and implementation of communicative
aims that involve whispering; b) whispering viewed through the lens of phonetics,
including notes on speech impediments; and c) whispering in transcripts of spoken language.
In the research on whispering in everyday communication, data was gathered using the method
of systematic self-observation. The research subjects provided a total of 56 recordings of communicative
situations/events where whispering was involved. The data were organized based on the
communicative aim pursued in the given communicative event/situation: non-disturbance, secrecy
(including whispering during games), expressions of intimate relationships, and attention-seeking.
Examples of accommodation, i.e. communicative situations involving whispering appropriate to
a given environment (e.g. a church), and examples connected with speech impediments were
treated separately. The results showed that a single communicative situation/event can involve
several communicative aims at once (most frequently simultaneous efforts to not disturb others
and to be secretive).

Research paper thumbnail of Management výslovnosti pravopisně neintegrovaného lexika v Českém rozhlase

In the article we present results of our research on pronunciation of orthographically non integr... more In the article we present results of our research on pronunciation of orthographically non integrated loanwords and foreign proper names in Czech Radio. The article is based on Language Management Theory (Jernudd -
Neustupný, 1987). In particular, we endeavoured to find out whether organized language management is conducted in the Czech Radio in case of the loanwords and foreign
proper names, for example, whether the presenters of the Czech Radio were given clear instructions on how to deal with a problematic pronunciation and whether these instructions were followed. As our research method we used semi-structured interviews with the employees of the Czech Radio. All together we gathered 13 interviews with 13 respondents. The main object of our research was pre-broadcast anagement, that means the process preceding the actual broadcasting when a presenter comes across (notes) a foreign word with a problematic pronunciation or a word that s/he is not sure how to pronounce. Such a noting triggers the process of language management that must inevitably
lead to an acceptable form of pronunciation. On the other hand we were not concerned with language management triggered by noting the problematic pronunciation while hearing it on the air. Such a research would deman
d different research method that would enable us to gain insight into the conduct and attitude of the radio listeners. Another aim of our research was to establish the types of
problematic pronunciation which are frequently and ecurrently noted by presenters during the pre-broadcast management.