Marie Buňatová | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (original) (raw)

Papers by Marie Buňatová

Research paper thumbnail of Between the Imperial Court and the City: Court Merchants in Prague in the Era of Rudolf II

Comenius “The Journal of Euro-American Civilization”, Vol. 10, 2023, No. 2, 167-182. , 2023

The study focuses on the activities of court merchants in early-modern-era Prague, particularly o... more The study focuses on the activities of court merchants in early-modern-era Prague, particularly on the period when this provincial metropolis was the residence of Bohemian monarch and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, Rudolf II, between 1583 and 1612 (he ruled as Bohemian king in 1576–1611, as emperor in 1576–1612). Court merchants were privileged entrepreneurs who supplied luxury foreign goods and other foreign delicacies (citrus fruits, oysters, sweet wines) to the imperial court (Hofstaat). The study describes the development of the legal status of court merchants in the Habsburg monarchy during the 16th and 17th centuries and analyses their economic and personal freedoms, including the development of tax obligations towards the state and the city of residence. Based on primary archival sources, the paper describes the national composition of the court merchants active during the reign of Rudolf II in Prague. It deals with their business activities towards the imperial court, but at the same time reconstructs the business and other personal networks that court merchants had in relation to the city and its inhabitants, and the contacts they had with each other.

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Research paper thumbnail of Židovští bankéři, obchodníci a učenci mezi Prahou a Mantovou v 16. století. (Jewish bankers, merchants and scholars between Prague and Mantua in the 16th century).

Milena Lenderová - Vítězslav Prchal (eds.), Aquila fecit. Kolegové, žáci a přátelé k životnímu jubileu Petra Vorla, Pardubice, 2023

This study looks at the network of relationship links between Jewish bankers, merchants and schol... more This study looks at the network of relationship links between Jewish bankers, merchants and scholars who moved between Prague and Mantua in the 16th century. Important and large Jewish communities formed in both cities during the 16th century, both reaching their peaks after the mid-16th century. The study focuses on the development of these relationships between Mantua as the residence of the House of Gonzaga, and Prague as the Imperial residential city. It provides information on Jewish figures who moved along the route between Mantua and Prague.

Studie se věnuje tématu vztahových sítí židovských bankéřů, obchodníků a učenců, kteří se v 16. století pohybovali mezi Prahou a Mantovou. V obou městech se během 16. století vytvořily významné a populačně silné židovské obce, které svůj rozkvět zaznamenaly shodně po polovině 16. století. V Praze byl tento vývoj umožněn politikou císaře Rudolfa II., jež přinesla Židům právně i ekonomicky stabilnější prostředí. V Mantově zaznamenala židovská komunita výraznější demografický růst a současně ekonomický i kulturní rozvoj za vlád vévodů Guglielma Gonzagy a jeho syna Vincenza I. Gonzagy, v jejichž dvorském prostředí našli uplatnění vedle židovských finančníků a obchodníků i další židovští umělci a vzdělanci. Na příkladu životních osudů několika vybraných židovských osobností, jež se na ose mezi Mantovou a Prahou pohybovaly, se studie pokouší o rekonstrukci jejich vztahových sítí i klientských vazeb s příslušníky rodu Gonzagů a Habsburků. Současně se snaží vysvětlit a zhodnotit politické, kulturní i ekonomické důvody, které přímo či nepřímo ke vzniku těchto osobních, rodinných a profesních kontaktů vedly a jejich průběh ovlivňovaly.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nizozemští, vlámští a valonští obchodníci v rudolfinské Praze (Dutch, Flemish and Walloons merchants in Rudolphine Prague)

Český časopis historický (The Czech Historical Review) No. 3, 2023

The study is focused on the topic of immigration to pre-White Mountain (before 1620) Prague from ... more The study is focused on the topic of immigration to pre-White Mountain (before 1620) Prague from the Netherlands, whose territory today lies in the states of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and partially (northern) France. The aim of the study is to describe the reasons and routes that brought specific natives from the Netherlands region to Prague and, on this basis, to characterise the more general causes and course of Dutch immigration. The aim is therefore to characterise the motivations of Dutch immigrants for coming to the city, to describe their economic activity in Prague, and to try to evaluate their socio-economic and personal relationships established in the new milieu.

Studie je zaměřena na téma přistěhovalectví do předbělohorské Prahy z oblasti Nizozemí, tedy regionu, který leží na území současných států Nizozemsko, Belgie, Lucembursko a částečně (severní) Francie. Cílem studie je popsat důvody a cesty, které přivedly jednotlivé rodáky z tohoto regionu do Prahy, a na tomto základě charakterizovat obecnější příčiny a průběh nizozemské imigrace. Cílem je tak charakterizovat motivace nizozemských imigrantů pro příchod do města, popsat jejich ekonomickou aktivitu v Praze a pokusit se zhodnotit jejich socioekonomické a osobní vztahy navázané v novém prostředí.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rodinná mobilita mezi aškenázskými obcemi raně novověké Evropy na příkladu židovské obce v Praze v dlouhém 16. století. (Family Mobility between Ashkenazi Communities in Early Modern Europe Shown on the Example of the Prague Jewish Community in the Long 16th Century).

Folia Historica Bohemica, 2022

Family Mobility between Ashkenazi Communities in Early Modern Europe Shown on the Example of the ... more Family Mobility between Ashkenazi Communities in Early Modern Europe Shown on the Example of the Prague Jewish Community in the Long 16th Century

This study deals with the topic of mobility of Jewish families, which is understood in spatial (geographical) terms here. As for the time delineation, it pertains to the 16th century and the end of the period preceding the Battle of White Mountain. The text focuses on networks of relationships established between Prague Jewish families and Jewish communities in other regions and on related movements of people across near and far places of the then Europe. The study aims to describe how the Prague Jews most frequently established these family ties and with which Jewish
communities, as well as the backdrop of political, social and economic events against which this took place. Based on particular examples from the Jewish community of Prague, a specific typology of life events leading to situations when family members set out for a journey to visit their relatives in foreign countries or to permanently move in with them is formulated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mercanti e banchieri della Valchiavenna nelle città dell’Europa centrale (1550–1620).

Bollettino dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma 13, 2022, s. 61-80., 2022

The study focuses on the migration of merchants and financiers from the northern Italian region o... more The study focuses on the migration of merchants and financiers from the northern Italian region of Valchiavenna to Central European cities during the 16th century. In particular, it is dedicated to a professional group of family merchants and financiers from the towns of Chiavenna and Piuro, whose members temporarily or permanently settled in Nuremberg, Prague, Krakow and Vienna during the 16th century. These were groups of people connected by region, interest, economics, and partly family whose main impulse for migration to Central Europe was business. One family whose members set up a network of interconnected branches or more freely cooperating societies in different parts of southern, western, central, and eastern Europe in the 16th century was the Vertemati (Werdemann) family. Using the example of this family, which settled outside Italy in places such as Zurich, Lyon, Nuremberg, Prague, Krakow, Vienna and Hamburg, the study attempts to observe and evaluate the process of the gradual penetration of Italian merchants and financiers in the Central European area during the 16th century and the way in which they operated a business in their new environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade contacts between Prague Jews and Northern Italy and their engagement in the Italian commodity trade in the 16th and early 17th centuries,

Judaica Bohemiae, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Jewish Goldsmiths in Early modern Prague: A paper on Immigrations, labour Mobility and socio-ekonomic Relations in 16th-Century Prague Jewish Society.

Judaica Bohemiae, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Nevěrný cukrář Jakub Manze. Studie k přistěhovalectví a každodennosti na Starém Městě pražském na přelomu 16. a 17. století. (The Unfaithful Confectioner Jakub Manze. A Study of Immigration and Everyday Life in Prague’s Old Town at the Turn of the 17th Century).

Pražský sborník historický, 2020

The study deals with the life of French confectioner Jakub Manze, who settled in Prague’s Old... more The study deals with the life of French confectioner Jakub Manze, who settled in
Prague’s Old Town in the 1580s. In 1594–1595, Manze accompanied imperial
counsellor Ernfried Minkvic of Minckvicburk on his diplomatic missions to north
Germany, Poland and Russia. While the experienced politician Minkvic took part
on behalf of the emperor in negotiating the terms of a peace treaty between Sweden
and Russia at Narva (negotiations took place in 1595 in the village of Tjavzino/
Teusina), the stay abroad mainly brought troubles for Manze in his private life. These
were the result of suspicions that despite being married in Prague to confectioner
Kateřina, née Mejšnarová, he had found another woman in Krakow, Anna de la
Fontana. According to some people, he had not only started a family with her, but
had in fact married Anna. After the entire matter became known in Prague and
Manze returned to the city, his wife Kateřina filed a lawsuit against him. Subsequently,
the trial before the Old Town court became a heated dispute between the couple,
with over forty witnesses providing testimony on their private life and confectionery
business. Based on their testimony and other sources, the study not only reconstructs
the twists and turns of their mutual relationships and the everyday life of the
confectionery trade, but also attempts to provide a broader view of the neighbour
relationships of burghers (male and female) and other inhabitants of Rudolfinian
Prague, many of which, like Manze and his wife, were first-generation immigrants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Moravští Židé na krakovských trzích v době předbělohorské

Židé a Morava XIX, Muzeum Kroměřížska, Kroměříž , 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Handelsaktivitäten jüdischer Frauen in Prag und ihre soziale und rechtliche Stellung an der Wende des 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert

Martha Keil (ed.), Besitz, Geschäft und Frauenrechte. Jüdische und christliche Frauen in Dalmatien und Prag 1300–1600, Kiel, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Obchod s kořením a jižními plody v raně novověké Praze

B. Jedličková – M. Lenderová – M. Kouba – I. Říha (eds.), Krajina prostřených i prázdných stolů I. Evropská gastronomie v proměnách staletí, Univerzita Pardubice, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Podnikání žen v raně novověké Praze a jejich zapojení do obchodu s kramářským zbožím

Pražský sborník historický 46, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Úvěr a finance v obchodní praxi. Evropa -české země -Praha: směry a perspektivy výzkumu

Český časopis historický 118, No. 3, 2018

Europe-the Czech Lands-Prague: directions and perspectives of research This study deals with the ... more Europe-the Czech Lands-Prague: directions and perspectives of research This study deals with the theme of commercial practice in the preindustri al period and presents some of the contemporary directions of the German, Austrian and Italian historiographies. Simultaneously, the study attempts to evaluate the potential application of these methodological approaches for researching the Czech environment. Its text presents some recent re sults of research in the environs of merchants in Early Modern Age Prague. Namely, recent findings related to commodity and finance credit; bookke eping and accounting, as well as managing customersupplier relations are dealt with. At the same time further fields of research themes are defined and potential directions and perspectives of future research are proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Commercial Relations between the Jews of Prague and Krakow in the Period before the Battle of White Mountain.

Judaica Bohemiae No. 47-2 , 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Pražští židovští a křesťanští obchodníci na slezských a polských trzích v 16. století.

Sborník z mezinárodní konference Židia pred a za Karpatmi v priebehu stáročí, , 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Kreditwesen und Handel der Prager Juden im Spiegel des „Liber albus Judeorum“ 1577– 1601.

Mitchell Ash (ed.), Wissenschaft ist Jung II, Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, Nr. 10, Heft 2, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen Prager Juden zum Adels in den böhmischen Ländern an der Wende vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert.

S. Hirbodian – T. Strezt (eds.), Juden und ländliche Gesellschaft in Europa zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (15.–17. Jahrhundert). Kontinuität und Krise, Inklusion und Exklusion in einer Zeit des Übergangs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Peněžní obchod pražských Židů v době předbělohorské.

Theatrum historiae , 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Obchod mezi Prahou a Norimberkem v první polovině 16. století.

Český časopis historický /The Czech Historical Review, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Nikolsburger Juden 1560–1620. Wirtschaftliche Prosperität unter adeligem Schutz.

S. Hödl – B. Staudinger – P. Rauscher (eds.), Hofjuden – Landjuden – Betteljuden. Jüdisches Leben in der Frühen Neuzeit., 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Between the Imperial Court and the City: Court Merchants in Prague in the Era of Rudolf II

Comenius “The Journal of Euro-American Civilization”, Vol. 10, 2023, No. 2, 167-182. , 2023

The study focuses on the activities of court merchants in early-modern-era Prague, particularly o... more The study focuses on the activities of court merchants in early-modern-era Prague, particularly on the period when this provincial metropolis was the residence of Bohemian monarch and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, Rudolf II, between 1583 and 1612 (he ruled as Bohemian king in 1576–1611, as emperor in 1576–1612). Court merchants were privileged entrepreneurs who supplied luxury foreign goods and other foreign delicacies (citrus fruits, oysters, sweet wines) to the imperial court (Hofstaat). The study describes the development of the legal status of court merchants in the Habsburg monarchy during the 16th and 17th centuries and analyses their economic and personal freedoms, including the development of tax obligations towards the state and the city of residence. Based on primary archival sources, the paper describes the national composition of the court merchants active during the reign of Rudolf II in Prague. It deals with their business activities towards the imperial court, but at the same time reconstructs the business and other personal networks that court merchants had in relation to the city and its inhabitants, and the contacts they had with each other.

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Research paper thumbnail of Židovští bankéři, obchodníci a učenci mezi Prahou a Mantovou v 16. století. (Jewish bankers, merchants and scholars between Prague and Mantua in the 16th century).

Milena Lenderová - Vítězslav Prchal (eds.), Aquila fecit. Kolegové, žáci a přátelé k životnímu jubileu Petra Vorla, Pardubice, 2023

This study looks at the network of relationship links between Jewish bankers, merchants and schol... more This study looks at the network of relationship links between Jewish bankers, merchants and scholars who moved between Prague and Mantua in the 16th century. Important and large Jewish communities formed in both cities during the 16th century, both reaching their peaks after the mid-16th century. The study focuses on the development of these relationships between Mantua as the residence of the House of Gonzaga, and Prague as the Imperial residential city. It provides information on Jewish figures who moved along the route between Mantua and Prague.

Studie se věnuje tématu vztahových sítí židovských bankéřů, obchodníků a učenců, kteří se v 16. století pohybovali mezi Prahou a Mantovou. V obou městech se během 16. století vytvořily významné a populačně silné židovské obce, které svůj rozkvět zaznamenaly shodně po polovině 16. století. V Praze byl tento vývoj umožněn politikou císaře Rudolfa II., jež přinesla Židům právně i ekonomicky stabilnější prostředí. V Mantově zaznamenala židovská komunita výraznější demografický růst a současně ekonomický i kulturní rozvoj za vlád vévodů Guglielma Gonzagy a jeho syna Vincenza I. Gonzagy, v jejichž dvorském prostředí našli uplatnění vedle židovských finančníků a obchodníků i další židovští umělci a vzdělanci. Na příkladu životních osudů několika vybraných židovských osobností, jež se na ose mezi Mantovou a Prahou pohybovaly, se studie pokouší o rekonstrukci jejich vztahových sítí i klientských vazeb s příslušníky rodu Gonzagů a Habsburků. Současně se snaží vysvětlit a zhodnotit politické, kulturní i ekonomické důvody, které přímo či nepřímo ke vzniku těchto osobních, rodinných a profesních kontaktů vedly a jejich průběh ovlivňovaly.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nizozemští, vlámští a valonští obchodníci v rudolfinské Praze (Dutch, Flemish and Walloons merchants in Rudolphine Prague)

Český časopis historický (The Czech Historical Review) No. 3, 2023

The study is focused on the topic of immigration to pre-White Mountain (before 1620) Prague from ... more The study is focused on the topic of immigration to pre-White Mountain (before 1620) Prague from the Netherlands, whose territory today lies in the states of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and partially (northern) France. The aim of the study is to describe the reasons and routes that brought specific natives from the Netherlands region to Prague and, on this basis, to characterise the more general causes and course of Dutch immigration. The aim is therefore to characterise the motivations of Dutch immigrants for coming to the city, to describe their economic activity in Prague, and to try to evaluate their socio-economic and personal relationships established in the new milieu.

Studie je zaměřena na téma přistěhovalectví do předbělohorské Prahy z oblasti Nizozemí, tedy regionu, který leží na území současných států Nizozemsko, Belgie, Lucembursko a částečně (severní) Francie. Cílem studie je popsat důvody a cesty, které přivedly jednotlivé rodáky z tohoto regionu do Prahy, a na tomto základě charakterizovat obecnější příčiny a průběh nizozemské imigrace. Cílem je tak charakterizovat motivace nizozemských imigrantů pro příchod do města, popsat jejich ekonomickou aktivitu v Praze a pokusit se zhodnotit jejich socioekonomické a osobní vztahy navázané v novém prostředí.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rodinná mobilita mezi aškenázskými obcemi raně novověké Evropy na příkladu židovské obce v Praze v dlouhém 16. století. (Family Mobility between Ashkenazi Communities in Early Modern Europe Shown on the Example of the Prague Jewish Community in the Long 16th Century).

Folia Historica Bohemica, 2022

Family Mobility between Ashkenazi Communities in Early Modern Europe Shown on the Example of the ... more Family Mobility between Ashkenazi Communities in Early Modern Europe Shown on the Example of the Prague Jewish Community in the Long 16th Century

This study deals with the topic of mobility of Jewish families, which is understood in spatial (geographical) terms here. As for the time delineation, it pertains to the 16th century and the end of the period preceding the Battle of White Mountain. The text focuses on networks of relationships established between Prague Jewish families and Jewish communities in other regions and on related movements of people across near and far places of the then Europe. The study aims to describe how the Prague Jews most frequently established these family ties and with which Jewish
communities, as well as the backdrop of political, social and economic events against which this took place. Based on particular examples from the Jewish community of Prague, a specific typology of life events leading to situations when family members set out for a journey to visit their relatives in foreign countries or to permanently move in with them is formulated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mercanti e banchieri della Valchiavenna nelle città dell’Europa centrale (1550–1620).

Bollettino dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma 13, 2022, s. 61-80., 2022

The study focuses on the migration of merchants and financiers from the northern Italian region o... more The study focuses on the migration of merchants and financiers from the northern Italian region of Valchiavenna to Central European cities during the 16th century. In particular, it is dedicated to a professional group of family merchants and financiers from the towns of Chiavenna and Piuro, whose members temporarily or permanently settled in Nuremberg, Prague, Krakow and Vienna during the 16th century. These were groups of people connected by region, interest, economics, and partly family whose main impulse for migration to Central Europe was business. One family whose members set up a network of interconnected branches or more freely cooperating societies in different parts of southern, western, central, and eastern Europe in the 16th century was the Vertemati (Werdemann) family. Using the example of this family, which settled outside Italy in places such as Zurich, Lyon, Nuremberg, Prague, Krakow, Vienna and Hamburg, the study attempts to observe and evaluate the process of the gradual penetration of Italian merchants and financiers in the Central European area during the 16th century and the way in which they operated a business in their new environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade contacts between Prague Jews and Northern Italy and their engagement in the Italian commodity trade in the 16th and early 17th centuries,

Judaica Bohemiae, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Jewish Goldsmiths in Early modern Prague: A paper on Immigrations, labour Mobility and socio-ekonomic Relations in 16th-Century Prague Jewish Society.

Judaica Bohemiae, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Nevěrný cukrář Jakub Manze. Studie k přistěhovalectví a každodennosti na Starém Městě pražském na přelomu 16. a 17. století. (The Unfaithful Confectioner Jakub Manze. A Study of Immigration and Everyday Life in Prague’s Old Town at the Turn of the 17th Century).

Pražský sborník historický, 2020

The study deals with the life of French confectioner Jakub Manze, who settled in Prague’s Old... more The study deals with the life of French confectioner Jakub Manze, who settled in
Prague’s Old Town in the 1580s. In 1594–1595, Manze accompanied imperial
counsellor Ernfried Minkvic of Minckvicburk on his diplomatic missions to north
Germany, Poland and Russia. While the experienced politician Minkvic took part
on behalf of the emperor in negotiating the terms of a peace treaty between Sweden
and Russia at Narva (negotiations took place in 1595 in the village of Tjavzino/
Teusina), the stay abroad mainly brought troubles for Manze in his private life. These
were the result of suspicions that despite being married in Prague to confectioner
Kateřina, née Mejšnarová, he had found another woman in Krakow, Anna de la
Fontana. According to some people, he had not only started a family with her, but
had in fact married Anna. After the entire matter became known in Prague and
Manze returned to the city, his wife Kateřina filed a lawsuit against him. Subsequently,
the trial before the Old Town court became a heated dispute between the couple,
with over forty witnesses providing testimony on their private life and confectionery
business. Based on their testimony and other sources, the study not only reconstructs
the twists and turns of their mutual relationships and the everyday life of the
confectionery trade, but also attempts to provide a broader view of the neighbour
relationships of burghers (male and female) and other inhabitants of Rudolfinian
Prague, many of which, like Manze and his wife, were first-generation immigrants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Moravští Židé na krakovských trzích v době předbělohorské

Židé a Morava XIX, Muzeum Kroměřížska, Kroměříž , 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Handelsaktivitäten jüdischer Frauen in Prag und ihre soziale und rechtliche Stellung an der Wende des 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert

Martha Keil (ed.), Besitz, Geschäft und Frauenrechte. Jüdische und christliche Frauen in Dalmatien und Prag 1300–1600, Kiel, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Obchod s kořením a jižními plody v raně novověké Praze

B. Jedličková – M. Lenderová – M. Kouba – I. Říha (eds.), Krajina prostřených i prázdných stolů I. Evropská gastronomie v proměnách staletí, Univerzita Pardubice, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Podnikání žen v raně novověké Praze a jejich zapojení do obchodu s kramářským zbožím

Pražský sborník historický 46, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Úvěr a finance v obchodní praxi. Evropa -české země -Praha: směry a perspektivy výzkumu

Český časopis historický 118, No. 3, 2018

Europe-the Czech Lands-Prague: directions and perspectives of research This study deals with the ... more Europe-the Czech Lands-Prague: directions and perspectives of research This study deals with the theme of commercial practice in the preindustri al period and presents some of the contemporary directions of the German, Austrian and Italian historiographies. Simultaneously, the study attempts to evaluate the potential application of these methodological approaches for researching the Czech environment. Its text presents some recent re sults of research in the environs of merchants in Early Modern Age Prague. Namely, recent findings related to commodity and finance credit; bookke eping and accounting, as well as managing customersupplier relations are dealt with. At the same time further fields of research themes are defined and potential directions and perspectives of future research are proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Commercial Relations between the Jews of Prague and Krakow in the Period before the Battle of White Mountain.

Judaica Bohemiae No. 47-2 , 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Pražští židovští a křesťanští obchodníci na slezských a polských trzích v 16. století.

Sborník z mezinárodní konference Židia pred a za Karpatmi v priebehu stáročí, , 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Kreditwesen und Handel der Prager Juden im Spiegel des „Liber albus Judeorum“ 1577– 1601.

Mitchell Ash (ed.), Wissenschaft ist Jung II, Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, Nr. 10, Heft 2, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen Prager Juden zum Adels in den böhmischen Ländern an der Wende vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert.

S. Hirbodian – T. Strezt (eds.), Juden und ländliche Gesellschaft in Europa zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (15.–17. Jahrhundert). Kontinuität und Krise, Inklusion und Exklusion in einer Zeit des Übergangs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Peněžní obchod pražských Židů v době předbělohorské.

Theatrum historiae , 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Obchod mezi Prahou a Norimberkem v první polovině 16. století.

Český časopis historický /The Czech Historical Review, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Nikolsburger Juden 1560–1620. Wirtschaftliche Prosperität unter adeligem Schutz.

S. Hödl – B. Staudinger – P. Rauscher (eds.), Hofjuden – Landjuden – Betteljuden. Jüdisches Leben in der Frühen Neuzeit., 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Migration und Mobilität in der Prager jüdischen Gemeinde am Übergang vom Mittelalter zur frühen Neuzeit. Forschungsmöglichkeiten und –perspektiven

Marie BUŇATOVÁ (ed.), Migrationsprozesse und Mobilität der europäischen Juden am Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit, Kiel: Solivagus Verlag 2024 , 2024

The chapter deals with the issue of migration in the Prague Jewish community (1470-1601). It maps... more The chapter deals with the issue of migration in the Prague Jewish community (1470-1601). It maps possible approaches to the topic, the informative value of the sources and reflects on the problems, but also the possibilities of such scientific research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hedvábí, sklo a koření. Obchod mezi Prahou a Itálií (1500-1620).

Hedvábí, sklo a koření. Obchod mezi Prahou a Itálií (1500-1620).[Silk, Glass and Spices: The Trade between Prague and Italy (1500–1620)],, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Prager Juden in der Zeit vor der Schlacht am Weiβen Berg. Handel und Wirtschaftsgebaren der Prager Juden im Spiegel des Liber albus Judeorum 1577–1601.

Die Prager Juden in der Zeit vor der Schlacht am Weiβen Berg. Handel und Wirtschaftsgebaren der Prager Juden im Spiegel des Liber albus Judeorum 1577–1601., 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Pražští kupci na cestách. Předbělohorská Praha a středoevropské trhy.

Pražští kupci na cestách. Předbělohorská Praha a středoevropské trhy., 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of International conference  “Migration processes and mobility of European Jews during the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era”,

Conference organised by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (14 and 15 Oct... more Conference organised by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (14 and 15 October 2021).

The conference focuses on the migration of the Jewish population in Central Europe during the 15 and 16 centuries. Different factors combined at that time, leading to situations which forced individuals and entire communities to leave their homes and seek a new place in which to live. The political and social causes and consequences of such forced migration of Jews in individual countries will be discussed, as will the significant displacement associated with the expulsion of Jews from entire areas. At the same time, however, there was natural movement of people in Jewish society at that time, together with a transfer of ideas and knowledge, taking place at religious, cultural, and economic level (e.g. education in yeshivas, Hebrew book printing, the mobility of Jewish doctors and other specialists, or the transfer of knowledge of lending and banking).

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Research paper thumbnail of Online-Tagung: Die jüdische Familie in der Frühen Neuzeit (Interdisziplinäres Forum Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur in der Frühen Neuzeit)

Die Untersuchung der sozialen Institution Familie bietet Anknüpfungspunkte an nahezu alle Bereich... more Die Untersuchung der sozialen Institution Familie bietet Anknüpfungspunkte an nahezu alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft. Die interdisziplinäre Tagung widmet sich jüdischen Familienbeziehungen in der Frühen Neuzeit unter anderem aus demografischer, ökonomischer, rechtlicher und politischer, aber auch geschlechtergeschichtlicher und religiöser Perspektive.
Tagung des Interdisziplinären Forums Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur in der Frühen Neuzeit und der Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Fachbereich Geschichte
4.–6. Februar 2022, Stuttgart-Hohenheim

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