Casness' Corner (original) (raw)

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This journal is semi friends-only,which means that personal posts are friends only and anything with challenges/fanfiction is public. Please refer to the fanfiction masterlist for links. Comment to be added.

Wow, 2012 was a year. Glad to see that it'll be over in a bit. It was actually my year (dragon), 2013 is the year of the snake (Genius' sign). I can't find my last one, which makes me sad but whatever. Here's the roundup for this year.

[2012 info]2012
+ I completed one item off my bucket list and that was to experience San Diego Comic Con. I really suggest that everyone go there at least once in their life.
+ Got an externship.
+ Managed to get sick in October (stomach pain) and again in December (kidney infection).
+ Lost a dear member of the family, my oldest cat. She was 17 when we had to put her down.
+ Adopted a kitten, Sebastian.
+ Found out that my 12 year old cousin reads fanfiction.
+ Goal not accomplished: 46/50 books read in 2012. I don't count comics and short stories.
+ Created a site for reviewing books/movies.
+ Participated in the 100 things. (11/100)
+ Got an IPad.
+ Got autographs from Lost Girl cast.
+ Got autographs from Criminal Minds cast.
+ Got autographs from the Teen Wolf cast. (Twice for Tyler Posey and met Jeff Davis)
+ Attended New York Comic Con.
+ Got into new shows: Teen Wolf, Elementary, Borgias, Shameless (US), Lost Girl, Nikita.
+ Got back into World of Warcraft

+ Completed spn_adambang.
+ Wrote new resource post: On writing BDSM.
+ Quit Suits fandom.
+ Have too many WIPs :(
+ Rediscovered Digimon fandom.
+ Rediscovered Lord of the Rings fandom.
+ Got boyfriend more involved in fandom!
+ Wrote Teen Wolf and Common Law fanfiction.
+ Discovered James Bond fandom (Bond/Q is my new otp).
+ Made a kink meme for Common Law with 2 wonderful people.
+ Made icons.
+ Wrote kink.

Goals for 2013
+ 100 things. Finish at least to 50/100.
+ Attend New York Comic Con.
+ Complete at least 1 WIP.
+ Read 50 actual books.
+ Finish involvement in fandom post.
+ Finish resource post for Psychology in Fanfiction.

Today my family celebrates Christmas. We do it early, that's a whole other story as to why. Anyway, postcards have been sent off a couple of weeks ago or was it last week? Let me know when you get it and if you like it. I tried to choose images that corresponded with what I knew about the person.

So what am I up? Well health wise I have a kidney infection (?), at least according to my doctor. The stomach pain that I've had is now present only in stressful situations. All of the tests that were done to find out what was wrong came out to be normal.

Fandom wise? I've noticed a few of my fandoms have gotten drama. I haven't been watching Hawaii five-0. Can anyone tell me if it's still worth watching? The last episode I watched was the Halloween one or was it the one with the bomb. Not sure which came later. I have been watching elementary, which I enjoy a lot. It's taken the need to watch Sherlock away though nothing beats BBC Sherlock. I've watched season 1 of Lost Girl. How did I not know about this show sooner? Also started to watch the new Nikita. I'm still getting used to Maggie Q as Nikita.

I currently have a bunch of WIPs. One of which is the incubus!Stiles and another is set in the president!danny universe. There are others but those are the ones that I'm actively working on.

Family - mom's okay. Sebastian is such a trouble maker. He gets into everything. He's also been bringing up pieces of old wood from the basement. Not sure why but he does that. I'll try to post some pics over at photobucket this week and link them here.

Anyway, happy holidays everyone!

P.S. I've started to write up a post about using psychology in fanfiction.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

Okay, the new version of friends page confuses me. I can't be the only one that doesn't use it. It's too bright and white and blue and well just..yeah totally not for me. On the other hand, I really like the new version of posting an entry. That's great. Now if only livejournal would remember my preference for it (can it even?).

Everything is okay with me for the most part. Bought Christmas presents for my family. Oh and I decided that I really want to send out postcards this year. So let me know if you want one from me :) I already have a few people that I'm writing drabbles for and one person that's receiving a full fic.

I'm currently reading Middlesex. If you haven't read it, I suggest you do. So far, it's great. What else?

I'm writing a Halo au that's taken on a different pairing than the one I wanted. Muses are just evil sometimes and plot bunnies (evil vicious things).

By the way, that really awesome BDSM au featuring Danny/Steve is gone! This prompted me to grab fanfics from ao3 that I really like.

So, I'm still here! I posted a new fanfic a couple of days ago (Jackson/Lydia from Teen Wolf - Halo au). Yeah, that's what I get for playing Halo. How awesome was last night's episode of Supernatural? My babies are finally back and I'm still glowing from that episode. My boyfriend said it's been a while since I was this happy with a Supernatural episode.

Nonetheless, I'm taking recs. I need stuff to read on my Ipad so the longer the better! I'm still beta-ing so if anyone wants me to look over anything, I can do that.

On my list of things to write:
1. Steve/Danny fic for a suprise person. I won't say who. It'll be a christmas gift.
2. birthday fic forladyknightanka

On my list of things to finish:
1. Incubus!Stiles fic.
2. all the other ones that I have to do

P.S. I love that I can talk to my boyfriend about fandoms and pairings :)

Recs: I'm taking recs for well basically any fandom as long as I read it. It's a long list of stuff that I read in.

To make a long explanation short: I got Sims 3 supernatural yesterday and made the Teen Wolf characters, put them in houses around the city and let them live. These are their adventures:
Derek's goal/ambition in life is to be a pack leader. It was too awesome not to choose that to be his ambition. I'm keeping him unemployed because frankly I'm not sure which way I want it to go. Derek met Chris Argent (chatted with him a few times), got hit by a newspaper when he growled at a lady, lost to a witch in a fight and when he gets too emotional, he turns into a werewolf.

Because I couldn't meet Stiles with Derek, I decided to go the other route and try to meet Derek with Stiles. I ended up coming in when Stiles "lunatic slapped" his father. I still have no idea why he did that. And survived a zombie attack (this was mostly done with me maneuvering him from the bedroom to the bathroom and clicking x on zombie attack). So, I headed over to the park near Derek's house and found him there. While initiating Stiles to chat with Derek and quickly going back to Sheriff to make sure that he's set up for his day for work, well....somewhere in that time span, Derek turned Stiles. At this point, I threw my arms up in the air and hoped to Cas that it was the only bad thing that I'll encounter.

Congrats, Derek! You just turned Stiles, who was supposed to remain human to a wolf. Bad wolf! Then I found out that on my mission to make sterek happen in my game, somewhere in the 10 minutes that I played as Stiles, Derek managed to hook up with a random person living in the town. ~sigh~ Okay, so chat up and romance Stiles - check; break up with girlfriend - check; Didn't expect to be hit by the newspaper by said ex-girlfriend. Oh and he's still obsessing over her even though he's with Stiles. While I'm talking about Stiles, his goal (I made him a teen, then changed the time spent as a teen to minimum) is to be a news anchor. And apparently, he's writing a book as well(?)

Yeah, so we have Derek and Stiles who are werewolves hunting together and being all in love while Derek changed his personality from broody to party animal (have no idea how this happened. At some point, it all got away from me). I just hope that Derek doesn't end up turning Chris Argent (he's been obsessed with friending him last night).

So, you make a promise to yourself to not involve yourself in a major way with another fandom (writing fanfiction doesn't count) and what do you do? Exact opposite. Jeff Davis Letters or as I like to call it Letters to Jeff Davis is up and operational. Not so many posts but I figure that they'll come. The first ever post there is actually my own experience with Teen Wolf.

Nonetheless, I am writing! I finished up writing a short Jackson/Isaac from Teen Wolf au or a part of it. I'm not quite sure what ended up there but it's something. I'm searching for a beta for that one. If anyone is interested.

Other than that, everything is good. common_meme is doing great. I love the people that are involved with that. We make an awesome team. Hawaii Five-0 will be starting soon so I'm excited for that. Can't wait to see what the gang gets into this season. It should be exciting especially with that finale that we were left with. Another show that I'm looking forward to is Strike Back. Now if only my boyfriend wasn't sick with pneumonia, I can get that season 1 from him before the new season starts. Alas, that's not the case, thank God that I saw the first two episodes at the con.

I leave you with this video:

Title: Quis Ut Deus? (AO3)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash, alternative universe, movie fusion with Priest, first time.
Pairing(s) / Character(s): Michael/Adam; Dean/Castiel (minor); Lucifer/Nick (implied), Gabriel, Lucifer, Sam
Warnings: character death, references to torture
Word Count: 16431
Author's Notes: This is my first Big Bang. It's set in the Priest universe with slight modifications. _bluebells did the artwork and beta'd this. I cannot thank her enough for her encouragement, support and everything else. It was a pleasure to work with such a talented person. You can find the art for the fanfic here. This would not be possible if it were not for the amazing group at spn_adambang who tweeted with me and encouraged me when I was stuck. Thank you to those people, you know who you are.
Summary: When Adam's mom dies, her last wish was for him to travel to live with his half-brothers, Dean and Sam. After being saved by a Priest, Adam is invited to journey with them to Hunter's Grove. On the way there, Adam finds out about Order, who John Winchester really was, and the secrets his mom was keeping. Unfortunately, he also attracts the attention of Lucifer, a fallen Priest who kidnaps him for his own revenge.

♦ I outlined a fanfic! And started writing it so that works out well. It's a Derek/Stiles au.

♦ I'm trying to think up of ideas for my kink bingo card, which is located here.

♦ I've been doing more beta work lately. That along with my RL obligations leaves me little time to actually sit down and write my own stuff.

♦ I will be posting a fanfic on August 11th. It's the one that I wrote for spn_adambang.