Washington Irving's Life of George Washington (original) (raw)

MyLibrary Cornell University Library 36 Washington Irving's Life of George Washington United States Biography Portraits. United States History Constitutional Period, 1789-1809. United States History Pictorial works. United States History Sources. Illustrated books Extra-illustrated. Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803. Ames, Fisher, 1758-1808. Brown, James, 1766-1835. Bartlett, Josiah, 1729-1795. Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. Cochran, John, 1730-1807. Dallas, Alexander James, 1759-1817. Dallas, George Mifflin, 1792-1864. Davenport, Rufus. Dickinson, Asbury Dickinson, John, 1732-1808. Dinsmore, James Featherstonhaugh, George William, 1780-1866. Freneau, Philip Morin, 1752-1832. Genet, Edmond Charles, 1763-1834. Gold, Thomas Ruggles, 1764-1827. Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804. Hancock, John, 1737-1793. Harmar, Josiah, 1753-1813. Harrison, Benjamin, approximately 1726-1791. Higgenbotham, David Holmes, David, 1770-1832. Irving, Washington, 1783-1859. Irwin, Brigadier General. Jackson, James, 1757-1806. Jackson, William, 1759-1828. Jay, John, 1745-1829. Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Kennedy, Thomas Rustis. King, Rufus, 1755-1827. Knox, Henry, 1750-1806. Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. La Luzerne, César-Guillaume de, 1738-1821. Madison, James, 1751-1836. Mifflin, Thomas, 1744-1800. Mitchell, General Montagu, John, Admiral. Monroe, James, 1758-1831. Nugent, George Nugent Grenville, Baron, 1788-1850. Nuttage, Mr. Peters, Reverend. Randolph, J. Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820. Scott, Charles, 1739-1813. Sinclair, T. John Skipwith, Fulwar. Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 1758-1802. Trumbull, John Trumbull, Jonathan, 1710-1785. Washington, George, 1732-1799. Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796. Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877. Wolcott, Oliver, 1726-1797. Rare and Manuscript Collections Rare Books E312 .I72 1989 v.13 ++ Portraits, prints, letters, documents, maps, and manuscripts tipped into Volume 13 of the extra-illustrated quarto edition of Washington Irving's Life of George Washington (New York: G.P. Putnam & Co., 1855-1856) (Rare E 312 I72 ++ 1898) Portraits: Washington Irving, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Lafayette (4), Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson (7), Josiah Harmar, Winthrop Sargent, Philip Freneau (2), James Madison, Edmond Charles Genet (3), George Mifflin Dallas, Rufus King, Anthony Wayne, James Madison, Fisher Ames, George Grenville, James Monroe, Anthony Wayne, John Jay. Prints: A correct View of the Bastile, with its Ground Plan; George Town and City of Washington; State of the Bastille in Septr 1789; [Paris]; Government House. New York, 1795. Letters: autograph letter, Admiral Montague to John Hancock, December 11, 1771; signed autograph letter (written by amanuensis), William Jackson to Governor of Virginia, April 8, 1783; signed autograph letter, James Jackson to General Mitchell, Saturday evening 9 o'clock [no date]; signed autograph letter, John Hancock to Mr. Nuttage, [undated]; autograph letter (fragment?)], John Hancock to Admiral Montagu, [no date]; signed autograph letter (draft), John Trumbull to Lewis Cass, July 2, 1832; autograph letter [draft], John Trumbull to Lewis Cass, August 17, 1832; initialled autograph letter [draft], John Trumbull to Asbury Dickinson, August 17, 1832; autograph letter, John Trumbull to Charles Wickes?; signed autograph letter, John SInclair to John Trumbull, January 26, 1809; initialled autograph letter [draft], John Trumbull to John Sinclair, January 27, 1809; signed autograph letter (written by amanuensis), Anne - César de la Luzerne to Jonathan Trumbull, May 26, 1780; signed autograph letter, Josiah Harmar to Brig. Gen. Irwin, November 25, 1787; signed autograph letter, Josiah Harmar to John Dickinson, September 25, 1784; signed autograph letter, Thomas Jefferson to James Brown, April 18, 1795; signed autograph letter, Thomas Jefferson to James Brown, May 23, 1796; signed autograph letter, Alexander Hamilton to John Cochran, August 13, 1793; signed autograph letter, Thomas Jefferson to James Dinsmore, January 7, 1800; signed autograph letter, Thomas Jefferson to David Higgenbothem, June 29, 1819; signed autograph letter, Edmond Charles Genet to [?], December 6, 1816; signed autograph letter, Edmond Charles Genet to [?], July 23, 1832; signed autograph letter, Oliver Wolcott to Jonathan Trumbull, July 16, 1799; signed autograph letter (written by amanuensis), Henry Knox to Josiah Bartlett, March 24, 1794; signed autograph letter, Thomas Mifflin to Thomas Rustis Kennedy, November 18, 1794; signed autograph letter (written by amanuensis), Alexander James Dallas to David Holmes, May 29, 1815. Letters (continued): signed autograph letter (written by amanuensis), circular, Thomas Jefferson to Fulwar Skipwith, March 21, 1793; signed autograph letter, Henry Knox to Rufus Davenport, December 1796; signed autograph letter, Anthony Wayne to Rev. Peters, ?; signed autograph letter, James Madison to Mr. Featherstonhaugh, March 6, 1821; signed autograph letter, James Monroe to [?], July 6, 1828; signed autograph letter (written by amanuensis), Thomas Jefferson to Senate and House [concerning Maryland-Ohio road], January 31, 1807; signed autograph letter, John Jay to Thomas R. Gold, February 12, 1799. Documents: signed autograph document, John Hancock, [approval of appointment of D. Penet], October 14 [no year]; autograph document, John Trumbull, sworn statement of military service in order to obtain a pension], [c1832]; autograph document [draft], John Trumbull, [sworn statement of military service in order to receive a pension, including two leaves of relevant extracts from the Journal of Congress from June 5, 1776 - August 30, 1778], [1832]; signed autograph document, Charles Scott to Benjamin Harrison, December 7, 1782?; signed autograph document, Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, [receipt], November 23, 1791. Maps: Plan of the City of Washington; now Building for the Metropolis of America, and established as the Permanent Residence of Congress after the Year 1800; Plan of the City of Washington. Manuscripts: autograph map, T. John Sinclair's Queries, [undated]; autograph map, Answer to Queries by T.J. Sinclair, January 26, 1809; autograph map, [Thomas Jefferson], "Toasts prepared for the 4th of July 1798" [with fragment of unidentified autograph map on verso]. Prints, portraits, and maps which were part of the original edition before grangerization have not been included in this miscellany. A list of these illustrations can be found at the beginning of the index, located at the end of volume 14. http://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/2024888 English