The mystery of it all (original) (raw)

[15 Aug 2004|12:48pm]
this community is dead. i admit it. so i've decided, everything is now up for grabs... if you want to copy the rules and use them, copy any logos, feel free. any ideas you get from this community, all yours. it was good while it lasted lol. you can use this community for promoting i guess.
tell no lies
[08 Aug 2004|12:03pm]
so I'm one of the mods for this new community...
tell no lies
themes!! [02 Aug 2004|03:34pm]
now that we have a few members (hopefully we'll keep getting more... keep promoting!) we can start doing themes. i will post a new theme every so often. your suggestions for cool themes are welcome!themes are simple: all you have to do is post pictures (or even funny stories, quotes, whatever you feel like posting) that have to do with the theme. make sure all pictures and any really large amount of text is put behind an LJ-CUT! (questions, just ask). have fun with this! (a new theme will be posted very soon)
tell no lies
beginning [22 Jul 2004|11:09am]
[ **mood** | happy ] hey everyone!! please help me get this community started! it will be awesome once we get a few elite members. here's the steps to really become an elite member of this community: first, become a member of this community so you can post im going to be real leniant at first.... all you have to do is copy and paste the questionaire in the community's info and fill it out. along with the questionaire, attach 2 or 3 clear pictures of yourself since there are no members at the moment because i just started this, i will be judging who becomes an elite member. once this community gets rolling, members will judge yes or no if the user should be part of the community. a majority 'yes' vote will get you elite member status elite members: must have good pictures (nothin against ugly people, but this community is for people who are very confident in themselves, dont mind being judged by other people, natural beauty, the whole ordeal (**NOTE: please only post pictures with a LJ cut tag. if you dont know how, then ask!!) get to judge new incoming 'elite wanna-be's". votes posted by members who are not elite will not count. no exceptions. trust me, this might sound weird at first glance, but it will be lots of fun. join and find out, and start posting!!
1 tell no lies
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