TOYZ (original) (raw)

30 December 2008 @ 12:57 am


I’ve done a few things I said I was going to a while back. Those ‘things’, well, one is painfully obvious. Look around.

Hug your neighbor. Check out the layout, check out the name and such. I said we would no longer be Final Attraction, didn’t I?

The header came from the Advent Calendar they were running. I’m not sure how many of you were keeping up with that, but even if you weren’t, it’s still up if you just check here. Each day had its own header and treat. I think that’ll be it for a while. It’s easier than trying to find the perfect picture while avoiding the increasingly irritating “Romeo VS Luminor” argument by posting a newer picture of the band or something.

So that’s that. We’re starting over, in a sense. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.


As some of you know, I’m a tag whore. I may not be organized otherwise, but when it comes to tags...they have to be there. We haven’t had a problem with anyone not using them (but I tend to go in and sweep up the shredded paper after everyone). Make sure that, if you’re posting fan art and fiction, to use your author tags! Those are, for example, author: sparrow_arrow. Also, for series, make sure you use the series tag. We can add the title a little later (IE series: the industry will kill you kid). ^^

If you’re going to use any of the pairing (or any other) tags, well...please use an already existing tag so I don’t have to clean up behind you by changing/deleting those.

It’s not as difficult as I probably just made it seem, really. o.o; I’ll go in and tag anything you’re not sure of, though, so no worries.

Sounds: creativecreative

10 October 2008 @ 08:15 pm

Alright. There's talk on cinemabizarre that I just plain won't allow band/OFC fics, for instance. It's true. I don't. Unless (I cannot stress that enough) there is enough slash within the story to cancel it out, so to speak.

Personally, I've read (or nearly been tricked into reading, due to rather well-written summaries) so many Mary Sue/cut-your-eyes-out-with-a-red-hot-dagger fics that I've been completely turned off from it. That is why I won't allow it sans-slash. It's notoriously badly done.

Now, I know that some of you will read such things, so I will not stop it from being posted as long as the conditions below are not present.

  1. Mary Sue. I've seen this done in slash fics as well. I don't want to see it anywhere near this community.
  2. Chat speak. I will never forgive __vam for nearly letting that one go on once...
  3. Ultimate Mary Sue: Adding yourself to the fic in any way (self-insert). (Note: *runs around screaming and ripping all her hair out, resulting in men in white coats, padded rooms, and not-so-hot doctors manhandling and sedating her*) You are not a fictional character!
  4. As this is a slash community, there must be slash, and it must be an appropriate amount. Make it work or don't post it here. That means band member/OFC must be kept at an absolute minimum. As in an undertone. Barely that.
  5. I am spelling/grammar nazi. If I ever see 'defantley' or 'definatly' posted here/again, I will personally find you and throttle you and bury you in your own backyard. It's definitely 'definitely'. Get a spellchecker and/or beta. The link to the beta request post is in the sidebar. Please, please use it. There are people here willing to help me avoid committing a crime.

That's...pretty much it for the moment. Later!