Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova | California College of the Arts (original) (raw)

Papers by Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova

Research paper thumbnail of Curating ~ Care. Curating and the Methodology of Intersectional Care

Curating ~ Care. Curating and the Methodology of Intersectional Care examines care as an intersec... more Curating ~ Care. Curating and the Methodology of Intersectional Care examines care as an intersectional, complex praxis and lays it in proximity to the practice of curating. The introduction discusses the discourse of care in contemporary writing on curatorial practice and identifies a lack of coherence in the use of the word care in that context. Subsequently, the body text of the thesis takes the form of a brief theoretical glossary that, in the practice of speculative feminism, draws on writings by Donna J. Haraway and Hannah Arendt. Four practices in the vicinity of care are outlined: Going Visiting, Empathy, Rendering Capable, and Hollowing Out.

Thinking in this way allows the writer to solidify premises and outcomes of care in the vicinity of curating. The conclusion resolves on the metaphor of the curator as mother figure, suggesting some tools to curators hoping to enact a practice of intersectional care. The essay includes artworks curated to stand in proximity to the language presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Room as a Space

Curatorial manifesto of The Room gallery space and program.

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Research paper thumbnail of Frances Scholz's Amboy/ Andrea Fraser's Soldadera - A Review of an Exhibition at the Wattis Institute

A review of a multi-media installation Amboy/Fragments of a Screenplay on view at the Wattis Inst... more A review of a multi-media installation Amboy/Fragments of a Screenplay on view at the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art, September 10 – November 21, 2015, considered in parallel to Andrea Fraser's two channel video installation Soldadera.

This paper was advised on and edited by Kristina Lee Podesva at the California College of the Arts.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Ghost Stories - Research Into an "Exhibition In the Time of Its Technical Reproducibility"

Paper written in the course of Curatorial Models 1 for an assignment to find a "next-step" exhibi... more Paper written in the course of Curatorial Models 1 for an assignment to find a "next-step" exhibition.
Analyzes George Didi-Huberman's and Arno Gisinger's 2014 exhibition Nouvelles Histoires de Fantômes (New Ghost Stories), summarizes its precursors and theoretical sources, and critically examines its methodology, modes of presentation, and concept of Image.

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Books by Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova

Research paper thumbnail of Accessibility Note/Poznámka k přístupnosti

Accessibility Note/ Poznámka k přístupnosti, 2019

An introductory essay to the Accessibility Note catalogue documenting the exhibition series and s... more An introductory essay to the Accessibility Note catalogue documenting the exhibition series and symposium of the same name that took place at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2018-19.

Úvodní esej katalogu Poznámka k přístupnosti dokumentujícím stejnojmenou sérii výstav a sympozium, které se odehrály na Akademii výtvarných umění v Praze v akademickém roce 2018-2019.

Graphic design / grafické zpracování: Štepán Marko

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Research paper thumbnail of Curating ~ Care. Curating and the Methodology of Intersectional Care

Curating ~ Care. Curating and the Methodology of Intersectional Care examines care as an intersec... more Curating ~ Care. Curating and the Methodology of Intersectional Care examines care as an intersectional, complex praxis and lays it in proximity to the practice of curating. The introduction discusses the discourse of care in contemporary writing on curatorial practice and identifies a lack of coherence in the use of the word care in that context. Subsequently, the body text of the thesis takes the form of a brief theoretical glossary that, in the practice of speculative feminism, draws on writings by Donna J. Haraway and Hannah Arendt. Four practices in the vicinity of care are outlined: Going Visiting, Empathy, Rendering Capable, and Hollowing Out.

Thinking in this way allows the writer to solidify premises and outcomes of care in the vicinity of curating. The conclusion resolves on the metaphor of the curator as mother figure, suggesting some tools to curators hoping to enact a practice of intersectional care. The essay includes artworks curated to stand in proximity to the language presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Room as a Space

Curatorial manifesto of The Room gallery space and program.

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Research paper thumbnail of Frances Scholz's Amboy/ Andrea Fraser's Soldadera - A Review of an Exhibition at the Wattis Institute

A review of a multi-media installation Amboy/Fragments of a Screenplay on view at the Wattis Inst... more A review of a multi-media installation Amboy/Fragments of a Screenplay on view at the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art, September 10 – November 21, 2015, considered in parallel to Andrea Fraser's two channel video installation Soldadera.

This paper was advised on and edited by Kristina Lee Podesva at the California College of the Arts.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Ghost Stories - Research Into an "Exhibition In the Time of Its Technical Reproducibility"

Paper written in the course of Curatorial Models 1 for an assignment to find a "next-step" exhibi... more Paper written in the course of Curatorial Models 1 for an assignment to find a "next-step" exhibition.
Analyzes George Didi-Huberman's and Arno Gisinger's 2014 exhibition Nouvelles Histoires de Fantômes (New Ghost Stories), summarizes its precursors and theoretical sources, and critically examines its methodology, modes of presentation, and concept of Image.

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Research paper thumbnail of Accessibility Note/Poznámka k přístupnosti

Accessibility Note/ Poznámka k přístupnosti, 2019

An introductory essay to the Accessibility Note catalogue documenting the exhibition series and s... more An introductory essay to the Accessibility Note catalogue documenting the exhibition series and symposium of the same name that took place at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2018-19.

Úvodní esej katalogu Poznámka k přístupnosti dokumentujícím stejnojmenou sérii výstav a sympozium, které se odehrály na Akademii výtvarných umění v Praze v akademickém roce 2018-2019.

Graphic design / grafické zpracování: Štepán Marko

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