Birds Directive reporting resources (original) (raw)
Reference portal for reporting under Article 12 of the Birds Directive
This reference portal contains reference documents related to the information provided in the Article 12 report formats of the Birds Directive for the period 2013-2018.
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Format and guidelines for the period 2013-2018
Report format Article 12 (doc)
Explanatory notes and guidelines
- Reporting guidelines Article 12 (doc) Addendum (last updated: 03.07.2018)
- Reporting guidelines Article 12 (pdf) Addendum (last updated: 03.07.2018)
Frequently asked questions (available here) provide some specific additional guidance related to the questions from Member States.
Reference material for reports
The report format includes several fields with standardised data, which are also mentioned in the Explanatory notes and guidelines. This material is provided below:
Checklists for bird species
- Checklist for bird species (last updated: 09.11.2021)
- Summary of changes in nomenclature and taxonomy since the previous (2008 - 2012) version of the Article 12 checklist (last updated: 28.04.2017)
- Subspecific units for reporting for the period 2013-2018 (with potential updates of Table 6 of the Explanatory notes and guidelines) (last updated: 05.07.2019)
- Key wintering species for which a report for the winter season is expected (with potential updates of Table 7 of the Explanatory notes and guidelines) (last updated: 28.04.2017)
List of species with international or multilateral plans
- List of species with international or multilateral plans with an indication of the type of the plan including objectives to be considered in the assessments under fields 6.4 and 6.5 (last updated: 05.07.2018)
Reporting trend magnitudes
- Reporting trend magnitudes for different categories of short-term and long-term trends (last updated: 30.06.2018)
Lists of pressures and threats and of conservation measures with specific guidance on use of distinct pressure and measure codes
- List of threats and pressures.xls (last updated: 07.05.2018)
- List of conservation measures.xls (last updated:07.05.2018)
- List of pressures and threats - corresponding pressures from 2007 - 2013 reporting (last updated: 16.05.2018)
- List of Alien Species of Union Concern (added 30.06.2018)
The spatial grids for the habitats and species distribution
The lists of codes to be used for the structured information in the report formats (reporting tool and xml schemas) are available via EEA Data Dictionaries webpage.
Reporting tools and data specifications
Reporting tool
- Article 12 reporting tool (last updated: 21.06.2019)
- Data import from previous reporting round (last updated: 20.09.2018)
- Reporting tools manual (last updated: 26.04.2019)
- Link to Central Data Repository
Technical documents related to reporting datasets
- XML schemas (last updated 09.05.2018)
- Mapping XML schemas to report formats (last updated: 18.05.2018)
- Data delivery manual for tabular and GIS data (last updated: 14.05.2019)
- Validation rules for Article 12 reporting tool and CDR (Last updated: 14.05.2019)
Good practice examples
- Pressures and threats and Conservation measures (last updated: 05.07.2018)
- Population size and trends (last updated: 05.07.2018)