celebrity icons (original) (raw)


This is a community for people to share icons they make of celebrities.
The celebrities need to be shown as being themselves (red carpet, photo-shoots, candid, interviews), not playing a character in a movie or TV show.

All kinds of celebs are allowed, male, female, musicians and so on.

Make sure you read and follow the posting rules before you post, if you don't your post will be deleted.


Your post needs to include these 4 things:

01. Three 3 teaser icons featuring ONLY celebrities (no tv or movie characters) 1 post per day.

02. A list of


that is in the post you're linking to, (what kind of celebs, tv shows, movies) HOW MANY

of each celeb AND how many of each of the other themes

(movies, fandom, tv shows).

03. How many icons IN TOTAL in the post.

04. A link directly to the entry where the icons are located.

Here are some perfect examples of what every post needs to include: one, two, three, four


feb 27th 2011: It is no longer allowed to link to members only communities, posts that will be locked in ___days/hours or moderated membership communities

Any kind of requests, advertisement or promotion other than icon posts will not be allowed.
Do not disable comments on your posts.
Using banners or any other kind of graphics for teasers is not allowed
Do not change the font size,text color and don't use any colored tables/HTML in your post here.

If your post does not follow these rules, it will be removed and you will have to post again.