celernia - Profile (original) (raw)

on 13 January 2007 (#12030773)

Welcome to Celernia (leave sanity at door)

Welcome to Celernia! Celernia is a land that resides on an incredibly unstable plane of existence. While there are a few people that have been there for generations, the majority of the inhabitants are from other planes of reality.Inisae is one town on the land of Celernia. Mostly referred to as "IC," the people that fall into that town seem to shocked that they are already known! Not only that, but known by the natives from a fictional account! And more importantly, many of the powers they so enjoyed in the original realm of existence have been greatly reduced, many mages unable to even light a candle.Onisae is the other town on Celernia. Referred to as "OC," some of these people recognize the inhabitants of IC from their fictional counterparts, while others are just surprised that they have suddenly stumbled into this land and cannot leave again. Exactly like IC, the unwilling dwellers of OC have suffered reduced powers.It's been said that IC and OC have a long standing rivalry. But with this many newcomers, as well as a new network of journals set up across Celernia, perhaps we're about to see a change...
See this post for applications and taken journals.Once you join, remember to get your rooming assignments!And if your characters try to escape, they will be eaten by a grue. ^_^
**So what is Celernia all about?**It's a multi-fandom roleplay game! Characters from just about any fandom can participate. But what makes Celernia different than other roleplays are two factors: The plane of existance is unstable enough that original characters can fall into it, and very occasionally it can match up with another roleplay so the two worlds can interact.What is Inisae Celernia and Onisae Celernia?inisae_celernia is the town that all canon characters fall into and live in. There are few Celernia natives here, and many have access to books, TV, and games.onisae_celernia is the town that the original characters fall into. There are less natives here, and being original, no natives will have knowledge of these new inhabitants.**How do the two towns interact?**Well, recently in Celernia, a Livejournal-like system was created...
**The basic rules:**1. Have fun.2. Treat all muns and characters with respect. If you have a problem, please try to work it out with the mun first before contacting a moderator.3. If you are playing a canon character, stay in character!4. No godmodding. If you do an action, let the person you're doing it to finish it. Conversely, if someone keeps trying to do something, don't always be the best at it.5. Any pairings are allowed, but anything over a PG-13 rating should be behind an LJ-cut. That does mean we allow canon/non-canon/straight/gay pairings.6. Try to post at least once a month, though pokage won't happen if it's twice or more. If there is any reason you're out of touch, please try to get in contact and let us know so we don't flag you.7. Have. Fun. Seriously.**More specific rules:**1. You cannot have more than three pups at one time. I've seen some RPs where people are allowed to take as many pups as they want, and they get a little overworked. Some pups go inactive, while some have to be given up. The three can be any mix of canon and original characters: All canon, all original, or any mix thereof.2. No romance between your own canon pups. Original character pup romance is okay, but no canon character pup romance. If you have a friend that takes a pup and you two want to start a romance, that's fine.3. You CAN change canon romances. But make it realistic. Give it a reason, and keep them in character. If Male Character A actually loves Female Character B and gets along with her, but you like A and Male Character C together instead, remember that B still does get along with A.4. You can apply for a Sue-ish character. You can apply for someone that you've come up with a relationship with a canon character. But also remember that the character that you have in a relationship with your character is the canon version and probably will not know or like your Sue.5. You cannot use a character in another roleplay. You can get the other roleplay to play with this one, but once the two worlds go on their seperate ways, so do the characters. Exception If you use an original character, it's okay as long as the character is brought in with no baggage from the previous roleplay.6. More than one version of a canon character may be played as long as the versions are different enough. Season 1 Buffy can be played as the same time as Season 6 Buffy, as well as pre-Akzeriuth Luke and post-Akzeriuth Luke.7. Unless specified, it's assumed that you are playing the post-series/book/game canon character. So, back with the Buffy example, if you pick up Buffy and don't know anything about season 7, that's not good. Alternatively, if you choose season 1 buffy and start talking about the Mayor, that's also not good.8. You cannot create an original character that is a native to the land. If the idea you have requires someone that was born in Celernia, tell the moderators and they will bring in an NPC for you to speak with.9. No "what-if" characters. No, not even as original characters. Stay with the canon, please.10. If you take a character with two separate personalities that can and will both interact with others, you have basically taken two characters. If you have a character with two entities in one body, but one can only speak with the other inhabitant, it's only one character.11. We (the mods) assume the reader will note from what time the canon character is from and realize if there will be spoilers there or not. However, it is up to the mun to clearly post the timeline without spoilers.
So who runs this lovely show?bleedingsand - the creator and nutty head behind all of this.At least two more moderators are required! Direct all moderator requests to bleedingsand. Moderator numbers will always be odd for tiebreaking purposes.
The characters!Canon_Tales of Symphonia_Lloyd Irving (falconcrest, played by queenie_z)Genis Sage (mana_virtuoso, played by spring_sonata)_Tales of the Abyss_Pre-game Luke fon Fabre (sacredbrat, played by lightbulby)Guy Cecil (justaservant, played by queenie_z)_The Dresden Files_Post-Proven Guilty Harry Dresden (wizardpi, played by beccastareyes)OriginalAiko (imaikobitch, played by camel_pimp)Elise Lewis (wishingcharm, played by vriska)Lynn Burke and Lilth (holytrash, played by bleedingsand)Saras (sarasdesire, played by yhibiki)
Enjoy your stay in Celernia!