take this test! (original) (raw)

I'm "The Boy Next Door," fated to become the creepy 50-something guy next door who's friendly but everyone thinks is a pedophile.

On the upside, I met someone interesting via okaycupid and we had coffee the other week. *grin*

Yay for you!
You won't be the creepy guy next door.
Are you a sci-fi reader? or did I fabricate that? I ask because my roommate loaned me "The Time-Traveler's Wife" and I'm about a third in, and it's a really fun read.

Oooh, I'm a scifi reader. I mostly go for the literary stuff though. Just finished 'Solitaire' and it was amazing. Also, of course, the graphic novel Jason and I are doing. Heh.

I like to think I'll be the *jovial* guy next door. ;)

OOh, maybe when you are forty, and the creepy guy next door, I'll date you. :)

Would you recommend okaycupid? I just took the test on it, and don't know much about it.

I don't know if I'd recommend it -- it seems interesting, and the guys behind it seem interestingly cool. They seem to have an interesting take on the statistical stuff behind matching, and they're tongue-in-cheek enough to have very bizarre FAQ entries.

I met an interesting gal on it in March, and we hit it off. She ran screaming after meeting me, but she was really truly 100% the kind of lass that I go for. Passionate, hyper-intelligent, artistic, and interested in sumerian linguistics.


The Sonnet
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLDf)

Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

Random Brutal Sex Master
Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.

ALWAYS AVOID: The 5-Night Stand, The False Messiah, The Hornivore, The Last Man on Earth

Your exact opposite:
Genghis Khunt

CONSIDER: The Loverboy

[User Picture] From: zadriana2004-04-02 10:58 am (UTC) Re: this is me, or so says the test: (Link)

What do you think? I'm not sure if it's you, but it kinda is. A bit odd, no?

Well, it's not, NOT me. I wish I could edit response posts. I keep finding glitches (there's a line in the middle of that which should go elsewhere).
I think it fits me better than anything else they could come up with on a quiz.
I do have lots of female friends, usually, though not super close ones. And a large chunk of my brain is devoted to what I would/would not accept from people in ANY kind of relationships (including friendships).

[User Picture] From: 1idman2004-04-02 06:47 pm (UTC) took this test! (Link)

im the gentle dancer, and who would disagree. i guess that falls under the "anyone else" category.

[User Picture] From: saskuoch2004-04-03 01:18 pm (UTC) it's a little off, but a lot of this is right (Link)


The Dirty Little Secret
Deliberate Gentle Sex Master (DGSMf)

Innocent but fundamentally sexual, like the word "finger". You are the Dirty Little Secret.

Few women have the confidence for sex mastery, and among nice girls, like you, it's almost unheard of. So congratulations. You've had plenty of adventures, but you've remained a kind, thoughtful person. Your friends appreciate your exploits. They even live vicariously through you.

You seek pleasure, but you're not irresponsible. You are organized and cautious, and you choose your lovers wisely. One, you don't like dirtbags. And two, you like to maintain control. Or at least lose it selectively. You might notice that older men single you out. They have an eye for your sensual nature. Take it as a compliment.

You enjoy making people happy, and it's inevitable that many guys will fall harder for you than you for them. You're not completely comfortable in a serious, long-term relationship right now. Our guess is that the key to extended happiness will be finding a responsible, but kinky, mate.

ALWAYS AVOID: The Hornivore, The Manchild, The Last Man on Earth

CONSIDER: The Bachelor, The Backrubber

Your exact opposite:
The Wild Rose: Random Brutal Love Dreamer

From: _(Anonymous)_2004-04-21 10:04 pm (UTC) thespark.com rocks (Link)

I got the secratary,dreams of sex but is way too shy.